I Was a Swordsman in Ancient Japan

Chapter 176: Cooperation begins (below)

Latest URL: "Okay." Ogata shrugged, and responded in the same joking tone, "If I have a chance in the future, I don't mind being your new leader in Shiranui."

"I'm more and more interested in you." Sitting cross-legged across from Ogata, Amachi put the iron cannon aside, his right elbow resting on his right knee, and his right palm supporting his chin.

"Yishi, are you really not cooperating with me? Your swordsmanship coupled with my iron cannon and various skills-if the two of us work together, we will definitely be able to live comfortably on this island. "

"...Why do you insist on partnering with me?" Ogata sighed lightly. "You don't know anything about me, don't you? Are you not afraid that when you are partnering with me, I suddenly stabbed you in the back?"

"You are wrong." Ah Ding whispered, "I don't know you completely."

"I think you are the most trustworthy one among the many prisoners on this island."

"Because—you are not wanted by the shogunate for committing a crime, but you are chased by the shogunate for beheading the brutal daimyo."

"I don't think that in this world, a person who has the courage and courage to wield a sword to punish a tyrant is a bad person with bad conduct."

"Those who wield swords to punish tyrants, and those who killed a large number of civilians-choose one of these two types of prisoners to be your partner, I believe that most people will be like me and decide to bet on the former. Right on?"

"Furthermore—choosing a partner is also a matter of fancy."

"In addition to being the most trustworthy one, you are also very close to me-so I decided to lay down on your side and let you be my partner."

As he said this, Amachi glanced subconsciously at the light green haori on Ogata's body.

However, because Amachi's movements were quite subtle, Ogata didn't notice that Amachi's small movements were too small.

"...I'm talking ugly first." Ogata said, "I--I didn't intend to listen to the government's orders from the beginning. I have no interest in the so-called forgiveness. My goal is only one from beginning to end: Find a tool like a small boat and leave the island with your own strength. Even so, do you have to cooperate with me?"

"That's a coincidence." Ah Ding picked up her beautiful eyebrows, "I didn't even think about listening to the government since the beginning. I also plan to try to escape from this island with my own hands."



After Amachi's words fell, Ogata did not rush to answer.

Instead, he lowered his head slightly and looked at the water in the wooden tube in his hand.

The water in the wooden tube reflected Ogata's face.

Ogata just looked at the reflection in the water and thought.

Amachi didn't bother Ogata, and looked at Ogata quietly, waiting for Ogata to speak.

Wow, la la la la la la...

The sound of the surrounding space is only the sound of rain.

But just like before—neither Ogata nor Amachi felt that the silent atmosphere was embarrassing.

The two remained silent in a harmonious atmosphere of inexplicable and incomprehensible words.

After a while, Ogata breathed out:

"...Okay. You succeeded in moving me."

"Our two goals are the same. Your iron cannon and your various skills are indeed quite useful. If you cooperate with you, you can indeed live more comfortably on this island."

Hearing Ogata's words, Amachi's face was filled with joy.

"Then what do you mean?" Ah Ding asked cautiously.

"Is the meaning of what I just said not clear yet?"

After sighing helplessly, Ogata raised the wooden tube in his hand that was still filled with a little rain toward Amachi.

"Partner." Ogata smiled at Amachi, "I wish you a happy cooperation."

"Yeah!" Amachi nodded vigorously, and then also raised his own wooden tube, which was filled with rainwater just now, so there were some rainwater left. He touched Ogata's wooden tube heavily in mid-air, "I wish you cooperation. Happy! Partner!"

After the two drank the water in their respective wooden tubes at the same time, Amachi suddenly said to Ogata:

"By the way, Yishi. Can I change my name to you?"

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"Whether it's Ogata or Itase? Does it feel uncomfortable to call it? I want to change it to a more comfortable name."

"For example?"

"What do you think of Ah Yi? It feels much smoother to shout."

"Have you gotten up...Forget it, just call it whatever you want."

"Then it is decided!" Ah Ding clapped his palms? "Let's spend the night in this cave first! If the rain stops tomorrow morning? Let's try to go to the depths of the island again, Ah Yi? What do you think? "

"It's really my partner," Ogata said in a half-joking tone. "Our two plans are exactly the same."



While Ogata and Amachi were drinking water and talking about the sky in a safe cave--

Somewhere on the island.

"damn it……"

Heiichimaru, who was hiding under the shade of the tree, wiped the raindrops on his face? He cursed loudly at the rain curtain outside the shade of the tree.

"When will the rain stop!"

Heiichimaru-addicted to theft? He who stole countless belongings was finally caught by the officials at the beginning of this year, and then twisted all the way to this butterfly island.

His only skill is stealing, and he doesn't know how to fight at all.

So in order to bring a sense of security to himself? Heiichimaru not only put on the armor provided by the government? He also wore the sword and the sword provided by the government.

Because he didn't find a suitable rain shelter, he could only temporarily hide under the shade of a big tree.

Just as he was swearing frantically against the rain curtain in front of him and was living a mouth addiction, he suddenly heard the sound of a large number of bushes being pulled apart from his side, as well as the sound of rustling footsteps.


Heiichimaru screamed while using a very awkward technique to pull out the knife from his waist? Point the blade at the sound source of these sounds.

After a while, the masters of these footsteps showed themselves under the rain curtain.

"You are...?!" Heiichimaru widened his eyes.

The people who appeared in his field of vision? Without exception, they all wore the same armor distributed by the government and usually only worn by small soldiers.

That's why? Heiichimaru recognized the identities of these people at a glance-prisoners like him.

There were more than twenty prisoners who appeared in Heiichimaru's field of vision.

Looking at the twenty-odd prisoners who were constantly surrounding him, Heiichimaru said in a trembling voice:

"You, you, what do you want to do?!"

The knife in Heiichimaru's hand? Like a live fish, "jumping wildly" there? It seems to jump out of Heiichimaru's hand anytime~lightnovelpub.net~Brother! do not worry! do not worry! We have no bad intentions! "

At this moment? Said Chaohei Ichimaru, one of the prisoners surrounding him.

The speaker was an extremely short man with a funny soaring braid on his head.

"My name is Shichiemon." The short man with soaring braids smiled at Heiichimaru. "The reason why we came to you was not to come to your disadvantage."

"We just passed by here by accident and then ran into you by chance."

"The reason why I came to you was to invite you."

"Invitation?" Heiichimaru questioned.

"Yes." Heiichimaru nodded, and then stretched out his hand toward Heiichimaru, "Brother, do you want to join us and work together to live on this island together?"