I Was a Swordsman in Ancient Japan

Chapter 228: Rolling

"I found out that it was very noisy here for some reason, so I ran to take a look. It turned out that it was Ogata-kun and you were fighting with others. Fortunately, there are no ogres wandering around here. Otherwise, the loud noises from you will cause them There are a lot of ogres here."

"Cut...Is it late... Brother Ogata, you are almost finished..."

With the falling of these two male voices, two figures, one tall and one short, stepped out of the darkness, stepping into the area illuminated by the light of the torch.

The prisoners were basically beheaded by Ogata, and the torches in their hands fell all over the ground, so Ogata and Sotaro's body surroundings were still bright.

These two figures, and the owners of the two sword lights just now, are naturally Mamiya and Makimura.

As for Matsumoto, carefully followed behind Mamiya and Makimura, accepting their shelter.

Mamiya glanced at the dead corpses, and Sotaro who was looking at him and Makimura with an ugly face, and then asked Ogata in a relaxed tone:

"Ogata-kun, do you need help?"

"No need." After answering Mamiya's words without hesitation, Ogata raised the knife in his hand high, flicked it downward, and shook off the blood attached to the blade, and then walked slowly towards Sotaro.

"Tsk..." Soutaro, whose face was as dark as charcoal, clenched his hand tightly, spread his legs, and set his posture, "You guy...! Who the **** is that?!"

"I've said it just now." Ogata said in a calm tone, "The Ronin who happened to appear here due to various coincidences."

After that, Ogata suddenly accelerated and rushed towards Sotaro.

Ogata swung the sword in his hand and Wakasasa at the same time, and two swords, one long and one short, came to Sotaro.

Ogata's sword is as fast as thunder, but Sotaro's response is not bad, and he can barely keep up with Ogata's speed.

Even if he lifted the wakizashi in his hand, he greeted Ogata's double swords.


As a loud bang of gold and iron fell, the knives of the two collided heavily.

"Um..." Although Sotaro succeeded in holding Ogata's sword, he staggered back a few steps with the sword in his hand because of his inferior strength.

On the other hand, Ogata-stood still.

Sotaro hadn't fully established himself before Ogata's pursuit came.

This time Asamatsutaro cut down Ogata's Wakisei.

Wakisashi cut through the air, and Asasa Taro slashed at the head. So Taro's arms were still tingling because of Ogata's attack just now. But Sotaro can't manage so much now.

Gritting his teeth, relying on brute force, forced himself to hold the threat in his hand, and greet him with the sword that Ogata had hacked.

This time Ogata only launched an attack with a single arm, so the power was not as powerful as the double-sword he had just cut. So if Sotaro went all out, he would still be able to withstand Ogata's attack with a single sword.

However—As soon as Sotaro opened Ogata's threat, the sword in Ogata's right hand came.

The knife path of the knife is completely different from the knife path of Wakasa just now.

The Wakisashi that Ogata had just cut was from the bottom left to the top right.

But now the knife is cut from the upper right to the lower left.

Two attacks with completely different directions made Sotaro hurriedly adjust his posture and the direction of the sword in his hand.

Once again successfully opened Ogata's sword, Sotaro could catch a breath before Ogata's wakisashi came again...

In this way, Ogata continuously wielded double knives, launching endless slashes at Sotaro from all directions.

Sotaro could barely handle it at first, but as time went by and his physical strength declined, Sotaro gradually messed up his rhythm. Facing Ogata’s continuous double swords, he not only had no strength to fight back. Even the power to parry is gradually losing...

Knowing in his heart that he would surely lose if he continued like this, Sotaro gritted his teeth, a cruel look appeared on his face.

He decided to give up this ambiguous defense.

Find the right time to turn the tide of the battle with an attack.

Sotaro stared at the sword in Ogata's hands, looking for the most suitable counterattack.


After fending off Ogata's knife once again, Sotaro's eyes burst into cold light.

At this time, Ogata Sword has just been kicked off, and Wakizashi hasn't come to cut Asotaro-it's the best time to launch a counterattack!

If you drag it any longer, I'm afraid I won't have enough energy to defend Ogata's attack. So Sotaro doesn't hesitate to step on the ground with his feet tightly, and the power is transmitted from the feet to the waist, and then from the waist. When he reached his arms, he concentrated his entire body's strength behind his arms, and aimed at Ogata's chest with a stern stabbing!

What Sotaro resorted to was exactly their assassination technique in Shiranui Ninjutsu.

The knife that Sotaro stabbed was fast and cruel. Years of training on Shiranui Ninjutsu and years of experience in assassinations allowed Sotaro to judge Ogata’s heart with just his eyes. where.

So he has full confidence-if he can hit Ogata, he will be able to pierce Ogata's heart!

Of course, the premise of all this happening is that his sword can stab Ogata.

Facing the knife stabbed by Sotaro, Ogata didn't panic nor confused.

Because-Sotaro's stabbing may seem to be very fast to outsiders.

But from Ogata's point of view-that's it.

After using the breath of the source, the reflex nerve was temporarily raised to 10 points, allowing Ogata to see Sotaro's knife path very easily.

Use stepping to flash to Sotaro's right side sensitively.

Following Ogata's evasion, Sotaro's Wakisashi was naturally pierced.

Ogata did not give Sotaro a chance to take the knife back.

Before Sotaro retracted the knife and his right arm was still in a straight state, Ogata straightened up his left hand and directly pierced Sotaro's right forearm.


The right forearm was pierced directly from right to left, causing Sotaro to cry in pain.

In the next instant, Sotaro's wailing escalated directly.

Because-after using Wakizashi to pierce Sotaro's right arm, Ogata directly waved his right hand and cut off Sotaro's right hand from his elbow.

With a sound of "click", Sotaro fell to the ground with his right arm still holding Wakazashi.

As for Sotaro, he knelt to the ground with an exhausted cry ~lightnovelpub.net~ with a face full of pain.

The severe pain from his right arm caused Sotaro's body to convulse constantly, and he didn't even have the power to stand up.

But even if he could stand up, it didn't make much sense.

After all-he is not Ogata's opponent with sound arms. After being cut off by Ogata, how can he turn defeat into victory.

Ogata glanced at Sotaro who was crawling on the ground and wailing constantly.

Then silently shook off the blood attached to the double-knife in his hand, and then retracted the knife back into its sheath.

"Huh?" Mamiya, who had been watching the battle, raised his eyebrows, "Ogata-kun, won't you kill him?"

"I wanted to kill him directly," Ogata said softly, "but I thought about it-it's better to leave him to those who have been hurt by him to deal with it slowly."

"Compared to me, they should want to cook this guy by themselves."