I Was a Swordsman in Ancient Japan

Chapter 251: The duel between the executioner and the

After retrieving his large naginata, the first thing Izumi did was to smash the Acho's iron cannon that had fallen aside.

The barrel of the gun was stomped on, bent into an incredible angle.

After destroying Ah Ting's iron cannon, Yi Jun walked slowly towards Ah Ting who was holding his right arm and struggling to get up.

"Get out of here!"

While walking towards Ah Ding, Yichun smoothly swept the two ogres that had resurrected to one side.

Due to a broken right arm and a broken left ankle, Ah Ting can't even stand still normally.

"You bastard... I really underestimated you."

Yichun's tone is very cold.

"First it hurt my left shoulder, and now it hurt my right arm. You are the first person to hurt me to this degree."

Having said that, Yichun slowly raised the large naginata in his hand.

"I won't give you any chance to survive anymore."

"Give me directly into two halves!"

Looking at the large naginata in Yichun's hand, Acho's face gradually began to show hopelessness.

Passing the strength to the feet, I want to avoid the coming attack of Yijun.

But the constant pain from the left ankle made Ah Ting unable to even stand firm.

How can you avoid a pure attack even if you can't stand still?

Ah Ting, whose face became more desperate, closed his eyes tightly, and waited for Yichun's power to come, which was definitely enough to slash her in half...

Even though I had held back it, my body subconsciously began to tremble slightly because of fear...


After Yichun raised the Naginata in his hand to the highest point, he finally swung it down.

Ah Ding has heard the sharp, piercing, tingling scalp sound of the knife cutting through the air.

Hearing the sound of the breaking wind, Ah Ding seemed to close his already closed eyes tighter.

It looks like I can’t bear to watch my tragic death later...



clang! !



Ah Ding suddenly felt a gust of wind passing by his ears.

With the gust of wind blowing, a huge crash of gold and iron blasted in front of her.

This loud noise seemed to have some magical power, and as it sounded, the piercing wind of Da Naginata cutting through the air abruptly stopped.

--what happened……

Ah Ding slowly opened his eyes while murmured like this in his heart.

After opening his eyes, the first thing that came into view was a light green onion with a lot of blood.

Yichun looked surprised.

As for Ah Ding-the color of astonishment on her face is actually no lighter than Yichun.

"A Yi..." Ah Ding's lips and tongue were not under the control of A Ding herself, and she moved, and whispered the name of the person standing in front of her at this time.

Standing in front of Amachi, Ogata had already drawn out his double knives, and crossed them on top of his head, blocking a pure slash for Amachi.

"Amachi...It's really a cut-off..." Ogata smiled bitterly, and said in a half-joking tone, "It's really a little bit, I saw 2 cuts of Amachi..."

After all, Ogata's arms slammed upwards and shook a pure naginata away.

Isjun had no intention of wrestling with Ogata, and after Ogata shook his Onaginata away, Isjun also jumped back a few steps along the way.

Increase the distance between yourself and Ogata and Amachi.

"...A Ding."

Ogata slowly lowered his hands holding the double swords, and naturally hung them on both sides of his body.

Even though I was talking to Ah Ding now, his eyes were fixed on Yichun's body, not allowing one's gaze to move away from Yichun's body-even for a moment.

"If your body can still move, leave here as soon as possible."

"The farther away from here, the better."

"In the next battle, I can't guarantee that you will never be implicated in it."

"Hmm..." Amachi nodded lightly, shifted the center of gravity to his uninjured right foot, and limped away from Ogata's side.

Injured, staying here would only be a hindrance-Amachi knew this, so he obediently obeyed Ogata's words, and didn't make any arguments against Ogata's words that asked her to hurry up here.

However-as he walked away slowly, Amachi said softly "thank you" to Ogata.

Ogata did not respond verbally to Amachi’s gratitude.

Only lightly nodded.



After confirming that Amachi behind him was far away, Ogata whispered to Kazuzumi in front of him:

"You guy should be the purest ‘monk monk’, right? It’s the same as the rumors said, your body is really huge enough."

"Thank you for the compliment." Yichun's tone is neither salty nor light, "but it's a pity - you recognize me, but I don't recognize you."

"It doesn't matter if you don't recognize me." Ogata slowly lifted the dual swords that were naturally hanging on both sides of his body. "Anyway--the dying person doesn't need to spend time remembering so many things."

"I am in a very bad mood right now." Yichun also slowly lowered his large naginata from his shoulder, "Give me concentration. I will never give you any way out."

At this moment, the two ogres that were constantly resurrecting and attacking Yichun persistently, stood up again at this time, and rushed toward Yichun again.

"Get out of here! Get out!"

Yichun's face and voice were full of anger and impatience, almost overflowing.

Waving the big naginata in his hand, he aimed at the two ogres and made a sharp horizontal cut.

The two ogres just stood not far from a window at this time.

Noting the existence of this window, Yichun specifically aimed at this window, and swept the two ogres towards the window.

The blade slashed the two ogres, and a large amount of blood spattered from the bodies of the two ogres, spilled on the floor, on the ceiling, and on the blade and shaft of a pure Naginata knife.

With the sound of cracking wood and paper, the two ogres that had been cut and flew straightly hit the window, and then flew out of the window and fell to the outside of the mansion.

After finally succeeding in preventing these two ogres from harassing themselves again, a satisfied smile appeared on Yichun's face.

However, as soon as Yichun's smile appeared, he couldn't laugh anymore.

Because the light from the corner of his eye caught-a light green onion shot at him!

Yizheng divided his energy and attention to deal with the ogre-Ogata did not let go of this rare fighter opportunity.

After Kazuzumi swung the Onagin sword and chopped the two ogres into the air, Ogata immediately moved.

Ogata's movements are very fast, and the distance between Ogata and Izumi is just a few minutes away just by flicking his fingers.

However-facing Ogata who suddenly rushed towards him at an extremely fast speed, the color of astonishment only flashed for a moment.

Izumi calmly turned the Onaginata that had just cut the ogre away from the mansion, and then slammed it towards Ogata!

Ogata's face sank as he watched the blade of the Da Naginata rushing to his waist.

If you don't do dodge or block, this big naginata will definitely be able to cut him in the waist directly.

The reason Ogata's face sank was not because he was astonished by Isjun's quick response.

Rather, he was annoyed by the gap between the two attacking distances.

Yichun's Da Naginata could already cut him, and his sword-could not even touch Yijun.

Knowing that his attack had failed, Ogata paused, stopped the forward pace, and then jumped back, avoiding a pure sword.

After he missed the first blow, Kazuzumi didn't make any pause, swinging the large naginata in his hand with one arm, and launched a continuous attack on Ogata in front of him.

Facing this series of sharp and fierce attacks by Izumi, Ogata dodged one by one with a step.

When unable to dodge, he directly uses the blade to harden a pure knife.

Ogata didn't see Amachi and Ichizumi fighting with his own eyes, but he could see Amachi's record from the situation on the scene.

Yichun's left shoulder and right arm all suffered serious injuries.

The current pure left arm cannot be used, and the strength of the right arm has greatly declined due to the injury. Its "weird power" advantage has been successfully weakened by Amachi to the lowest level. Ogata, who has lost a lot of physical strength now, is still there. Can barely catch a pure attack.

It's just--even so, Ichijun's power is still big enough to make Ogata feel astonished.

Ogata felt that his hands were numb every time he took a pure sword.

Even if one hand is unusable and the other hand is injured, Ogata can't imagine how exaggerated Izumi's power will be in his heyday.


Relying on stepping and turning back, Ogata dodges or evades Yijun's attacks one by one, Ogata secretly said in his heart.

——The attack range is too far away...

While resolving every attack by Izumi, Ogata has always been looking for a chance to counterattack.

However-due to the large gap in the attack distance between each other, Ogata has not been able to launch a successful counterattack against Izumi until now.

Every time I dodge or set off a pure attack, and intends to rush forward to launch a counterattack against Yijun, Yijun can unhurriedly rush to Ogata rushing to him, and collect his big naginata Come back and launch a new attack on Ogata.

With an attack distance far above Ogata, Kazuno has been calmly hiding in a safe area where Ogata could not cut him, and launched a continuous attack on Ogata.

But Ogata could only be struggling to deal with all the attacks of Izumi, and he couldn't even fight back.

This is the first time Ogata hates why his hands are so short...

After swinging the knife again and forcing Ogata to stay away from him, he grinned:

"You are quite capable."

"You are one of the most capable people among all the opponents I have encountered."

"I didn't keep my hands in every move and style I just made, and you can even flash or pull away one by one."

"Moreover, the way you set up the knife is also very delicate. The way you drive the knife can minimize the damage to the blade."

"But ah-although your knife-arranging technique can minimize the damage suffered by the knife, it only reduces it. It does not mean that your knife will not be damaged at all."

After that, Izumi raised the large naginata in his hand to his upper right.

"I want to see how long the two broken knives in your hand can last."


Yichun's voice fell, and the large naginata in his palm was engulfed with huge power, and the piercing sound of breaking wind slashed towards Ogata.

After quickly judging that Yijun's horizontal cut was difficult to avoid, Ogata lifted the double swords in his hand and prepared to force Yijun's attack.


As the sound of the metal and iron struck down, Ogata successfully blocked the sword.

However-a pure attack is not over.

When the Onaginto in his hand was blocked by Ogata's double knives, and the Onaginto was bounced by the reaction force, Izumi suddenly turned around, swiping the Onaginto in the air, and passed the strength down his legs as before From the waist, from the waist to the arms, he blew the wind that was louder than before, and slashed at Ogata again with the knife.

Unexpectedly, Ogata, who was able to make such a quick two-strike combo, gritted his teeth, lifted the two swords again, and greeted Yijun's sword.


There was another loud noise.

Yichun's slashing this time, whether it was speed or strength, was above the first one just now.

A pure attack is still endless.

After the second blow was blocked by Ogata, Izumi twisted at the moment when Onaginto bounced up to the highest point when Onaginto was blocked by Ogata just like before. With his feet and waist, he used his body to drive the Onagin knife to circle around, and then cut it towards Ogata again.

Ogata's face sank at this time.

Because he saw the exquisiteness of Yichun's trick-Yichun was constantly leveraging his strength.

Utilizing the repulsive force generated by the collision between the Da Naginata and his sword.

Through the coordination of actions, this rebound force is turned into the strength of one's next blow, which avoids the damage of the rebound force to itself to the greatest extent, and will turn this force into a continuous blow.

Yichun and his big naginata are now like a huge windmill.

Constantly turning and waving his life-killing "fan"-Onaginata, he launched a continuous fierce attack on Ogata.

And in this series of attacks, due to Yichun's continuous use of strength, the strength and speed of each attack are higher than the previous attack.

Because Yichun's consecutive cuts were faster than one, Ogata couldn't escape now if he wanted to hide, so he could only continue to forcibly pick up a pure sword.

After insisting on a pure fifth slash, Ogata's arms were already sore and almost unable to lift up.

But Ogata gritted his teeth and tried to support it.

Yijun's "big windmill" turned 8 full times, and after 8 consecutive cuts on Ogata, it finally stopped.

"How?" Yichun said in a mocking tone~lightnovelpub.net~ This is my unique skill and ultimate move-‘gyro’. "

"My'gyro' can now use up to 13 consecutive cuts."

"Until now, no one has been able to take all 13 consecutive cuts of the'gyro'."

"You can take $8, which is pretty good."

After that, Yichun glanced at the knife in Ogata's hand.

The color of mockery on his face became more intense.

"Although your kid still looks like he has spare power, your knife seems to be on the verge of running out."

After insisting on a pure 8 consecutive cuts, Ogata's double knives, whether they were hitting knives or daggers, were now densely covered with deep or shallow gaps.

Ogata lowered his eyes and glanced at the two broken knives in his hand. They weren't pretty in the first place, but now they became even more ugly...