I Was a Swordsman in Ancient Japan

Chapter 256: Self-help

"I was a swordsman in ancient Japan(

Yichun, who collapsed softly to the ground, did not die immediately.

After falling to the ground, he tried hard to stand up.

It's just--the injury on his body is too serious, and it is no longer possible to stand up.

The huge injury that penetrated from the right abdomen to the left shoulder, plus the two penetrating injuries that Ogata had left on his chest before-such injuries, there is no longer any possibility of surviving.

His lips moved, as if he wanted to say something.

His mouth was full of blood, and his words were vague.

Ogata could barely hear Kazuzumi saying:

"I don't want to die... I don't want to die... I don't want to die..."

Yichun's face and eyes were full of fear.

He was fearing the coming of death.

Struggling to get up, Yichun, who didn't want to die like this, writhed on the wooden floor-like a maggot.

As for Ogata-he silently watched a pure struggle with fear of death.

Yichun didn't struggle for too long.

After a while, his vitality finally dissipated slowly as the blood flowed out.

【Ding! Kill the enemy with Two Swords of No-Self-Skill Raeche]

[Get 750 points of personal experience, 700 points of experience for the swordsmanship "Selfless Two Swords"]

[Current personal level: LV24 (10303200)]

[Level of No-Self Two Sword Style: 8 levels (1206500)]

【Ding! When the experience value is full, the level of the second swordsman without me will be increased by one level, and 2 skill points will be gained]

[Currently remaining skill points: 2 points]

After the system prompt in his mind fell, Ogata looked at a pure corpse at his feet and said softly:

"It's really ridiculous...Are people who take pleasure in killing human lives, when they die, are they afraid to be like this..."

After slamming the two swords downwards, Ogata slowly put Dashaten and Da Zizai into the sheath after smashing all the blood attached to the blade.

After the two knives were sheathed, Ogata instantly felt a sense of exhaustion hitting him like a tide, like a wet towel, instantly wrapping his body in layers.

I've been in a state of tension tonight.

In the life and death duel with Yijun, every nerve in Ogata's body was tightened to the extreme, and his concentration and concentration were concentrated to the highest level.

The whole body is tense, and the whole body is thrown into the battle, Ogata still doesn't feel physically tired.

It wasn't until the muscles and nerves in his body were relaxed that Ogata knew that he was so tired.

Tired to stand still, I feel quite strenuous.

After shaking his body a few times, Ogata's body fell softly towards the ground...

However, before Ogata fell to the ground, a small hand suddenly stretched out from his side to support his body.

"A Ding..."

Ogata raised his eyes and looked at the man who was supporting him.

For some reason, after seeing Ah Ting's face, Okinawa felt that a smile emerged from his face uncontrollably.

"Thank you..." Ah Ding whispered.

"A Ding, you have worked hard too..."

Ogata raised his hand and patted the two knives on his left waist, and said in a half-joking tone:

"If it hadn't been for you to send these two knives in time, you might have lost sight of me."

"In order to find you Da Shi Tian and Da Zi Zi, I also took a lot of effort..."

Ah Ding smiled bitterly.

"Kinosuke also put these two knives in his storage room."

"Do you know the storage room? It's the place with more than two hundred cabinets."

"I was also inspired for a while, and discovered the law of Kinosuke's storage of things, so that I can send these two knives to you in such a timely manner..."

"The law?" Ogata raised his eyebrows. "What is the law."

"Kinosuke puts things according to the pronunciation of the articles." A Ding sighed lightly, "He put the articles with the same initial sound in the same row."

"I also discovered this pattern after seeing nails and locks."

"The first sound of the nail and the lock are the same, so Kinosuke put them in the same row."

"The first sound of the key and the mirror are also the same, so they are also placed in the same row."

"My luck is also pretty good. After discovering this pattern, I immediately found the same items as the first note of the knife-lamp oil and rice paper."

"So I searched the cabinet barrels in the same row as the lamp oil and rice paper one by one, and soon found Da Shi Tian and Da Zi Zai stored in the cabinet barrels."

"So..." After quietly listening to Amachi's account, Ogata couldn't help but smile. "Do you store items according to the first sound... It's a strange storage method..."

"That's right." Ah Ding also echoed with helplessness, "I will definitely scold the nearsuke from now on."

After all, Ah Ding couldn't help but glance at Yichun's corpse by his feet.

Looking at Yichun's corpse, Ah Ding couldn't help but sigh with emotion:

"A Yi, it's a shame that you can kill this monster..."

"You are wrong." As soon as Ah Ding's voice fell, Xu Jian immediately corrected him, "It's a real loss that we can kill this monster."

Ogata emphasized the word "we".

"Without your weakening of him before, and the timely delivery of the knife after you, I may not be able to defeat Yichun."

"Good job, Ah Ding."

Ogata said so solemnly.

After hearing Ogata's words, Amachi was taken aback for a while.

After a while, a faint smile appeared on her face.

"……Thank you."

Ah Ding whispered.

"It's been a long time since I heard anyone praise me for doing meritorious service... Let's go, Ogata, let's go downstairs. The battle on the first floor should be over. Do you need me to help you?"

Although Amachi asked, she silently hooked Ogata's left arm to her shoulder.

"If you can, please be sure to hold me... But are your feet okay?"

Ogata looked at Amachi's left foot.

"It's okay." Ah Ding turned her left ankle, "It's just a bit sprained. After taking a rest just now, I feel better now. There is nothing wrong with helping you downstairs."

"Then...I beg you..."

After all, Ogata, whose left arm was hooked by Amachi on his shoulder, put all the weight of his body on Amachi's body.

With her left arm, Amachi lifted the direction of Ogata, who was leaning on her shoulder, and helped Ogata to walk slowly towards the top of the stairs.

"Don't take this opportunity to touch my body."

"Don't worry, I'm not interested in women with stains and sweat...wait! I'm kidding! Don't leave me alone!"


After re-stabilizing Ogata, the two slowly walked down the stairs.

After entering the corridor of the stairs, Amachi suddenly found that there was a wound on Ogata's left neck.

"A Yi!" Ah Ding exclaimed, "Why is your neck hurt?"

"Huh?" Hearing Amachi's words, Ogata was taken aback, and raised his hand to touch his left neck.

As soon as his finger touched his left neck, he immediately felt a large sticky blood stain and a cut that was neither long nor short.

But the strange thing is-Ogata feels no pain at all.


Ogata secretly said in his heart.

The reason why he doesn't feel pain is mostly because of adrenaline.

The massive secretion of adrenaline can make people feel no pain for a while.

The pain will not come back slowly until the adrenaline subsides.

Touching the wound on his left neck, Ogata gradually remembered how it came from.

"I was injured by a pure naginata just now when I was parrying a pure slash with great freedom."

Ogata explained to Amachi.

"Although I barely used Da Zizai to chop off my head with Yichun Naginata, and blocked his attack, his knife still cut my neck."

Hearing Ogata’s words, Amachi remembered the scene just now-just now Ogata used a one-armed sword to hold a pure naginata, but a pure naginata was already low at that time. The degree to which it was attached to Ogata's neck should be at this moment when Ogata's neck was chopped by a pure sword.

"Don't worry, it's just a simple skin injury."

While talking, Ogata withdrew his hand touching the wound.

"Just a little bandage."

Seeing that the wound on Ogata's neck did not seem to be a major problem, Amachi also retracted her gaze and concentrated on supporting Ogata to walk downstairs.

As for Ogata, after thinking for a while, he pulled out his personal system interface.

——Just in case...

While Ogata said secretly in his heart, he added the 2 skill points he had just acquired to his "vitality".

With the fall of the system sound, Ogata's vitality rose to 19 points, and his skill points returned to 0 points.

In this era before penicillin, a small injury may cause death.

Ogata didn't want to die from wound infection after finally defeating a powerful enemy.

Therefore, just in case, Ogata decided to add the newly acquired 2 skill points to the vitality. Anyway, the "vitality" is also a very important attribute. Adding it to the above has only benefits and no harm.



After going down to the second floor, Ogata and Amachi first reported to the villagers hiding on the second floor that the "giant" upstairs had died.

Bathed in the cheers of the villagers, Ogata and Amachi descended to the first floor.

The corridor facing the gate is now full of corpses.

The bodies of the shogunate soldiers were piled up everywhere.

As for Mamiya and Makimura, they sat in a clean corner, quietly recovering their strength.

It is not difficult to see from the battle situation at the scene-the shogunate has been wiped out.

However, without Ogata's important combat power, Mamiya and Makimura didn't fight easily-this can be seen from their bloodstained appearance.

However, although it is not easy, it is not to the point that it will make the two of them tired and difficult to move.

After seeing Ogata and Amachi walking slowly towards them, Mamiya said to them in a half-joking tone:

"You two look quite embarrassed, what happened upstairs?"

"The battlefield upstairs is much more intense than here." And Ogata also responded to Mamiya in a half-joking tone.

Ogata used as short a sentence as possible to clarify the series of events involving the first battle with Qing Taro and the second battle with the demon monk after he left the battlefield on the first floor.

"So..." Mamiya whispered, "Ogata-kun, it's not easy for you..."

After Ogata finished talking about his battle situation and record, Mamiya began to talk about his battle situation and record with Makimura.

He and the pastoral village blocked the shogunate’s way forward and retreat one after another.

The shogunate army, which could not move forward and could not retreat, was therefore determined to die and exploded with a more powerful force, which made the sweeping of Mamiya and Makimura a lot of effort.

After killing the shogunate army to only a few people, Mamiya deliberately left a few livelihoods, and asked a lot of information from them.

For example-why did you suddenly land on the island and attack the islanders here, where did you land, how many companions did you have, and did you carry iron cannons...

After asking all the things worth asking, Mamiya did not hesitate to wipe out the shogunate soldiers who had lost any value.

"Did you order the killing of all the living people on the island..." Ogata muttered.

Those who were tragically questioned by Mamiya only received an order to go to the island and wipe out all the living people on the island, and they didn't know why such an order came from-this is normal.

They said that, at the bottom of the day, they are just ordinary soldiers, and they are tools for carrying out tasks. How can they know the reason for launching this task.

Although they don’t know the specific reason, Ogata and the others can roughly guess why—probably some senior official suddenly feared that the living people on the island would wait for an opportunity to leave Butterfly Island, leading to the danger of ogres landing on the main island of Japan. In order to cut off this risk, it was decided to wipe out all the living islanders on the island.

This is also a common occurrence in this era when human lives are as light as grass-after an uncontrollable plague broke out in a certain place, the place was directly sealed off and all the living people in the place were killed.

At this moment, Ogata suddenly heard noisy footsteps behind him.

Follow the prestige-I saw the still alive villagers walking towards them in twos and threes.

The head of the group of villagers who were walking towards them was the one who was being supported by someone, whose face was as white as a piece of white paper.

Looking at the regained Kinosuke, Amachi, who was standing next to Ogata and supporting Ogata, mumbled displeasedly in a volume that only she could hear:

"You didn't wake up when I needed you just now~lightnovelpub.net~ Now you wake up when the battle is over..."

With the support of the villagers, he walked slowly to the front and back of Ogata and the others. The first sentence Kinosuke said was--

"thank you all……"

Although he suffered a lot of injuries, Kinosuke managed to force his body and bowed deeply to Ogata and others.

"Really...thank you so much for saving us..."

After Kinosuke and others bowed to Ogata and others, the rest of the villagers also bowed to Ogata and his party with gratitude.

Thanks to Kinosuke and others, Ogata just looked calm.

"Kinosuke, get up. We didn't make a fuss just to save you."

"We were just saving ourselves at the same time, so we also saved you together."

"But-we can save you for a while, but we can't save your entire life."

Speaking of this, Ogata's tone gradually became serious.

Ogata told Kinosuke and the others about the important information that the shogunate asked about from the shogunate soldiers that the shogunate planned to kill all the living people on this island.

After learning that the shogunate intends to kill them all without leaving, the faces of the people including Kinosuke and others showed despair.

"Soldiers of the shogunate, as many as you want."

Ogata said softly.

"This time the offense failed, and they will be able to organize a larger offense immediately."

"We have no obligation to protect you all the time."

"I don't have the ability to protect you all the time. No matter how we can fight, at most it will only be an enemy of a hundred people or an enemy of a thousand people.

"So what will you do later-you guys think about it."

"Find a way to survive by yourself."