I Was a Swordsman in Ancient Japan

Chapter 257: Grab a ship

"Kinosuke-sama! It's not good! It's not good!"

At this moment, a villager rushed towards the nearby helper anxiously.

"Many ogres are coming to the village!"

Whether it was Ogata and the others or the group of Kinosuke, it was not surprising that ogres came to the village.

After all, they had expected that the ogre would definitely come towards the village.

The movement of the shogunate army destroying the wooden wall was so loud that it would be difficult not to attract the ogres.

The ogre will only run when they meet a living person. Normally, they move little by little at a speed like a walk.

At this speed of the ogre, it was indeed almost about to enter the wall.

"Huh? Ms. Ading, is your right arm broken?" At this moment, Mamiya suddenly asked Ading.

"Well, it should be."

"Do you need me to perform a bone setting for you?"

"Huh?" Ah Ding looked surprised, "Do you still have bone orthopedics?"

"I used to learn a bit of Chinese bone orthopedics in An Yun."

"Then... I will trouble you."

"It may be a little painful, you can bear it for a while."

Mamiya grabbed Amachi's right shoulder with his left hand, and his right hand grabbed Amachi's right wrist. Both hands applied force in different directions and with different strengths.

With a crisp sound of "click", Ah Ding let out a low painful cry.

"Okay." Mamiya let go of Ah Ding's right arm.

Raised his hand and touched the original redness and swelling of his right arm-it was no longer stinging like before.

The right arm is as relaxed as ever.

After witnessing the bone-setting process of Mamiya to Amachi from the side, Ogata couldn't help but said to Mamiya:

"Are you a traveler who travels around the world as your mission? In my impression, you seem to have said that you have studied gambling, stalking, and osteopathy in three places far away from Owari, Kai and An Yun. Door technology."

"Although he is not a traveler who has his mission to travel around the world." A faint smile hung on Mamiya's face. "But the work I did before can indeed allow me to travel all over Japan. Okay, let's talk about the gossip. Come here, Ogata-kun, let's talk about how we should act next."

"How else can I act." Ogata shrugged, "Of course I evacuated here first, and then went to the place where the shogunate troops landed."

Mamiya's eyes flickered when he heard Ogata's words.

"Sure enough..." Mamiya smiled helplessly, "Ogata-kun, when I heard you said that you would wipe out the attacking shogunate soldiers, I guessed what you were going to do... you really are. Bold..."

"The shogunate finally sent a boat over." A meaningful smile appeared on Ogata's face. "If you don't use it well, won't it be wasted? Now some ogres have been led to Toyowa Village. It is just right for us to dive to the place where the shogunate troops landed."

This conversation between Ogata and Mamiya surprised Kinosuke on the side.

"Are you going to grab the warship of the shogunate army?"

"Of course." Ogata said without hesitation, "This is the only tool that can go to sea on this island right now. If you miss this ship, you won't have a chance to escape from here."

After listening to Ogata's words silently, Kinosuke's eyes flickered.

After gritting his teeth, Chao Ogata said loudly:

"Master Ogata! There are hundreds of shogunate troops who have landed on the island this time. There must be many ships or more than one ship in charge of transporting them!"

"So?" Ogata asked rhetorically in a tone that was neither salty nor indifferent.

"Ogata-sama..." Kinosuke shook his arm and shook off the hand of the villager who was supporting him next to him. Then he lay down on the ground and seated himself against Ogata and his party. "Should you take it away." After the shogunate’s ship, please let us board the ship too!"

Ogata seemed to have already guessed what Kinosuke said. After listening to Kinosuke's words, there was no change in the look and expression on his face.

After Kinosuke's words fell, he asked in a calm tone:

"What then? After we successfully robbed the shogunate's ship and let you board the ship, what do you plan to do next? Escape to the main island of Japan and build a "Shintoyo Village" on the main island of Japan?"

"No..." Kinosuke smiled bitterly, "This can't solve the problem... After you **** the shogunate’s ship, we plan to arrive on the main island of Japan by boat, and then go to negotiate with the shogunate and persuade them to let us go. A way of life."

Whether Ogata, Amachi and others, their eyes flashed with surprise at this time.

At this time, Kinosuke continued:

"Even if you fled to the main island of Japan to build another home, you will be found out by the shogunate sooner or later, and then killed by the shogunate..."

"We have a large number of old and weak women and children, and it is impossible to make the whole world our home and flee everywhere..."

"If we want to survive, the only thing we can do is to negotiate with the people of the shogunate and persuade them to let us make a living..."

"...Frankly." Ogata said without euphemism. "The success rate of your plan is very low, and the possibility of persuading the shogunate to let you go is very slim."

"I know..." Kinosuke smiled bitterly, "But... there is still a ray of hope in this plan after all..."

After quietly looking at Kinosuke who was still lying on the ground in front of him, Ogata turned his head and looked at the three people behind Amachi, Mamiya, and Makimura.

"What's your opinion of the three?" Ogata asked softly, "Will you help them for the last time?"

"I have no opinion." Mucun took the lead in expressing his stance.

And Ah Ding also followed Makimura: "I'm very happy."

Mamiya didn't make a sound, but after a moment of silence, he nodded gently.

Seeing that none of his three companions had any objection, Ogata nodded slightly, then turned his gaze back to Kinosuke.

"Kinosuke, let those who are still alive hurry up and prepare."

"Leave here as soon as the ogres that have swarmed here have not yet come here."

"We **** you to the coast where the shogunate warship is located."

"As for whether you can survive after boarding the shogunate's warship and leaving this ghost place in the end, it all depends on your good fortune."

Hearing Ogata's words, whether it was Kinosuke, or the rest of the villagers behind him, they all showed excitement.

"...Thank you." Kinnosuke's eyes were slightly red, "Really...Thank you very much for your help..."

Looking at Kinosuke, who seemed to be about to cry with joy, a faint smile appeared on Ogata's cheeks.

With a smile on his face, Ogata turned his head to the side of Amachi and Makimura and said:

"A Ding, can you still walk on your feet?"

"Well, it's okay, it's just a bit of a sprain, now after a short rest, it's much better, and I can walk and run normally."

"Then—Acho, Makimura. Just leave the task of escorting the villagers to the coast to me and Mamiya. I will give you two individual tasks."



The next day, early morning.

The weather today is not very good.

The pale yellow sunrise slowly rises from the horizon of the sea, with difficulty penetrating the faint dawn through the heavy haze, and throwing weakly toward the coast of Butterfly Island.

Although it could not change the gloomy sky in the slightest, it barely illuminated a large ship docked on the coast.

The total number of shogunate soldiers staying here is No. 30.

Person 15 is standing on the coast outside the ship, while the other person 15 stays on board.

Their only weapons were swords, spears, and a little public office.

The reason why there is no iron cannon is mainly because of Inamori's arrogance.

Iron cannons are quite expensive weapons.

Because he despised the remaining islanders on the island, Inamori felt that there was no need to dispatch such expensive weapons, so the 150 generals in charge of landing on the island did not have iron cannons.

When the soldiers staying behind the ship were carefully observing the surroundings, they suddenly noticed something unusual in the dense forest on the opposite side.

The soldiers whose nerves tensed immediately focused their minds and bodies on the source of the abnormality.

It was two soldiers wearing blood-stained armor that caused this change.

One of the two soldiers seemed to have suffered a lot of injuries and was ordered to be supported by the other soldier.

The two limped towards the boat.

After seeing that it was a friendly army, the nerves of the soldiers who were in charge of guarding the ship eased slightly.

The 15 soldiers guarding the coast outside the ship, holding their weapons, rushed towards the two blood-stained comrades.

"Brother! What happened to you?"

"What happened? Why are you so badly injured?!"

"Did you get attacked by the islanders? Or was it attacked by ogres?"


After surrounding the two comrades-in-arms regiments, the 15 soldiers kept asking what happened.

The blood stains on the two comrades in arms caused an uncontrollable premonition to surface in their hearts.

After getting close to the two comrades in arms, they clearly felt that the height of the two comrades in arms was quite high-but not many people cared about it.

After all, there is no shortage of such tall people in the military.

Many soldiers in the army are often from good samurai families.

Because of eating well, there is never a shortage of people with outstanding height in the army.

These 15 soldiers only regarded these two as soldiers from the samurai family with good family background and good snacks, or people with unusual talents since childhood.

Because he focused his attention on asking what happened to these two comrades, no one noticed - one of the two comrades had a pair of swords wrapped in black cloth on the waist.

The hilt and scabbard are covered with thick black cloth, as if they don't want people to discover the appearance of the two knives on his waist...

Under repeated questioning, the one who seemed the least injured among the two comrades-in-arms murmured a few words softly.

"Huh? What did you say?"

"Speak louder!"

The few closest to this comrade-in-arms moved their ears closer.

After bringing his ears closer, the comrade-in-arms murmured a few words again.

And this time, they heard very clearly.

"...I'm sorry."-This is what they heard.

The sword light flashed.

A cold glow silently popped out of the scabbard around the soldier's waist and swept across the throats of the three closest to him.

And after the soldier violently killed, the "soldier" who had been supported by him since just now, who seemed to be seriously injured, also instantly pulled out the 2 handles on his waist from the scabbard to the scabbard. The hilts of the knives were wrapped in black cloth, and they attacked the surrounding shogunate soldiers.



Put on the armor of the shogunate soldiers together with Mamiya, pretend to be shogunate soldiers approaching their ships, kill all the soldiers watching the ship, and then **** their ships—this is Ogata’s plan.

Although simple, it is exceptionally effective.

Fortunately, there were enough shogunate soldiers who died in Toyohwa Village. Two of these soldiers also had a body shape similar to that of Ogata and Mamiya, allowing Ogata and Mamiya to easily complete their outfits.

The shapes of Dashaten and Da Zizao are too gorgeous. In order to prevent the shogunate soldiers guarding the ship from being suspicious, Ogata specially wrapped the handles and scabbards of Dashaten and Da Zizao with a thick black cloth. To cover up the appearance of the two knives.

After using his unique skill in Mamiya-the silent drawing of swords, "Shen Guang", killed 3 people in one breath, Ogata, who had been pretending to be seriously wounded and shrunk in Mamiya's arms, also started his action and pulled out. Da Shi Tian and Da Zi Zai at his waist attacked the surrounding shogunate soldiers.

This sudden attack by the shogunate soldiers who mistakenly thought Ogata and Mamiya were comrades-in-arms on the two was unexpected.

When they came back to their senses, half of their comrades had already fallen.

The rest of the people began to counterattack, and the other 15 people guarding the ship also discovered the abnormality here, took up their weapons, rushed off the ship, and began to support.

The most important thing in this capture of the ship is to be fast.

After all, Ogata has only 2 people on their side, and the other party is 30 elite shogunate soldiers.

The best thing is to kill as many people as possible before they have realized what happened, and reduce their combat power to a minimum.

Therefore, at the beginning of the battle, both Ogata and Mamiya were fully engaged.

Ogata directly drew out the double swords, and Mamiya also used his amazing sword speed to the extreme.

The two strictly abide by the rule of one sword and one kill. After beheading the 15 shogunate soldiers around them, they quickly greeted the other 15 soldiers who had just disembarked and had not had time to start support...




Ogata slumped on the beach without an image~lightnovelpub.net~, breathing heavily and adjusting his breathing, while taking off his armor.

As for Mamiya, standing by Ogata's side, taking off his armor with Ogata, and at the same time whispering towards Ogata:

"No more, no less, exactly 30 corpses... The process of capturing the ship is much smoother than expected."

On the beach next to the two of them, there were 30 corpses of shogunate soldiers — Ogata and Mamiya with full firepower. In less than 20 breaths, they took the 30 who guarded the ship. A shogunate soldier scuttled cleanly.

Twenty of these 30 people were killed by Mamiya, and the other 10 were killed by Ogata.

"Your condition looks terrible..." Mamiya, whose breathing was only a little short, said to Ogata, who was still breathing heavily.

"Aren't you talking nonsense..." Ogata smiled wryly, "Who was the most tired person last night?"