I Was a Swordsman in Ancient Japan

Chapter 258: Absorbing "immortality" and skyrocketing

After experiencing a series of bitter battles last night, he led the still alive villagers to the landing place of the shogunate by night.

Without a good rest from the beginning to the end, he was able to kill 10 shogunate soldiers-such an excellent result made Ogata feel a little surprised.

Mamiya, who had not experienced many fierce battles last night, was in a much better condition than Ogata. In addition, because he was already better at sword speed, most of the 30 shogunate soldiers appeared by Mamiya. The scene of killing.

"You can take a good rest here."

While talking, Mamiya walked towards the woods adjacent to the coast.

"I'll call them near Kinosuke."

The villagers headed by Kinosuke are now hiding in this forest.

After Mamiya left, Ogata silently opened his personal system interface.

Just now, Ogata only used the second sword style of Wumei to fight the enemy, and after cutting 10 soldiers of the shogunate, Ogata's personal level and the experience value of the second sword of Wumei rose a little bit.

After checking the results of his previous battle, Ogata closed the interface.

As soon as the interface was closed, from the corner of Ogata's eyes, Mamiya led Kinosuke and the group slowly walking out of the woods where they had just hidden.

Looking at the group of Kinosuke who also hadn't had a good rest all night, Ogata couldn't help but recall the hardship of escorting them here last night, and a wry smile appeared on his face uncontrollably.

The attack by the Shogunate last night left only 61 of the islanders still alive, including Kinosuke.

Ogata and Mamiya had suffered a lot on the way to guard the 61 islanders coming to the landing place of the shogunate army.

After all, it is not easy to **** so many people through an area where ogres will pop out at some unknown time.

Fortunately, they were lucky, and there were no large-scale ogres along the way—this should also be related to the sound of many ogres being brought to Fenghe Village by the sound of the shogunate’s breaking the wall.

The number of ogres that I occasionally encounter is very small, and it is easier to get rid of them.

Due to the large number of people, the walking and stopping to avoid the cannibals, the changing of routes from time to time, etc., when they arrived at the coast, it was just the time of sunrise.

When they arrived at the coast, none of the 61 islanders, led by Kinosuke, had any casualties. It must be said that such a lucky result surprised Ogata and Kinosuke.

"The ship has been grabbed."

Ogata said to Kinosuke who came to him.

"Have you figured out how to convince the shogunate?"

"To be honest..." Kinosuke said softly, and looked around carefully as if he had done something wrong.

After confirming that the villagers closest to him were some distance away from him, Kazuki lowered his voice and said in a low volume that only he and Ogata could hear:

"I... didn't think about it at all..."

A bitter smile appeared on Kinosuke's face.

"I am not a eloquent person, and I don't know how to negotiate with the shogunate..."

"...Kinosuke, work harder." Ogata, who really didn't know how to approach Nosuke, could only sigh lightly, and raised his hand to pat Kinosuke's shoulder.

"Hmm..." Kinosuke nodded softly, "I will do my best..."

"Ah, yes."

As Ogata spoke softly, he pulled out Oshaten and Ojiza who were hanging around his left waist, and handed them to Kina's help.

"The ship has been snatched, and Da Shi Tian and Da Zi Zai will return it to you."

"This is the most powerful sword I have ever seen in my life."

"Keep these two treasure knives well."

Ogata's compliment just now was not a targetless compliment.

Needless to say, the degree of hardness of Da Shi Tian and Da Zi Zao-last night in the battle with the demon monk, they showed vividly and vividly.

After all the slashes of the demon monk's "gyro" were taken, the blade was still intact, and there was no gap.

In addition to hardness, the sharpness is also impeccable.

The sharpness of the blade is directly related to the feel of the holder.

The quality of the hand feel has a big impact on the strength of the knife holder.

Ogata himself can't remember how many knives he has used so far.

But he was sure-Da Shi Tian and Da Zi Zai were definitely the best handles among the many knives he had used so far.

The blade cuts on the human body, just like cutting paper, it cuts open with ease-Da Shi Tian and Da Zi Zai are so sharp.

If possible, Ogata would like to use Taishaten and Taizao for his own use, but reason has overcome desire after all.

Da Shaten and Da Zizai are the treasures that Kyōkai gave to Kinosuke, and he just borrowed them-Ogata has not forgotten this.

Although very reluctant, Ogata decided to return the property to its original owner.

Looking at Taishaten and Taizao in Ogata's hands, Kinosuke's eyes flashed with hesitation.

After hesitating on his face for a while, Kinosuke finally raised his hand-pushing back Ogata's hand that was handed to him by Da Shiten and Da Zizai.

"Master Ogata, these two knives...I will give them to you."

A look of surprise immediately appeared on Ogata's face and eyes.

When Ogata just wanted to say something, Kinosuke smiled first:

"You and Miss Ading have given us so much help since last night."

"These 2 knives are treated as gifts for me to express my gratitude to you."

"Anyway, I don't understand swordsmanship. These two knives are of no use to me except as decorations."

"It's a good gift to a samurai like you."

"Accept these 2 knives."

"I believe that if the late Master Jinghai knew that his proud work could be owned by a samurai like you, he would definitely feel very happy."

"...Thank you." Ogata said softly after being silent for a while, while pushing Da Shiten and Da Zizao back to his waist, "Then-Da Shiten and Da Zizao, I will accept it. !"

Ogata liked these two knives very much.

Since Kinosuke planned to donate the sword, Ogata didn't do any pretense, and generously accepted Taishaten and Taizai.

Feeling the heavy weight on his left waist, a strange sense of peace of mind floated from Ogata's heart.

"Huh?" At this moment, Kinosuke suddenly frowned and asked Ogata, "Master Ogata, your face seems a little ugly..."

"Yeah." Ogata nodded with a wry smile, "I'm a little dizzy...maybe it's overworked. I'll take a good rest later."

"Oh, it seems we came just right."

At this moment, Ogata suddenly heard Makimura's voice.

After walking along the street, I saw Ading and Makimura walking side by side towards them.

Behind Amachi and Makimura, there are two acquaintances of Ogata-Sokai and Kenkai.

Last night, Ogata gave Amachi and Makimura the task-to take over the two of Zonghai and Xianhai.

No matter how you look at this place, Butterfly Island can no longer live.

Now that he had planned to help the islanders on this island last, Ogata simply decided to take Zonghai and Kenkai over, so that they could also follow Kinosuke and leave the island by boat-as to whether they can finally If he can't survive, it depends on his ability to persuade the officials of the shogunate.

Ogata was still a little worried about whether Zonghai and the others would be deadheaded, even if the shogunate had decided to bloodbath this island, they still had to stay on this island.

Now it seems that he is worrying too much.

Both Zonghai and Xianhai carried a cloth bag that was not too big or small on their backs-this should be all the luggage of Zonghai and Xianhai.

After seeing Da Shiten and Da Zizai on Ogata’s waist, Zonghai did not show any surprise. It seems that when Amachi led them to the coast, he had already told Zonghai what happened last night. .

"I thought you would also bring your Buddha statue of Fudo Myojin from Tenmanji." Ogata first said in a half-joking tone towards Zonghai.

"Buddha statues are nothing more than mud." Zong Hai said first, "Buddha does not live in Buddha statues, but in our hearts. It doesn't matter whether you bring Buddha statues or not."

"Zong Hai..." After seeing Zong Hai, Kinosuke showed excitement.

After all, they haven't seen each other for a year since the wooden wall was built.

"My Lord Kinosuke..." Zong Hai folded his hands together, bowing to Kinosuke, "It's been a long time..."

After seeing Kinosuke, although Zong Hai's face also showed a slight excitement, his eyes still flickered slightly-after seeing Kinosuke, Zong Hai couldn't help but think of himself. Xiang Jinzhisuke and others concealed the guilt that the Linon River had a problem with the water. Although they tried to control it, after looking at him, their eyes were still uncontrollably deflected, and they did not dare to look directly at him.

"Now that everyone is here, let's get on the ship..." Ogata slowly got up from the ground.

However, after standing up, a strong sense of dizziness suddenly pierced his brain like a spear.

Ogata couldn't stand firmly, swayed a few times, and fell to the ground.

Fortunately, Amachi, who was standing next to Ogata, had quick eyes and quick hands, and reached out in time to support Ogata.

"A Yi, what's the matter with you?" Ah Ding said anxiously.

Ogata did not answer this question from Amachi.

Because he himself didn't know what was wrong with him.

Before about Xiaobanzhuxiang, he only felt very tired.

He mistakenly thought that he had only been fighting since last night and had not had a good rest before feeling tired, so he didn't care much.

But gradually, the feeling of exhaustion keeps increasing...

Until now, Ogata finally felt something was wrong...

Ogata opened his mouth, wanting to say something.

But before he could say the words, he felt a surge in his stomach, something rushing into his mouth along his esophagus.

With a "wow", Ogata vomited a big mouthful of blood, which stained the sand under his feet.

After Ogata vomited blood, the people around him such as Amachi, Makimura, Zonghai finally realized that something was wrong, and their expressions changed.

The person who reacted first was Mucun.

"Brother Matsumoto!" Makimura shouted loudly, "Brother Matsumoto! Where are you?"

As soon as the shout of the pastoral village fell, Matsumoto stepped out of the villagers not far away and hurried towards the pastoral village.

"Master Mucun, what's the matter?"

"Brother Ogata, he vomited blood." Makimura said solemnly, "Hurry up and see what happened to Brother Ogata!"

"Spit blood?!" Matsumoto raised his eyebrows.

After hearing the word "vomiting blood", Matsumoto's expression suddenly became serious, and he leaned down towards Ogata.

However-Zonghai took Matsumoto a step ahead and took Ogata, who was half unconscious after a spit of blood, from Amachi's arms.

"Female donor." Zonghai Chao Amachi said seriously, "What wounds does Ogata donor have on his body?"

"Wound?" Although Ah Ting was already shocked by the change in Ogata's body at this time, after hearing Zonghai's question, she immediately reacted, and after recalling it, she pointed to the thread. Fang's neck was wrapped in a thick white cloth.

"A Yi has the only wound on his body!"

The wound that Ah Ting was referring to was naturally the fairly shallow skin wound left by the "monk" on Ogata's neck last night.

After the injury was diagnosed and treated by Matsumoto last night, he put on a little ointment and then simply wrapped it up with a white cloth.

As soon as Amachi's words fell, Zonghai immediately tore off the white cloth covering the wound on Ogata's neck with some rough methods.

After revealing the wound under the white cloth, Zong Hai and the nearby Konosuke immediately took a breath.

I saw the wound on Ogata's neck that hadn't been special last night, and the skin and flesh around it turned dark purple at this time.

Zonghai and Kinosuke have seen such a wound.

I have seen it many times...

Looking at the wound on Ogata's neck, Zong Hai said in a condensed voice:

"It's Immortal Poison...!"

Zong Hai's words directly turned Ah Ding's face white.

"...It should be that the weapon that made this wound was stained with the blood of the ogre." Zong Hai said in a deep voice, "the weapon stained with the blood of the ogre is slashing the neck of the donor of Ogata, and the above The stained ogre blood ran into Ogata's donor body..."

Hearing Zonghai's words, Ah Ting suddenly remembered-when Kazuzumi was fighting with her and Ogata, he frequently swung his sword to kill the two obstructive villagers who turned into ogres.

The blade is indeed stained with a lot of ogre blood...

Mamiya, not far away, also noticed the movement here, and walked toward here quickly.

After learning that Ogata had been poisoned by the Undead Poison, his face also changed instantly.

Just when everyone didn’t know what to do--

"...Take a gamble~lightnovelpub.net~ Zong Hai said softly like this suddenly.

"Female donor, you hold on to Ogata donor."

After returning Ogata to Amachi, Zonghai knelt down and untied the big cloth bag behind him.

The big cloth on his back was packed with various bottles and pots and medicinal materials.

After fiddled with the pile of bottles and cans, Zong Hai took out a small can from it.

After opening this small jar, the strong and pungent medicinal smell immediately penetrated into everyone's noses.

"This is...?!" Ah Ding couldn't help exclaiming.

Zong Hai nodded softly, then said in a tone like talking to himself.

"Let's bet on luck..."