I Was a Swordsman in Ancient Japan

Chapter 276: Kyo 7

Ogata, Hasegawa and others listened quietly to the mumbling of the cake mother all night.

It wasn't until the night was late and Granny Kui's stamina was exhausted, did she finally end the chat, which was mainly spoken by Granny Kui.

After returning to his room, Ogata did not lie in bed directly.

Instead, sitting by the window holding Da Shitian.

It's like waiting for someone.

And the people Ogata was waiting for did not make Ogata wait for too long.

After a short while, a middle-aged male voice full of magnetism came from outside the door:

"Ogata Itosai. It's me-Hasegawa Heizo."

"Just pull the door and come in."


The paper sliding door was opened.

Hasegawa Heizo's not so stalwart figure appeared within Ogata's field of vision.

Hasegawa came alone.

Not only did he come alone, but he also removed the knife from his waist and held it with his right hand.

After entering Ogata's room, Hasegawa seemed to have entered his own home, walked to Ogata's body without any cowardice, and knelt down in front of Ogata's.

"...Ogata Itosai." Hasegawa whispered, "You seem to have guessed that I will come to see you quietly."

"Of course." Ogata shrugged, "Seeing that someone who should have died on Butterfly Island reappears in front of me, it's impossible not to come and see me?"

"I didn't expect you to escape from Butterfly Island..."

"Don't say it's a small butterfly island." Ogata chuckled lightly, "Even if I am trapped in the Hell of Huangquan, I will do my best to kill it."

Speaking of this, Ogata slightly grasped Oshaten in his arms.

"That's all for the gossip, Hasegawa-sama."

"To fight and make peace--you pick it."

"If you want to make peace, we two groups of people have never seen anyone-I warmly welcome."

"If you want to fight, take me as a culprit back in jail-I will accompany you at any time."

"But if you want to fight, change the venue first and then fight."

"It's not easy for Granny Cake to run this hotel alone."

"I don't want to kill people here. It will affect Granny Cake's business."

A dead person appeared-this is a taboo for running a hotel.

If there is a war here, the damage will be aside for the time being, just the dead body here will seriously affect the reputation and business of this hotel.

After saying this, Ogata stopped speaking, quietly waiting for Hasegawa to give his answer.

Hasegawa looked up and down Ogata several times with complicated eyes.


"...Let's assume that no one has seen anyone."

Hasegawa sighed lightly.

"If you go to war with you, it is a matter of victory or defeat for the time being."

"Even if we can win, there are probably not a few people left who can stand well."

"I will have another important task to be carried out in Kyoto. I cannot just arrest you and affect the tasks that should be completed."

"Isn't it because you respect me that you decided not to go to war with me?" Ogata asked in a half-joking tone.

"I do respect you very much." Hasegawa said softly, "but I am an official after all, and you are a thief. Public and private are clearly distinguished-this is the principle I have always adhered to."

Hasegawa grabbed the knife placed on the tatami mat nearby.

Just as Hasegawa was about to leave, he suddenly paused as if thinking of something.

"That's right. Ogata Itosai." Hasegawa turned around again, "Just now you suddenly stuffed grandma cake for me, and told me,'Don't just talk.' I always think you have something in your words-yours. Do these words mean anything?"

"...Master Hasegawa, do you know why Granny Kui suddenly asked if you could investigate the dawn fire?"

"do not know."

Ogata explained to Hasegawa concisely and concisely about the fact that her originally consummate family was destroyed by the fire of dawn.

After listening to Ogata's explanation, Hasegawa was shocked.

"So it's like this..."

After listening to Ogata’s explanation, Hasegawa immediately understood why the cake mother asked him if he came to Kyoto to investigate the Tianming fire...

"...Thanks for letting me know."

After leaving this sentence, Hasegawa stopped staying any more and left Ogata's room straight away.

After seeing Hasegawa left, Ogata also closed his eyes, leaned against the wall behind him, held Dashaten in his arms, and began to sleep.

Compared to lying down and sleeping, Ogata is more accustomed to sitting and sleeping now.

If he sits and sleeps, he can respond quickly if something happens—for example, an assassin strikes.

Although he closed his eyes and fell asleep, Ogata was actually in a state of half asleep and half awake-this is also a skill that Ogata has unknowingly cultivated.

Falling asleep in this state of half asleep and half awake, as soon as there is any movement around you, you can immediately notice and wake up.

Although there were officials from Hisuke Thief Kaikai headed by Hasegawa Heizo in the surrounding rooms, Ogata still slept very sweetly without any psychological pressure.

Hasegawa also obeyed what he said-as if he had not seen Ogata, and spent the night peacefully with Ogata.

And Hasegawa, who is on a mission, does not want to lose precious subordinates because of Ogata.

And Ogata didn't want to cause troubles in her life, and to bring trouble to the cake mother.

Ogata, Hasegawa and others spent a peaceful night like this.

At the beginning of the day, Xu Jian heard noisy footsteps outside the door.

The noisy footsteps slowly moved from outside the door to the hotel gate.

Ogata, who was awakened by the noisy footsteps, turned his head and looked out the window.

Hasegawa and his party have mounted their horses and are ready to go in front of the gate of Granny Cake's hotel.

After watching Hasegawa and his party leave, Ogata closed his gaze back, tightening the knife in his arms, and fell asleep back to sleep-Hasegawa and others had a staggered travel time with him, avoiding each other, this It fits Ogata's will.



"Guest officer! Come on! Here is this for you!"

After sleeping for half an hour, Ogata stretched out and slowly stood up, preparing to leave the inn where the cake mother was and head towards Kyoto.

Just when Ogata was about to leave, the cake mother suddenly stopped him and handed some grandma cakes to Ogata.

"this is?"

"Give it to you!" Granny Cake smiled.

"Ah, this..." Just as Ogata wanted to politely rebuff, the cake grandma said first:

"Accept it with peace of mind! It's just a few pastries! It's not worth a lot of money!"

Speaking of this, the cake mother paused.

Then he showed a gentle smile.

"Thank you for chatting with Hasegawa-sama for so long last night. Mother-in-law, I haven't tried to chat for so long."

"...You're welcome, then-I will accept this grandma cake."



At the distant horizon, you can already see the shadows of a large vague building.

Standing in the distance, Ogata looked far away at Kyoto, which was already close at hand.

After learning that Xinri Village is very close to Kyoto, even if it only takes less than half an hour on foot, Xujian temporarily left his horse to the care of the cake mother.

Riding a horse into Beijing is not only too ostentatious, but how the horse should be placed in Kyoto is also a problem.

Therefore, it is more convenient not to ride a horse when entering Beijing.

For Ogata's request to take care of the horse, the cake grandma accepted without hesitation.

The cake mother-in-law, who has been alone for a long time, is not only uncomfortable with this kind of animal care, but is even quite welcome.

Ogata is racking his brains now.

I rack my brains to think about how to enter Kyoto.

Ogata has not forgotten his identity-a nationally most wanted criminal.

Although he was arrested by Hasegawa and the others once, whether his arrest warrant has been revoked with his imprisonment a few months ago-this is not known.

In this era of backward information circulation, criminals have been arrested for a long time, but the wanted warrants are still hanging outside—this kind of thing is not uncommon.

Ogata didn't want to even enter Kyoto, but encountered too many moths outside of Kyoto.

Just as Ogata was thinking about whether there is a safer and safer way to enter Beijing----

"Ha ha ha ha..."

There was a low laugh behind him.

"Samurai-sama, you seem to have encountered some trouble, and the trouble you are currently experiencing, I might be able to help you solve it."

Ogata turned his head and looked behind him.

It was an old man with a short stature and grinning at him.

Ogata couldn't help but glance at the old man's face a few more times.

Because this old man's front tooth is missing one-it is really hard to help people look at it a few more times.

"Oh? Do you know what my trouble is now?"

"I don’t know how to get into Kyoto—I’m right? I’ve met people like you and I don’t know how many times, so I can tell at a glance. You are also the kind of people who can’t be swayed for a variety of reasons. People entering Kyoto."

What the old man said was actually no different from saying: "You are a wanted criminal".

"You know I'm the kind of person who can't enter Kyoto in an open manner, so you dare to come and talk to me." Ogata said in a playful tone, "Master, you have a lot of courage."

"That's natural. For businessmen like us, if they are not brave enough, they won't be able to accomplish anything."

"I don't usually have the habit of looking at wanted orders, so I don't know who you are-but this kind of thing is not important."

"Whether it is the ordinary people who are safe and self-sacrificing, or people who are inconvenient to show their faces like you, the best way to enter Kyoto is to go to the'Seven Gates of Beijing.'

"'Kyo no Shichiguchi'?" Ogata, who didn't know much about Kyoto, frowned.

"Two hundred years ago, after Toyotomi Hideyoshi completed the hegemony of unifying Japan, he built a fortification called'Mitoi' in Kyoto."

The old man who lacked a front tooth whispered to Ogata.

"You can understand the so-called'Yituju' as a city wall."

"'Mitoi' starts from Omiya in the north, to Toji in the south, Kamogawa in the east, and Kitano Shrine in the west. It encloses almost all the main streets of Kyoto."

The old man is very precious to the history of Kyoto.

"With the establishment of the'Yituju', Kyoto has been divided into'Luozhong' and'Luowai'."

"Although it is divided into two parts, almost all the best parts of Kyoto are in Luozhong."

"So it can be said-Luozhong is Kyoto, and Kyoto is Luozhong."

"The connection between Luozhong and Luowai is the'Seven Ports of Beijing'."

"The current'seven mouths of Kyoto' are Nagasakaguchi, Kuramaguchi, Oharaguchi, Awataguchi, Fushimiguchi, Toriyuguchi, and Tanbaguchi."

"But in fact-the gateway to Kyoto is not limited to these 7 now."

"The gateway to Kyoto is not always the same. In addition to the construction of the imperial palace, there will also be new gateways under the name of the construction of imperial palaces and shrines."

"The number of gates can sometimes even be as high as 10 or more."

"As far as I know-there are currently 9 open gates."

"But when everyone goes in and out of Luozhong and Luowai, the main thing is to take the 7 I just mentioned."

"If you want to enter Kyoto, there is no other way than to go through these barriers."

Pay attention to the public account: book friends base camp, pay attention to send cash and coins!

"Apart from these passes, is there no other way to enter Luozhong?" Ogata asked rhetorically, "For example, by water."

The old man shook his head.

"If you don't go through these barriers, the best way to enter Luozhong is probably to forcefully cross the'Yu Tuju'."

"But'Yu Tuju' is not that easy to turn."

"'Mitoi' is a fortification that Toyotomi Hideyoshi spent a lot of money to build."

"In the past two hundred years, the shogunate has never slackened the maintenance and repair of the Mitoi."

"Even those skilled ninjas can't get past Mitoi."

"If you want to enter Kyoto, the safest way is to go to the Seven Gates of Beijing."

Speaking of this, the old man grinned his mouth wider.

The smile on his face is also a bit more intriguing because of the wider grinning of his mouth.

"I still have a very cost-effective deal that I want to do with you. I hope you can pass through the'Seven Ports of Beijing' and enter Luozhong in one breath. I wonder what your intentions are?"

"... Tell me about your business."



The Gion Festival is the busiest time of the year in Kyoto.

It is not just ordinary common people who like Gion Festival.

Those merchants like Gion Festival even more.

Before the day became clear ~lightnovelpub.net~, a large number of tourist merchants from all over the country gathered outside Kyoto to count the goods they had shipped, and called for their companions. The shouts of various accents continued one after another.

These merchants from all over the country were preparing for this year's Kyoto Gion Festival dozens of days or even months ago.

The annual Gion Festival is a time when the common people of Kyoto are caring about it, and the money that is usually reluctant to spend will be spent lavishly at this time, so it is impossible for merchants to let go of this great opportunity to make money.

As one of the largest and most important cities in Japan, Kyoto is naturally impossible for cats and dogs to enter and leave here at will.

A large number of officials are deployed in each of the "Seven Mouths of Beijing".

When each caravan enters Kyoto, it will be subject to heavy scrutiny.

The officials checked all the merchants who planned to enter Beijing one by one with a notebook in one hand and a pen in the other. While checking every merchant who planned to enter Luozhong, they also charged tolls.

This is also the main reason for the establishment of the "Seven Gates of Beijing"-the collection of "customs clearance fees" to fill the treasury of the shogunate.