I Was a Swordsman in Ancient Japan

Chapter 280: 6 of the Great Sword Hall, 0 Academy Hal

Ogata and Amachi were walking side by side, walking slowly along the street. When looking for the next pharmacy, they suddenly noticed that a lot of people had gathered on the street not far ahead.

The curious two people walked slowly towards the crowd in front of them.

After arriving at the outermost part of the crowd, Ogata and Amachi could see that these people were all gathered outside the gate of a magnificent mansion.

The gate of this magnificent mansion was closed, and two people dressed as samurai guarded the gate outside.

A plaque hung beside the gate with three large Chinese characters written on it.


Ogata recited the three Chinese characters written on the plaque one by one.

"It seems to be a sword hall." A Ding echoed.

Standing in front of Ogata and Amachi, a young man dressed as a samurai heard Ogata and Amachi's words, turned his head, and looked at Ogata and Amachi with a surprised look.

"Two people, don't you know the Thousand Schools Hall in Kyoto?"

"We are foreigners." Amachi said, "I don't know much about Kyoto."

Seeing that Ogata and Amachi are not natives of Kyoto, the doubts on this young man's face gradually dissipated.

"Is it a foreigner... I have to know the Qianxuekan. Two people, do you need me to introduce the famous Qianxuekan in Kyoto?"

Amachi turned his head and asked Ogata with his eyes, "Are you interested in listening?"

And Ogata nodded after thinking for a while.

"The huge Kyoto has countless sword halls." The young man whispered, "but there are 6 sword halls with the most power."

"We in Kyoto refer to these 6 sword halls collectively as the'six sword halls'."

"The six major sword museums are-the'Kanggakukan' which teaches Mito Ichito style, the'Nerimakan' which teaches Katori Shinto style, the'Xuangakukan' which teaches Nakatori style, and the'White Tiger' which teaches Ono Ichito style. "Guan", "Qing Xue Guan" where there is no exodus of professors, and "Qian Xue Guan" which teaches Zhong Juanliu."

The young man spit out a lot of unfamiliar names in one breath.

Although he has been listening carefully, Ogata still does not remember what this young man said about this museum or that museum...

Although he did not remember the names of these six sword halls, Ogata understood one thing-these six sword halls are very famous and powerful in Kyoto.

"Then what are a bunch of people here doing in front of the gate of this Thousand Learning Hall?"

"Today is the day when Qianxueguan opens!"

The young man replied.

"The current owner of Qianxuekan-Nobuyuki Mizuno will show the clock scroll of their Qianxuekan to people today."

"Everyone came here to watch, and they gathered here."

Speaking of this, the young man raised his head and glanced at the sky.

"It should be time for the opening of the museum in a while."

As soon as the youth's voice fell, the two young samurai guarding the gate of Qianxueguan, who should be disciples of Qianxueguan, shouted in unison:

"It's time! Line up! Don't be crowded!"

As soon as these two people said these words, the crowd gathered in front of the hall, including the young man who had been explaining to Ogata and Amachi just now, immediately showed excitement.

"...A Yi." Ah Ding asked, "Are you interested in seeing what the clock scrolls look like?"

"Does Bell Juanliu... I have never seen Bell Juanliu... Ah, maybe I have seen it somewhere but I killed it."

Ogata Okinamachi, who was interested in the clock scroll and the six famous sword museums in Kyoto, according to the young man just now, nodded, and walked slowly toward the Qiangakukan with the flow of people...



When Ogata and Amachi followed the flow of people into the Senkakukan--

An inconspicuous corner somewhere in Qianxue Hall.

"Do you understand the steps?"

A slightly fat warrior with a shaved Tsukidai head and a slightly fat figure said to a warrior with a dirty body and a ronin-like appearance in front of him with his hair.

After the fat warrior's voice fell, the ronin nodded hurriedly:

"Understand, understand!" Ronin's face was filled with flattering smiles, "Isn't it just pretending to lose on purpose? Who wouldn't?"

"Then tell me the process again." The fat samurai ordered.

"After Mizuno-sama defeated the first person, I deliberately pretended to be disdainful and sneered."

"After I sneered, Mizuno-sama will call me to play."

"After I played, I deliberately pretended to be defeated by Master Mizuno Nobuyuki, and was defeated by Master Mizuno Shinyong in one fell swoop."

Seeing the ronin in front of him who had just found it yesterday, he had indeed memorized the process clearly, and the fat samurai smiled with satisfaction.

"Very good, remember this process! After the event is completed, the bonus is indispensable for you! Okay, let me enter the museum!"



Ogata and Amachi sat down on the edge of the dojo together with the surrounding spectators who came to watch Mizuno Shinyuki's heroic figure.


The air is filled with the smell that is unique to the dojo, which is not so good.

If you are an ordinary person, you will definitely not like the smell in the dojo.

But Ogata didn't hate it.

Because after smelling this smell, there will be a faint feeling of nostalgia floating in Ogata's heart.

While looking around the layout of the Senkakukan Dojo, Ogata murmured:

"I really miss it..."

Although Ogata's murmur was small, it was still clearly heard by Amachi.

"A Yi, do you miss the dojo where you used to practice swords?"

"Well...I haven't set foot on any dojo for nearly a year." Ogata nodded softly, "Time is so fast... About a year ago, Sakurabara Sword Museum was still there. , Everyone... is still..."

Speaking of this, Ogata felt that his throat was slowly blocked by something.

And Amachi also saw that Ogata's emotions were falling rapidly at this time, so he closed his mouth and stopped talking about this topic.

At this moment-there was a lot of movement in the dojo in front.

Ogata and Amachi raised their eyes and looked forward.

I saw a young man in his prime, aged between 30 and 35 years old, surrounded by a large group of young people in uniform white uniforms walking through a small door and slowly walking onto the dojo. central.

As soon as the young man came to the center of the dojo, he introduced himself to Ogata and other audiences.

It turns out that this young man is the current curator of Qianxueguan: Mizuno Nobuyuki.

Mizuno's self-introduction is very long.

His self-introduction is a simple summary, which is-praised himself as the elusive pass of Zhong Juanliu, how powerful it is.

And how many years of history his Thousand Learning Hall has been, and how powerful it is.

And how many disciples he has under his command, how many capable people his disciples have produced, and how powerful they are.

In the final analysis, he is just boasting how great he is...

This lengthy self-introduction made Ogata almost fall asleep.

Just after Ogata had already begun to yawn for the third time, Mizuno finally ended his overly informative self-introduction, and began a practical demonstration to show the audience the clock scroll stream.

Seeing that the only part he wanted to watch finally came, Ogata was full of energy, and subconsciously wanted to cross his sleeves.

But because of the hot weather now, Ogata has always **** the sleeves on both sides with cuffs, so he felt empty with both hands, so he could only change to holding his chest with both hands angrily.

Mizuno and one of his disciples stood opposite each other holding a wooden knife.

The mid-stage postures of the two are all the same, and they are very standard from the outside.

After a long confrontation like this, the person who moved first was Mizuno.

While Mizuno exuded an imposing qi fusion, he stepped forward and quickly narrowed the distance between himself and his disciple.

The next moment after the disciple reached his attack range, Mizuno immediately swung his sword at the disciple's left shoulder to record the split.

The blade of the wooden knife accurately slashed the disciple's left shoulder.

The disciple screamed painfully while falling to the ground.

This set of actions by Mizuno was very fast.

After putting this disciple down, the exclamation immediately sounded from the audience.

Listening to the exclamation of the audience, a faint smile appeared on Mizuno's face.

"...Huh?" When the rest of the audience exclaimed, Ogata's face hidden under the tengu mask raised his eyebrows.


At this moment, a sneer that was incompatible with the surrounding atmosphere suddenly sounded.

The sound of this sneer was very small, the kind of soft laugh that could not be held back even though it had been suffocated.

And the person who made this sneer was a samurai dressed as a ronin.

Although the sound of this sneer is very small and the start and end time is short, it still makes it clear to almost everyone in the dojo...

The disciples of Qianxueguan all kneel and sit on the left and right sides of the dojo.

After this sneer sounded, a chubby Qianxueguan disciple immediately smiled with satisfaction.

After this sneer sounded, Mizuno, who was still smiling with a gentle smile, asked the laughing Ronin:

"Dare to ask, what's so funny?"

"Sorry..." the ronin replied, "I just laughed because I was too disappointed. I didn't expect that the prestigious Qianxuekan Master Mizuno Nobuyuki was at this level."

There are people who are so stubborn, saying that Mizuno is unbelievable—the audience's interest has been raised one after another.

Even Ogata cast a curious look at the staunch Ronin.

"Oh?" The smile on Mizuno's face still maintained the light and breezy color, "Since I can see that my strength is mediocre in one step, then my strength must be extremely good, right?"

"Of course!" The ronin raised his head high, his nostrils were almost upturned, "As far as you are, I can knock you down with just one move!"

"...In that case." Mizuno raised his hand to the knife holder placed on the edge of the dojo and made a "please" motion.

"Huh! Are you sure you want to compete? I'll lose face if I knock you down later."

Mizuno let out a low laugh:

"Then I'm looking forward to you letting me down."

"Humph! Then I will compete with you!"

Having said that, Ronin got up and strode towards the knife holder, taking off a wooden knife placed on the knife holder at will.

When the audience saw this, their faces were filled with excitement and excitement.

I am excited to see the interesting scene of the "Sword Museum Master and the Provocateur".

This Ronin did not hold the safest middle posture, but the most aggressive upper posture.

Judging from the posture of holding the sword, it is not difficult to see-this Ronin also has practiced swords.

And Mizuno, who stood opposite the ronin, was in the same standard mid-section posture as before.

The two of them held their swords and confronted each other for a while--


There was a dull beating sound.

Mizuno stepped forward and quickly narrowed the distance between himself and the ronin. He made a straight stab and accurately pierced the chest of the ronin who opened the door because of his upper posture.

"Um..." The painful ronin immediately let out a low, painful cry.

After falling to the ground in embarrassment, he clutched his chest and groaned in pain.

"Since I just said that my strength is not as good as the junior brother in the previous sword training. Now it seems that your strength is also far inferior to your junior brother."

"Tsk..." Ronin's cheeks instantly flushed with shame and anger.

His lips moved, as if he wanted to say something.

But in the end, he just gave a cold drink.

Then he got up from the ground and hurriedly ran out of the hall as if running away.

When he was about to leave the dojo, the ronin secretly looked at the chubby Qianxueguan disciple who was kneeling on the side of the dojo.

The fat disciple who noticed Ronin's sight, smiled and nodded at him, and said to the Ronin with actions: "Good job."

And Ronin's face also showed a touch of triumph at this time.

Because Ronin and this fat disciple made very small movements, none of the audience in the audience noticed their small movements.

After the "sorrowful and angry" Ronin left the dojo, laughter and curse immediately spread from the audience.

Everyone was laughing at the ronin who was overwhelmed and slapped in the face just now.

Ogata, who hid his face under the mask, was also smiling at this time.

But he was not smiling at the ronin just now.

It's in Xiao Mizuno and Xiao Qian Academy.

"A Ding."

Ogata turned his head and said to Amachi beside him.

"Let's go, this Thousand Learning Hall is just like that, there is nothing to look at."

When Mizuno was fighting with his disciple just now~lightnovelpub.net~, the speed of narrowing the distance with the disciple and the speed of swinging the sword were indeed very visual impact in the eyes of laymen.

But in Ogata's eyes, it was just at the level of "Is this?"

Mizuno's sword-swing speed and stepping speed were enough to fool a layman, but he couldn't fool Ogata.

It's not that Mizuno's strength is very poor, but Ogata's eyes are not up to the standard of a "strong man".

Not only that—the person who was in charge of fighting Mizuno just now was also very problematic.

A layman may not be able to see it, but Ogata can see it at a glance—this person's feet are not solid on the ground at all.

The gaze of both eyes was also very loose, and he didn't keep his eyes on the opponent in front of him with the consciousness of "Never let the opponent leave his field of vision".

In short-at a glance, he was deliberately not doing his best, and he deliberately lost to Mizuno.

The troublemaker just now is also very problematic.

That ronin was the same-his feet were not firm on the ground, his eyes were dizzy, and he didn't concentrate at all.

Ogata guessed—this Ronin just now should be the "trust" that Mizuno invited.

The strength of Mizuno, and the two "competitions" between the disciple and Ronin as the "Tuo" just now, in Ogata's eyes, is an extremely comical comedy.

Ogata, who had lost interest in the Chikakukan, had no interest in staying here to watch Mizuno's performance.

Amachi is not good at swordsmanship, so he didn't see at a glance that Mizuno had a problem with these two matches just like Ogata.

But when Ogata said he was leaving, Amachi nodded obediently, preparing to leave Sengakukan with Ogata.

However-before both of them got up from the floor, a burst of laughter suddenly sounded from the audience.