I Was a Swordsman in Ancient Japan

Chapter 300: Start with the revolver!

Text Chapter 300 Start with the revolver!

"The Nujia doesn't know if this counts as a clue, I hope this can bring you some help to Ogata-sama."

"Xuanxuekan...?" After Ogata chewed the vocabulary, Chongdieyin sternly thanked him, "Thank you, this is very helpful to me."

"Ah, there's more." Dieyin stood up and walked slowly toward the cabinet on the side of the room.

After Dieyin opened the cabinet, I saw that the cabinet was filled with all kinds of clothes. It must be Dieyin's wardrobe.

After Dieyin rummaged in the closet for a while, she pulled out a piece of paper that was slightly yellowed.

"This is a map of Kyoto."

Choyin handed this paper to Ogata.

"It was given to the Nujia by a previous guest."

"The guest claimed to be a ronin who enjoys wandering around the world, and he likes to draw maps."

"I really don't know what this guest thinks, but gave me a map of Kyoto for a Yumi who can't get out of Shimabara..."

"It's useless to keep this map for the slave house, so I'll give it to Master Ogata."

"This map should be useful to you, Lord Ogata."

"Thank you, this is really useful for me, a foreigner who is completely unfamiliar with Kyoto...Huh?"

Yu Guang of Ogata suddenly noticed that there was a color familiar to him in Choyin's wardrobe.

"Miss Die sound." Ogata pointed at the familiar color, "Can you show me that Haori?"

"Ah? That's okay. This was also given to me by a previous guest, and that guest was also a very strange guest... He gave me such a piece of clothing that didn't fit me at all..."

Dieyin pulled out the Haori at the bottom of the closet.

And the color of this Haori is-light green.

After Choyin handed the light green haori to Ogata, Ogata unfolded the haori.

After looking at it and confirming that this Haori is suitable for him to wear, Ogata said to Choyin sternly:

"Miss Dieyin, can you sell this Haori to me?"

"Eh? Ogata-sama, do you want to wear it? It's summer now?"

"It's actually not very hot tonight. Just now on the street, I also saw a lot of people wearing haori on their bodies."

"That's right... Ogata-sama, why do you want this light-green Haori so suddenly?"

"There is no special reason." Ogata smiled slightly, "It's just because-I prefer the light green onion color, so I can be more motivated by wearing it."

"Another important reason is that I prefer to wear Haori. With Haori, I can also be more motivated."

"Miss Dieyin, please make a price."


After a mumble, Dieyin smiled slightly.

"Master Ogata, I will give this Haori to you. The size of this dress does not match mine."

"Since the guest gave it to me, I have never worn it. Rather than pile it up in the closet and fall into the dust, it's better to give it to Master Ogata."

"Eh? Give it to me? This..."

What else Ogata wanted to say, Choyin interrupted first:

"Master Ogata, accept it with peace of mind. It's not a precious thing anyway. If you can accept it, the slave family will be even happier, saving some space in the wardrobe."

"Then... I'll take it."

After putting on this light green haori,

Miaobiku miaobiku.com 厺厽





Although Ogata mainly used Sakura Ichidai when facing the 7 bounty hunters just now, he also used the stepping, blade reversal, and Shiranuijijitsu to help him kill the enemy.

For example, when beheading the last person, Ogata used Shiranui Jiujitsu's unloading technique to directly destroy the enemy's center of gravity, and then easily beheaded the opponent.

Ogata's various experience bars themselves are almost full, so the battle against 7 bounty hunters just now made Ogata a lot of rewards.

After upgrading the source of the stab and the water drop, and beheading the last 4 enemies, Ogata's personal level was successfully upgraded to one level, gaining 1 skill point.

Ogata had already planned on which martial arts he mainly cultivated.

Sakurahara's sword style mainly cultivates two tricks, "Bird Sting" and "Water Falling".

The second knife stream of the selflessness mainly cultivates the four techniques of dodge "step", defensive skills "blade counter", attack skills "circulation", and "source breath" that can help him enter the state of selflessness.

In the "one enemy seven" battle just now, Ogata raised "Gen's Breath" to a high level.

The difference between the advanced and intermediate levels of "Source's Breath" can be described as a world of difference.

After raising "Gen's Breath" to high level and entering the state of Gen's Breath, Ogata's "reflex nerve" will temporarily increase by 5 points, and the increase will be greatly improved.

Not only that, but also a new attribute: "improve concentration".

To put it simply, after the current Ogata enters the state of source breathing, it can not only increase the reflex nerves, but also increase concentration, and enter a state of concentration and not easily disturbed by the outside world-of course, this state and It's really a "selfless state" without any distracting thoughts, and it's far from it.

After experiencing the strength of the advanced "Breath of the Source", Ogata is more and more invented why Shiraki Shita Genichi said that "The Breath of the Source" is his proud touch in this life. It is simply a breathing technique tailored for combat.

As for Shiranui Jiu-Jitsu, it mainly cultivates "Shiranui Jiu-Jitsu" which can play a good support in fighting with people.

If you want to master the master-level "circulation", you must first master the master-level "knockback".

If you want to master the master's "blade counter", you must first have 12 points of strength and 11 points of agility.

Both of Ogata's attributes are just a little bit close.

Next, he planned to upgrade the two tricks of "Blade Counter" and "Circulation" to master level Ogata, exhaled the system, and then added the skill points he currently possessed to "Agility".


Ogata, who finished adding some points, turned around, and said to Choyin sternly:

"Miss Dieyin, thank you for your help, goodbye bye."

After all, Ogata rushed towards the window beside him without any hesitation, and then flexibly jumped out along the window.

When Ogata turned and left, Choyone had already knelt down on the ground, paying respectful salute to Ogata.

Until Ogata's figure completely disappeared from his field of vision, Choyin whispered softly into the air where Ogata was no longer in front of him:

"Master Ogata, I wish you prosperous martial arts."



When jumping from the window on the second floor of the Yoshi House, it instantly attracted the attention of many passers-by outside the Yoshi House or the girls in the nearby Yoshi House.

Amidst the screams, Ogata landed steadily.

At the next moment when both feet touched the ground, Xu Yu rushed towards Shimabara's gate like a bottomed spring.

Because Ogata's movements were so fast, people nearby only saw a light green onion and a bunch of afterimages.

After rushing out of Shimabara like an arrow from the string, Ogata slowed down a bit, twisted his head, and recognized the direction.

At this moment, a female voice with a bit of astonishment sounded from a short distance from Ogata:

"...A Yi...?"

Hearing this female voice, Ogata's pupils shrank slightly in surprise.

Quickly follow the prestige-I saw Amachi standing in the dark not far away, staring at a pair of beautiful eyes, looking straight at Ogata who had just rushed out of Shimabara.

By the side of Amachi, Ogata also saw the new friend he just met today-Kaumema Kotaro.

"A Ding!"

While calling out Amachi's name, Ogata rushed towards Amachi.

How to reconnect with Amachi who has lost contact-Ogata has always been upset about this.

Unexpectedly, it was so coincidental and so smooth that we could meet again at Shimabara's gate.

Before Ogata had time to rush to Amachi, Amachi rushed up and hugged Ogata.

"Huh?" Ogata was stunned immediately.

Then he hurriedly bowed his head and looked at Ah Ding, who was holding him with his head buried in his arms.

Ashamed to say-at this moment, Ogata realized that this seemed to be the first time he was embraced by a woman since he came to the Edo period...

Just when Ogata, whose face turned slightly red, wondered why Amachi was suddenly so bold--

"It's so fragrant..."

A nonchalant voice without any emotional color rang from Ogata's arms.

"It's the fragrance of a woman..."

Ogata felt all the muscles in his body tighten at this moment.

Amachi slowly lifted her little head from Ogata's arms.

The cold eyes shot from the eyes, which did not contain any extra emotions, pierced Ogata's face straight.

"Master Ogata Ishige really has a leisurely sentiment."

"Wanted by the whole city, hunted down by all the officials and bounty hunters in Kyoto Prefecture, I can still go shopping on the flower street in a big way."

"Just now I was anxious about not knowing where you were going, and I vowed to tell Master Feng Mo that you weren't the kind of me who would go shopping in the flower street at this juncture. What a fool."

After that, Amachi slowly let go of the hands he was hugging Ogata.

"Wait a minute! Please listen to my explanation!"



After Ogata pulled Amachi and Fengma into a nearby alley where no one passed by, he explained the ins and outs to Amachi in the shortest possible sentences.

At the same time, he also told Ah Ding and Feng Mo the clue he had received from Die Yin: The disciple of the Metaphysics Hall seemed weird.

"...That's how it happened. I sat there for a while and took a break at Yoshiya, and after I received the map of Haori and Kyoto from the Yuu girl named Choon, I came out." Long-read novel 9duxs.com 厺厽

After listening quietly to Ogata's explanation, Amachi, who hugged his arms, muttered and said nothing.

And the wind demon who had been watching the show from just now also said to Ah Ding aloud:

"Komachi, I don't think he lied, Brother Ogata. If someone as strong as Brother Ogata does that kind of thing, it's impossible to get done so soon."

Although Ogata is very grateful for Fengma to speak for him, but for some reason, after hearing Fengma's words, he feels very delicate...

"...Alright." Ah Ding sighed lightly, "Master Wind Demon makes sense. What you just said should be true."

After hearing Amachi said that what Fengma said just now made sense, Ogata felt that his mood became more subtle...

"So-Ah Yi, do you plan to look up and find out who caused you to be wronged, just like the Mucun and the others?"

"That's right." Ogata's face slowly showed a serious look, "I plan to go to the metaphysics hall. I will directly question the boss of the metaphysics hall."

"...I'll go with you." Ah Ding said sternly.

"It might be dangerous if you act with me," Ogata said in a half-joking tone.

"No matter how dangerous it is, can it still be as dangerous as it was when I went to Butterfly Island?" Ah Ding also responded with a playful tone.

"I'll go with you too." Feng Mo suddenly said nonchalantly at this time.

Amachi would choose to act with him-Ogata had expected this.

But Fengma moved with him-this was what Ogata never expected.

"Master Fengma, do you want to go with me too?" Ogata asked.

"I'm a lot of age. Although I can't fight anymore, I can do it by showing you a way." Fengma laughed. "As a ninja who has lived in Kyoto for decades, I know Kyoto well. Are there any short-cuts that are unknown."

"Master Wind Demon, are your legs and feet okay?"

Ogata still remembered what Fengma said to him during the day today: He went out to buy things a while ago, but he was still up to his waist. Fortunately, he got the help of a kind person, otherwise he wouldn't even be able to return home.

"My legs and feet feel good today." Feng Mo touched his legs, "Take you to the metaphysics hall, I can still do it."

"...Okay, then." Ogata nodded after hesitating for a moment.

"A Yi." At this moment, Ah Ding said, "Before we set off, this is for you."

After all, Amachi pulled Ogata's left hand, and then stuffed something into Ogata's slap.

"Is this...?" Ogata widened his eyes after a glance at the thing in his hand.

"It's Xia Nai." Ah Ding said, "This Xia Nai will be temporarily borrowed by you. If used properly, it will be the most powerful self-defense weapon in the world."

The thing lying in the palm of Ogata at this moment is one of Amachi's pair of revolvers: Kasana.

"I also have a handful of Sakura, so it won't be too inconvenient to lend Xia Nai to you."

"I'll teach you how to reload and how to use it."

Amachi threw a small bag towards Ogata.厽厼

"This is a special projectile for Suying and Xia Nai. Counting the 4 currently in Xia Nai, you now have a total of 28. Although the number is not small, remember not to use it indiscriminately."



Amachi teaches Ogata Kasuna's use hand by hand.

After earnestly accepting Amachi's teachings, Ogata discovered that he had looked down on Suzakura and Kasana before.

After mastering the use of Kasanagi, Ogata has only one thought: these two guns are simply the black technology of this era!

After pouring out the special projectiles for Suzakura and Kasanari, Ogata discovered that the special projectiles of these two guns were not only smaller than the other projectiles.

The special projectiles of Suying and Xia Nai are a bit like the bullets of modern firearms on the modern earth, in a cylindrical shape.

The method of use is also the same as the modern revolver in Ogata's impression-press the projectile into the barrel~lightnovelpub.net~ and then open the hammer to start shooting.

After firing one round, open the hammer again, and then you can start firing a second round.

The rest of the guns of this era are still in the period of "muskets", and projectiles and gunpowder have to be stuffed from the muzzle.

Suying and Xia Nai no longer need to load any gunpowder, they can shoot directly by stuffing a special projectile into the rear chamber of the gun. Tianlai novel tianlaixsw.com 厺厽

Suying and Xia Nai are definitely the black technologies of this era.

"...Amachi, your father is really a genius." Ogata sighed sincerely, while hiding Kasana behind the kimono.

"I learned from my father that these two guns do not need to be loaded with gunpowder. I just have to stuff this special projectile into the barrel. That's how I feel." A faint reminiscence appeared on Ah Ting's face, "This invention is an invention. It's really great."

"If you can manage to correct shortcomings such as short range, too small power, and too difficult to make, maybe you don't need any swords anymore." Ah Ting said in a half-joking tone.

"Coincidentally, I think so too." After Ogata gave a meaningful smile, he turned to look at Fengma, "Okay, let's go. Master Fengma, please lead the way."

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