I Was a Swordsman in Ancient Japan

Chapter 306: "Experience Shimo Ogata's swordsmanship!

Chapter 306 of the main text "See Shimo Ogata's swordsmanship" (drawing a gun)

After Ogata killed two people in a row, Kondo also drew his sword and greeted the nearest enemy.

Whether it was Kondo, or the enemy who was confronting Kondo, he was in the middle position at this time.

Kondo slammed forward and slammed the floor under his feet.

"Oh oh oh!"

While stepping on the ground, Kondo sent out an astonishing aura to shock the enemy in front of him.

However-as soon as Kondo's chi sound fell, the enemy in front of him also slammed on the floor in front of him, sending out a chi chi that was far above Kondo.

"Ooh oh oh oh oh-!"

"Hmm..." Kondo's face became a little ugly after hearing this fusion, "Ape...Do you use Satsuma's manifestation flow..."

As soon as Kondo's words fell, the enemy standing in front of Kondo cast a provocative look at Kondo:

"Showing the current flow, Hirata Sajiro, join in!"

Having said that, Hirata raised the knife in his hand to the upper right and assumed the posture of the upper part.

"The genre that hasn't thought of a name yet, Kondo Uchizosuke, join!"

"Heh!" Hirata let out a sneer, "I can tell at a glance-you kid usually only wields the'Dojo Sword', don't you wield a real sword?"

"So what!"

When Kondo and Hirata were facing each other there--

Da Shitian turned into a stream of light, piercing the chest of an enemy in front of him.

While using the bird stab to pierce the chest of the enemy in front of him, Ogata pulled up the person’s wide sleeves, blocking the sleeves between him and the person, and using the sleeves to block the knife from the wound. The blood that burst out.

As soon as Oshaten was drawn out, another person came to Ogata from the left side of Ogata.

Ogata didn't even look at this person. On one side of his body, behind the knife he had hacked, he used his left hand to backhand and pulled out Ozai from his left waist.

No-Self Sword Style·Raeche!

Although using Lei Che with a backhand, the power will be greatly reduced, but it is more than enough to kill this enemy who has already rushed into the free attack range.

The big free blade popped out of the scabbard, and struck the enemy from the left side of Ogata from the bottom up.

After beheading this person, Ogata quickly switched Da Zizao from a backhand to a forehand, waving his double swords in his hands, and after only two breathless times, he cut down all the three enemies surrounding him.



Kondo, who was in the middle posture, and Hirata, who was in the upper part, faced each other.

Finally-I don't know if Hirata was uncomfortable, or because Hirata was ready to attack, and while screaming in an ape that showed the current standard, he rushed towards Kondo.

The next moment Kondo entered his attack range, he swung his sword without hesitation.

Kondo has been staring at Hirata in front of him, paying attention to his every move, not even daring to get out of the air.

After Hirata attacked him, Kondo widened his eyes suddenly and yelled to shock Hirata, but he also emboldened himself.

Kondo, who took the initiative to greet Hirata's sword, did not try to hold Hirata's sword.

Don't go to show the sword of the current user-this is common sense that all swordsmanship practitioners know.

After avoiding Hirata's sword in a thrilling manner, Kondo swung his knife and cut open Hirata's abdomen.

After successfully beheading Hirata, Kondo's face showed ecstasy.

With ecstasy on his face, Kondo hurriedly turned his head and moved his eyes to find Ogata's figure.

"Master! I successfully killed an enemy..."

Before Kondo had finished speaking, the rest of his words were all stuck in his throat.

Because he saw the corpses of 11 enemies lying all around Ogata...

The smile on Kondo's face froze at this moment...

"...Don't mind, Kondo."

After noticing the different look on Kondo's face, Ogata whispered to Kondo while shaking off the blood attached to the Oshaten blade.

"You are just inexperienced in using real swords. And-I am not your master."

While beheading these enemies in the room just now, Ogata also took the opportunity to observe Kondo quietly.

Ogata only saw at a glance that the main reason why Kondo had been fighting for a long time was only one person killed. The main reason was-lack of experience in the use of real swords.

Ogata had vaguely discovered this problem with Kondo when he exchanged swordbacks with Kondo in that alley earlier.

There is a huge gap between real swords and wooden swords.

The most intuitive difference is that real knives are much heavier than wooden knives.

Because of the different weights, the body's center of gravity has to be changed differently when holding a real knife and holding a wooden knife.

If you are not used to using real swords, your strength will be greatly reduced when fighting with real swords.

There were 13 samurai guarding Inaba's wife and daughter in the room.

After Ogata killed 11 of them and Kondo killed one of them, only the last one remained.

Ogata and Kondo focused their attention on the last enemy at this time.

The last enemy was a cyclops with only one eye.

The Cyclops did not kill anyone in Ogata or Kondo with a sword.

Instead, she hid behind Inaba's daughter and put a knife across Inaba's neck.

"Don't come over! I'll kill her if I dare to come over!"

The daughter was taken hostage, and Inaba's wife immediately groaned in sorrow.

Inaba's wife, whose mouth was gagged with a ball of cloth and her body was **** with a five-flowered twine, stood up and rushed toward the cyclops hiding behind her daughter.

However, he was kicked to the ground by the Cyclops soon.

"You two guys throw the knife away for me!"

After kicking Inaba's wife down, the Cyclops immediately roared at Ogata and Kondo again with a grimace.

Kondo had no idea for a while and looked at Ogata blankly.

Ogata said nothing.

With no expression on his face, Da Shi Tian and Da Zi Zai withdrew their scabbards, and then they withdrew Da Shi Tian and Da Zi Zai from their waist with the scabbard, and then threw them to the ground not far away.

Seeing that Ogata had already thrown away his sword, Kondo could only put away his sword with a face full of resentment, and then took out the two knives from his waist like Ogata, and threw them aside.

Seeing that both Ogata and Kondo had thrown away the knives, a grinning smile immediately appeared on the Cyclops' faces.


"You samurai will be nothing without the sword at your waist!"

The success caused the two men who had just been invincible to throw away the knives on their waists, and the Cyclops couldn't help feeling proud, and began to laugh arrogantly there.

However-after hearing the words of Cyclops just now, Ogata showed a light smile.

"Can I not fight anymore without my sword?"

"I'm such a useless person."

"Let you see the'Ogata Sword Art' that I created just tonight!"

Having said that, Ogata directly took out Kasana, who had been in his arms, and had always been full of bullets.

Point the muzzle at the Cyclops, pull the hammer with the thumb, and shoot-the action is done in one go.

Because Inaba's daughter is quite petite, most of the Cyclops' body is exposed.

The distance between Ogata and Cyclops is about 4 steps.

Although Ogata has never practiced any marksmanship, there is no reason to shoot such a large target at such a short distance.

In order to ensure that the Cyclops could be shot straight, Ogata did not just shoot.

Instead, he fired 4 shots in a row, directly lighting up all the bullets in the barrel at one go.

All 4 bullets hit the torso of the Cyclops.


After being shot 4 times, the Cyclops instantly felt black in front of his eyes and could not even stand steady.

After wiping out the projectiles in Kasana, Ogata immediately threw Kasana in his hand to the ground, and then rushed towards the cyclops.


Using Shiranui Jiujitsu, Ogata pulled the Cyclops away from Inaba's daughter, then threw it to the ground, subdued it, snatched the knife in his hand, and threw it aside.

"Master..." Kondo picked up his and Ogata's swords, and walked towards Ogata, who pressed the cyclops to the ground with a look of stunned expression. "It was agreed that this person should see your'Ogata Swordsmanship'. ...?"

"Didn't I let him see it?" Ogata looked like he was telling the truth. "The trick I just did was Ogata swordsmanship."

"The trick I just used was the secret of Ogata's swordsmanship: take out a pistol...ah, no, take out a short gun and shoot the enemy down."

"Where is the swordsmanship!!" Kondo screamed out of voice.

"Who stipulates that swordsmanship can only use swords? How can swordsmanship be such an inconvenience."

boom! boom! boom! boom!

At this moment, 4 gunshots suddenly sounded outside the small building.

This unique 4 shots sounded too familiar to Ogata.

Because he just sounded exactly the same gunfire.

"What's going on...?" Ogata immediately frowned and looked out the window.

It's a pity that Ogata couldn't see what was happening outside the building because of the location.



Four ninjas in Shiranui surrounded Amachi in a semi-circular formation.

Ah Ding did not panic or fear, and only glanced at the four people in front of him with indifferent eyes.

"What? A Ting." The head of the four ninjas said to A Ting in a playful tone, "Do you think you can fight the four of us on your own?"

"Rutaro." Amachi said, "I'll give you a piece of advice-don't underestimate Nina."

"Humph." The ninja who was called by Amachi as Ryutaro let out a sneer, "If this sentence is spoken by other female ninjas of upper or middle ninja level, there is still a bit of deterrence.

"But this sentence was uttered by you Ah Ding, but I only find it ridiculous."

"The daimyo of Amachi, who is always at the bottom of Shimonin, think we haven't heard of it?"

"Be obedient and catch it, A Ting. When you defected to Shiranui, you should have expected such a day, right?"

"Yes." Ah Ding replied without hesitation, "After defecting from that ghost place, I did think that there would be such a day, so-I am ready to go all the time, ready to fight!"

After all, Ah Ding lifted Ikuya in his arms and pointed his guns at the four Ryutaro in front of him.

When Ah Ding’s gun was pointed at, Ryutaro and the other three ninjas stepped back, showing faint dread.


Despite the faint dread on his face, Ryutaro refused to show weakness and laughed at Amachi.

"The weird-looking iron cannon in your hand can only shoot at most one round. How do you use the iron cannon that can only shoot one round against four of us at the same time?"

"Since you can also see that the iron cannon in my hand is very different from ordinary iron cannons, then--" Ah Ding switched to a playful tone, "How are you sure about this iron cannon in my hand? Just like other iron cannons, the cannon can only be fired once?"

Hearing these words from Amachi, Ryutaro and others stopped speaking.

He only cast his eyes on Amachi with a stronger look of fear.

"...Everyone, relax."

Amachi, who was aiming Ikuya's gun at the four Ryutaro, suddenly let out a few chuckles, and then slowly lowered Ikuya's gun.

"It doesn't take Sixteen Nights to deal with the four of you."

After all, Ah Ting threw the sixteen nights in his hand to the ground beside his feet.

"Let you see... my secret skills."

Hearing the word "secret technique" from Amachi's mouth, Ryutaro wanted to laugh a few times.

But when the words that had been conceived for ridicule rushed to the mouth, these words were blocked in Rutaro's mouth, unable to utter half a word.

Because Ah Ding was full of seriousness at this time, her tone just now didn't contain the slightest joking expression.

Staring at Ah Ding's serious face, Ryutaro couldn't help getting serious.

I kept secretly saying in my heart:

——Secret Skills...A Ding, what secret skills can she have...

——Is it possible that she has secretly practiced some tricks in private...

——She is now wearing a thin yukata, and the only weapons she can hide are Kuwu...

——Is her so-called secret skill is Kuwu's quick throw...

--Ah! ridiculous! How can I be knocked down by mere kunai!

Ryutaro silently pulled out the waistband around his waist~lightnovelpub.net~ with a smirk:

"Come on, Ah Ding, let me see your tricks!"

The corners of Ah Ding's mouth curled up slightly, revealing a meaningful smile:

"Then you just watch it, don't blink."

Having said that, Amachi suddenly reached into the skirt of the yukata, and pulled out Suzakura from behind the skirt.

Soo Sakura's muzzle was aimed at the 4 Ryutaro-

boom! boom! boom! boom!

Four bullets-one bullet hit Rutaro's chest, and three bullets directly exploded the heads of three other ninjas.

After swiftly killing three people and subduing Rutaro, Amachi immediately rushed forward and threw Rutaro, who had completely lost the ability to resist because of a bullet in the chest, to the ground.

The next moment Rutaro fell to the ground, Amachi put his finger into Rutaro's mouth, took out the poison pill specially used for suicide that was caught between the teeth of Rutaro, and threw it aside.

After taking out the poison pill hidden in Ruutaro's mouth, Amachi snatched Ryutaro's wakizashi.

Ryutaro thought of getting up and wanted to throw Amachi, which was pressing on him, to the ground. However, the constant pain in his chest stimulated every nerve of Amachi, making Ryutaro unable to exert any strength. At the same time Feeling that it is getting harder and harder to breathe.

"how is it?"

Amachi played with Suzakura in his hand in front of Ryutaro.

Ah Ding looks like a urchin who is showing off his favorite and most proud toy to others.

"This is my secret technique."

"You didn't expect me to have short guns, right?"

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