I Was a Swordsman in Ancient Japan

Chapter 311: Partisan forestry Kyoto prefecture

Chapter 311 The Partisan Kyoto Prefecture

All kinds of women.

Woman in various poses.

However, no matter what kind of woman they are, they are all painted very well.

Even someone like Lin who doesn't have much research on painting can tell at a glance that the painter who painted these women is very capable, and with just a few simple strokes, she can outline the femininity of women and the richness of the flesh.

A middle-aged man was lying in the very center of the room at this time.

巘戅Dingding novels 巘戅.攫欝攫攝. The thin body, messy hair dangled casually, seemed very shabby at first glance, but both the clothes and the body were surprisingly clean-this was the first impression the middle-aged man gave Lin.

This middle-aged man lying on the tatami is painting.

And what he painted is a girl in a bathrobe.

The figure of the girl has been outlined, and the middle-aged man is coloring the girl in the painting.

A full 8 scents are lit next to the middle-aged man.

The special sweetness in the air comes from these 8 fragrances.

Because the floor of the room was covered with Ukiyo-e, it was extremely difficult for Lin and Asai to find the place to stay.

After a lot of effort, the two talents finally came to the middle-aged man and sat down on his knees.

After Lin and Asai sat down in front of the middle-aged man, the middle-aged man put down the paintbrush in his hand and looked at Lin and Asai.

"Let's talk." The middle-aged man didn't ask who Lin and Asai were. "What are you two here for?"

Lin didn't rush to say what Mucun wanted her to pass to the middle-aged man.

Instead, he turned his head too far, scanned the surrounding circle again with his interested eyes, and whispered to the middle-aged man in front of him:

"I didn't expect to see the famous Jin Le in such a place."

"Oh?" The middle-aged man raised his eyebrows, "You can recognize me as Jinle...Have you bought my paintings?"

After hearing the conversation between Lin and the middle-aged man, Asai raised his eyebrows.

Asai has no interest in Ukiyo-e, nor has he bought any Ukiyo-e.

But even Asai, who has no interest or understanding of Ukiyo-e, has heard of the name "Kin Raku"-an artist who specializes in painting beautiful paintings. His works are always best-sellers, and his works have always been priceless. , Extremely difficult to buy.

Asai also heard that Kinraku is a very mysterious person. Even the vendors who specialize in selling Ukiyo-e have not seen Kinraku's appearance, and he doesn't even know his age.

"I haven't bought your paintings." Lin shook her head gently, "but I have seen your paintings. Your superb painting skills gave me a deep impression, so I was seeing the pictures in this room After these paintings, I immediately recognized you as the famous painter Jinle."

"Thank you for the compliment." The middle-aged man-or Jinle chuckled a few times, "I really don't count as a famous person. I just have a high reputation among customers who like beauty paintings. ."

"Did you two make a special trip to buy paintings?"

"If you come here to buy paintings, you can take the paintings in this room at will. Give them to you for free."

Jinle raised his finger and tapped the tatami on his side.

"Oh?" Asai said at this time, "We are free to take the paintings in this room? Is that okay? You made these paintings with great effort, right? Just in the name of your kindness, You can sell these paintings for a lot of money, right?"

"Ha ha ha..." Jinle chuckled a few times, "I paint purely out of interest. The Ukiyo painter is just my deputy to pass the time."

"I'm not short of money now, so you can pick one of the paintings in this room if you like."

"Master Kinle." Lin said softly, "We took the liberty to come this time just to bring you a word for Makimura."

"Oh?" The light in Jinle's eyes flickered slightly, "Makimura Yahachi? Is it the "Sword Dragon" Makimura Yahachi who used to work in Kyoto?"

Lin nodded.

"What words does he want you to bring over?"

"A very brief sentence-'There is a group of people killing people everywhere in Kyoto City. 45 people have been killed since last night. Please pay attention to your safety.'"

"...A special client brought me a message, but the result was just a sentence reminding me to pay attention to safety... Ha ha ha, he really has the demeanor of Mu Cun..." Jinle muttered like this, then whispered With a smile.

"We have successfully brought Mihachi's words, so-let's say goodbye first."

"Huh? Are you two going away?"

"Yeah." After Lin nodded gently, she lifted the knife placed on the tatami mat on the right, and slowly stood up, "As I said earlier-we took the liberty to come this time just to help Miba. Just bring you a word."

"Now that the task has been completed, we naturally have no reason to stay here anymore."

"So...then you two walk slowly, I won't give it away."

After all, Jinle grabbed the paintbrush again and continued to concentrate on painting.



After Lin and Asai left the residence of Kinraku one after another, Asai turned around and took a few glances at the residence of Kinraku, and muttered softly:

"Unexpectedly, Mucun would even know the artist Jinle... and judging from the tone of Jinle's just talking about Mucun, the two of them seem to be very familiar."

"Mihachi is a native of Kyoto. He has been in Kyoto for 5 years and met some weird friends in Kyoto. It was normal and extremely normal." Lin said casually.

"...Speaking." After Asai was silent for a while, Chao Lin asked aloud, "Master, do you know why Makimura gave up doing Kyoto Yuli and left Kyoto?"

"I don't know." Lin said without hesitation. "I have no interest in other people's past."

"Makimura often tells us what happened before and when he became a force." Asai said, "but why did he give up his fascinating position in Kyoto and force, he has always been secretive. "

"Miba didn't want to take the initiative to tell me, which shows that his history is not something he can take the initiative to talk to others." Lin's tone became more serious, "So I respect Mi Eight’s choice. As long as Miba does not take the initiative to speak, I will not take the initiative to ask."

"Compared to Miba's past, I am more concerned about Miba's present and future."

"Hey! Have you seen anyone on this wanted order?"

At this moment, a big drink suddenly rang from behind Lin and Asai, stopping both Lin and Asai.

Lin and the other two looked back and saw that they were called by five young people who were not too old.攫攝攫攝

None of these five youths carried the necessary weapons for officials: ten hands, so at a glance, they knew that these five were not officials.

The head of the five young people was holding Ogata's wanted warrant. After calling Lin and Asai, he immediately handed the wanted warrant in his hand to Lin and Asai for the two to read.

Lin simply glanced at the wanted warrant, then shook her head, and said calmly:

"never seen it."

Lin has always been dressed in men's clothing in order to cover her eyes and ears. She deliberately kept her voice calm when she talked, and talked with people in a very neutral voice.

Not only that, in order to prevent someone from recognizing her as the "enemy of Buddha" based on the knife on her waist, Linde wrapped the hilt and scabbard of her sword "Yan Mo" and "Zhen Guishen" with cloth. .

After Lin's voice fell, Asai on the side immediately shook his head and said:

"I haven't seen it either."

"That's it... Then bother."

Seeing that they could not get any clues from Lin and Asai, these five youths did not show any frustration. They collected the wanted order in their hands, and then passed Lin and Linji. People walk in the opposite direction.

After a few steps, the five young men stopped another person and asked if he had seen the face on the wanted order.

Lin and Asai were not in a hurry to continue on their way, but instead glanced back at the five young people.

"...It seems that the'disciples of the Six Great Swords Hall all came out to assist the officials to capture Ichidosesai' together." Asai whispered softly toward Lin next to him, "These 5 people He should be a disciple of the Six Great Sword Hall."

Just now, Lin and Asai had heard from passers-by that "the six great sword halls were also involved in the capture of Ogata".

Until now, after seeing the disciples of the Six Great Sword Museum carrying Ogata's wanted warrant and asking people if they had seen the face on the wanted warrant, Lin and Asai were convinced that it should be true.

After Lin nodded lightly, she said:

"Let's go."



Lin and Asai walked straight to the hotel where they lived.

Lin and the others, Makura and Shimada, made an agreement when they separated and acted separately-Lin and Asai, who had helped Makura, would return to the hotel where they lived.

As soon as they walked back to the door of the hotel, Lin and Asai saw a familiar figure standing in front of the hotel, panting.

It is Shimada.

Before Lin and Asai had time to ask what happened to Shimada, Shimada, who noticed that Lin and Asai had returned, immediately rushed towards them:

"Master! Senior Asai!"

"Sorry, Katsurokuro, for keeping you waiting." Lin took the lead to apologize to Shimada. "Let you wait for a long time. Are you looking for the two of us for something? Where did he go?"

Shimada shook his head: 巘戅丁丁電話巘戅

"No, I just ran back just now."

"Master! Something has happened!"

Lin, who noticed that Shimada was flustered now, frowned slightly and said to Shimada in a calm tone: "Don't panic."

Lin untied the bamboo tube hanging around his waist and threw it towards Shimada in front of her.

"You ran all the way, your throat is dry, right? I heard your voice dumb. Let's drink some water to moisturize your throat."

"Yes Yes!"

Shimada unscrewed the mouth of the tube three times, pour the water in the bamboo tube into his mouth.

"Don't worry." Lin still said to Shimada in a calm tone, "drink slowly."

After nearly drunk the water in the bamboo tube, Shimada put down the bamboo tube in his hand.

Listening to Lin's calm tone, Shimada couldn't help but be affected by it, and the flustered heart gradually calmed down.

After the flustered heart returned to calm, Shimada told Lin concisely and concisely what had happened to him and Makimura just now.



"Sorry... Lord..."

After Xiang Lin and Asai explained what had happened, Shimada lowered his head and dared not look at their faces anymore.

In fact, his face was full of annoyance and regret.

"I'm really...too bad...not only failed to **** Senior Pastor from the officials, but also failed to grasp the bald head..."

After all, Shimada closed his eyes tightly and was ready to be scolded by Lin and Asai.

However-the imaginary rebuke did not come.

Shimada only felt a warm little hand on his shoulder.

Shimada slowly opened his eyes and raised his head-it was Lin's hand.

"The officials from Kyoto attacked you and Makimura. Are you not injured?" Lin asked.

"No..." Shimada shook his head. "The officials seem to be targeting only Makura."

"It's good if you are not injured. You have come to report with your hard work."

After that, Lin put down her hand on Shimada's shoulder, turned sideways, and glanced at Asai beside her.

"Nachiemon, Katsurokuro, let's go."

Lin raised Yan Mo and Zhenguishen who lifted her waist, her eyes bursting with cold light.

"Let's... go get Miba back!"



Kyoto, the tea house where Kamiyama and Hasegawa stayed——

At this moment, there is one more person in the tea house besides Kamiyama and Hasegawa.

This person is the assistant of Kamiyama who specially ran over to report to Kamiyama~lightnovelpub.net~ The assistant of Kamiyama ran to report to Kamiyama and the news was very brief—Makimura Mihachi was arrested by Abe Liri. Currently, Makimura Mihachi Eight was detained in prison.

"...I see." Shenshan waved his hand and motioned to his assistant to step back first.

After the assistant stepped back, Hasegawa, who was sitting across from the mountain, said solemnly:

"...Did Abe Liri have any feasts with you or Yahachi Makimura?"

Hasegawa did not understand the partisan struggle in Kyoto Prefecture, but based on his many years of experience in Edo, Hasegawa vaguely guessed why Abe Riri wanted to arrest Makura for no reason.

"Forget it..." Kamiyama sighed, "That **** Aberliri..."

At this moment, a loud noise rang outside the tea house.


The door of the tea house was pulled to the bottom in one breath.

A very handsome young man led a young man with a little extravagance and excellent temperament into the tea house.

For these two young people, Kamiyama and Hasegawa are familiar with each other.

Just now, Mu Cun led the two young people to this tea house and reached a cooperation with the mountain.

Looking at the two young people who strode towards them, the mountain did not show any panic.

Because he had long expected that in the pastoral village being arrested by officials, it was impossible for his companions to do nothing.

The handsome young man in the lead strode to the front and back of the sacred mountain and Hasegawa, and asked the sacred mountain unceremoniously:

"Master Shenshan, can you explain to us-why Mucun was arrested by officials?"

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