I Was a Swordsman in Ancient Japan

Chapter 354: Imperial Examination [7,200 characters]

"I was a swordsman in ancient Japan(

The tip of Da Shitian's sword clung to the throat of the "majestic warrior".

As long as Ogata is willing, he can easily pierce the throat of the "majestic samurai" by pushing the sword forward.

The "majestic samurai" who was hit by the tip of Da Shitian's sword could clearly feel how sharp the knife was against his throat. Cold sweat began to burst from his forehead.

"Retract the knife, then sit back obediently and wait patiently for the noodles."

Hearing Ogata's words, the "majestic samurai" subconsciously wanted to yell at Ogata.

But after opening his mouth, he couldn't spit out half a word.

The cold, sharp touch constantly coming from the throat, reminds him differently all the time...


The "majestic warrior" with cold sweat on his face silently retracted the blade that had been ejected from the sheath, and then took a cautious step back half a step away from the tip of Da Shaotian's blade.

After confirming that Ogata had no intention of pursuing him, the "majestic samurai" with a face that had not improved, retreated to his own table, and then sat down again.

After the "majestic samurai" retreated, Ogata also slowly put down the scabbard in his right hand and Oshaten on his left hand, and then returned the sword to its scabbard.

Even though he had withdrawn from Ogata's attack range, the "Majestic Samurai" still looked like a panic, and the cold sweat on his face continued to flow.

Before sitting down, the "majestic samurai" gritted his teeth and stood up again with a "whoop", before he even waited for the noodles, he rushed out of the soba noodle shop.

No one in the audience was surprised by the departure of the "majestic warrior".

After all, no matter who it is, after encountering this situation, there is definitely no way to eat noodles calmly.

Everyone in the store heaved a sigh of relief after seeing that the "majestic warrior" had left and there would be no more conflicts.

While breathing a sigh of relief, some people, mainly those samurai who also had sabers, began to brave there, taunting that the "majestic samurai" just now did not defend the honor of the samurai to the end, and even fled like this. .

There are some people who even said arrogantly why the "majestic samurai" just now didn't draw his sword. At that distance, there is still a good chance to take the lead before Ogata's sword pierces his throat. Sword-drawing technique chopped off Ogata's head-the people who said this were basically civilians without swords.

Although these people have deliberately lowered their voices, because Ogata and the gang of sword masters have far better hearing than ordinary people, Ogata and the others can still hear those people's views on the "majestic samurai" quite clearly. The ridicule and ridicule.

"Heh." Asai sneered. "Those who said why the stupid didn't draw the sword just now are really stupid. Those who have learned a little bit of swordsmanship can see that the stupid just now has no chance to draw the sword, right? ?"

Asai’s assessment is not wrong.

Anyone who knows a little bit of swordsmanship can see it-Ogata's previous method of drawing the sword with the scabbard upward is extremely beautiful, clean, and without any unnecessary movements.

Just now, before the "majestic samurai" used the sword drawing technique, Ogata used this extremely beautiful drawing technique to put the tip of the sword against the throat of the "majestic samurai", and those who knew swordsmanship could see it-victory Negative has been divided.

"That guy just now knows how to judge the situation."

Yuan Yi interjected at this moment.

"After seeing that he was not Ogata-kun's opponent, he took his sword and left."

"He has the level of swordsmanship that can clearly see the gap between himself and Ogata-kun, and the consciousness of daring to run away with his tail clipped. That guy just now is considered a plastic talent."

"Is that kind of person a plastic talent?" Mu Cun raised his eyebrows.

"Of course." Yuan smiled, "In my eyes, all people who don't stick to the so-called "Samurai Glory" are plastic talents."

"The kind of people who can advance and retreat, and are not bound by the so-called ‘Glory’, have the opportunity to become a hero."

"Look at Nobuzuna Kamizumi, Shishusai Yanagyu, Musashi Miyamoto, these great swordsmen who have left a lot of color on the history books, which one is that kind of pedantic person?"

When Genichi explained to Makimura in a preaching tone, why he thought that guy was a plastic talent, Shimada, who was sitting next to Ogata, turned his admiring gaze to Ogata.

"Master Ogata, what was the name of the method you used to draw the sword just now?" Shimada said, raising both hands, imitating Ogata's method of drawing the sword just now.

"No name." Ogata shrugged. "It's just a technique that I used to find out by accident that I can draw a knife with only a small amount of movement."

Although the system can help Ogata improve his physical fitness and swordsmanship at an unimaginable speed.

But the system does not help Ogata get something.

That is the enemy experience.

The method of drawing the sword just now was the method that Ogata found out when he left the Hirose clan and was hunted down by various bounty hunters who looked at others.

Use one hand to hold the knife with the scabbard. While holding the knife upright and aiming the blade at the enemy, quickly draw the scabbard upward with the other hand.

This drawing technique has a small drawing motion range, which is very suitable for places where the left and right space is insufficient, but the up and down space is sufficient-such as in a narrow alley.

When Shimada actively asked about the main points of the sword-drawing technique just now, the girl who was made difficult by the "majestic samurai" just now walked toward the table of Ogata and others with a large dinner plate.

The noodles and drinks ordered by the 6 of them were placed on the plate.

Kneeling respectfully and sitting at the table of Ogata and others, while placing a bowl of soba noodles on the plate on the table, the female middle school whispered to Ogata in a grateful tone:

"Samurai-sama, thank you so much just now."

"You're welcome," Ogata replied without thinking. "It's just a trivial matter."

"I used to do things in an izakaya before."

"So I really hate people who make trouble while eating or drinking."

"I just did something that I used to do before."

"Huh?" Yuan glanced at the number of wine bottles on the plate. "I remember we didn't order that much wine."

"These extra wines are a thank you gift from the manager. Please take it with me."

"Ohhh~~" Yuanyi grinned, "Thank you. Then we're welcome."

"Yuan is a big man." Mamiya said with a wry smile, "Don't drink too much."

"Don't worry." Gen waved his hand, "This kind of sake won't get me drunk."

After putting the last bowl of noodles on the table, the female middle school sighed lightly, and then whispered:

"It was actually the second time that Ronin made trouble today..."

"At noon today, there was also a ronin who made trouble on the grounds that the soup was too hot."

"Hey... Recently, I always feel that there have been a lot more ronin gathered in Edo recently..."

Hearing these words from the female middle school, Ogata raised his eyebrows.

Because he suddenly remembered what he had overheard from a pair of women when he found this soba noodle shop.

"There are so many ronin in Edo recently. Is it because there are festivals or events going on here?" Ogata asked.

"I don't know the specifics..." The female middle school said softly, "I rarely pay attention to these things... But I have heard that there seems to be some kind of "Private Trial" on our Edo side."

"'Imperial Examination"?" Ogata repeated the unfamiliar name. "Examination... Is it a competitive event? Bi sword? Or knowledge?"

After hearing the word "trying together", the first word that came to Ogata's mind was the "sacrifice performance of the gods" he had previously participated in in the Hirose clan, commonly known as "the sacrifice of gods".

This vocabulary seemed to be an unfamiliar vocabulary to the surrounding Mamiya and others, and they all cast doubtful gazes at the female middle school just like Ogata.

"I don't know the specifics either..." After saying this in an apologetic tone, the female middle school bowed slightly, "I'm sorry, I have a lot of things to deal with. I am out of company."

"Yeah." Ogata nodded, "I'm sorry, it's been a long time for you, so go ahead and do your business."

After the girl's middle school walked away quickly holding the dinner plate, everyone focused on Shimada, who was born and raised in Edo.

"Shimada." Makimura said, "Explain. What is the "Gozen Test Combination"."

"I don't know..." Shimada shook his head blankly, "I also heard of this for the first time..."

"It seems to be a new activity in Edo recently." Mamiya whispered.

"...I'm a little bit interested in this ‘Imperial Examination’." Genichi grinned, "This name is very interesting when you hear it."

"Then go find some information." Mucun grabbed a bottle of sake on the table.

"Where are you going to get information?" Asai asked.

"I've noticed just now-the guests at the second table counting west, they speak a Kyoto accent."

Ogata and others turned their heads and looked at the second table on the west side.

Four young people dressed as civilians sat at the small table, chatting in full swing.

As soon as everyone cast their sights on the table of guests, Mucun strode towards the table of guests with the bottle of sake and a wine glass.

After quickly walking to the table of guests, Mucun naturally squeezed into the gap between two of the four guests at the table.

"Hey, let me say, you are from Kyoto, right."

After sitting down, Makimura greeted the four people at the table in a standard Kyoto dialect.

A stranger with an extremely majestic figure suddenly squeezed into their table, and anyone would be shocked.

The four people at this table were frightened and shook their entire bodies, and then looked up and down Mucun with curious eyes.

Seeing that Mucun didn’t carry any weapons on his body, he only carried a bottle of wine and a wine glass in his hand, with a smile on his face, and talking about the cordial Kyoto accent to them, the four people slowly lowered their guard. Up.

"Yes." One of the four people replied in the same fairly standard Kyoto dialect, "Are you from Kyoto too?"

"Of course! My Kyodo is so standard. Where else can I be from Kyoto?" Makimura said in a half-joking tone as he opened the sake bottle in his hand and gave it to him. The wine glasses for 4 people are pouring wine.

Jingyan Ye—An elegant name for the Kyoto dialect. Many people in Kyoto love to call their dialect "Kyokanye".

After pouring out the wine in the bottle in the pastoral village, the rich aroma of wine immediately penetrated into the nostrils of the four people.

Seeing Mucun spit out the extremely cordial word "Jingyan Ye" so skillfully, and pour them such good wine, the faint guarding color on the faces of these four people finally disappeared.

After pouring good wine for all four of them, and at the same time the glass he brought him to drink was also full, Mucun took a sip of the drink and asked the four of them:

"My friend, I just came to Edo today. It is said that there will be a ‘Gozen Examination’ here in Edo. Do you know what it is?"

"Oh oh!'Imperial Examination'." One of the four young people drank a glass of wine and said, "It's too detailed, we don't know."

"We went to Edo to sell rice with the master, so we only came to Edo a few days ago, and we don't know much about Edo." Another young man answered. "We only have a little bit of a very superficial understanding of this'Prince Test Combination'."

"It's okay." Mucun laughed boldly. "You can say as much as you know."

"I only heard that this'Gozen Test Combination' is an event related to samurai."

"Oh?" A strange light flashed in Mucun's eyes, "what else?"

"Also... I heard that it was the old Nakamatsu's idea to hold this'Prince Test Combination'. As for the others... Sorry, as for the others, we don't know much. We only know so much. ."

"So... it's okay! This is enough for me! Come on, let's have a few drinks together!"

After drinking a few glasses with these four people, and then chatting casually about something, Makimura returned to Ogata and the others with a bottle that was almost empty.

After returning, Mu Cun vomited the information he had just asked out to everyone one by one.

After Makimura finished talking about the information he had just compiled, Shimada said in a respectful tone:

"Senior Mucun, you are so amazing, you can squeeze into a bunch of strangers so naturally."

"It's just the skills I learned in Kyoto." Makimura smiled.

"But you didn't ask too much information at all." Several black lines appeared on Asai's face.

"any idea."

Mucun shrugged.

"They are just a group of civilians who have just arrived in Edo a few days ago. How could they have a deep understanding of Edo."

"Let me ask the samurai at that table, they might know more."

Having said that, Mu Cun turned his attention to another table of guests not far from them. The guests of that table had a knife on their knees and a waistband stuck in their waists.

"...Forget it." Ogata said at this time, "We will do things like information, let's do it slowly. The top priority now is to quickly finish eating the noodles, and then buy something to eat back. Don't forget-pay it back. There are 2 people waiting for us to bring the food back."

Ogata's words immediately had a Daigo-like effect on Makimura and others.

They suddenly remembered - it is indeed not the time to gather information slowly.

Two other people are waiting for them to go back hungry in the hotel.

Everyone finished the noodles at their fastest speed, and then rushed out of the soba noodle shop, looking for a store that sells convenient food.

Ogata remembers that Amachi prefers sweets mainly made of red beans, so he bought some Daifuku with yokan and red bean paste.

After everyone returned to the hotel with the food they bought for Lin and Ah Ding, they told Lin and Ah Ding the information they had just heard about the "Prince Test Combination".



"'Gozensake'?" Lin sitting on the futon frowned while gnawing on the dorayaki Mamiya bought for her. "Katsurokuro, don't you know what this is?"

Everyone in the gourd house except Ogata and Amachi is now gathered in Lin's room.

In order to deliver the food bought for Amachi to Amachi, Ogata is now in Amachi's room, and he did not stay in Lin's room with the others.

Because the room where Lin lives is small, except for Yuan Yi who sits cross-legged beside Lin's bed casually, everyone is standing.

Shimada shook his head blankly when he heard the question thrown by Lin.

"I've never heard of this'Prince Test Combination'. It should be a new event this year."

"Master." As soon as Shimada's voice fell, Mamiya said, "I think it is necessary for us to learn about this ‘Imperial Test Combination’. Maybe we can collect unexpected useful information."

"...Hmm." Lin nodded, "I should really go and get a better understanding of this "Imperial Examination"."

"But—not now."

"It's okay to look for information related to Shiranui, or to search for information related to'The Imperial Examination', all these things will be discussed tomorrow."

"Today I went to Edo again by boat and on foot. Everyone should be tired."

"Everyone will have a good rest tonight."

"The rest, wait until tomorrow."

"Miyahachi, please tell me Ichitosai Ogata and Miss Amachi later, so that both of them will have a good rest tonight."

"Yes." Mucun nodded vigorously.

"That's all I have to say." Lin glanced at the people around her, "Let's go down and rest each."



After Lin ordered the dissolution, Makimura told Ogata and Amachi to tell them that "get a good rest tonight, and talk about the rest tomorrow."

Lin's arrangement was exactly what Ogata wanted.

He wanted to have a good rest after dinner tonight.

Before 15 o'clock this afternoon, I have been floating at sea.

After drifting in the sea, he went to Edo on foot with Amachi on his back.

With the blessing of the stamina that has risen to 13 points, these two strokes will not make Ogata feel too tired.

However, this kind of exhaustion caused Ogata to feel "heart-tired", and he couldn't help but lose his attention.

After eating the pile of sweets Ogata bought him, Amachi yawned greatly.

After a big yawn, Ah Ting blinked vigorously, as if he could hardly open his eyes.

"Are you sleepy?" Ogata asked.

"Um... kind of... after all, I just finished eating."

"Do you feel dizzy?"

"Just now when you were out for dinner, I slept for a while, and now I feel much better. After taking a nap, I should be completely fine after daybreak tomorrow."

"That's good. Now that you are sleepy, you can go to sleep." As Ogata said, he picked up the Taishaten on the tatami mat beside him and stood up. "Maybe there will be a lot tomorrow. Things have to be done, and I plan to go to rest early tonight."

"Hmm..." Ah Ting, who could only half-open his eyes, lay back in the bedding, "Then I will continue to sleep...good night..."

"OK, good night."

Ogata and Amachi do not sleep in the same room.

Because when they entered Edo Castle this evening, Lin and Acho’s seasickness symptoms were not completely relieved, so the people eager to find a hotel did not have the extra time to slowly choose which hotel had enough rooms, just thinking Quickly find a hotel that can accommodate 8 of them.

When they found this hotel, there were only 1 large room and 2 single rooms left in the hotel.

The big room was big enough to accommodate the six men of Ogata and the others.

The people who didn't have high requirements for living, just wanted to quickly find a hotel where they could stay, didn't hesitate too much, and chose this hotel directly.

The two single rooms were naturally occupied by two women, Yurin and Amachi, while Ogata and the men went to live in the large room that could accommodate 6 of them.

Holding the knife in Ogata, after returning to the big room where they lived, he saw that six futons had been laid on the tatami.

The six quilts are placed in two opposite "Chuan" characters.

Shimada is already lying in the futon, and the three of Mamiya, Makimura, and Asai have also changed their clothes, looking like they are also ready to go to bed.

As for Yuanyi sitting in the corner of the room, holding a bottle and glass for a drink in silence.

"Are you all going to sleep?" Ogata raised his eyebrows.

"Otherwise?" Makimura cast a joking look at Ogata. "Today I was on a boat and walking again. I am not in the mood to do other things anymore. I just want to get some sleep quickly. Brother Fang, do you still want to go to Yoshihara to play while the night is good tonight?"

"I won't go to Yoshihara." Ogata said grimly, taking off the great ease from his waist, and then began to take off the haori on the upper body and the hakama on the lower body. "I am going to sleep well. Today is again. By boat, I was wading through the mountains with Ah Ding on my back, and I was also a little tired."

"I don’t know what’s in the fire, and I’ll wait until tomorrow to talk about all the things about the ‘Imperial Examination.’"

After taking off quickly so that there was only one kimono left on him, Ogata slipped into his futon.

"Are you ready to go to bed?" Mamiya, who was sitting next to the candle light, turned his head and asked Makimura and Asai who were still sitting.

Asai did not answer this question from Mamiya, but lay down silently in his bedding.

"Yuan is a big man." Mucun cast his gaze on Yuan Yi who was sitting in the corner. "Are you going to sleep?"

"Ah, you don't have to worry about me." Yuan waved his hand, "I plan to drink some more alcohol before going to sleep, please turn off the light."

The sake that Genichi is holding in his hand is the sake he bought at the soba shop just now.

"Yuan is a big man..." Mucun smiled helplessly, "Don't drink too much."

"Ohhhhhh, old people like me, occasionally drink a little wine, but it will be very good for the body."

"You can't use the two words "occasionally" and "little wine" to describe the amount of alcohol you drink every day..." Makimura said, winking at Mamiya.

Mamiya, who understood the meaning of Makura's wink, waved his big hand, and after extinguishing the only light source in the room, both Makura and Makura lay in their respective futons.

In the room, except for Yuan Yi, the other 5 people were already lying down in their bedding.

However-this room has not been quiet for long.

After the five Ogata people lay down in the futon, Genichi suddenly let out a low laugh, and then said:

"I said-after waiting, if I have time, do I want to go to Yoshihara to play together?"

"Yoshihara is..." Shimada hesitated, "Is that Yoshihara?"

"Of course it is the Yoshihara that has the reputation of'Edo's never-sleeping city','Japan's No. 1 Yukaku', etc." Genichi said, "I think about it carefully now-although I have been to Yoshihara in Edo many times, but I haven't seen Oiran Yoshihara's "Oiran Outing". I really want to take a look."

"Oiran..." Shimada murmured, "I remember to be an oiran, not only to be beautiful, but also to know the piano, chess, calligraphy and calligraphy, and to be very knowledgeable, right?"

"That's right." Makimura nodded, "So the oiran is very difficult. In terms of knowledge, those oiran may be more familiar with memorizing the Four Books and Five Classics than we are."

"I don't know if the oirans memorize the Four Books and the Five Classics. I don't know. But they are definitely more familiar than Makura." Asai, who has always liked to quarrel with Makura, retorted mercilessly.

"That's also..." Makimura nodded seriously~lightnovelpub.net~ Among all the people present, it seems that I am the least knowledgeable one... Ah, Ogata brother, have you ever studied ? "

Makimura raised his head and cast a look of "desire for the same kind" at Ogata.

However, Ogata turned a blind eye to his "desire for the same" gaze.

"Of course I have studied." Ogata said irritably, "It's not that I brag. I basically memorize the Four Books and Five Classics backwards. I will also recite a lot of Tang poems and Song Ci."

——At the same time, he can speak very standard Chinese. It's just that I haven't spoken Chinese for more than a year, and now I may be a little stubborn in speaking Chinese.

Ogata silently added this sentence in his heart.

What Ogata said just now was really not bragging.

Before crossing into the Edo period, Ogata's parents were very respectful of Chinese studies, and they had been asking Ogata to earnestly study various Chinese studies such as Tang poetry, Song Ci, the Four Books and Five Classics in private.

He also specially invited a respected and well-educated old Chinese teacher to be Ogata's personal teacher.

This old teacher has high attainments in Chinese studies, especially the Four Books and Five Classics. He is the kind of master who has published many well-known papers related to the Four Books and Five Classics.

Under the guidance of this old teacher, Ogata really memorized the Four Books and the Five Classics back and forth, and the kind of back and forth memorization that has been engraved into the DNA and can't be forgotten.

However, because of the strict requirements of his parents, studying these Chinese studies was too hard, causing Ogata now to have a serious psychological discomfort after seeing the Four Books and Five Classics.

After learning that Ogata was also a person who had studied the four books and the five classics, he failed to find a pastoral village of the same kind, and buried his head just raised again.

"Okay... It seems that I am indeed the least educated person here..."