I Was a Swordsman in Ancient Japan

Chapter 357: The highest authority in the "Ren Xia Wo

"I was a swordsman in ancient Japan(

Edo, to the southwest, is a three-story mansion that seems inconspicuous because it is located in a remote area.

Edo has never lacked noble officials.

Compared with the big houses of those dignitaries, this mansion seemed so inconspicuous.

But anyone who knows a little bit about the identity of the owner of this mansion knows that the owner of this mansion is no less powerful than the dignitaries of Edo.

At this moment, Lin and Yuanyi were staying in a certain room in this mansion.

Both of them had taken off their knives and placed them on the tatami on the right side of their bodies.

Lin respectfully kneeled on the tatami in a standard posture, with her back straight, her eyes closed, and her eyes closed.

Compared with Lin, Yuanyi's sitting posture is much more casual.

Genichi sat cross-legged on the tatami so carelessly, yawning from time to time.

The two have been in this room for a long time.

They are waiting.

Wait for someone to arrive.

After waiting for an unknown amount of time, the paper sliding door of this room was finally opened.

The one who opened the paper sliding door was a young man sitting on his knees by the door.

"Miss Kinoshita," the young man said respectfully, "Master Dongcheng is here."

Hearing what the young man said, Lin, who had been closing her eyes just now, slowly opened her eyes.

As the young man's announcement fell, footsteps from far and near sounded in the corridor outside the door.

The sound of footsteps moved from a faraway place to the door-a middle-aged man with an extremely majestic figure appeared outside the opened paper sliding door.

Although this middle-aged man was wearing a black kimono, the kimono top was completely pulled apart, revealing his upper body that was covered with rock-like muscles.

While revealing the muscles of his upper body, it also revealed the hideous tattoos that almost covered his entire upper body.

The middle-aged man first looked at Lin and Yuanichi in the lower room with a calm look.

After seeing Yuan Yi who was sitting casually cross-legged, a strange light flashed in the eyes of the middle-aged man.

After looking back at Lin and Yuanyi's gaze, the middle-aged man walked slowly into the room, and finally sat cross-legged in front of Lin and Yuanyi.

After the middle-aged man entered the room, the young man who was responsible for notifying Lin that "Master Dongcheng is coming" gently closed the sliding paper door.

The paper sliding door re-shielded the light outside the room, turning the room back into a secret room.

It's just that besides Lin and Yuan Yi in this secret room, there is also the middle-aged person who just entered the room.

"...It's been a long time." Lin said to the middle-aged man first, "Master Dongcheng. You really made me and my uncle wait."

"I came to see you in the morning, but it was not until the afternoon that I finally saw your figure."

"It's been a long time indeed." The middle-aged man who Lin called Dongcheng smiled. "Miss Kinoshita, when was the last time we met? I forgot. You even took Kinoshita this time. My lord also brought it."

"Please forgive me, Miss Kinoshita, this morning I have a meeting with Kanshita that must not be cancelled. It is really embarrassing for the two of you to wait so long."

"It's okay. I'm not in a hurry anyway." Lin said softly, "Master Dongcheng, now my uncle is also present, so for the convenience of addressing, you can call me "Lin"."

"Call your name directly?" Dongcheng shrugged, and then said in a half-joking tone, "Then you should call my name "Dawu" directly. Compared with the last name, I prefer to let me Acquaintances call my name."

"Compared with the last name "Dongcheng", I always think my name "Dawu" sounds better."

After making a joke in a playful tone, Dong Cheng sat up slightly, and put on a more serious expression than before:

"Kinoshita...Ah, no, Miss Lin, I know you are a person who likes to be straightforward."

"And I also like to get straight to the point. I don't like to say too many irrelevant greetings."

"So the greeting or something, let's skip it for now."

"Just tell me your intentions."

"Lin, you brought Mr. Kinoshita to Edo, surely you didn't come to sell rice?"

"Master Dongcheng. I hope you can mobilize your men to help me find where the new base in Shiranui is located in Edo."

Seeing Dongcheng expressing her willingness to be straightforward, Lin stopped talking nonsense and went straight to her topic.

Although Dongcheng told Lin just to call him by his name, after all, the name "Dongcheng Lord" has been called for so long, and Lin couldn't change it for a while, so she didn't change it, she still called this name. The middle-aged person is called "Dongcheng Lord".

"Shiranui?" Dongcheng frowned slightly.

"Master Tojo. You probably know that Shiranuiori cooperated with the shogunate and moved their new base area to Edo, right?"

"Hey, hey, how could I not know this kind of thing."

"It's good to know." Lin nodded gently.

"What I am more curious about is-what are you doing looking for the base location in Shiranui?"

"...The relationship between our Gourd House and Shiranui has been pretty bad."

Lin didn't directly explain what she was doing to find the base in Shiranui, but as if she meant something, she said a sentence that seemed to be irrelevant to the question Dongcheng asked just now.

However-although he did not directly answer Dongcheng's question directly, Lin's words just made Dongcheng realize something instantly and raised her eyebrows.

"...It seems that you are planning to do some incredible things here in Edo."

"Ha ha."

Dongcheng let out a few chuckles.

"Miss Lin, you and Kinoshita are worthy of relatives, and both like to do messy things."

"Find the location of the base in Shiranui... It may be difficult."

"Although I don't know much about Shiranui, I also know that they are quite obsessed with the secrecy of their base locations."

"It is rare for outsiders to know the specific location of their base area."

"Even if it is me, it is not easy to find out the location of their base area."

"It may take a lot of time."

As soon as Dongcheng's voice fell, Lin said:

"It's okay, I can wait."

"Miss Lin, if you are not in a hurry, it's easy to say."

"I will let the person under my hand leave for investigation later."

Speaking of this, Dongcheng paused.

After a pause, a strange smile appeared on Dongcheng's face.

"Although I know that you can't owe money to Miss Lin, let me remind you of Miss Lin."

Dongcheng raised his hand and assumed a "money" posture.

"Helping you find the location of the Shiranui base-this is not a small favor that can be done for you at will."

"I definitely want to collect money."

"And—the price is not cheap."

"You don't have to worry about money." Lin replied without hesitation, "This is not the first time that my'Gourd House' and your'East City House' have cooperated. Don't you still know the financial resources of our'Gourd House' and me? Is Rin Kinoshita's ability to earn money?"

"I'm Kinoshita-some is money."

"Hahaha." Dongcheng let out a series of bold laughs, "I like to deal with such bold people as Miss Lin."

"Okay! I'll make everyone under my hand move soon!"

"Ms. Lin, besides helping you find the location of the base in Shiranui, is there anything else I want to entrust to do? I'm not rejecting any profitable business."

"There are two more things I want to ask you to do for the time being."

While talking, Lin stretched out her hand into her arms, took out a neatly folded sheet of paper, and then handed it to Dongcheng in front of her.

"First thing: Master Dongcheng, I hope you can help me buy what is written on this paper."

With some doubts, Dongcheng took the piece of paper that Lin handed over, and then unfolded it.

After moving his gaze and quickly scanning the words written on this piece of paper, Dongcheng’s pupils shrank slightly:

"this is……?!"

"This is what I hope Master Dongcheng will buy for me." Lin said lightly.

"...Miss Lin, what do you buy these things for?"

"Do you still need to ask?" Lin said lightly, "Of course it is used to trouble Shiranui. I want to use it as our secret weapon against Shiranui."

When talking about the word "secret weapon", Lindt increased his tone.

"How much do you want?" Dongcheng asked.

"I will buy as much as you can get." Lin's answer was straightforward.

"...Miss Lin, with all due respect-the thing written on your paper, even if it is me, it is difficult to get it."

"I know the stuff written on my paper is very difficult to get."

"But I also know your abilities, Master Dongcheng."

Speaking of this, there was a slight smile on Lin Na's expressionless face since entering the room.

"Master Tojo, you are the leader of the "Tojoya", the largest Ren Xia force in Edo. The highest authority in the "Ren Xia World" in East Japan."

"Your forces cover the entire Kanto and Northeast, with hands and eyes extending to the sky. Many high-ranking officials in the shogunate have very close ties with you."

"The thing that I wrote on the paper, for you, is just ‘difficult to get’, not ‘can’t get it.’"

"Master Dongcheng, I know that you mentioned that these things are difficult to get, but it is actually to imply that I will spend a lot of money."

Seeing that the little thought he had just revealed was accurately dismantled by Lin, Dong Cheng didn't show annoyance on his face, but grinned instead.

"Don't worry, Master Dongcheng."

Lin paused here.

After taking a deep breath, he said every word:

"As I said just now-I. Have. Yes. Money."

"Okay!" A bright smile appeared on Lord Dongcheng's face, "I will do everything possible to get you these things written on your paper."

"Ms. Lin, you just said that you have two requests besides asking me to find the base location in Shiranui."

"One of the requests is for me to buy those things for you."

"Then what's the other request?"

"The other request is easier for you, Master Dongcheng." Lin said softly, "After you buy me the things I wrote on the paper, I hope you can borrow me a batch of them and use them. Of your subordinates."

"I plan to hire them."

"Ha, it is indeed an easy thing to do." Dongcheng smiled, "Okay, no problem! But-the subordinates who hired me also need money."

"But in order to show my apologies for making you two wait so long today, I will pay you a little less for this employment fee."

"Thank you." After saying this in a flat tone, Lin picked up the saber placed next to her, "I have finished talking about the things to be discussed, Master Dongcheng, we will leave first."

"If you find the exact location in Shiranui, or buy the things I entrusted you to help buy, come to the hotel where I live now and find me and my people."

Lin quickly reported the address of the hotel where they were currently staying.

"Miss Lin, Mr. Kinoshita, do you need me to give it to you?"

"No need." Lin said without hesitation, "Master Dongcheng, you still have a lot of things to do, right? So I won't bother you anymore."

"Hahaha! I just like Miss Lin your character! Hey! Zongbing, send Miss Lin them away!"

As soon as Master Dongcheng's voice fell, a loud response sounded outside the door.

The paper sliding door of the room was opened, and the person who opened the door and the person who had just vowed to reconcile was the same young man who first notified Lin and Yuanyi that "East City is coming".

Under the leadership of this young man named Zongbing, Lin and Yuanyi left their mansion in Dongcheng.

After leaving the mansion and walking on an unmanned side road that was far away from the Dongcheng mansion, Yuanyi stretched hard.

"The negotiation with Dawu Dongcheng was much smoother than expected." Yuanyi smiled.

"The reason why it went so smoothly is because you are here, Uncle Gong." Lin said lightly, "Dongcheng Dawu is a money-thirsty person. As long as it is a business that can make a lot of money, he will not refuse."

"The reason why he just agreed to all our commissions so happily just now was because of your presence, he didn't dare to make mistakes."

"Uncle Gong, didn't you find that Dongcheng Dawu was entering the room, and when he saw you there, his eyes changed directly?"

"If you are not present, believe it or not, he will keep telling me what I have or not, in order to earn the most benefits from me."

"The reason I brought Uncle Gong you here is to warn Dongcheng:'Sword Saint' Muxia Genichi is also here, don't mess around."

"It feels like I'm almost becoming Xiaolin's powerful bargaining chip for you." After making a little joke, Yuanyi asked Lin, "Xiao Lin, now that he has successfully negotiated this mutually beneficial deal with Dongcheng Dawu. Business, so what are we going to do now? Shall we just go back to the hotel to rest?"

"...No." Lin said softly after being silent for a while, "I don't plan to go back to rest so soon."

"Although Dawu Dongcheng has been entrusted to assist us in finding the location of the base area in Shiranui, it is still unknown how long it will take him to find the location in Shiranui."

"For the sake of safety, I would like to entrust a few more powerful and trustworthy people in Edo to assist me in finding a position in Shiranui..."

After that, Lin turned her head and cast a questioning look at Yuan beside her.

"In Edo, the only reliable and powerful person I know is Dago Dongcheng."

"So-Uncle, I know that your connections have always been very wide."

"Is there anyone in Edo who is reliable and can help us find the base area in Shiranui?"

"Are you reliable and powerful enough..." Yuan stroked the goatee on his chin.

After pondering for a while, Yuan Yi said softly "Ah".

"There really is such a person."


"Xiao Lin, do you know the Shiro Bingbei Club in Yoshihara?"



Edo, somewhere.

"A lot of people gathered in front." A Ding, who was holding a big blessing in his hand, said in a vague tone while gnawing on the big blessing in his hand, "Yi, let's go and see what's up ahead."

After all, without waiting for Ogata's reply, Amachi took the lead and walked quickly towards the crowd gathered in front of him.

Although it is a bit embarrassing to say that, Ogata has to admit that he and Amachi seem to be a little more relaxed now.

To some extent, the two of them have become "play-based, supplemented by information."

But-even though he realized that he and Amachi seemed a little too leisurely now, Ogata didn't plan to correct.

From leaving Kyoto to the present, Ogata's nerves have almost always been tense.

So Ogata is also happy to take advantage of this opportunity to relax both himself and Amachi.

However, the two returned leisurely, and the work of collecting intelligence did not fall far behind.

After experiencing the little disturbance at noon that "Yoshihara Tongxin·Guoshengxiu caught the scum who ran away with the debts" and after filling their stomachs at the sushi restaurant, the two successfully collected a sum in the afternoon. New information about "The Imperial Examination":

Only the first place in the literary and martial arts examinations of the "Private Examination" can get a bonus. The first prize of the literary examination and the martial examination is 20 taels.

20 taels-this is already a number that is enough for those who live poor enough and the samurai who are from poor families to flock to it.

The amount of bonus is so high, it is natural to attract many samurai who are short of money.

The reason for setting up a system where only the top players can get bonuses is to motivate everyone to win first place.

If you set the top 3 or the top 5 to have bonuses, it is easy for many people to think that: anyway, there are bonuses for other rankings, so it doesn't matter if you don't get the first place.

As far as Ogata knows, although there is only one person who can get the bonus for the literary examination and the martial arts examination, there are still too many people who signed up for this "Prince Test Combination".

It can be seen how amazing the temptation of these 20 taels of bonuses is.

Those who are confident in their own knowledge hope to get the 20 taels who are the first in the literary examination.

People who are confident in their martial arts are eager to get the first 20 taels in the martial arts test.

There are also people who are confident in their own knowledge and martial arts, wanting to take the 20th in the literary examination and the martial examination into the bag.

At the same time, there are some people who are not interested in money. The reason for participating in this trial is just to learn from the experts.

"The Imperial Examination" gathered a large number of people of all kinds in this way.



Ogata followed Amachi and hurried towards the crowd in front of him.

After reaching the outermost part of the crowd, the two raised their heads and looked inside the crowd.

I saw a sedan chair at the bottom of the crowd.

Everyone just surrounds the sedan chair.

This sedan chair stopped in front of a magnificent mansion.

A few samurai dressed as guards guarded the sedan chair, not letting the people watching the excitement get close to the sedan chair.

Looking at the sedan chair, Ogata mumbled:

"Double waist driving cage... It seems that the person sitting in this sedan chair is from the Wu family..."

Japanese sedan chair is also called "driving cage".

People of different classes can use different sedan chairs.

The double-waisted driving cage is a sedan chair that only martial artists can use.

"What are everyone doing here?" Ah Ding turned his head and asked an uncle next to her, "Is there any big man in the cage? Why are everyone watching this cage?"

"There is no big man sitting in the cage." The uncle replied, "Did you see the big house?"

The cage stopped in front of the door of a majestic mansion, and the tree made a nuisance at the majestic mansion.

"This is the home of a Kibmoto warrior who has 7000 shis."

"The eldest son of this family married the eldest daughter of another Kachimoto warrior as his wife."

"Today is the day when these two families hold their wedding~lightnovelpub.net~the bride is sitting in the cage."

After listening to the uncle's explanation, A Ding's face showed a strong expression of interest.

He hurriedly deflected his gaze, focused his gaze on the sedan chair, and looked forward to and waited for the bride to come out of the sedan chair together with the people around.

A light curiosity appeared on Ogata's face at this time.

It's been more than a year since he came to the Edo period, but he hasn't seen a wedding in this era yet.

Ancient Japanese weddings are mainly divided into three types: weddings in front of gods, weddings in front of Buddha, and weddings in front of people.

There are many differences between these 3 types of weddings.

The biggest difference is that the wedding in front of the gods is held in the shrine, the wedding in front of the Buddha is held in front of the Buddha statue, and the wedding in front of the gods is held in the groom's home.

Compared with the wedding before the gods and the wedding before the Buddha, the process of the wedding before the people is much simpler.

The sedan chair taken by the bride stopped in front of the bridegroom's house—this looked like a pre-personal wedding.

Under the expectation of everyone, a samurai standing next to the sedan chair finally opened the door of the sedan chair.

A young woman dressed in white and flawlessly dressed in white, walked out of the sedan chair slowly along the opened sedan door.

Bai Wugou—the wedding gown worn by ancient Japanese women.

Since ancient times, Japan has believed that white is the color of sunlight and is sacred.

White and non-scaling white represents clean and non-scaling, and it also means that it can be dyed into various colors after entering the husband's house, and it means that it can be easily integrated into the husband's house.

The bride's face is lightly makeup, with the whiteness on her body, it looks extremely beautiful.

After the bride came out of the sedan chair, the crowd watching the exclamation immediately sounded one after another in exclamation.

After seeing the bride who finally appeared from the sedan chair, Ah Ding flashed a complicated and weird light in his eyes.