I Was a Swordsman in Ancient Japan

Chapter 371: Face the Treasure House Spear Technique!

Chapter 371 of the main body of the text against the Treasure House Spear Technique! [Breaking 1W2! 】

"Tao Fu Chin is... to feed back her hometown?" Ogata hesitated.

"That's right." Gua Sheng smiled. "The Taifu usually looks like a cold person, but everyone who knows her knows that she is a very kind person."

"I also like the gentle-natured husband."

"As far as I know, she seems to be saving money now, and she plans to build a house specifically responsible for receiving and caring for those wandering girls who cannot receive guests normally for various reasons."

"But if this matter is true or not, I don't know it."

"Miss Guasheng, are you having a good relationship with her?" Ogata asked aloud as he recalled the scene he encountered in the staying room today.

Ogata remembers staying in the room today, and Feng Chime took the initiative to take out her teacup and talked to Guasheng in a very familiar tone, asking Guasheng to help her pour a cup of tea.

"I and many of Yoshihara's wandering girls are actually very familiar." Gusheng laughed, "but her relationship with her is really good. She often asks me to eat all kinds of delicious food."

"Huh?" Just when Ogata wanted to say something to Guasheng, his brows suddenly tightened, then he turned his head and looked at the door, "Someone is coming."

Long years of wandering, Ogata has cultivated a vigilance far superior to others.

Especially for the sound of footsteps, it is extremely sensitive.

Hearing the sound of footsteps approaching this room, Ogata immediately raised his brows and looked at the door, his body's nerves began to tighten.


The paper sliding door was slowly opened.

The person who opened the door was Shiro Biebe, who had just met in the room today.

After seeing Shiro Hebei who came, Ogata's originally tense nerves slowly relaxed.

"Oh! Gu Shengjun, I finally found you. I have been looking for you for a long time."

"Sir Shiro Bingbei." Gusheng said, "What's the matter?"

"It's not a big deal." Shiro Biebe smiled with a strong helpless smile, "It's just that Rongju and Chuyue in the Lantern House quarreled."

"It seems that it was because Rong Ju suspected that Chu Yue had stolen her money."

"I remember that Gua Sheng and you have a very good relationship with the two of them. Can you please mediate?"

"I see." After Guasheng smiled bitterly, he picked up the wooden knife placed on the tatami mat on the side, and then stood up, "Mashima-kun, I will leave first."

"It is a very time-consuming task to mediate the quarrel between the wanderers."

"I should be unable to come back for a while."

"You can take a good rest here."

After that, Guasheng took her wooden sword and left Ogata's field of vision fiercely.

After Guasheng left, Ogata smiled bitterly and asked Shiro Hebei on the side:

"It turns out that even wandering girls quarrel, do we have to take care of it?"

"Of course." Shiro Heibei sat cross-legged across from Ogata, and laughed bitterly with Ogata, "Keeping Yoshihara's wandering girls in harmony-this is also one of our club's jobs."

"For me, compared to the samurai who made trouble in Yoshiwara, these wandering girls who quarreled over trivial matters are more annoying."

After making a small joke, Shiro Biebe slowly put away the joke on his face, moved his eyes, and looked up and down Ogata several times.

"I remember you are Majima Goro-kun, right?"

"Yeah." Ogata nodded, and gave a gentle salute to Shiroheibei in front of him, "Idakumoman, Goro Mashima."

"I didn't expect that you, who looked so ordinary, could speak such a fluent Chinese, and the accent sounded quite standard." Shiro Biebei smiled.

"In the temple room where I studied before, the teacher taught in it can speak Chinese, and the Chinese I learnt from my teacher." Ogata gave out the excuse he used to fool me today.

Because time was tight during the daytime today, Ogata did not have time to take a good look at Shiro Hei's appearance.

After Ogata suggested to Lin and others that he wanted to sneak into Yoshihara last night, Lin told Ogata that the current Shiro Heibei and Genichi of the club were old acquaintances.

After learning that the current Shiro Hei and Genichi were old acquaintances, Ogata was not surprised that he was miraculously...

Although Genichi usually doesn't say anything about his previous affairs, from the words in Genichi's usual words and the various behaviors of the day, Ogata can vaguely feel that Genichi should be a savage person before... …

Therefore, Ogata was not surprised at the fact that Yuanichi and Yoshihara's managers were old acquaintances.

Although Shiro Biebe is an old man with gray hair, his figure is not blessed.

The body is kind of lean.

Even just sitting there quietly, it constantly exudes a majestic aura.

"It's really rare to be able to speak such a proficient Chinese at such a young age."

Shiro Biebe continued to smile.

"You left early today, so I didn't see what happened to Takikawa-kun."

"After Mashima-kun, you and Guasheng left, Takigawa-kun stood there for a while, blushing, and left the staying house."

"Although Majima-kun is really happy about what you did today, I still suggest you to endure something like this in the future."

"Takikawa-kun is from Kimoto after all."

"For this kind of superior warrior, it is the best policy not to provoke him as much as possible."

Ogata couldn't help but laugh at Shiro Heibe's advice.

Although he is now wearing a personal leather mask, Ogata has never forgotten his true identity-the current most wanted criminal in the shogunate.

As the most wanted criminal in the shogunate, he was already an enemy in disguise with the samurai who belonged directly to the shogun like Kakimoto and Yukini.

That’s why Ogata doesn’t worry about offending any enemies—after all, the largest family in Japan: the Tokugawa family and its affiliated families are already his enemies. Ogata has long had more lice and it doesn't itch.

However, Shiro Biebe reminded Ogata so well after all, so after Shiro Biebe’s advice fell, Okina immediately saluted Shiro Biebe:

"Thank you for the reminder, I will pay more attention to it in the next day."

"Well, you just pay more attention in the future."

"Mashima-kun, you speak Chinese very well, have you considered that we will stay here to teach Chinese?"

"Huh?" A look of surprise appeared on Ogata's face.

"If you can speak Chinese, you can also attract bad visitors." Shiro Biebe laughed, "If Mashima-kun is interested in coming to our room to teach, I will be very welcome."

"Anyway—you can think about it later."

After that, Shiro Biebe stood up from the tatami.

"I have something to do, so I'll leave first."

"Yeah. Please go slowly. Regarding the matter of coaching in the room-I will carefully consider it in the next day."

Shiro Bingbei came to this room only to find Gusheng to mediate the quarrel between the two Yuu girls.

Therefore, after chatting casually with Ogata, Shiro Biebe withdrew from the room.

As Shiro Biebe left, only Ogata remained in the room.

Without the chat partner, Ogata simply leaned against the corner and took a nap.

After sleeping until the sun went down and the night began to cover the sky, Ogata opened his eyes on time.

After stretching vigorously, Ogata picked up Oshaten, who was placed aside, put on the special Haori of the Shirobei club, stepped out of the room, and then walked outside the club.

Out of the gate of the clubhouse, Okinawa saw the sky that was almost dark, and the lanterns that had been lit up everywhere in Yoshihara.

As night fell, Yoshihara seemed to have been unlocked, and more and more people began to rush towards Yoshihara.

As soon as he walked out of the gate of the clubhouse, Xu Jian saw a person he knew beside the gate of the clubhouse.

"Kawajiro-sama." Ogata took the initiative to greet this person, "What are you doing?"

The person Ogata knew was the old man Kawajiro he met when he came to the club early this morning, who had worked in the club for most of his life.

Kawajiro is now standing by the gate of the clubhouse, stretching his waist and shoulders.

"Oh! It's you." Kawajiro smiled after seeing Ogata as the visitor. "I've been dealing with various documents in the clubhouse just now, and I was a little tired, so I just went outside the clubhouse and stretched out my muscles and bones by blowing air. "

"Are you here to work? I didn't expect to come on time."

"This is my first time working after all." Ogata said in a half-joking tone, "Of course I have to put up a lot of energy."

"Kawajiro, tonight is my first day of work, what kind of work do you want to assign to me?"

"Let me think about it... Your job is to maintain Yoshihara's law and order, so just keep patrolling."

"Nakanomachi is the most crowded place, and it is also the place that should be guarded the most. Mashima-kun, you should patrol here first."


After happily responding, Ogata held the sword at his waist and left from the gate of the clubhouse, and walked towards Nakanomachi, where the flow of people in front was gradually increasing.

Patrolling in Nakanomachi, which is connected to the gate of Yoshihara, is exactly what Ogata intended.

After all, the real purpose of Ogata's visit to Yoshihara was to monitor Gokutaro, who would come to Yoshihara every night to find pleasure, and try to get some useful information from him.

Patrolling in Nakanomachi, which is connected to the gate of Yoshihara, is just a good way for Ogata to notice in time Gokutaro, who will come to Yoshihara at any time.

Haori dedicated to the Shiro Biebe Club—this dress is really an artifact in Yoshiwara.

Wearing it, not only won't you be troubled by the soliciting people in all the girls' houses, some passers-by will also give you their way automatically.

Just when Ogata wandered aimlessly in the first half of Nakanomachi, keeping his attention at the gate of Yoshihara--

"That... Excuse me..."

An unfamiliar voice suddenly came from his side.

"Huh?" Ogata followed the prestige, and saw that the speaker was a man dressed as a world-famous man.

Looking at the man who stood beside him, several black lines appeared on Ogata's face.

"Did you see this Haori on me?" Ogata shook his upper body, the clubhouse dedicated Haori, "You don't want me as a club staff member to find pleasure at this time. Right?"

"No, no, no!" said Jian Shifan hastily, "you misunderstood! I'm not here to solicit customers!"

"I'm the Kansai Fan of Meiwu."

"Are you Majima Goro-sama?"

"Huh?" Ogata raised his eyebrows, "I am. How do you know my name?"

Ogata's left hand subconsciously put the saber scabbard on his left waist.

"I'm here to send a message, and Mrs. Wind Chime said he wants to see you."

"...Huh? Who wants to see me?"

"Fu Chime." The name Jian Shifan repeated the name, "Please come with me, and I will take you to the plum house."

"Tao Fu Chime is looking for me?" Ogata widened his eyes. "What is she looking for me for?"

As far as Ogata knows-he and Kazutao should barely be regarded as the intersection of mutual known names.

"Specifically, I don't know." The name Jian Shifan smiled bitterly. "The wife only told me that she won't take up too much time for you. I hope you can meet her by all means. She has something for you. "

"...I see." After thinking for a while, Ogata nodded, "Take me there. Move fast, I want to go back as soon as possible."

"Yes, please follow me."



The thing that Gua Sheng hates the most is to help the wandering girls persuade them to fight.

Because the wandering girls always quarrel for all kinds of weird reasons.

It often takes a lot of time and energy to reconcile these things.

For example, Gua Sheng just reconciled Rong Ju and Chu Yue in the Lantern House, and it took an unknown amount of time.

When I entered the lantern house, it was still daytime.

When I left the lantern house, it was night.

Seeing that the sky was already dark, Gusheng simply started today's work, and coordinated with a few colleagues who happened to be patrolling near the lantern house, together with them, began a purposeless carpet patrol in Yoshihara.

Guasheng led her colleagues on patrols along the roads of Yoshihara, and her thoughts unknowingly drifted to the newcomer who is not yet working-that is, Ogata.

——I don’t know if Mashima-kun is working hard now...

Just when Guasheng was concerned about whether Ogata had started his first day of work, Guasheng's Yu Guang suddenly caught a glimpse of a colleague wearing a clubhouse dedicated Yuori who was hurriedly running towards her.

"Miss Gusheng! It's not good! See the samurai in front of Umeya's shop!"

"Is it the samurai making trouble again..." Gusheng frowned, muttering in an extremely unpleasant tone.

When he received the news that someone was making trouble in front of the Meiwu shop, Guasheng happened to be leading a few colleagues around the Meiwu patrol.

Holding the wooden knife at her waist and leading several colleagues who had just been patrolling with her, Guasheng happened to see the crowd giving up a circular vacant land when they quickly rushed to the door of Meiwu's shop.

In the center of this circular open space, two samurai were facing each other.

These two samurai are old and young.

The younger samurai was about 20 years old, with a childish look on his face, holding a wooden knife in his hand.

The older samurai should be over 40 years old, wearing a white haori on his upper body, and holding a long spear without the hood in his hand.

There were already a lot of onlookers watching the excitement around the two warriors. And this number is still increasing.

As the only female servant in the Shiro Bingbei Clubhouse, Guasheng is one of Yoshihara's celebrities. It is impossible for anyone in the Yugoslavia to recognize Guasheng.

Seeing that the melon was born, the few people who were in charge of soliciting customers from Meiwu greeted him immediately.

"Miss Gusheng! Please..."

Before these few Jianshifan had finished speaking, Gua Sheng raised his hand to signal that they didn't need to say more.

Gua Sheng used his **** to think about it, knowing what these Meiwu people are going to say.

They must be saying things like "Please be sure to drive these 2 samurai away."

The two samurai fought in front of the shop where they met Umeya, which would naturally have a great impact on their business at Umeya.

"Please rest assured. We will settle this dispute as soon as possible."

After giving the reassurances to these Meiwu Jianshifans, Guasheng turned his head and ordered the colleagues who rushed to the scene of the disturbance with her:

"You guys go to straighten the road and drive away those who watch the excitement. Then divide the road into two halves and guide the pedestrians to pass on the other half of the road!"

"Yes!" After these colleagues of Guasheng responded in unison, they took up the long wooden sticks in their hands, went to clear the passage, and drove away the onlookers who blocked the road one by one.

When Guasheng ordered her colleagues to evacuate, the two samurai who had been confronting each other and looking for suitable fighters finally moved.

It was the young samurai holding a wooden sword that launched the first strike.

The young samurai held up the wooden sword in his hand, and while expressing an aura that was fairly imposing, he quickly rushed towards the middle-aged samurai in front of him.

Faced with the young samurai rushing towards him, the middle-aged samurai with a spear was not afraid.

Without even moving his footsteps, he only turned the spear in his hand and blocked the young samurai's path.

Then he thrust the spear forward, and the tip of the spear accurately hit the young warrior's chest.

However, because the holster of the middle-aged samurai's gun head was not pulled out, the young samurai would not die even if he had a shot in the chest.

But-it just won't die.

With such a heavy blow in the chest, it would never feel good even if he didn't die.

The young samurai let out a low pain, and fell heavily to the ground after backing a few steps.

Although he planned to get up, after struggling a few times, the wit of his head was no match for the pain in his chest-he passed out.

After the middle-aged warrior stabbed the young warrior with a beautiful shot, a young man who had been standing by just now cheered and rushed to the side of the middle-aged warrior.

The young man was also carrying a spear on his back, and he was wearing a white haori of the same style as the middle-aged warrior.

"Master! Great! You won!" The young man shouted in reverence after running to the side of the middle-aged warrior.

Based on the name the young man gave to the middle-aged warrior, as well as the clothes they wear and the weapons they used, it is not difficult to infer that they should be masters and apprentices.

"Hahaha!" The middle-aged warrior raised his hand and patted the young man on the back, and then let out a bold laugh, "Of course! How could it be possible for a teacher to lose to this young man who hasn't even swung the sword a few times? Yeah! Hongji, let's go!"

Just when this middle-aged samurai was carrying his spear in one hand and his apprentice’s shoulder in the other, he was about to go away--

"Please wait a minute!"

Guasheng, who was standing not far from the pair of masters and apprentices, shouted at the two of them.

"Huh?" The middle-aged samurai looked at Gua Sheng following the sound.

"Private fighting is strictly prohibited in Yoshihara!" Gu Sheng said solemnly.

"Um... that-- may you be?" the middle-aged samurai asked.

"I'm the melon show at the Shiro Bingbei Club!"

"Shiro Bingbei Clubhouse? What is that?" The middle-aged samurai was puzzled.

"Master..." The young man who was being put on his shoulders by the middle-aged samurai pulled the sleeves of the middle-aged samurai, "have you forgotten? Didn't I just introduce it to you? The Shiro Bingbei Club is responsible for it. The organization that manages Yoshihara."

"Oh! Hearing you say this, I just remembered it!"

After the middle-aged warrior cleared his throat, he shouted to Gua Sheng:

"Little girl, the private fight just now was not initiated by our master and apprentice."

"My apprentice and I just wanted to come to Yoshihara to stroll around and see what'Edo's City That Never Sleeps' looks like."

"It turned out to be a good stroll, and suddenly I ran into this guy."

The middle-aged samurai made a slur at the young samurai who had fainted lying not far away.

"That guy said that he is doing ‘Warrior Cultivation’. Since traveling, he has never played against a spear expert, so he said he wanted to fight me."

"My apprentice and I happen to be also engaged in the'martial practice'. Since there are similar people who come to invite the battle, there is naturally no reason to refuse."

"Then I competed with him, and then I shot him down."

"So in the final analysis, it's that guy's fault. That guy provoked this private fight."

"So if you want to catch that guy."

As soon as the middle-aged samurai finished his explanation, Gua Sheng shook his head without any hesitation:

"Our Yoshihara's rule is: no matter who initiated the private fight, all those involved in the private fight must be taken away. Punishments are based on the severity of the private fight."

"You didn't kill anyone, so just pay a fine and stay in the prison of our club for a few days."

"So please cooperate obediently..."

Before Gu Sheng had finished speaking, the middle-aged samurai said in an extremely unpleasant tone:

"Huh? Live in jail? I don't want it!"

"This is our Yoshihara's rules." Gusheng said in a much harsher tone than before, "Please cooperate with us obediently!"

After all, in order to strengthen his deterrence, Gua Sheng raised his hand to hit the knife on his left waist.

"It's really troublesome..." The middle-aged samurai raised his hand and rubbed his hair. "If I knew Yoshihara's so many troublesome rules, I would fight that guy outside Yoshihara."

"Anyway, hurry up and follow us to the clubhouse." Gusheng said, who was already a little impatient. "The prison of our Shiro Bingbei clubhouse is much cleaner than other prisons. If you lock you for a few days, you will be released. from."

"Let me confirm-I should be the only one who needs to go to prison, right?"

"That's right." Guasheng nodded blankly, "Because you are the only one involved in the private fight."

"That's easy to say." The middle-aged samurai stretched vigorously. "My apprentice will still participate in the'Private Trial Combination' afterwards. If the imprisonment affects my participation in the'Private Trial Combination' afterwards."

"If I were the only one to go to jail, I wouldn't mind going to jail for a few days."

Seeing that the middle-aged samurai was easier to talk than he thought, Gua Sheng's expression on his original tightness also relaxed a little at this time.

"Then, please obediently come with us to our clubhouse..."

Gua Sheng's words were not finished yet, and the middle-aged samurai's words immediately made Gua Sheng's brows frowned.

"I actually have a question." The middle-aged samurai looked up and down Gusheng several times. "Is Edo originally such an open place? Can even women be officials?"

"I'm not an official official in the clubhouse." Gua Sheng said sternly, "I was hired by the clubhouse with private money...it can be said to be a thug. In the official establishment of the government, there is no my name."

"Oh! That's it! Then you would be hired as a thug by the club, so you must be very good?"

"Just so-so. Don't dare to call yourself'awesome'."

"Hehe." The middle-aged samurai grinned, "Since I started the'Warrior Cultivation', I have never played against a skilled woman."

"Little girl, you can compete with me."

"Huh?" Gua Sheng frowned deeper.

"I just said that, right? I'm doing a ‘Warrior Cultivation’ with my apprentice now."

"It's not my style to not compete against a type that I haven't played against before."

"Don't worry, no matter if I win or lose, I will enter the prison of your club obediently!"

The middle-aged samurai slowly lowered the spear he was carrying on his shoulders, holding it with both hands, and pointed the tip of the spear with the hood at the melon.

"feed me……"

When Gua Sheng was about to say something--

"Treasure House Spear Technique! Ishida Hiroshi! Participate!"

As the shouting fell, the tip of the gun with the hood of the gun rapidly zoomed in within Gusheng's field of vision.



Edo, Yoshihara, Tachibana (located diagonally across from Mi Ume).

"Master Nagano! Master Nagano!" a young samurai lying by the window shouted to a middle-aged man who was sitting not far away.

"What's the matter?" The middle-aged man called Nagano asked the young samurai while handing the glass to the Yuu girl beside him to pour himself, "Did you find Genichi Kinoshita?"

"No Genichi Kinoshita was found! It's just that someone seems to be fighting outside!"

"Oh?" Nagano's face flashed a little curiously, "I remember Yoshihara is not forbidden to fight on the street?"

"It seems that the officer of Shiro Bingbei Club was fighting with other people!"

Nagano walked slowly to the window, holding a glass full of drinks, and looked down.

They are now on the second floor of the Tachibana House, which is located diagonally across from Mi Ume House.

So Nagano and the others only need to look down, and they can see a man and a woman fighting at the entrance of the Meiya shop.

The petite woman wore the Haori of the Shirobei Club, wielding a wooden sword, and fought hard against the spear stabbed by the middle-aged samurai on the opposite side.

After looking at the middle-aged samurai holding a spear, Nagano's mouth twitched:

"Although Genichi Kinoshita didn't find it, he did find an old acquaintance."

"Master Nagano." asked the young samurai who had informed Nagano that there was a fight outside. "Who is that person?"

"The name of the person holding the spear is Hiroshi Ishida, who is the heir of the Treasure House's spear technique."

"He is a very troublesome person. Whenever he meets a master, or someone who uses a weapon or martial arts genre he has never seen before, he will want to compete."

"The invitation to fight with others has always been always the case."

"It's a typical person who is obsessed with'technical advancement'."

"At this point, he is very similar to Genichi Kinoshita."

"When I was also doing'Warrior Cultivation', I met him on a narrow road and competed with him."

"His spear is quite tricky, and I just won the match with him by a narrow margin."

"I haven't seen him for so long, his spear skills must have improved a lot."

"But it's really strange, how come Ishida and others come to places like Yoshihara."

"Huh?" The young samurai standing next to Nagano was puzzled. "What's wrong with the appearance of the senior who used Treasure House's spear technique in Yoshiwara?"

"You don't know what kind of person Ishida is. After you know what kind of person Ishida is, you will think that Ishida will appear in Yoshihara. It is very strange."

After shaking his head with a wry smile, Nagano raised the glass in his hand and took a sip of the drink.

"Okay, let's not talk more about Ishida, let's concentrate on watching the battle."

"In my opinion, this should be a very exciting battle."

After all, Nagano held the wine glass in his hand and quietly watched the battle between the wooden sword and the spear under the window.



When this middle-aged samurai who called himself Ishida Hiroshitsu suddenly pierced the melon with his spear, melon immediately drew out the wooden knife from his waist like a conditioned reflex, and opened the head of Ishida's spear.

"Oh!" Ishida grinned, "Response quickly! Not bad, not bad!"

"Miss Gusheng!", "Miss Gusheng! Let's help you!", "Hey! Uncle you! Miss Gusheng hasn't agreed to fight you yet!"...

After Ishida suddenly attacked Melon with a gun, some officials in the nearby clubs condemned Ishida angrily and raised the long wooden stick in their hands, expressing that they would help Melon.

But Gua Sheng shouted to them:

"You guys don't come here."

"It's too narrow here. If you come together, it will only be counterproductive."

In order to ensure that the road is not blocked by the crowd, Gua Sheng has sent some colleagues to drive away the crowd watching the lively onlookers, and divided the road into two halves by building a human wall.

Half of the road is used for the passage of passers-by, and Gua Sheng and the others settle the dispute on the other half of the road.

Because the space for activities is only half the width of a street, and the weapons used by officials in other clubs are long wooden sticks, if you swarm up in such a narrow place and deal with this Ishida together, it will hinder each other, and maybe even Will hurt yourself.

After asking the officials around him not to come over and interfere with each other, Gu Sheng calmly raised the wooden knife in his hand.

"...I hate people like you the most." Gusheng said solemnly.

"Oh? Do you hate people like me who use spears?"

"No, I hate you people who change their way to force them to compete with you in order to compete with others."

"It reminds me of some very unpleasant memories."

"Since you want to fight with me, then I will accompany you in a good fight. I just take advantage of this opportunity to accumulate the experience of facing enemies with long weapons."

After that, the gloomy Gusheng slowly lowered the center of gravity of his body and set the posture in the lower right section.

"I flow! Melon Shengxiu! Participate!"

At the next moment when the voice fell, Gu Sheng relied on strong leg strength, and rushed towards Ishida at a swift speed as if disappearing from the place, and went straight to Ishida.

At the moment when his wooden knife could touch Ishida, Gusheng turned the wooden knife in his hand, and then pierced Ishida's chest.

However, Ishida's pupils shrank suddenly, and quickly retreated a few steps, widening the distance between himself and Gusheng, then swung his spear and opened Gusheng's wooden knife with the barrel of the gun.

Seeing that his assault failed to work, Guasheng let out an unhappy "tsk" sound, adjusted his posture, and attacked Ishida in front of him again.

Gua Sheng's height is only 1.43 meters.

The height of Ishida is about 1.65 meters.

The height difference between the two is more than 20 meters, and the weapon Ishida uses is a long spear that is much longer than a wooden knife.

He was already much taller than Guasheng, coupled with this big spear, so that Ishida's attack range was several times wider than Guasheng's.

Gua Sheng knew that she had an absolute disadvantage in this competition.

Therefore, the chance of victory she can think of is to stick to Ishida, try to shorten the distance between the two to a short distance as much as possible, and then look for a chance to defeat the enemy with one blow on this basis.

And Ishida's various performances revealed that he is not a person lacking actual combat experience.

He quickly saw Gua Sheng's attempt, relying on his advantage of attack distance to prevent Gua Sheng from getting close.

While not allowing Gua Sheng to get close, he continued to use various powerful and heavy stabbings, forcing Gua Sheng to escape or struggling to open his gun, so as to consume Gua Sheng’s physical strength and bully because it is a daughter, so Physical strength is a big shortcoming.

No matter how good the swordsmanship is, it is useless if you can't cut the opponent.

Although Guasheng had managed to get close to her sword within the distance of Ishida for several times, all her attacks were avoided or fended off by Ishida.

While Guasheng's attack failed to work, Ishida's attack also failed to hit Guasheng.

Gusheng is like a sensitive cat, relying on extremely high agility, flashing every shot that Ishida stabbed one by one.

No one can do anything about it-the two have formed such a weird stalemate.

After swapping offense and defense for more than ten rounds, and the winner was still undecided, Ishida suddenly put away his spear.

"Ah, stop fighting, stop fighting!" Ishida waved his hand and shouted while putting away the spear.

"Huh?" I raised my eyebrows with some rapid breathing, "Don't you continue to fight?"

"Because I just want to experience what it's like to compete with a skilled female swordsman." Ishida grinned, "After the experience, of course I don't want to fight again."

"It's much boring than I thought!"

"If female swordsmen are as good at dodge as you are, it would be boring!"

"Compared to someone like you who is good at dodge, I prefer the opponent who can head-to-head with me!"

Gua Sheng didn't care what this guy felt after the test with her.

Seeing that Ishida didn't seem to have any desire to continue the fight, Gu Sheng also slowly put down the wooden sword in his hand.

"Since you don't want to fight anymore. Then please keep the promise you just said-after comparing with me, regardless of victory or defeat, you will obediently follow us to the club."

"That won't work." Ishida shook his head, "I just fought a boring battle, and now it makes me feel aggrieved."

"I want to fight one more time! I'll go to the club with you after playing comfortably!"

"Does your Shiro Bingbei club have any better players?"

"It's best to be the one that can head to head with me."

"Hey! You are endless!" Guasheng yelled extremely unpleasantly, "Our Shiro Bingwei Club is not responsible for being your sparring partner!"

"Can't you pick another master to fight with me?" Ishida said in a nonchalant tone, "If you don't fight Shu Chang, I won't accompany you to the club willingly."

Looking at the rebellious Ishida, Guasheng's face turned dark again.

Just when Gua Sheng slowly lifted the wooden knife in his hand--

"Um... Am I coming early or late?"

A sound familiar to Gua Sheng suddenly sounded behind Gua Sheng.


Gua Sheng Xunsheng looked back-I saw Ogata, who was breathing a little short, standing not far behind her.



When Ogata walked slowly toward Guasheng, Guasheng asked Ogata:

"Mashima-kun, why are you here?"

"That..." Ogata glanced at Umeya not far away subconsciously. "For some reason, I happened to be nearby..."

"After discovering that there seemed to be a disturbance here, I rushed over immediately."

"Am I coming early or late now?"

"Mashima-kun..." Guasheng said in a helpless tone, "Since you were near the plum house just now, it's not too soon or too late for your speed, but you still have to come as soon as possible in the future."

"Sorry... I will try my best to speed up in the future."

"Oh oh oh. One step, may you be?"

"Huh?" Ogata said to the owner of the strange male voice who suddenly asked him about his name—that is, Ishida who was standing opposite him and Guasheng.

"At Shimo Majima Goro."

"Shooting spear in the Lower Treasure House, Hiroshi Ishida!"

After putting the spear in his hand on his shoulders, Ishida moved his gaze and looked up and down Ogata several times again, and then—

"Since you wear a sword on your waist, you should be a samurai!"

After licking his lower lip, Ishida put down the spear he was carrying on his shoulders, and pointed the tip of the spear without the hood removed at Ogata.

"Since you are a samurai, your strength should be better than the officials next to them who don't even have a sword on their waist?"

"Then you! One step, please have a try with me!"

"After a happy match, I will go to the club with you obediently!"

"Hey!" Guasheng gritted his teeth, "You just said that as long as you finish a fight with me, you will go to the clubhouse with us obediently? Are you still a samurai if you go back and forth?"

Ishida turned a deaf ear to Gusheng's shout.

While Ogata was still looking at him suspiciously, Ishida shook his hand suddenly.

? The long spear is sent forward and stabs Ogata.

This is Ishida's unsatisfactory strategy-when you want to compete with someone, as long as you launch a hastily attack on him, there is a high probability of angering the other party, and then you can compete with him.

After taking a step back in the direction of Ou, after avoiding Ishida's stabbing, he looked at the opposite Ishida with slightly squinted eyes.

"Although I don't know what you want to do, I don't have much time to learn from you slowly. If you want to learn from each other, you can find someone else."

"That won't work!" Ishida yelled, "I will not give up unless I have a good match with him after I run into the subject of the competition!"

"If you don't fight with me, I will keep bothering you!"

After that, Ishida shook his hand, and once again stabbed the spear in Ogata.

After avoiding the spear stabbed by Ishida again, Ogata sighed lightly.

Ogata actually saw this kind of people several times after he left Hirose.

Either for the purpose of improving martial arts, or simply to enjoy the feeling of fighting with others, when you meet someone who seems to be very strong, you will change the way to ask the other party to compete with yourself.

This kind of martial infatuation was quite common in the Warring States period when there was ample martial arts.

The typical representative is Miyamoto Musashi who was active in the late Sengoku period and early Edo period.

According to various legends, Miyamoto Musashi is such a martial idiot.

Will be like an annoying spirit, and will not hesitate to resort to various means to force others to fight against themselves.

Of course-this is just Miyamoto Musashi in the legendary anecdote.

Whether Miyamoto Musashi in historical facts is like this is not known.

When he first left the Hirose clan and wandered aimlessly, Ogata had also met several such unreasonable martial idiots, who kept pestering Ogata and asked Ogata to compete with them.

"……I know."

After letting out another light sigh, Ogata raised his right hand and pulled out Dashaten from his waist.

"I don't have that much time, so make a quick decision."

Because Ishida's holster had not been removed, Ogata also turned Dashaten in his hand, turned his sword back against the enemy, and then held Dashaten with one hand with his right hand, putting on a proper middle posture.

"Huh?" Ishida raised his eyebrows, "With one step, can't you use your left hand? Why do you hold a knife with one hand?"

\\Mi\\mi reading\\\\!

"Because this is not a death fight," Ogata said in a calm tone, "So if I use two hands, I'm afraid I won't be able to control it well."

"Hahaha!" Ishida laughed a few times, "I'm afraid that he can't control his strength with his hands? He seems to be a very funny person at the first step! Forget it, it doesn't matter what happens! Let's get started!"

"Treasure House Spear Technique! Ishida Hiroshi! Participate!"

"Is Treasure House Flowing Spear Technique...I have seen a lot of enemies who use long weapons, but this is the first time I have encountered those who use Treasure House Flowing Spear Technique..." muttered so quietly at a volume that only oneself can hear After a sentence, Ogata slowly lowered his focus.

"Gumu's swordsmanship, Goro Mashima, join in."



at the same time--

The second floor of the Tachibana House not far away-

"Huh." Nagano let out a sneer, "I haven't seen it for so long, this Ishida is still the same, loves to compete with others."

"In order to be able to compete with others, I don't care about anything."

"One virtue with that Kinoshita Gen."

"It's incredible that someone with his character can live till now."

"Master Nagano," the young man standing next to Nagano asked, "That young man has a knife in one hand..."

Nagano slowly moved his gaze to Ogata, who was holding the sword in one hand.

"I really don't know if this young man has grown up, or is really confident." Nagano whispered, "Even holding a knife in one hand..."

Speaking of this, Nagano smiled and shook his head.

"If you use a knife with one hand, if you don't have enough power, you won't be able to break the bone even if you cut the meat."



Ogata only held a sword in his right hand, in a decent middle posture, confronting Ishida on the opposite side.

Looking at Ogata in front of him, Ishida, who was still smiling, slowly disappeared at this time.

His expression gradually became serious.

Because he found out--he couldn't find Ogata's flaws.

Ogata, who held a sword in one hand, obviously had to expose far more flaws than a sword in both hands.

However, Ogata is like a mountain, rooted in the ground, standing tall, without the slightest flaw.

No matter how Ishida waits or changes his position, there is no time to attack.

A drop of sweat began to flow from Ishida's forehead, and then slid down his cheek.

Compared to Ishida, whose expression has changed dramatically, on Ogata's side, there is no change in expression.

From the time he pulled out Taishaten to the present, Ogata's expression has always been expressionless.

I've always looked at Ishida on the opposite side with the appearance of Gujing Wubo.

After realizing that no matter how much he waited, he might not be able to wait for Ogata to reveal his flaws, Ishida yelled and swept his spear toward Ogata.

Ishida intends to take the initiative to induce Ogata's flaws.

Treasure House's spear technique is one of the most famous spear technique genres. It has the reputation of "a thorn is a growth spear, a cut is a razor, and a cut is a hook and sickle".

Whether it is a stab or a slash, the Treasure House's Spear Technique is extremely powerful.

The tip of the gun traversed a beautiful arc and swept it towards Ogata's abdomen.

Although the hood of the gun was not removed, if the abdomen received this blow, even if he wouldn't die, he would definitely have to lie on the bed for a while.

Ogata did not dodge or dodge the gun head swept toward his belly, nor did he change his posture in any way.

He only squinted his eyes and glanced at the position of the gun head.


Sakurahara One Sword Flow·Water Fall!

Holding Ogata Shakuten with only his right hand, one-handed sword transport ~lightnovelpub.net~ to greet Ishida's gun head.


There was a deafening impact.

Ishida's spear head held in mid-air for only a moment, before being bounced off by Ogata's sword.

——————! ! !

After Ogata flicked the head of Ishida's gun with one hand, Ishida himself, the melon on the side, the officials of the nearby clubhouse, and Nagano who watched the battle on the second floor of the Tachibana House not far away all looked surprised.

"This guy..." Nagano almost couldn't hold the glass in his hand, "You can break a bone with one hand...!"

After firing Ishida's spear on a knife stand, Ou slammed forward and slammed toward Ishida like an arrow from the string.

Ishida subconsciously wanted to retract the spear for defense.

However-just now Ogata’s huge force generated by opening his spear with a knife rack passed along the barrel of the spear to the palms of his hands, which shook his hands.

Because of this, Ishida's movements were half a beat slow, and he failed to retrieve the spear in time.

Ogata, who successfully rushed in front of Ishida, put Oshaten in his hand on Ishida's neck.

"How?" Ogata, still looking calm, whispered towards Ogata who was close at hand, "Are you playing comfortably now?"



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The spear technique in the treasure house is a real spear technique in history. Those who are interested can go to Baidu.

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