I Was a Swordsman in Ancient Japan

Chapter 382: Yamada Asemon【here

Latest website: This morning I discussed with the editor about the serialization of special codes.

I actually don't really want to put the special code at the end of the chapter, so that not only does it seem inconvenient for book friends, but it is also inconvenient for me to manage it myself.

So after discussion with the editor, I later decided to serialize long-form special episodes like "Legendary Adventures of Juggernaut and Wind Demon" in "Work Related".

In other words, proceed to [free serialization].

It should be an ecstasy for those who like the special episode (laughs)

However, the frequency of updates outside the special program is naturally extremely variable.

I also only write two pens occasionally when I am on a whim.

Some book friends expressed a loss in the previous chapter because they were not so interested in the extras, but were forced to spend money to subscribe.

I think they make a lot of sense, this pot is mine.

I'm very sorry, but those who don't want to watch the special code are forced to watch the special code.

So in order to compensate everyone, I have one more chapter today.

This chapter is about 4000 words (the same length as the special code in the previous chapter), and you can relax [free].

Wow, I am really a conscientious author (laughs).

Not only decided to serialize the extra code for free, but also publish the text for free.

Please see that for the sake of my conscience, please vote for me more!




Hasegawa said solemnly.

"Is it really determined? Shiranui Ri plans to send one of the'Four Heavenly Kings' Gitaro to participate in the'Gozen Test Combination'."

Sakura nodded.

"I have confirmed it repeatedly."

"In order to restore the image damaged since the'Nijo Castle Incident' in Kyoto, and to prove their strength in Shiranui to the shogun and other people in the shogunate, Shiranui has decided to send their Shiranui to participate in the'Gozen Test Combination'."

"Their goal is very simple-to win the first place in the'Imperial Test Combination' martial arts test."

"Let everyone know the strength of their ninja in Shiranui."

After being silent for a while, Hasegawa sighed lightly.

"Unexpectedly... Shiranui really planned to add a kick in the "Prince Test Combination"..."

"I never thought that they actually planned to use this method to restore their image damaged by the'Nijo Castle Incident.'"

Sakura let out a sneer.

"They are now in desperate medical conditions. Although their Balrog was named Banner and became a direct minister of General Shogun a while ago, there are still many people who are extremely dissatisfied with Shiranui."

"Including the old man himself, he also criticized Shiranui's ugliness in Kyoto."

"If you don't think of a way to save the image quickly, they might really be abandoned by the shogunate."

"Since it has been determined that Shiranuiri intends to add a kick to the'Prince Test Combination', then we can't ignore it."

"In any case, we must destroy Shiranui's attempt in the'Gozen Test Combination'! Let Shiranui's plan to win the first name in the martial arts test and restore their image to failure!"

"...Sakura-sama." Hasegawa put his hands around his chest, "Are you really going to fight Shiranui to the end?"

"Of course." Sakura said without thinking, "I hate ninjas the most."

"As for Shiranui, I hate it even more."

"As for the cruel systems in Shiranui, you should have heard of Hasegawa-sama too?"

"...I have heard of it." Hasegawa nodded.

"Of course, the dislike of ninjas-this is just one of the small reasons why I have to fight Shiranui to the end, and single-mindedly want to destroy Shogun-sama's inclusion of Shiranui."

"Master Hasegawa, I have never told you before. I will now give you a little bit of inside information about Shiranui."

Sakura picked up the teacup on the side and drank a sip of tea, then washed Hasegawa and said in a deep voice:

"Hasegawa-sama, do you know why Shogun-sama wanted to include Shiranui?"

"Not very clear." Hasegawa shook his head, "I am just a military officer, and I don't know much about these twists and turns."

"Many people in the shogunate know the reason why Shogun-sama wanted to include Shiranuiri."

"It's just that everyone dare not say it clearly..."

Sakura stretched out three fingers.

"For three purposes."

"The first purpose-to supplement the existing combat power of the shogunate."

"The second purpose is to monitor and collect intelligence on the Lucia country that has frequently extended its hands to Ezo land in recent times."

"As for the third purpose..."

Sakura's face slowly sank.

"It was to monitor the hundreds of civil and military officials in the shogunate, as well as to monitor the shogunate such as Satsuma and Changshu, who were at odds with the shogunate.

Hearing what Sakura said, Hasegawa's brow suddenly jumped.

"Master Hasegawa, I wonder if you know Tang Tu's Jin Yiwei."

"Of course." Hasegawa responded without hesitation.

"Jin Yiwei is a special guard of the perished Ming country. One of its main responsibilities is to help the emperor monitor the civil and military officials."

"Shogun-sama intends to imitate Mingguo's system and let the ninjas in Shiranui become his "jinyiwei"."

Sakura's face became heavier.

"If Shiranui is included only for the purpose of monitoring the Kingdom of Lucia, and the feudal vassals such as Satsuma and Nagasu, then I will say nothing, and I will definitely welcome the arrival of the ninjas in Shiranui."

"But while monitoring foreign countries and Xiongfan, if you also follow us by the way...I can't bear it anymore."

"Master Hasegawa, can you imagine what it would be like if the ninjas in Shiranui were used to monitor us?"

"Everything we say and do will be monitored."

"There may be a ninja in Shiranui hiding on the ceiling of the house."

"I don't want to live a life of being watched by a ninja sometime."

"This is the main reason why I have to fight Shiranui to the end."

"Many people, including me, racked their brains, thinking about how to get Shiranui out of Edo."

"And this'Imperial Examination Combination'-is a great opportunity."

The corners of Sakura's mouth curled up slightly, revealing a smile.

"Since Shiranui intends to restore their image by winning the first name in the martial arts test of the'Imperial Test Combination', then we will prevent them from getting the first name!"

"As long as this plan of Shiranui can be defeated, we can take the opportunity to attack their ninjas for nothing, and further combat Shiranui's image in the minds of the generals and other people who support Shiranui, and isolate Shiranui! "

"The'Imperial Examination' was personally organized by the old master."

"Even if it's me, there is no way to get rid of it."

"Therefore, the only way we can choose is to send one or more powerful people to participate in the'Prince Test Combination', so that they can defeat Gokutaro, so that Gokutaro can't get the first name in the'Martial Test'."

"So-back to our original topic."

"Master Hasegawa, are you willing to help me to sabotage Shiranui's attempt in the "Gozen Test Combination" in Shiranui?"

"Your Husbandry Thief Reformer has a large number of talents, both powerful and experienced, such as the crucian carp who crosses the river."

"In terms of strength, the elites with rich combat experience under your command are much better than the samurai who can only wield the'Dojo Sword' now!"

"Across Edo, there are powerful subordinates under his command, and the only person I can trust is Hasegawa."

"I hope you can send several powerful subordinates under your command to participate in the'Prince Test Combination' and defeat Gokutaro."

"How? Are you willing to cooperate with us?"

Hasegawa did not immediately respond to Sakura.

Instead, he put his arms around his chest, lowered his head slightly, and remained silent.

Looking at Hasegawa who was silent, Sakura frowned slowly.

"Master Hasegawa, you should have heard what I said just now? If Shiranui got out of Edo, there would be only good and no harm to you as the chief of the fire thief."

"You don't want to live a life where you will be watched by the ninjas in Shiranui sometime, right?"

"...Sakura-sama." Hasegawa sighed. "You and I have been friends for many years, so I won't hide it from you. I am not that way about trying to get Shiranui from Edo. Passionate."

"Although Shiranui can get out of Edo, it would be good for me, but I don't really want to participate in these complicated political struggles."

Sakura seemed to have expected Hasegawa to say this a long time ago, and there was no wave in the expression on his face.

After taking a long breath, Sakura slowly said:

"Master Hasegawa, you are still the same. You have always stayed away from this kind of political struggle."

"Aren't you willing to participate in this kind of complicated struggle..."

"Then—Master Hasegawa, let me make a condition for you."

"A...condition that allows you to be willing to participate in this complex struggle."

Speaking of this, a meaningful smile appeared on Sakura's face.

"Hasegawa-sama, as far as I know-the operation of your Renju Yard has a big problem recently. Am I right?"

When Sakura's words fell, the expression on Hasegawa's face changed slightly.

"The old man thinks that your football field is just a waste of money, and has always wanted to abolish your football field."

Sakura continued.

"In order to force you to shut down the football stadium, the old man has changed his method to put all kinds of pressure on you."

"You must be very uncomfortable under such a lot of pressure, right?"

"Master Hasegawa, I can help you."

"As long as you can help me drive Shiranui out of Edo together, I will help you maintain the renju depot together in the future."

"How I say I am also the performer, and I have a lot of right to speak in the shogunate."

"With my help, your pressure will be much less."

"How? Is this condition enough to make you determined to cooperate with me?"

Hasegawa's face showed a strong color of struggle.

After an unknown amount of time passed, Hasegawa let out a sigh of relief:

"...Sakura-sama, you are still so good."

"Precisely set out a condition that I couldn't refuse..."

"This cooperation... I took it."

"Happy cooperation." Sakura smiled.

"It's just... Sakura-sama, I have to tell you something."

Hasegawa said seriously.

"I'm paying most of the elites to the thieves, and they are not in Edo at this time."

"There was a villain in the Tohoku region who committed a felony arson a while ago-Aoiichiro."

"Because I heard that Aoiichiro is proficient in archery and Kodachi, and there are many companions and subordinates, so I sent most of my elites to the northeast to capture Aoiichiro."

"Although there are still some people with good skills who stay in Edo... but I don't think they have the ability to defeat Gokutaro."

"The strength of the'Four Heavenly Kings' in Shiranui...I still heard a little."

"With the'Four Heavenly Kings' as the enemy, I don't think my subordinates can defeat them."

Sakura frowned upon hearing Hasegawa's words.

"Why happens to be at this time~lightnovelpub.net~Most of the elites under your command are not there..."

After curling his lips, Sakura continued.

"So, Hasegawa, do you know anyone with a very good skill?"

"Anyway, as long as it can prevent that Gokutaro from winning the first place in the martial arts test."

"So it doesn't matter if your subordinates are or not. As long as they are good enough."

"I am a civil officer, and the only military officer I know is you, and there are not many friends with good skills around me."

"And you are a military attache. You should know some very good people in Edo, right?"

"...Sakura-sama." Hasegawa smiled wryly, "I...have friendship with the current Yamada Asemon."

After hearing the name "Yamada Asemon" from Hasegawa's mouth, Sakura's expression instantly changed.