I Was a Swordsman in Ancient Japan

Chapter 384: Upgrade your personal level to another l

The latest website: "Master Hasegawa." Makimura frowned slightly, "Why did you mention Yidaozhai suddenly?"

While speaking this sentence, Mu Cun raised his guard a little.

"...It's nothing." Hasegawa coughed softly, "Anyway... I'll tell you more about this later..."

"Makimura, the greeting will stop here." Hasegawa has already sat in a very upright posture, and corrected it a little. "I have heard my subordinates just now-you came to the humble house to be with me. Have a good talk about the sixth division group."

"Did you kill my sixth division team?"

As soon as Hasegawa’s words fell, Makimura quickly raised his hands, and then smiled bitterly:

"I didn't do it. My friend did it."

"I have a close friend who is currently working at the Shiro Bingbei Club."

"Your Sixth Division came into Yoshihara tonight, saying that it was going to capture a villain named Ju Xiaoseng."

"However, the little monk Chrysanthemum was not caught by your subordinates. Instead, he was caught by the officials of the Shiro Bingwei Club."

"Then your sixth division leader is unreasonable, and wants to forcibly take away the little monk Chrysanthemum and take the credit of the Shiro Bingbei club. He also took the lead in violating the officials of the Shirobeibe club.

"That friend of mine couldn't bear it, so he decided to use a simple but very effective method to quiet down your subordinates a little bit."

"My friend knows that I know you, so please ask me to reason with you."

"The rough course of things, that's it."

Her eloquence is not very good, but it can be regarded as accurately speaking out the main points of the matter.

Immediately after Makimura's words fell, Hasegawa frowned.

"What do you mean... my subordinates grabbed merit from the Shiro Bingbei Club? Makimura, can you explain the story in more detail?"

After Ogata asked Makimura to help him negotiate with Hasegawa, Ogachi told Makimura the details of the conflict between Tonight Shiro Bingbei Club and Hosuke Rogue Kai.

After hearing Hasegawa's request to tell the details of the matter, Makimura cleared his throat, and then began to elaborate more details of the matter.



at the same time--

Ogata, who was waiting for the conclusion of the negotiations between Makimura and Hasegawa, opened his personal system interface due to his boring idleness, and checked the experience points he had just obtained after defeating the gang of officials who had just defeated the Hosuke Thief.

[Current personal level: LV33 (155000)]

【Sakihara One Sword Style Level: 11 Steps (52557000)】

[Remaining skill point: 1 point]

In the battle with the official staff of more than 20 Hisuke Thief Kai, because Ogata only used Sakura Kazuki against the enemy, only Sakahara Kazuki gained experience points.

The battle just now increased Ogata's personal level experience by 1,750 points, and Sakihara's Kazuki's experience by 1,600 points.

As a result, his personal level directly increased by 1 level, to level 33, and gained 1 skill point.

For this 1 skill point, Ogata intends to temporarily save it.

At present, Ogata has three skills that have been promoted to the "master level": the bird stab of the Sakurahara one-sword style, the circulation of the two-sword style of Sakura, and the blade counter.

At the moment when the two major offensive sword skills and the one-stroke defensive skills have reached the "master level", Ogata's evasion ability appears to be a bit weak.

Ogata plans to save 4 skill points, and then upgrade his step from "advanced" to "master level."

After checking the experience points he had just obtained, Ogata closed his personal system interface.

As soon as the personal system interface was closed, Ogata's stomach rang with a soft "gu".

"...I'm a little hungry."

Ogata raised his hand and touched his stomach.

Perhaps it was because tonight was the arrest of the thief again, and the officials who slapped the fire to pay the thief reform, Ogata's physical exertion was a bit heavy.

At this moment, Ogata has clearly felt a hungry fire burning in his belly.

Makimura also doesn't know when to negotiate with Hasegawa, so Ogata plans to find something to eat nearby.

After leaving the alley where he is currently, after turning a corner, Xu Jian came to a fairly popular street.

According to Ogata's estimation, the current time is about 21:30 in the evening.

On the modern earth, nightlife has just begun at this point in time.

But in the Edo period, this point of time was already late at night.

However, even if it is late at night, Edo is still vigorous.

It would be better to say that night is the time for Edo to show its other vitality.

At night, many people who have been exhausted all day will call friends and take friends to have a drink.

Some fierce people even went to the next one after they finished drinking. They went to many pubs and kept drinking until dawn the next day.

One very important reason why Edo is still so vibrant at night is that many Edo people in this era are "Nikko people."

During the Edo period, three types of currencies, gold, silver, and copper, were in circulation.

To use the Chinese language of the modern earth to make an image metaphor, there are three completely different types of currencies in circulation at the same time: the yen, the US dollar, and the euro, and all three currencies can be used to buy things.

The exchange rates of the three popular currencies, gold, silver, and copper, fluctuate frequently.

In other words, you can still buy 2 sushi for the 10 cents you have today, but maybe you can only buy 1 sushi after a while.

Because the currency value fluctuates greatly, there is no means to preserve the value, coupled with the Edo people’s character, many Edo people choose to play fun in time and never save money in order to prevent the money in their hands from depreciating badly in the future.

In addition, in this era, jobs that work on the same day and are paid on the same day are very popular. Therefore, many young people who have no family pressure, after receiving today's salary, spent a lot of money tonight.

Therefore, the saying "Edo people don't spend overnight money" was born.

In other words, the reason why the night in Edo can be so prosperous is also thanks to the existence of this group of "Nikko people".

After turning on this fairly popular street, Okina saw two drunk samurai ahead.

The two blushes were like samurai with a layer of blood on their faces, as if their bones had been taken away in half, and they were "moving" forward little by little like two pools of mud.

While "moving", the two samurai kept uttering some nonsense.

"It is said that...hiccup...Rusia...hiccup...is going to send troops to capture the Ezo enemies..."

"Rusia...? Which country is that?"

The rest of the passers-by, when passing by these two samurai, seemed to be avoiding some "giant foul" standing far away from the two samurai, and buried their heads, they didn't dare to look at these two. The famous samurai glanced.

The reason for doing this is also very simple-worried that these two drunk and somewhat unclear people drew their knives and slashed them for inexplicable reasons.

The drunk samurai drew his sword and hacked people for inexplicable reasons-this is also a very common thing in this era.

So before you know it, everyone has developed a consensus to stay away from the drunk warriors and not even look at them.

One of Ogata’s philosophy is to minimize unnecessary disputes and troubles-even though he has just fought with more than 20 official posts who have been changed by Huosu Thief...

After leaving the two drunk samurai far away like other passers-by, Ogata looked for small shops and stalls selling food.

Within a short while, Ogata found a wagashi shop that was still open.

After buying a few daifukus at will, Ogata carried these daifukus back to the original road.

On the way back, Ogata saw a clothing store on the right side of the street.

It is a women's clothing store.

Because the door of this women's clothing store was open, Ogata could see the clothes sold in this clothing store at a glance.

Although Edo at this season is a bit shady at night, during the day, especially at noon, the heat in the air can still make Edo people very clearly aware that summer is not yet complete. Leave.

Because of this, the clothes sold in this clothing store are still summer clothes, and they have not been put on autumn or winter clothes.

A half-aged **** stood at the entrance of this clothing store, yelling and beckoning passers-by to come to visit her store.

After seeing Ogata passing in front of her shop and taking a few glances at her shop, the half-aged **** immediately shouted to Ogata enthusiastically:

"Samurai-sama, do you want to come to my shop? I have bought a new batch of special clothes here!"

"Sorry. My temporary need in this regard." Ogata smiled, politely refusing.

If this clothing store sells autumn and winter clothes, Ogata would be more than happy to go in and take a look.

After all, winter is approaching, and it is time to buy winter clothes for himself and Ah Ting.

After seeing this clothing store still selling summer clothes, Xu convenient lost interest in going in for a few glances.

After declining the proprietress of this clothing store, Xu Jian continued to carry the few big fortunes he had just bought, and continued straight back to the unobtrusive alley where he had been just now.



Edo, the thief of fire to change the headquarters——

"...Then the 6th Division people gave my friend a rough push, and once again slapped the officials of the Shiro Bingbei Club."

"My friend couldn't bear it, and finally decided to make your subordinates quiet a little bit."

"But my friend still maintained considerable restraint, using only the back of the knife, and he was merciful, otherwise, even with the back of the knife, some people will definitely be seriously injured."

After speaking, Mucun picked up the tea cup next to him, drank the tea in the cup, and moistened his throat that was dry due to too much talk.

When talking about specific events, Makura talked about facts.

The Huofu Thief who insisted on looting meritoriously changed the sixth division group who took the lead in violating a certain official who changed the Huofu Thief—that is, Gusheng knocked down and injured her face.

Then he slapped Ogata's friend, who was Makimura, and pushed Ogata a hand.

The official post of the Hosuke Thief Kai made two consecutive attacks on the people at the Shirobei Club, and the Shirobei Club began to counterattack.

Of course-the pastoral village still carried out some "artistic processing".

For example: exaggerating the injury of melon.

In the mouth of Mucun, Gusheng, who was overthrown by the Huoshou thief, was covering his injured face while crawling up with tears. In short, it rendered the people at Shirobei Club very pitiful and very weak.

But the "artistic processing" of the pastoral village also worked.

After learning that his subordinates even cried a female soldier in the Shiro Soldiers Clubhouse, Hasegawa's already frowned brows deepened.

When Maki Village finished speaking and drinking tea to quench his thirst, Hasegawa said solemnly:

"Makura, is everything you said true?"

"It's true." Mucun put down the tea cup in his hand and nodded vigorously. "There were many passers-by watching at the time. You can find many witnesses to corroborate what I said."

After being silent for a while, Hasegawa quickly got up and went to the door of the room.

After pulling the door open in one breath, Hasegawa yelled outside the room:


As soon as Hasegawa's words fell, Yamazaki, who had been waiting not far away, quickly rushed to Hasegawa and knelt down on one knee, waiting for Hasegawa's instructions.

"Natori is still healing now?"

"Natori-kun just woke up."

"That's right, you take my name on this trip."


After taking the order from Hasegawa without any hesitation, Yamazaki quickly narrowed the field of vision in Hasegawa's vision, and disappeared in the end.

It didn't take long for Yamazaki's figure to reappear in Hasegawa's field of vision and quickly grew larger.

Natori followed closely behind Yamazaki.

Natori, who was stunned by Ogata's blow, just woke up.

Because Ogata's men were merciful, Natori didn't have any other discomfort except for the redness and swelling of the cut area.

As soon as he woke up, he learned from Yamazaki's mouth that Hasegawa called him over.

When he learned that Hasegawa was calling him, an unknown premonition rose in his heart.

After seeing Hasegawa and seeing Hasegawa's calm face, the ominous premonition in Natori's heart became more intense.

"Natori, come in with me. Yamazaki, you go back first."

"Yes!" After a salute to Hasegawa, Yamazaki retreated to a distance from the room.

As for Natori, he followed Hasegawa into the house tremblingly.

Upon entering the room, Natori saw a burly and unfamiliar man.


Hasegawa sat cross-legged in front of Natori.

"Tonight, you want to **** the Chrysanthemum monk caught by the officials of the Shiro Bingbei Club, and then take the lead in attacking the officials of the Shiro Bingbei Club. Am I right?"

Upon hearing this question from Hasegawa, Natori immediately replied like a conditioned reflex:

"I do not have."

As soon as Natori's voice fell, Hasegawa said immediately:

"Natori, if you insist on saying that you didn't grab credit, I will personally investigate the incident that happened tonight in Yoshiwara."

Upon hearing Hasegawa's words, Natori's face changed slightly.

"If I find out that you really didn't grab merit, then I will help you out and investigate the soldiers who beat up my subordinate Shiro Bingwei Club to the end."

"But if you let me find out that you did grab merit, and you lied to me...you should know what the consequences will be, right?"

The candlelight from the candlelight behind Hasegawa hit Hasegawa's body, pulling Hasegawa's shadow out of the old.

The shadow stretched out by the candlelight pressed like a mountain on Namiki, who was standing in front of Hasegawa.

Obviously Hasegawa is sitting and Natori is standing, but the atmosphere surrounding the two makes people feel that Hasegawa is standing and Natori is sitting, and Hasegawa is looking down at Natori.

Under the pressure of Hasegawa's aura, dripping cold sweat began to appear between Natori's forehead.

"Nagtori, I'll give you another chance."

"Answer me, did you steal credit tonight? Did you take the lead in attacking the officials of Shiro Bingbei Club?"

Strong struggling color began to appear on Natori's face.

The hands that fell naturally clenched tightly.

After some time in the past, Natori was crying and knelt down on the tatami.

"Master Hasegawa! I'm very sorry! I, I, I'm crazy!"

"Our sixth division team hasn't caught enough criminals for a long time."

"In order not to lose to the 1st, 2nd, and 5th divisions that have repeatedly made outstanding achievements, my subordinates and I have done our best to track the little monk Ju!"

"My subordinates and I spent so much energy and time trying to catch the little monk Chrysanthemum, but in the end the officer of Shiro Bingwei Club was caught."

"I feel very unwilling, so..."

"So I decided to grab the little monk Chrysanthemum, whom the officials at Shiro Bingbei Club have worked so hard to catch?" Hasegawa answered the rest of his unfinished words for the name, "Natori, don't need me to say it, you should know it? Grabbing the credit of other organizations and departments is absolutely not allowed."

"Really, really, I'm very sorry! I'm the one who is crazy about it!"

When apologizing to Hasegawa at the loudest volume he could achieve, Natori's mind was filled with puzzles.

Tonight is actually not the first time he has robbed other departments and organizations of credit.

Natori has actually done this kind of grabbing credit for other departments and organizations many times before.

However, Hasegawa did not find out the previous few times.

One of the most important reasons is that the parts and organizations that Natori grabbed were only small departments.

It is completely incomparable with the Huofu Thief Kai to which he belongs.

Because of the heavy responsibility of catching fierce thieves and arsonists, Huofu thieves have a high status.

There are just so many privileges.

Because the status of the Huofu Thief Kai and these small departments are very different, and there is no intersection between them, even if the people of these small departments want to file a complaint, their complaints are extremely difficult to reach Hasegawa's ears.

The reason why Natori took the credit for Shirobei clubhouse tonight was actually just trying to repeat the old tricks.

The Shirobei Club, which only manages Yoshihara, belongs to the kind of small department and organization that has no right to speak.

Natori thought he would be able to grab the credit from the Shirobei Club tonight as smoothly as before.

But I didn’t expect accidents to pop up one after another...

First, all his members of the sixth division were cut down by an unknown soldier at the Shiro Bingbei Club.

And now it was Hasegawa who discovered his act of robbing merit...

It’s just a little more than half an hour since his sixth division was completely destroyed. Even if Hasegawa learned that the sixth division was completely destroyed, he personally went to Yoshihara to investigate what happened, it would definitely not be possible in such a short period of time. The cause of finding out the matter was his robbing of merit.

That is to say-someone must have informed Hasegawa to let Hasegawa learn the truth in such a short period of time.

Just as Natori was thinking about who had the ability to "direct to the heavens", he suddenly remembered that there was a strange burly man sitting in this room.

While pressing his forehead tightly on the tatami mats and apologizing to Hasegawa, Natake looked at the brawny man sitting not far away who was drinking tea leisurely from the corner of his eye.

——Is this person to Hasegawa-sama...Who is this person? Is it the official clerk of Shirobei Club?

Just as Natori was guessing the identity of the brawny man, Hasegawa's voice reached Natori's ears again.

"...Natori, go down and prepare, and come to Yoshihara with me later, and apologize to the people at Shirobei Club."

"As for your punishment...I will give it to you later."

"Yes..." Mingtake was like a rooster that was defeated in a fight, and his body seemed to be directly smaller.

"Makura." Hasegawa cast his gaze on Makura next to him, "Where is your friend now? Is he in Yoshihara now?"

"Some of my subordinates pushed your friend, so I want to apologize to him."

"At the same time, I also want to see with my own eyes what kind of heroes it is like to be able to convert my fire and thieves to the sixth division."

"He..." Mucun, with a somewhat joking expression on his face, shrugged, and then panicked casually, "He is very scary, so he didn't come to see you with me."

"I will ask him slowly later if he is interested in coming to see you."

After hearing the conversation between Hasegawa and Makimura, Natori's face suddenly turned paler.

Later, more intense emotions named "frustration" and "panic" were all over Mingji's face.

Through the conversation between Hasegawa and Makimura just now, Natori finally understood everything...

He had roughly guessed what happened.

It should be the guy who wiped out his sixth division with a single blow to let his friend-that is, this brawny man to inform Hasegawa...

Although I guessed what happened, a bigger puzzle appeared in Natori's heart~lightnovelpub.net~ He didn't understand why working in a small place like Shirobei Club seemed ordinary. The young man not only possesses such a powerful strength, but also has a way to get on the line with Hasegawa, who is expensive as a thief to change the chief...



Following the previous chapter, we continue to talk about women's underwear in the Edo period.

Everyone can see from the pictures I put at the end of the previous chapter. This "waist roll" is no different from a long skirt. Even if you wear a "waist roll", your lower body is still in a vacuum state.

Compared to white waist rolls, red waist rolls are more popular with women.

Please look at the picture on the right. The picture on the right shows a woman wearing a red waistline →

The red waist roll is popular because it can effectively prevent the waist roll from getting dirty during the menstrual period, so that even if there are stains, it is not easy to be seen, and it has a certain concealing effect.