I Was a Swordsman in Ancient Japan

Chapter 399: "Genus Kinabalu 1! Times have changed!"

【Ding! Defeat the enemy with the second sword flow and circulation of the selfless]

[Get 110 points of personal experience, 120 points of experience for the swordsmanship "Selfless Two Swords"]

[Current personal level: LV33 (125/5000)]

[Level of No-Self Two Sword Style: 10 levels (6290/10000)]


【Ding! Defeat the enemy with the second sword flow and circulation of the selfless]

[Get 100 points of personal experience and 110 points of experience for the swordsmanship "Two Swords of No Self"]

[Current personal level: LV33 (225/5000)]

[Level of No-Self Two Sword Stream: 10 levels (6400/10000)]



Da Shiten and Da Zizai cut out two sword lights in their hands. As the two sword lights fell, Ogata's mind had a long-lost system tone related to the second sword style.

After killing the official posts of the Huofu thieves who were planning to grab merit a few days ago, Xu Jian has never fought with other people. The personal level and the experience bar of Sakihara's one-sword style are in a state of motionlessness.

Let alone the second sword style without me.

Since arriving in Edo, I have not encountered any occasions that required the use of the two-sword style without self, and to avoid letting Genichi's enemy who might be standing on the side recognize that the swordsmanship he used was the two-sword style without self.

Ogata has always used Sakihara's one-sword style against the enemy, and the experience of the two-sword style without me has not changed since Ogata entered Edo.

Now that I heard the system sound with the words "No-me Two Sword Style" in my mind, Ogata couldn't help but sigh "It's been a long time since" in his heart.

The 6 people who rushed up were cut down by Ogata in an instant, losing one-third of their combat power in an instant.

Upon seeing this situation, the remaining 4 people also became stiff due to shock and fear.

The momentum of the original forward directly stopped.

The aura on his body also withered.

The more desperate struggles I have experienced, the more I will realize the importance of aura.

Although when fighting with people, the most dominant factor in the victory or defeat is the data on the physical level.

When everyone speaks of martial ethics and does not play any insidious tricks, if you are not as tall or strong as others, and if the power and speed of swinging a knife are not as good as others, then you can't beat them.

However-although various data on the physical level accounted for the most dominant factor in determining the outcome, some factors on the ideal level can also have a certain impact on the situation of the battle.

In a battle where both sides are evenly matched, the more vigorous and fighting spirit is more dominant.

If you don't even have the momentum to "definitely win the opponent", then I am afraid that you can't even display the strength that can be displayed.

Seeing that the remaining four people had lost their momentum, Xu could know that these people were no longer able to fight back.

Although the momentum of these four people has withered, they still have a certain fighting spirit.

The color of astonishment and fear only stayed on their faces for a while, and these negative emotions were suppressed by them. They gritted their teeth, squeezed the knife in their hands, and once again issued a call sign while killing Ogata. .

From the actions of these people, it is not difficult to see that they are not the kind of people who only wield the "Dojo Sword".

They have real experience in fighting people to the death.

But this is probably only their only advantage.

Whether it is their movements or footsteps, they are full of a breath of "wild roads", and you can tell at a glance that they have not received professional swordsmanship training.

Ogata and others are now in an unmanned road that is not too wide but not too narrow.

There is no need to worry about someone witnessing a "tengu" and "white fox" killing people.

This is not a narrow space, and it allows Ogata to move around with ease.

First, Ogata used the step step to dodge a straight stab from the nearest "enemy 1" and flashed directly behind "enemy 1". Flashed in front of "enemy 2".

Ogata, who attacked directly behind them, frightened "Enemy 2". In a panic, "Enemy 2" subconsciously aimed at Ogata in front of him to make a crosscut.


With the sound of a sharp metal and iron strike, the sword of "Enemy 2" was used by Ogata to open it.

Because the sword was opened by Ogata with great ease, the middle door of "enemy 2" opened wide, and Ogata swung Oshaten, and easily ended "enemy 2"'s life.

After killing "Enemy 2", Ogata was like a conditioned reflex, using step steps to quickly escape from the original position without hesitation.

When facing multiple enemies, you must move and constantly create one-on-one opportunities-this is the truth that Ogata had realized before he even slashed Matsuhira Genuchi.

After killing "Enemy 2", Ogata flashed to the side of "Enemy 3" and "Enemy 4", and simultaneously waved Dashaten and Da Zizao to cut down both of them.

Finally, he turned around and cut open the throat of the "enemy 1" who had just been ignored by Ogata and flashed directly behind him.

4 people for 4 dollars, neat and tidy.

Each knife was killed by one blow. When "Enemy 1" was cut open by Ogata's throat, "Enemy 2" who was first cut by Ogata's sword had not completely fallen to the ground.

It only took a few seconds for these four people to live and survive until they were killed by Ogata.

The system prompt in my mind also rang four times in a row.

Before the system sound completely fell, Ogata looked back at the leader of the group named "Baoji", and suddenly heard a shout:

"Kinoshita Genichi! Your death date is here!"

Looking at the thing that Baoji was holding in his hand, Ogata's face flashed a little bit of astonishment.

For Ogata, the thing that Hokichi was holding was a very familiar thing—musket.

However, the musket that Pokichi is currently holding is not the most advanced musket of this era, but a musket that has fallen behind the times, but is still used by the Edo shogunate.

Although compared with contemporary Western countries, this arquebus is already one of the "grandfather weapons" that can be entered into museums, but in Japan still in the Edo period, it is still one of the "high-end weapons".

Without connections and money, you can't get a matchlock.

——So that's it...

Ogata secretly said in his heart.

——It turns out that the thing he was carrying on his back just now was a matchlock...

Just now, when Hokichi ordered his six subordinates to step forward, Ogata vaguely heard him yelling out the words "make time for me", and made the words that he carried behind his back. The action of removing the long rod object wrapped in cloth.

At this moment, the matchlock gun in Baoji's hand was already in the ready state.

The metal hook on the gun that can revolve around the shaft has already held the match rope that is already in a burning state.

As long as Baosheng is willing, he can push the metal hook into the fire door at any time now, so that the match rope ignites the gunpowder, and then shoots the projectile in the barrel.

The operation of the matchlock gun is quite complicated, and less than half a minute has passed since Baoji removed the matchlock gun on his back and now completed the preparation for the matchlock gun.

Completed the preparation of the matchlock gun in less than half a minute-without a long time of practice, this is simply impossible.

Bao Ji's hand speed is enough to serve as an elite musketeer.

All six of his subordinates were killed in battle, but Bao Ji did not show any hatred or sorrow when he saw this.

Just staring at Yuanyi not far away savagely.

"Genichi Kinoshita! Since you destroyed my stockade 8 years ago, I have never wanted revenge!"

"I don't think about how to beat you all the time!"

"And this stuff! It's the killer I prepared specially for you!"

After that, Bao Ji tightened the matchlock in his hand.

"It took me a lot of time and energy to get this baby!"

"In order to complete the shooting preparation in the fastest time, I even practiced day and night!"

"Kinoshita Genichi! Times have changed! This is no longer the era of swords!"

A grinning smile slowly appeared on Bao Ji's face.

"Even a person with mediocre swordsmanship can kill the'Juggernaut' with iron cannons!"

Yuanyi quietly listened to Bao Ji's roar after another.

It wasn't until Baoji's voice fell that Yuanichi said in a tone that was calm enough that there was no color mixing:

"So, no wonder you dare to come to Edo to find me with only a few subordinates."

"It turns out to rely on the power of iron cannons."

Because Genichi wore the tengu mask that showed only one pair of eyes, Ogata couldn't see what Genichi was looking on now.

And Ogata didn't have the time to look at Genichi's expression at this time.

His eyes have been staring at Bao Ji not far away, measuring the distance between them, and estimating whether he can kill Bao Ji with a single shot at this distance.

Kasana is now one of Ogata's big hole cards, and he may be able to achieve miraculous effects or even save his life at the critical moment.

So when Ogata is out now, Kasana, who handed Amachi to him, is always in his arms. Xia Nai's gun has been filled with bullets all the time.

The distance between Ogata and Hokichi is about 10 steps.

Anyone who has used a pistol knows how difficult it is to accurately hit a target with a pistol.

The distance of 10 steps-For Ogata, who has never practiced shooting, it is already a distance that may not be able to accurately hit the target, even though the target is a large living person.

Hokichi seemed to notice Ogata's sharp gaze, and after a glance at Ogata, he said in a deep voice:

"Genichi Kinoshita, the swordsmanship that this kid used just now is your second sword style, right?"

"Is this kid your apprentice?"

Although Ogata wears a white fox mask that only reveals his eyes, the skin on his neck, hands, etc. is still exposed.

It was through these exposed skin that Baosheng could see that the guy wearing the "white fox" mask must be very young.

"A disciple..." Yuan Yi raised his hand and grabbed his hair. "Although I haven't taught him one-and-a-half moves until now, the swordsmanship he uses is indeed my two-sword style without self, and is considered half of my successor. Right."

"Forget it, it doesn't matter who he is yours!" Baoji's madness and ferociousness became more and more intense, "My goal is only you from beginning to end!"

"As long as I drag you to hell, then I can squint even if I die immediately!"

"...It seems that you have confidence in the iron cannon in your hand."

After that, Yuan Yi stepped his feet and walked slowly towards Bao Ji in front of him.

The appearance and footsteps of Genichi revealed a relaxed atmosphere from the inside to the outside.

It's like walking in the back garden of your own home.

"Ogata-kun, you retreat."

Yuanyi raised his left hand and pressed the sheath of Yangshen on his left waist, pushing his left thumb forward.

With a soft "click" falling, Yang Shen's blade popped out of its sheath.

"I'll kill him."


The blade of Yangshen was pulled out from the sheath inch by inch.

The cold light reflected by the blade under the moonlight illuminates the tengu mask on Yuan Yi's face.

Seeing Yuanyi walking towards him slowly and pulling out his sword, Bao Ji's face turned pale, and he swallowed subconsciously, moistening his somewhat dry throat.

Obviously, he just simply pulled out the sword, but Bao Ji felt that Yuan Yi's whole body's aura had directly changed.

At this moment, Baoji felt like a mountain was slowly leaning against him.

Baoji held the musket that was already tightly held tighter.

Only by holding the musket tightly can he bring him a little sense of security.

Genichi's act of raising the knife slowly stepped forward, not only making Bokichi appear astonished, but also making Ogata raised his eyebrows out of surprise and curiosity.

Ogata feels very strange now.

Ming Genichi is making a crazy move of leaning slowly towards the Musketeer, but Ogata is not worried about Genichi.

However, Ogata's half-lifted right hand did not let go, still maintaining a position that he could take Kasana out of his arms and shoot at any time.

"Baoji, even though we are mortal enemies, I still give a suggestion."

Genichi's tone was still calm.

"Because I have an iron cannon in my hand, I feel that I can deal with any opponent-this is a wrong idea that is absolutely impossible."

Although Yuanyi gave Baoji a suggestion in a very leisurely manner, Baoji did not hear what Yuanyi was saying because of the excessive tension and high concentration of energy.

Baoji now only puts all his thoughts on measuring the distance between himself and Yuanyi.

Although it is not clear how Genichi walked towards him at a speed like a walk, how he was going to deal with him who had a musket, but Baoji knew-Genichi would only increase the distance between them like this. The hit rate is nothing more than.

After Yuanyi narrowed the distance between them to 6 steps away, the ferocious and excited color on Baoji's face reached its peak.

At this distance, Baoji has the certainty.

At the next moment when the hideous and excitement on his face reached its peak, with a roar, Bao Ji pulled the trigger.

Hot projectiles ejected from the barrel.

Then... the scene that appeared in front of Baoji made Baoji's expression and look suddenly changed from hideous and joyful to shock and disbelief.

The moment before Baoji pulled the trigger, Yuanyi tilted his body as if seeing through when Baoji was going to shoot.

This hot, high-speed projectile just passed through Yuanyi's side.

The projectile instinctively hit Genichi's chest accurately - of course, provided that Genichi didn't avoid it.

After avoiding the projectile, Yuan moved.

If the source just now looked like a slowly moving snail, then the current source was like a cheetah starting to pounce on its prey.

The speed difference between the front and rear is large enough to make people feel unrealistic.

Looking at Yuanyi who was rushing towards him at such a dazzling speed, Baoji's face was full of horror.

However, out of instinct, he threw the iron cannon aside and drew the knife from his waist.

Because Genichi had already rushed into his attack range when he pulled the knife out of the sheath, Bao Ji didn’t hesitate—now he couldn’t allow him to waste time to hesitate. He gritted his teeth and swung the knife towards him. Yuan Yi in front of him came with a heavy vertical chopping.

Facing Baoji's knife, Yuan Yi stopped the forward pace.

Rotate clockwise with the left foot as the axis.

Genichi's rotation not only escaped the knife that Baoji had hacked.

While avoiding Bao Ji's chopping attack, he also charged up. Wear your feet with your waist and your waist with your arms.

When he turned clockwise and his face turned towards Baoji again, Yuanyi used a whip-like motion to "swing" his body and followed his body in a circle, accumulating a wave of power, the sun god, Chaobao Ji's waist and abdomen were swept away.


Genichi's Yang God poured out a large amount of blood, splashed on the dirt wall beside him, making a sound like rain.


Big mouths of blood came out of Bao Ji's mouth.

He opened his mouth, as if to say something, but he could only make some sounds of inexplicable meaning.

His waist and abdomen were cut open by Yuan Yi, and all the organs in his abdomen were chopped up. Even if he went to the doctor immediately, there was no possibility of survival.

With a terrifying gaze that seemed to give Genichi a face to his mind, he gave Yuan a fierce look, the light in his eyes gradually dissipated, and then he fell heavily to the ground, splashing a thin layer of light. dust.

Only after confirming that Baoji had completely died, did Yuanyi start "blood shaking", swinging the Yang Shen down heavily, and swaying the blood attached to the blade to the ground.

"Yuan Da Ren..."

Ogata carried his Taishaten and walked slowly towards Gen.

At this moment, Ogata's face hidden under the mask was full of surprise.

"I thought you were going to cut the projectile with a knife..."

"That would be too tiring." Yuan smiled, "It's easier to avoid it than to cut off the projectile."

"As long as you look at the muzzle of the iron cannon and the enemy's action of pulling the trigger, as long as your footwork is more flexible, then anyone can dodge the projectile."

Ogata was not really surprised by Genichi's feat of passing bullets just now.

Genichi dared to walk so boldly towards the enemy holding a musket, which shows that he must be confident to deal with the musket. Either flash the bullet directly, or smash the bullet.

Ogata has also faced multiple enemies who use bows and arrows, and has also tried dodge and cut arrows.

So after witnessing Yuan flashing past the bullet, I didn't feel so surprised-even though the speed of the bullet was much faster than the arrow.

Compared to "hiding bullets," Ogata was surprised by the tricks Genichi used when he killed Hokichi just now.

"Yuan Da, what was the trick you used just now?"

Ogata has been watching Hokichi closely and is ready to support Genichi at any time. So he has read the trick that Yuanyi did just now completely and seriously.

After watching Genichi's move just now, Ogata was only shocked.

Rotating his body, dodge the enemy's attack, and then launched a counterattack-at first glance, it seemed ordinary, but Ogata saw quite a few doorways.

For example-Genichi's "turn around" just now was not an ordinary turn.

Ogata has seen: Genichi is turning his body clockwise to avoid Hokichi’s attack, and he uses special techniques to make his body dodge in a lighter posture, and to counterattack later. Accumulate power.

Because of the special skills, Ling Yuanyi's move just now has become a powerful technique that combines evasion and counterattack.

"The trick I just did was called ‘Shipping’."

Genichi took out the bosom paper he had prepared early in his arms, and wiped off the blood and grease remaining on the blade with the bosom paper, and then introduced to Ogata:

"It's one of the masterpieces that I have only studied in the past two years."

"It's a very useful technique."

"While rotating the body to avoid the enemy's attack, accumulate energy, and then counterattack the enemy-this is'dodge.'"

"Although it sounds easy, there are actually a lot of skills in it, and you need to use certain skills to be able to recharge your own counterattack while rotating your body to avoid attacks."

After Genichi retracted Yangshen into the scabbard, Ogata grinned:

"How, Ogata-kun, do you want to learn?"

"If you want to teach, I would naturally learn." Ogata responded in a half-joking tone.

"Of course I am willing to teach you. After all, I have promised you before that I will teach you some sword-swinging skills. I am still very committed."

"Let's go, Ogata-kun, don't stay here for too long. If a passer-by witnesses a'tengu' and a'white fox' standing next to a pile of corpses, it will be difficult."

"Well, before that..." Ogata wiped the body of Dashaten's sword clean with his own pocket paper, and after returning the knife to its sheath, he walked quickly to Bokichi's side, picked up and dropped it on Bokhi's body. The matchlock next to it.

"Yes." Yuanyi smiled bitterly, "I almost forgot this rare thing..."

"This is a good thing." Ogata smiled, "Don't waste it. It can just be used by Amachi. It can increase our combat power more or less."

After that, Ogata began to search Baoji's body, looking for projectiles and gunpowder.

Although half of Bao Ji's body was stained red with blood, fortunately-the gunpowder and projectiles left on his body were not wet or soiled by blood.

"But if you bring it back in this way, won't you let the rest of you know that we two sneaked out to hunt'rats' tonight?"

"This is easy." The arquebus was tied to a strap, which made it easy for Ogata to carry the musket.

Ogata carried the musket on his back, and continued:

"Tonight we will find one to hide this iron cannon."

"When I wait for tomorrow night, I will say: This iron cannon was secretly picked up from someone who was making trouble in Yoshihara when I was arresting him."

"In this way, can't you just take out this iron cannon?"

"So that's... there is this trick..." Genichi sighed softly, then put on a joking tone, "Ogata-kun, I don't think you have a lot of tricks."

"This is one of the advantages I am quite content with." Ogata smiled and responded in a tone that was also joking.

"Ogata-kun, after we have picked up the projectiles and gunpowder, let's go and see if we can squat down to a few more'rats' at the gate of Yoshihara."

"Well, let's go."



at the same time--

Edo, the mansion of the old Nakamatsu Hirashin——

It is late at night.

There is still a flame swaying in Songping Dingxin's room.

Working late into the night-this has been the normal state of Songping Dingxin recently.

Tonight is no exception. Matsubishi has been working until just now, and finally put down the pen in his hand, put down the various government affairs in his hand that do not need to be dealt with in a hurry, and is ready to go to bed.

In the room, Matsuhira Dingxin stood up straight, raising his arms horizontally.

And his little surname Tachibana squatted in front of Matsubaru Datsunobu, helping Matsubaru Datsunobu to fasten his yukata belt.

When Tachibana helped Matsuhira Dingxin dress, Matsuhira Dingxin suddenly asked Tachibana nonchalantly:

"Tachibana~lightnovelpub.net~ remember to be ready to go out tomorrow night."

Before going to bed, tell Tachibana the important things to do tomorrow-this is one of Matsubaru's habit.

After hearing this familiar "before-sleeping reminder", Tachibana did not respond with a "yes" happily as usual.

But after hesitating for a few minutes, he kept asking:

"Old Master, are you really going to find that person tomorrow night? Are you too anxious?"

"You should know that I like to act vigorously." Songping replied without hesitation, "Tomorrow night I happen to have free time, except tomorrow night, I have no other free time in a short time."

"...I see." Tachibana nodded vigorously. "Do I need to prepare more guards tomorrow night?"

"No need." Matsuhira Dingxin replied again without hesitation, "I plan to go there tomorrow night, I don't want to make too much noise. I only need you to be with me tomorrow night."
