I Was a Swordsman in Ancient Japan

Chapter 443: Ogata: Is it cheaper to take a bath once

Looking at Okata, who slowly lowered his body's center of gravity, the bald Ronin was taken aback for a moment.

Then the corners of his mouth were pulled up exaggeratedly, as if he had heard some funny joke.

"Then do I have to thank you for giving us a chance to survive, and then leave obediently?"

After mocking Ogata, the bald ronin rushed towards Ogata with a knife.

The other 8 Ronin behind him followed him.

Faced with the 9 Ronin who rushed towards him, Ogata's expression did not change.

Just silently watched these 9 people getting closer and closer to the circle he drew.

After stepping into the circle drawn by Ogata...


The sound of the blade unsheathing exploded.

The silver light ejected from the sheath, drawing an arc sweeping towards the neck of the bald ronin.

The blood sprayed out from the neck of the bald ronin like a fountain, splashing on the side, causing the "Plum Blossom" to appear on the snow in advance.

【Ding! Kill the enemy with Two Swords of No-Self Reche]

[Get 80 points of personal experience, 70 points of experience for swordsmanship "Sakakihara Ichigan"]

[Current personal level: LV34 (14205200]

【Second Sword Flow Level of No Self: Level 11 (154012000)】

"Didn't I say it?" Ogata whispered, "This circle is my attack range, so I broke in unsuspectingly... I really don't know whether to say you are big-hearted or you should be stupid."

As a sword-drawing technique, Lei Qi is not very useful when confronting a master, but it is quite easy to use to deal with these guys who can't even grasp the distance between the enemy and ourselves.

Until the major arteries in his neck were cut off by Ogata, the bald-headed man later realized he was surprised and terrified.

He opened his lips as if he wanted to say something.

But the neck was chopped, and he couldn't say a word now.

When the Bald Ronin rolled his eyes and fell softly towards the ground, Ogata ran towards another Ronin behind the Bald Ronin.

He just looked at the ronin's movements, and he could see that the ronin's swordsmanship was so bad that he was similar to someone who had never learned swordsmanship.

Ogata didn't swing his sword either.

Only stretched out his left hand like pliers to grasp his hands that were holding the handle of the knife high.

The ronin’s height, converted into a modern earth’s unit, is only about 1.5 meters high, not yet Ading height.

For such a short man, Ogata lifted his hand slightly to grasp his hands with the sword held high.

After controlling the short ronin's hands, Ogata stepped forward, clamped his head with the arm of his right hand, and then stretched out his left foot and tripped towards his feet.

Destroying the dwarf's center of gravity, causing the dwarf to fall heavily towards the ground, while straining his right hand to twist the dwarf's neck.

This is a very useful ultimate move in Shiranui Jiujitsu.

【Ding! Use Shiranui Ninjutsu·Shiranui Jiujitsu to kill the enemy】

[Get 60 points of personal experience, and 60 points of experience for ninjutsu "Shiranui Ninjutsu"]

[Current personal level: LV34 (14805200]

[Shiranui Ninjutsu level: 6 stages (36204500)]

Ogata killed their boss and one of their companions in no time, and the faces of the remaining 7 Ronin finally appeared as if they saw a wild tiger or a wild bear.

In this world, robbers are basically a group of guys who can only fight with the wind.

Meeting the weak is like a wolf like a tiger.

Run immediately when you encounter a strong enemy.

After seeing Ogata's bald head and dwarf in succession, the remaining 7 people are not stupid, they all know that they have encountered hard stubble today.

So they immediately made the behavior that most matched their identities: turning around and fleeing without any hesitation.

The remaining 7 people fled in 7 different directions.

But now I realized that I had messed with the wrong person, and it was obviously too late.

Ogata had warned them just now and told them to leave obediently.

Since they did not listen to advice, Ogata naturally had no reason to be merciful.

After solving the bald ronin with Jiu-Jitsu, he immediately raised his knife and killed the seven who fled.

No matter how strong Ogata is, he only has hands and feet. It is always a bit difficult to chase and kill 7 people who fled in different directions alone. After all, there is no shadow avatar in this world.

So there is no need for Ogata to say, Amachi consciously also moved together, chasing the seven who fled.

Blossoms of blood splashed and turned into plum blossoms on the snow.

Every time a new blood flower appears, the system sound that prompts Ogata to gain experience points will sound in Ogata's mind once.

The strength of these ronins is very poor, even Ah Ding who is not good at melee combat can easily defeat them all.

It didn't take much time to kill them, but it took some time to catch them one by one.

It took nearly 7 minutes for the two of Ogata to catch up with those who fled one by one, and then all the ronin who had just clamored for Ogata to leave money and Amachi turned into dead bodies. .

Among the 9 people, 6 of them were dealt with by Ogata, and the other 3 were killed by Amachi.

"The Ou area is really well-deserved..." Ogata took out two pockets of paper from his arms, and wiped off the blood and grease attached to the Dashaten blade. "A well-deserved mess..."

After this emotion fell, Ogata opened his current personal system interface, checked his current personal system interface, and confirmed the various experience bars.

[Current personal level: LV34 (18205200)

Sakihara One Sword Style Level: 12 levels (14659000)

No-Self Two Sword Stream Level: 11 levels (163012000)

Shiranui Ninjutsu level: 6 stages (37604500)]

Because he didn't count them seriously, Ogata didn't remember how many robbers he and Amachi encountered after they stepped into the snow-covered Mutsu area.

Ogata only remembered that there were a lot of people who came here, and he gained a lot of experience.

The robbers who came to trouble them were basically ronin with nothing except the knife at his waist.

These robbers who came to trouble them naturally all become experience points, allowing Ogata to gain 1340 personal level experience points, Sakurahara one sword style experience points 560, Wumei two sword style experience points 330 points, and Shiranui Ninjutsu experience points 550 points .

After taking Oshaten back into the scabbard, Ogata walked quickly to the long wooden stick that he had just thrown aside at random.

When Ogata picked up the long wooden stick again, Amachi also just completed the search of the nine robbers.

"The money for tonight's meal has fallen." Amachi hugged his hands, hopped back to Ogata's body, and then spread his hands to show Ogata that he had just taken the nine robberies. The money found from the bandits: a handful of copper coins.

According to Ogata's visual inspection, there are about a hundred coins in this coin.

In the past few days, after this wave of robbers who wanted to seek the fortune of Ogata and some of Ogata’s lives were killed, Ogata gained a lot of experience points. It also gave Ogata and Amachi some extra income—though not much.

The only valuable thing on the robbers is their weapons without a doubt.

But Ogata and Amachi, who are now busy rushing to Ezo land, obviously don't have the leisure and energy to carry these knives and sell them.

And the two of them have no channels for selling knives in this unfamiliar land.

Not every pawnshop has the guts to accept a large number of weapons of unknown origin.

Not to mention carrying so many knives, it is easy to attract the attention of the government, and then cause trouble-a couple carrying so many knives into the town and planning to sell, want to prevent officials from suspecting that the two of them are reselling stolen goods The thieves are very difficult.

"Let's go. Amachi." Ogata straightened the hat on his head. "The robbers have delayed nearly two incense sticks, so I have to speed up a little bit."


Amachi quickly put the copper coins that he had just found from the robbers into his wallet, and then followed Ogata to continue along the snow-covered avenue at his feet.

Both Ogata and Amachi have a long wooden stick in their hands. When they are on the road, they have a long wooden stick that acts as a cane to ease their feet.

After walking all the way to a place where the corpses of the robbers just couldn't be seen, Acho turned to Ogata next to him and asked:

"A Yi, when you faced those robbers just now, why did you draw a special circle to warn them?"

"When you faced robbers before, didn't you draw your swords directly?"

As he spoke, Amachi gripped the long wooden stick in his hand, imitating Ogata's movement of drawing a circle on the ground just now.

In the past, when we dealt with these robbers who made money and killed them, they never talked nonsense with these robbers, and drew their swords and rushed to kill them all.

But today is the exception. He didn't choose to draw the knife directly, but first drew a circle on the ground to warn the robbers to leave quickly.

"What else could be the reason?" Ogata smiled wryly. "It's not because of that."

After all, Ogata erected the long wooden stick in his hand and pointed it towards the western sky.

In the western sky, there are large black clouds.

This large area of ​​dark clouds combined into a "Kuroshio", in sharp contrast to the rest of the white sky that has not been eroded by the "Kuroshio."

Although this "Kuroshio" is still squeezed in the corner of the western sky, it has signs of spreading to the surroundings and taking the sky above Ogata and Amachi.

"If it's normal, of course I wouldn't talk nonsense with those robbers." Although Ogata and Amachi were chatting, their pace did not slow down the slightest, "But now the blizzard is coming."

"If you fail to arrive at the post before the blizzard, you will be in trouble."

"That's why I gave the robbers a chance to leave quickly and don't waste our time."

"It's a pity that my warning didn't work." Ogata's face flashed a little helplessly, "Thanks to them, the two of us were delayed by almost two sticks of incense."

Having said that, Ogata once again looked up at the "Kuroshio" in the western sky.

I don't know if it is Ogata's illusion. He always feels that the expansion speed of the "Kuroshio" seems to have accelerated.

"A blizzard..." Acho muttered, "It is said that the snowstorm in the Ou area is particularly scary..."

"It's the north after all. Okay, A Ding, concentrate on hurrying. It should not be far from the next post."

The same as Ogata's visual observation-the "Kuroshio" is indeed expanding faster and faster.

Half an hour ago, the "Kuroshio" was still shrinking in the western sky.

But after half an hour, the "Kuroshio" directly occupied the entire sky above Ogata and Amachi.

Obviously, it was only around 4 o'clock in the afternoon, and the surroundings were as dark as night.

The dark clouds were so low that they seemed to fall on the heads of Ogata and Amachi at any time.

In this situation, Ogata couldn't help but recall the famous ancient poem that he had memorized in his previous life: "The black cloud is overwhelming the city and the city wants to be destroyed."

Not long after the "Kuroshio" composed of a large number of dark clouds took over the entire sky, snow began to fall.

In the beginning, there were only a few flakes.

But gradually, the number of snow flakes falling rapidly increased, and the speed of falling rapidly increased.

In the end, more and more snow flakes fell, and the chaos was rolled into a ball, like a dense silver net covered it, and the dense snow flakes turned into a whistling blizzard.

Ogata's sight was obscured by the dense snow.

Looking up, everything around it seemed to disappear in a chaotic white mist. Through the mist, goose feathers and heavy snow flew, and the world melted into one color.

The cold wind rolled up the falling snow flakes flying all over the sky, and at the same time the black scarf around Ogata's neck was tossed with the wind.

Ogata and Amachi are just downwind of this cold wind.

The cold wind with snow flakes hit Ogata's skin, making Ogata feel the pain of being cut by a thin knife.

Ogata lifted his right hand holding the cane, blocking his face, blocking the cold wind from destroying his face.

The left hand tightly held Ah Ting's right hand, leading A Ting to step on the thicker snow due to the arrival of the blizzard, and continued to walk straight forward.

While leading Amachi forward, Ogata specifically allowed himself to walk in front of Amachi, so that he could help Amachi block most of the oncoming wind and snow.

And Amachi, who was walking behind Ogata, allowed Ogata to hold her, holding her own crutch tightly with her free left hand, and using her free arm to protect her face like Ogata did.

Because Ogata, who walked ahead, blocked most of the wind and snow for her, Amachi was a little more relaxed than Ogata.

This sudden blizzard was bigger than Ogata had imagined.

If it is an ordinary person, facing a blizzard of this intensity, I am afraid it will be difficult to move.

As Ogata kept rolling his eyes, looking for a place to shelter from the wind and snow, Amachi behind him suddenly shouted at him:

"A Yi! Look! There is a fire ahead!"


Ogata hurriedly narrowed his eyes and tried to look forward.

After Ogata concentrated all his attention and looked forward, Ogata finally saw a vague little orange light in this layer of snow.

"Your eyesight is too good..."

Although I have been with Ah Ding for a long time, Ah Ding's eyesight far beyond ordinary people can still make Ogata feel astonished from time to time.

After trying to increase the speed by a few more points, Ogata took Amachi straight towards the vague orange fire.

After getting close to the fire, Ogata finally saw the face of the fire-a post-house.

The "Five Streets" starting from Edo have a large number of post houses on each street. These posts were all funded and constructed by the shogunate.

This is also one of the important reasons why Edo is so prosperous-every "five streets" are built along the way to facilitate travelers, business people to stay in, and it is convenient for people from all over the world to go to Edo.

The Oshu street where Ogata and Amachi are now walking has 27 post houses along the way. The post in front of the two of them should be one of these 27 posts.

There is a large plaque hanging from the gate of this post house. On the plaque, 3 large Chinese characters are painted: Xintianjuku.

Ogata opened the door of the post house as quickly as possible, then led Amachi into the post house, and then closed the door.

After closing the door and isolating the wind and snow from the house, Ogata finally breathed a sigh of relief.

There is a counter opposite the gate of the post house.

Sitting behind the counter was an old man who was about 50 years old and had half-white hair.

After the two of Ogata broke into the post, the old man immediately cast a surprised look at Ogata and Amachi.

"Two... Do you want to stay here tonight?" the old man asked.

The old man has a rather heavy accent.

Since entering the boundaries of the Mutsu region a few days ago, Ogata has always met people with this accent. This should be the accent of the Mutsu region.

"Yeah." Ogata took off the hat on his head, and while shaking off the Shirayuki on the hat, he nodded, "Are there any rooms available? I want a room for two people."

"Of course there are rooms." The old man smiled bitterly. "It should be the only two of you staying with us tonight. There are so many rooms."

"Only our two guests?" Ah Ding looked surprised.

"Yes." The old man walked out from behind the counter with a wry smile, "but this is also commonplace. Come with me, and I will take you to your room."

The old man led Ogata and Amachi up to the second floor, and led them to a paper sliding door located deep in the second floor.

After the old man pulled the paper door, Ogata briefly looked at his room with Amachi tonight.

Overall, this room is not bad.

It is spacious enough and clean enough without any peculiar smell.

Two clean beddings were neatly stacked in the corner of the room.

"This is a double room in our shop." The old man introduced, "Students for 400 yen per night."

400 Wen a night-quite reasonable price.

This kind of clean double room is basically at this price.

"This lodging provides meals and bathrooms." The old man continued, "Does the two of you need meals and bathrooms?"

"Stay in this room for one night, eat a dinner, and then take a bath-how much does it cost?" Ogata asked.

"What do you want to eat?" The old man asked back, "We offer different meals here, and different meals have different prices."

Ogata: "What do you sell here?"

After the old man pondered for a moment, he said:

"Listen to the accents of both of you, are you from Kansai?"

"Uchiko is indeed from Kansai." Ogata smiled, "but Jishi is actually from Izumo. He just stayed with Uchiko for a long time, and his accent became a Kansai accent unknowingly."

"It's so rude." The awkward old man bowed to Ogata and apologized.

Ogata waved his hand: "It's okay. No need to apologize."

After a brief apology to Ogata, the old man cleared his throat, and then continued:

"If both of you are foreigners, then I recommend you to try our Mutsu specialties."

"We sell three specialties of our Mutsu here: Wanzi soba, bamboo leaf fish plate and edamame mochi."

"Since it's rare to come to Mutsu, why not take this opportunity to taste our Mutsu's specialties? How do you feel about it?"

The old man's proposal made Ogata a little bit moved.

Since entering the Mutsu area along the streets of Oshu, Ogata has not eaten Mutsu’s local cuisine.

Ogata turned his head, and just after casting a questioning gaze at Amachi, Amachi's eyes flashed with a little excitement and anticipation, and he nodded immediately.

"Then let's taste Mutsu's local food." Ogata said to the old man. "How much does it cost to stay in this room for one night, two people eat one dinner and one bath?"

"The accommodation fee is 400 wen, and the dinner for two is 70 wen. The price of our bathroom is 10 wen for one person, and 20 wen for two people, so the total is 490 wen."

"Is your bathroom the kind that takes a bath in a half-person-height tub?" Ogata asked.


"Then if the two of us take a bath in the same tub, can the bathing cost be cheaper?" Ogata asked seriously.

The old man raised his eyebrows, and his gaze at Ogata and Amachi involuntarily became a little weird.

"If the two of you plan to take a bath in a tub, then you can count the money for one of you, and only use 10 wen. The accommodation fee plus meals and bath money, a total of 480 wen."

"Deal." Ogata took out his purse, ready to pay.


Ogata and Amachi jumped into the big wooden barrels filled with warm water at the same time.

The hot water in the barrel was immediately squeezed out of the barrel by the two of them, which wet the ground under the barrel.

"Ah..." After jumping into the wooden barrel filled with warm water, Ah Ding narrowed his eyes comfortably, "I feel alive..."

The service at this post is quite comprehensive, and it also provided Ogata and Amachi with two towels soaked in cold water.

Ogata folded the two towels soaked in cold water and placed them on Amachi's head.

Then fold another towel soaked in cold water, and put this towel on your head.

The reason why Japanese people put towels on their heads when taking a bath or bathing in a tub is actually scientifically based.

This is actually to prevent cerebral hemorrhage.

Generally speaking, the towels placed on top of the head must be damp and cold towels soaked in cold water.

As soon as you enter a tub or bath filled with hot water, your body will be under water pressure, and blood will easily concentrate on your head, which may cause cerebral hemorrhage.

So in order to cool the head, put a wet towel soaked in cold water on the head.

Ogata squared the wet towel on top of his head, and asked Amachi:

"When was the last time we two had a hot bath?"

"I remember it seemed to be 2 days ago." Ah Ding folded his arms on the rim of the bathtub, and then hooked the overlapping arms with his chin.

"I don't know if I waited for Ezo land, I haven't had a chance to take a hot bath." Ogata joked halfway while pouring hot water on Amachi's back, and then helped Amachi wash his back.

"If two people take a bath together, you can save one person's bath money." This is a money-saving trick that Ogata and Amachi have discovered since they left Edo.

Most of the bathing services provided by hotels provide you with a bathtub, and then prepare hot water for you so that you can take a bath in the bathtub.

So if two people take a bath in the same bucket, isn't it the same as saving one person's money for renting a bucket and money for water?

Ogata discovered this money-saving trick by accident.

As for why he found this money-saving trick... the reason is actually not very convenient to elaborate.

Since leaving Edo, Ogata and Amachi have been using this method to save a person's bath money.

While saving money, there are many other things that can be done, which can kill two birds with one stone.

Of course, there are still some stores who insist on charging two people's bath money.

But most of the stores will agree to only charge one person.

When Ogata helped Amachi bathe, Amachi joked as Ogata:

"That person just mistakenly identified you as a Kansai native."

Ogata smiled helplessly: "My accent is biased by you. Isn't it normal to be mistaken for Kansai people?"

"In the past, your Kansai accent was not very standard." A Ding continued, "but now your Kansai accent is getting more and more standard."

The Mandarin of this era is naturally the Kanto dialect.

It is the standard Japanese of later modern Japan.

The Kanto dialect is similar to the "Mandarin" of this era.

And Ah Ding doesn't speak Kanto dialect, that is, he doesn't speak the "Mandarin" of this era.

Acho from Kansai only speaks Kansai dialect.

Kansai dialect is the most spoken dialect in Japan. There are many differences from Kanto dialect.

For example: "What" in Kanto dialect is pronounced "Nani".

The "what" in Kansai dialect is pronounced as "difficult duck".

Kansai is very large, so people in different regions speak different Kansai dialects.

According to different regions, the Kansai dialect has quite a few branches.

These branches are called "XXX Debate".

For example: Dabanbian, Narabian...

Because he was born in Omi in Kansai, Ah Ding speaks "Omi Bian" in Kansai dialect.

After spending so much time with Amachi, Ogata's accent has gradually become biased by Amachi.

Now Ogata speaks with a strong Kansai accent.

The old man was not the first person to mistake Ogata for Kansai.

After leaving Edo, Ogata has met several people who thought he was from Kansai...

In addition to taking a bath, Ogata and Amachi also did other things together, so it took more time to get out of the bathroom.

After returning to the double room they had opened, he happened to ran into the old man who was carrying two tables full of meals and walking towards their room.

"Two guest officials, it's just right for you to come back."

The old man Chong Ogata and Ah Ding smiled.

"Supper is just ready."

Although the old man is old, his arm strength is amazing. He holds a table full of meals in both hands, which is not only able to move but also very stable.

Ogata and Amachi returned to the room and sat down on the tatami mat in the room.

After Ogata and Amachi sat side by side on the tatami, the old man placed the two tables full of meals in front of Ogata and Amachi respectively.

"Come on! Two guest officers, please use!"

The smile on the old man's face was a bit of pride.

"These are the delicacies that Mutsu is proud of! Wanzi soba noodles, bamboo scallops, and mochi with edamame stuffing!"

Xu bowed to the old man and thanked him.

But he did not immediately pick up his chopsticks to eat.

Instead, he asked the old man first:

"Excuse me, I would like to ask, do you know any kind of merchants around here who can travel to and from Ezo?"

"A merchant who can go to and from Ezo?" The old man raised his eyebrows. "What do you ask this for?"

Og dialect briefed the old man about the reason.

"Oh oh... you want to go to Ezo land..." The old man nodded lightly, "Indeed, if you don’t have any access and financial resources, the best way to go to Ezo land is to take those with the Ezo land. A downwind boat for business."

"Then you will continue to walk north along the streets of Oshu tomorrow morning." The old man raised his hand and pointed to the north, "From here to the north, you will be Kinno Town."

"I remember that "Gen Tachibana House" in Kinnocho was a store specializing in Ezo products."

"The owner of Yuan Tachibana House is an incredible merchant. He has two merchant ships."

"He usually uses these two merchant ships of his own to go to the Ezo land, buy fur and other Ezo goods from the Ezos, and then pull these goods back and sell them."

"You go and ask the people in Yuan Orange House if they want to give you a ride."

"If your feet are fast enough, you might be able to arrive in Kinno Town tomorrow evening."

After collecting valuable information, Ogata and Amachi's faces were full of joy.

"Thank you." Ogata bowed to the old man again and thanked him, "You helped us a lot."

The old man smiled and waved his hand: "It's okay, it's not a little busy."

After all, the old man suddenly changed into a more solemn face.

"Two guest officials, although I don't know why you want to go to Ezo land. But if it is not because of something particularly important, then I advise you to better not go to Ezo land now."

"In recent years, Ezos have not been at peace."

"The Ezos just broke out in riots in Kunasi Limenasi last year."

"At the moment when the atmosphere of the two races is so tense, I advise you to not go to Ezo land now, it is better not to go to Ezo land as much as possible."

As soon as the old man's voice fell, he smiled slightly:

"Thank you for your reminder. But we happen to have something very important, so we have to go to Ezo land now."

"Since you really have something important to you, then I don't have much to do." The old man sighed lightly, "I will give you another reminder."

"When you arrive at Ezo Land, you must pay attention to the'Red Moon Fortress'."

"'Red Moon Fortress'?" Ah Ding looked confused, "What is this?"

"That's a place you must not approach." The old man smiled bitterly, "I don't remember when, a bunch of Lucians came to Ezo Land. Then they built a small fortress with wood."

"But not long after the fortress was built, this group of Lucias didn't know why, and suddenly left, leaving only this already-built fortress."

"Not long after the Lucias left, a group of Ezo lived in the fortress left by the Lucias."

"This group of Ezo who occupied the fortress does not know why, UU reading www.uukanshu.com has a lot of iron cannons."

"Their iron cannons are all carved with a red crescent."

The old man compared his fingers, and he used his fingers to draw a crescent shape in the air.

"So gradually, we used to call this fortress the'Red Moon Fortress'."



Let me show you the profile picture that the author found.

This is the "Five Streets". Ogata and Amachi are now on the streets of Oshu →

This is the northernmost domain of Japan in the Edo period: the seat of the Matsumae Domain →

This is the location of Dewa and Mutsu. The two areas are collectively referred to as the "Ou area" or "Tohoku area" →