I Was a Swordsman in Ancient Japan

Chapter 45: Visiting Tachibana no Hayashi

   Even outside the sword hall, I can clearly hear the roar of Ishikawa soldiers.

   It's not that all the disciples of Ishikawa Sword Museum followed Toyama and the others to mess around.

   There was also a small group of people who stayed in the sword hall to practice swords at ease, without interfering with the actions of Toyama and others.

   For example-the two disciples currently guarding the gate of Ishikawa Sword Museum did not follow Yuanshan and the others to the Sakura Sword Museum or Ryuya.

   So they don’t need to go to the dojo to listen to training.

   But because of this, the two of them were temporarily assigned to guard the gate of the sword hall, and no one was allowed to enter the sword hall.

   Ishikawa Soldier has decided to spend all the time remaining today on reprimanding Toyama and others.

   So today's sword hall will be temporarily closed, and no one will be allowed to practice swords in the dojo, and no one will be allowed to enter.

   Guarding the gate is an irritable and boring thing. Within a short while, these two disciples who were in charge of guarding the gate started a desertion and chatted with each other.

   "Hey, how long does he have to teach him..."

   "Who knows..." Another disciple shrugged, "The master looks really angry. The lecture should be over for a while."

   "Senior Toyama is too unsteady... Even if he has conflicts with the one in Sakura Sword Museum, they should be resolved in private... Why bother to stir up the crowd?"

   "Oh...when people are angry, they can do anything. Anyway, who is the person they are looking for?"

   "I think about it... I remember it was called...ogata...yisei...Yes! I remember! The person Toyama-senpai they were looking for was called Ogata Ise!"

   "Ogata Ishie...what did that guy do to make Toyama-senpai so angry."

   "Who knows. It must have done something unforgivable that made Senpai Yuanshan so angry."

   "I don't know where this Ogata Ishige is now..."

   "Hahahahaha, I must have been hiding somewhere a long time ago, so I didn't dare to come out. I must have been scared to death when I learned that there were so many men looking for him aggressively."

"Hahaha, too, he was lucky. When Senior Toyama looked for him, he happened to be not in Sakura Sword Museum. When he returned to Sakura Sword Museum now, he must have shrunk in fear when he learned that so many people came to him to settle accounts. Somewhere, I dare not go to the streets."

   "I guess, that Ogata should be hiding behind his master Hanbei Sakahara now, praying for his master's protection."

"I think so too! Ogata must not dare to go to the street when so many people came to him! He should be shrinking in the Sakurabara Sword Museum now, and ask his master to help him resolve today's issues quickly. "

   "It's normal to feel scared. If it's me, I must be too scared to go anywhere...Hey! Who are you?"

   When this disciple was chatting happily, the corner of his eye suddenly noticed that someone was slowly walking towards them.

   turned his head and looked intently at the guy who was walking slowly towards them.

   is a fairly young warrior.

   dark blue shirt, black hakama.

   It is worth noting that this young samurai did not shave Tsukidai's head, he kept his total hair, and there was still a lot of hair hanging down from his forehead.

   The hair that hangs down from the forehead is quite long, and the tips of the hair have already blocked some of the young warrior's eyebrows.

   "...Is this the Ishikawa Sword Museum?"

   The two disciples who watched the gate heard this young samurai ask, they were startled at first, and then said proudly:

   "That's right!"

   "If you want to enter our sword hall to learn about swords, please come back another day. Something happened in the sword hall today. Until tomorrow, the gate of the sword hall will not be open to the outside world."

   At this point in time, a young samurai came to visit-the two disciples who watched the gate thought that this young samurai came to learn swords from a master.

   When Ishikawa Soldier sent the two of them to guard the gate, he specifically gave them two death orders-before getting his consent, no outsiders were allowed to enter the sword hall.

   Therefore, without waiting for the young samurai in front of him to speak, the two disciples who watched the gate kept chasing the young samurai away and asked the young samurai to come back to apprentice another day.

   The young samurai ignored the drive of these two people.

   raised his head, looked at the wide wooden door in front of him with a calm gaze, and then whispered:

   "It seems that I did not go the wrong way."

   After that, the young samurai opened his feet again and walked straight to the gate of the Ishikawa Sword Museum in front of him.

"Hey! You kid! Didn't you hear what we just said? Today, the master will not see outsiders! If you want to learn swords from a master, he will be...Hey! What do you want to do? What do you want to do?! "

   "You, you bastard! What do you want to do?! Let go of him...uh...! My shoulder..."




   Itagaki has been silently listening to Ishikawa Soldier's reprimand since just now.

   It wasn't until Ishikawa Hema stopped reprimanding temporarily and adjusted his breathing, which was disturbed by anger and successive roars, that Itagaki finally said again.

   "I admit-what we did today is indeed a bit extreme..."

   "But I would like to ask you to forgive Senior Toyama, he also has his own difficulties in doing this."

   "If you know what Toyama-senpai is, and know what Ogata Izumo has done to Toyama-senpai, you should be able to understand me."

As soon as    Itagaki's voice fell, the soldiers and horses roared again:

   "Itagaki! Say it! What is the contradiction between Toyama and Ogata?"

   "...Sorry, I can't say."

   Toyama’s wife and Ogata scammed together--this kind of truth, Itagaki really didn't have the guts to say.

   "You... sigh..." Chief Warrior sighed, "When you went to Sakura Sword Museum, you should be back when you learned that Ogata was not here!"

   "What are your minds thinking! They broke into the Sakura Sword Museum! It's all right now! I don't know how to end it!"

   "At that time, we suspected that Ogata hid in the Sakura Sword Hall and did not dare to come out after hearing the movement of us entering the sword hall." A disciple sitting behind Itagaki responded in a calm tone.

   After saying this, the disciple paused.

   then changed to a mocking tone, and continued:

   "I don't know where Ogata is hiding now."

   "He should have learned that we are looking for him by now."

   "That Ogata should be hiding in a hidden corner at this time, afraid that we will come to the door~lightnovelpub.net~ The whole person is shivering..."


   Before the last syllable of this disciple’s sentence could be spoken, a loud noise suddenly sounded outside the dojo that was enough to interrupt the attention of the person who heard it.

   Everyone in the dojo followed the sound to look out of the dojo.

   "...what's going on..." The soldier murmured while frowning his brows.

   Soldiers and horses heard-this sound came from the gate of the sword hall.

   The soldiers and horses, who couldn't help but feel a little uneasy, got up and hurried towards the gate of the sword hall.

   And the same puzzled Itagaki and the others also hurriedly got up and followed closely behind Bingma.

   came to the gate of the sword hall, reflecting the sight of soldiers, horses, Itagaki and others, making them all shrunk in shock.

   The wooden door that had been closed was opened.

   A man moaning in pain lies on the white sandstone road behind the gate.

   This is the disciple who was sent by Ishikawa Soldiers and Horses to look at the gate temporarily.

   Standing in front of the gate was a young samurai wearing a dark blue Wu suit, a black hakama, and his hair.

   In the right hand of the young samurai, he still holds a sword that has been unsheathed but is facing the person with the back of the sword.

   There was another person lying on his feet who was also moaning in pain.

   This is the other of the two disciples sent by Ishikawa soldiers to temporarily guard the gate.

   The young samurai raised his eyes and looked at the soldiers and horses, Itagaki and others who had just galloped out of the dojo with a calm and terrifying gaze.


   "Ogata Yoshie, join in."

   In the same quite calm tone, he said that the hearts of soldiers, horses, Itagaki and others are no longer calm.