I Was a Swordsman in Ancient Japan

Chapter 456: Ogata: Sneak? what is that? (Drawing a k

   "I think Majima-sama's plan is very good!"

   Kinjo, who regards Ogata as a model, took the lead in expressing his agreement to Ogata's simple and rude plan.

   Huosaka is also close behind.

   Huosakamoto is also the kind of person who thinks and acts very simple and rude, Ogata’s plan fits his appetite very well.

   "Do you want to break into their stronghold directly...this plan is good!"

   "The small group of people they sent to give the villagers'suggestion' is gone, and they can't be indifferent."

   "Their small group of people has not returned. They will definitely wonder if something is wrong in this village."

   "It would be troublesome to let them know that people from this village invite samurai to help out."

   "While the bandits didn't know the people from this village had invited the samurai, the best strategy is to take the lead."

   After both Hosaka and Kinjo expressed their approval for Ogata's plan, only Tsuchiya and Mizuno remained unresolved.

   Tsuchiya, who doesn't like to talk very much, rarely said a very long sentence at this time:

   "I also agree to take the lead and go straight to Huanglong."

   "But—this is easier said than done."

   "The band of bandits has 42 people. Even if 12 have been killed now, there are still 30 left."

   "And we only have 5 people."

   "To beat 30 thieves with a handful of 5 people, even if Mashima-kun’s swordsmanship is extraordinary, I think it’s too dangerous."

   "You can't head straight to the bandit's stronghold."

   "You have to think of a detailed tactic to deal with the bandits who are entrenched in the stronghold."

   "So I have a strategy."

   The Tsuchiya, who talked so little as a dumb man, actually worked out a strategy-this surprised everyone present, so they all listened to it.

   "We figured out a way to sneak into their stronghold."

   Tsuchiya said word by word.

   "Assassinate their boss."

   "The bandits are just a gang of mobs."

   "Without the boss's command, they will be just a mess."

   "As long as their boss is gone, our odds of winning can be improved a lot in one go."

   Tsuchiya said his plan concisely.

   As soon as he finished talking about his plan, Huosaka smiled wryly:

   "Shoot people and shoot horses first... Your plan sounds great, but the question is-how do we sneak into the bandits' stronghold and then assassinate their bosses?"

   As soon as Huosaka said this, the atmosphere of the scene and the expressions of everyone became heavier.

   Even the Tsuchiya who proposed this "assassination plan" pressed his lips tightly with a solemn expression.

  Only Ogata and Amachi looked as usual.

   The two of them looked at each other with great tacit understanding, and Xu Jian put his hands around his chest and said:

   "Infiltrate the bandits' stronghold and kill their bosses-this is a good plan. Very stable."

   "How about doing it more thoroughly?"

   "Not only did they assassinate their bosses, but the piggybackers first assassinate all the targets in their strongholds that can be assassinated."

   Ogata’s words shocked the audience.

   "Mashima-sama. That's right..." Huosaka hesitated, "But the question is...how do I get in?"

   Hearing Hosaka’s question, Ogata smiled and shrugged.

   "About this...you don't have to worry about it."

   Ogata said, turning his head to look at the sky outside.

   "It's almost nine o'clock in the morning (12 noon). After we finish lunch and get enough energy, let this guy show us the way and take us to their stronghold."

   Ogata pounced at Ono who was being **** by the five flowers.

   "After arriving at their stronghold, first stop and wait for dark."

   "After dark, Uchiko and I will act first."

   "I and Uchiko will lurch into their stronghold by night and erase a part of the bandits in the dark."

   Ogata raised his hand and drew it across his neck.

   "I have cut the number of bandits with my wife and I to almost the same number. I will signal you again and you will attack together."

   Ogata simply stated the specific combat plan he had just drawn up.

   As soon as Ogata finished speaking, Hoosaka opened his eyes first and asked Ogata:

   "Mashima-sama, do you still plan to bring Reizheng to fight against the bandits? Do you want Reizheng to sneak into the bandit's stronghold with you?"

   "That...I'll be honest, it's hard to sneak into a place and start an assassination operation without knowing it..."

   "I know." Ogata nodded with a smile, "But I still know a little bit of sneaking and hiding skills."

   "As for Uchiko..."

   "Don't underestimate my wife."

   Ogata changed into a half-joking tone.

   "Her skill is far better than you think. At least better than the bandits who are coming today."

   "And she is also very good at how to sneak into a place without knowing it."

   "It's better to say—my sneaking and concealing skills were originally taught by Uchiko."

   "A mere bandit stronghold, I have the confidence to sneak into it and assassinate all the bandits in the stronghold that can be assassinated."

   Speaking of this, Ogata suddenly remembered-since he left Kyoto, it seems that he hasn't used the "Shiranui current stealth technique" to sneak into a place for a long time.

   The sentence he just said, "My sneaking and concealing skills were originally taught by Uchiko." Actually, it can't be wrong.

   Although Ogata was able to light up the skill tree "Shiranui Ninjutsu", it was all thanks to the system.

   But at the time, if Amachi didn't cover him with Shiranui Ninjutsu's various moves, Ogata couldn't use the system to unlock "Shiranui Ninjutsu".

   Therefore, it is not wrong to say that Amachi is Ogata's master of "Shiranui Ninjutsu".

  As soon as Ogata said this, everyone present cast shocked glances at Ah Ting.

   "Miss Ading." Huosaka whispered, "Are you so good at first?"

   Everyone, including Huosaka, originally thought that Ah Ting was just an ordinary woman except for her good-looking appearance.

  Because he was not used to being looked at by so many people with shocked eyes, Ah Ting couldn't help showing a somewhat shy smile.

   If Ogata said he was going to sneak into the stronghold to assassinate the bandits before this morning, before the group of bandits headed by Ohno attacked, Kinjo and the others would definitely sneer and think Ogata was crazy.

   But now after seeing Ogata's strength and knowing that Ogata turned out to be such a great swordsman with such a great swordsmanship, Kaneshiro's thoughts and concepts have all changed.

   Seeing Ogata vowed to say that he had the confidence to sneak into the bandit stronghold with Uchiko and assassinate the bandits one by one, Kinjo and the others only thought-Ogata might really do it!

   In addition to the relatively dull Tsuchiya, the three people of Huosaka, Kinjo, and Mizuno admire Ogata even more.

   The three of them only felt that Ogata, as a great swordsman with extraordinary swordsmanship, took the initiative to take on the most dangerous task.

   When the bandits headed by Ono attacked today, Ogata was also the first to rush up.

   What kind of spirit is this?

   Ogata's image in their minds has become taller...

   Out of trust in Ogata, everyone agreed to Ogata’s bold plan.



   After getting all the information he wanted from Ohno's mouth and simply drawing up a battle plan, it was almost time for the sun to rise to its highest point.

   In order to thank Ogata and their bravery today, the villagers prepared a much richer lunch for Ogata than in the past—but in essence, they only had more radishes and pickles on their plate.

   After lunch and a brief rest, Ogata and the others took their respective sabers and rushed to the bandits' stronghold.

   The little boss named Ohno’s hands were tied tightly behind him with twine, and he walked ahead to show Ogata and the others.

   Ogata walked behind Ohno, always on guard against Ohno, and beware of his escape.

   Ohno also knew Ogata's strength, so he didn't dare to make trouble, obediently lead Ogata and others to their stronghold.

   Soon, Ogata and others went deep into the vast snow-capped mountains in the southern part of the village.

  While they were on the way, Ogata and the others also took them to watch the scenery nearby—though there weren’t any particularly beautiful scenery.

   There is snow at the foot, snow around, everything in the field of vision is snow.

   looked up—there were mountains in the distance, and mountains in the distance.

  Ou area is indeed a mountainous place, and you can see the rolling mountains wherever you go.

  The mountains of different shapes and different poses are all covered with snow. Under the sunlight, they reflect silver light. If you have never seen snow, you might be very excited just when you see a snow scene. But the snow scene is just like that if you watch too much. After entering the Ou area, Ogata has been tired of snow scenes.

  While allowing Ohno to lead the way, Ogata and others also scraped more information from him, mainly asking for some details about their bandit.

  According to Ohno, their leader is called Koizumi Seiichiro, who has superb swordsmanship, and was also a samurai of a certain feudal clan.

   After the outbreak of "Tianmei Hunger", in order to reduce the financial burden, the clan government deprived some of the samurai jobs in the clan and demoted them to ronin.

   And their leader, Koizumi, happened to be one of the members who had been demoted, and was forced to leave the country where he grew up and find a way out.

  There are many jobs that do not hire samurai at all due to class attributes and other reasons.

   So after becoming a ronin, there were too few jobs available, so no matter what I did, I couldn’t get rid of the predicament of poverty and depression.

   About half a year ago, he finally decided to take the risk and become a thief.

   gathered some ronin who were also destitute and almost unable to survive, and went to be a road tyrant together, grabbing money from passers-by.

   Koizumi gathered these companions, basically have the same experience as him-after the "Tianming Famine" broke out, they were ruthlessly abandoned by the feudal mansion that was originally loyal to them.

   Ohno joined Koizumi at that time.

   Ohno’s previous experience is almost exactly the same as Koizumi’s.

   Ohno was also a samurai in a certain domain, and after the great famine that spread across the country, he was ruthlessly abandoned by the domain to reduce financial pressure and became a ronin.

After    became a ronin, he tried hard to find a living, but because there were too few jobs he could find, he gradually fell into a dilemma of starving to death.

   After finding him in Koizumi and inviting him to be a road fighter, Ohno nodded and agreed in order to survive.

   So something very ironic happened like this:

   When he was still a samurai, he worked hard to serve his duties wholeheartedly, but he could only get the death salary that might not change for a lifetime. When the disaster came, he was ruthlessly abandoned by the clan palace as a burden and rubbish.

   After becoming a ronin, he did not give up hope and still worked hard to earn a living. However, in many jobs where no samurai was hired at all, it was difficult to overcome the poverty of poverty.

   After breaking the jar and deciding to be a wicked person, life immediately improved.

   shows the saber around his waist, and with a few words of intimidation, he can grab money and food from passers-by.

   If you are lucky, you can grab a beautiful woman and be happy for a while.

   In the beginning, there were only a few people under Koizumi.

There are so many ronin in Ou nowadays, there is no shortage of fresh blood at all. As long as you can prove that you have brought everyone to live a life of eating and drinking, there will be a large number of people willing to follow you and pin their heads to the belt. on.

   So, the number of people gradually gathered more and more, and gradually developed into the scale of more than 40 people now.

After    was scaled up, Koizumi became dissatisfied with being a road tyrant who only robbed passers-by.

   He decided to do a big deal-to rob the village.

   So they chose this small village with a total population of less than 100.

   This is the first time they have robbed the village, and they had a hard time...

  Ohno sneered after telling the history of the establishment and development of their bandit, and then said to Ogata and others who were walking behind him:

   "Since you will be hired by the farmers, then you should all be ronin who has no fixed place and has eaten this meal, right?"

   Ono’s words were full of certainty in his tone, as if he had already known what the answer would be.

   "So what?" Huosaka replied.

As soon as    Huosaka's voice fell, Ono shrugged, and then sneered:

   "It's nothing, I just feel that you are very strange. Why do you want to help the farmers in that village?"

   "I know, that village is very poor, so I definitely can't get any generous rewards."

   "Do you choose to be the enemy of dozens of bandits for such a small reward? Don't you think you are stupid?"

   "Why not be a thief like us? How happy it is to be a thief."

   "Heh." Jin Cheng laughed mockingly, "What? You guy is a thief and still feel proud?"

   "I'm really proud." Ohno didn't smile because of his skin, and his shoulders shook a few times. "When I used to be an abiding samurai, I used to serve my duty wholeheartedly, but I could only receive a meager salary."

   "When the disaster came, I was ruthlessly abandoned."

   Tsuchiya pressed his lips uncontrollably after hearing Ohno's words.

  It's like...remembering some bad memories.

   "After becoming a thief, my life is much more moist than before."

   "Why don't I feel proud in this world where being a wicked person is more nourishing than being a good person?"

   "I have always been proud of myself as a free thief."

   Speaking of this, Ohno turned his head and looked at Ogata behind him.

   "Hey, I said, haven't you thought about being a thief together?"

   Ohno looked at Ogata with a torch.

   "Your swordsmanship is so superb, as long as you wave your arms, there will be many ronin willing to respond to you, and then fall into the grass with you."

   "With your swordsmanship, whether it is robbing the village or robbing passers-by, it will definitely be easy."

   "You can live a more generous and comfortable life than now..."

  Ohno hadn't finished speaking yet, Okina cut his sharp gaze at him like a sword.

"To shut up."

   Ogata said in a calm tone.

   "I have no interest in being a thief."

   "No more nonsense, be careful I cut your tongue."

   Ogata's eyes were so sharp that Ohno felt like he had been stabbed.

   After shrinking his neck because of fear, Ohno dared not say any more, and quickly turned his head back, not daring to look at Ogata again.

   As he turned his head back, Ono curled his lips, and a touch of resentment appeared in his eyes.



   When it was close to 5 o'clock in the afternoon, Ogata and others saw from a distance a small mountain in the distance with smoke rising up.

   Looking at the rising smoke, Ogata whispered:

   "It looks like we are here..."

   After getting closer to the stronghold of the bandits, Ogata asked Amachi to climb the tree next to him, and scout the stronghold of the bandits from a distance.

  Amachi, with amazing eyesight, is simply a "walking telescope".

   After climbing a tall enough tree next to him, Ah Ting reported to everyone under the tree what she could see.

   "Someone is on guard, but there are not many. All I can see is 5 guards."

   "Mashima-sama." Kinjo asked, "Do you want to get closer?"

  Invisible, everyone has regarded Ogata as their backbone.

   "...Get closer." Ogata thought for a while, and said, "There is a forest in front of us. Let's hide there and wait for it to get dark."



   It's winter now, and it gets dark fast.

   After Ogata and others hid in the woods and ate some dry food to replenish their physical strength, the sky gradually darkened.

  After the sky was completely dark, Ogata and Amachi looked at each other, and then nodded at the same time.

   "Acho, let's go."


   "Mashima-sama." Huosaka Masashi said, "I wish you good luck with Reisha."

   The others also offered their blessings to Ogata and Amachi.

Okinoshizaka and others nodded in response, and Okinawa beckoned to Ah Ding next to him, then lowered his weight, squatted, and walked toward the darkness in front of him with an unpleasant pace. go with.

   Soon, the figures of Ogata and Amachi were swallowed by darkness, and completely disappeared from the sight of Huosaka and others.



   This band of bandits built their stronghold on a small hill.

   Although the number of people is small, it is unexpectedly very precautionary. Whether it is day or night, there are organized manpower to stand on guard, but-the number is not large.

   A bandit is holding the knife at his waist and leaning against a big tree.

   A long wooden stick is stuck beside him, and a torch for lighting is tied to the stick. He relied on the light emitted by this torch to alert his surroundings.

   But he was actually just pretending to be vigilant.

   I don't know if he is sleepy or tired, he just casts his blank eyes on the darkness that the surrounding fire can't touch, and he is not watching seriously at all.

   His inattentive attitude didn't make him notice at all—there was one more person on the trunk above his head at this time.

   The dark figure crouching on the tree trunk above his head, after aligning its downward direction, it was convenient to land and jump down quickly.

   Hearing the weird sound of breaking wind above his head, the thief instantly felt energetic, and then raised his head to look over his head.

   But obviously—it's too late.

   As soon as he raised his head, he felt that his head was pinched by something.



   The bandit heard a cracking sound from his neck.

   With the sound of this cracking sound, the bandit didn’t even have time to scream, and felt his consciousness gradually dissipating...



   After leaping down from the tree trunk, Okinawa clamped the head of the bandit with her knees, and then used the killing skills in Shiranui Jiujitsu to twist the bandit's head.

   Shiranui Jiu-Jitsu is a Jiu-Jitsu produced in Shiranui, which has many techniques and tricks that are particularly suitable for assassination.

【Ding! Shiranui Ninjutsu·Shiranui Jiu-Jitsu, kill the enemy】

  【Get 70 points of personal experience, 70 points of experience for ninjutsu "Shiranui Ninjutsu"】

   [Current personal level: LV35 (650/5400)]

   [Shiranui Ninjutsu level: 7 stages (4070/4500)]

   From jumping down from the tree to using Jiu-Jitsu to assassinate the bandit, Ogata remained extremely quiet throughout.


   After killing the bandit, Ogata whispered the number of enemies killed while laying the corpse of the bandit away.

   And Ah Ding was also holding her woke up at this time, and walked out of the darkness not far away.

   The wakisashi in the hands of Amachi is exactly the wakisashi that Amachi took a lot of effort to modify when he left Kyoto a few months ago and rested at the gourd house base in Owari.

   The inside of the knife handle was hollowed out, and the knife handle was filled with healing medicine.

   A thick circle of black cloth is wrapped around the handle of the knife.

   This black cloth strip can not only be used to stop bleeding when injured, but also can be used to recover the wrinkle when it is used to board a place.

   Just now lurking in Amachi not far away, I have a panoramic view of Ogata's slaying enemy.

   "You guy can be quite annoying sometimes."

   Amachi squashed his mouth, and then whispered in a volume that only she and Ogata could hear.

   "It has only been a few months since I learned Shiranui Jiujitsu."

   "It took you only a few months to practice Shiranui-ryu Jiu-Jitsu to this point... If we both use Jiu-Jitsu to compete, I am definitely no longer your opponent."

   Ogata smiled:

   "On skills, UU reading www.uukanshu.com, I am definitely not as good as you. If you learn Jiu-Jitsu with you, I can only win you by relying on the advantages of physical fitness."

   According to Ogata’s estimation, the level of Shiranui-ri Jiu-Jitsu in Amachi is roughly “advanced”.

  In terms of technique, Amachi's Jiu-Jitsu skills must be above Ogata, whose Jiu-Jitsu level is still "intermediate."

   But-this unarmed fighting technique is greatly affected by physical fitness.

   The same trick, people with better physical fitness can use more powerful power.

   Ogata’s current physical fitness is far better than that of Amachi, who is a daughter.

   Therefore, even if Amachi's Jiu-Jitsu level is one level higher than Ogata, Ogata can still sling Amachi mercilessly and rub Amachi on the ground.

   "Let's go."

   Ogata beckoned towards Amachi.

   "There are 29 people waiting for us to kill one by one."

   "Are you planning to kill all these bandits alone?" Ah Ting asked in a half-joking tone.

   "If there is a chance to do this, I don't mind doing it." Ogata smiled lightly, and then responded to Amachi in a half-joking tone.


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