I Was a Swordsman in Ancient Japan

Chapter 47: Challenge all of you! (under)

   Take off the straw shoes, put the saber, board the dojo, and walk towards the knife stand.

   Randomly took a wooden knife from the knife holder. After confirming that the wooden knife was OK, Ogata directly picked up the wooden knife and walked towards the center of the dojo.

   In the center of the dojo, there is already a disciple of Ishikawa Sword Museum waiting for him.

   is a stronger man.

   This disciple is also quite courageous and responsible. After returning to the dojo, he was the first to take the stage as the vanguard of the disciples of Ishikawa Sword Museum.

   Ishikawa Soldiers and Ishikawa Sword Museum's other disciples kneeled and sat on the edge of the dojo, watching the competition in the center of the dojo.

   "Saburo Hirano, see..."

   Before the opponent in front of him had time to finish introducing himself, Xu Yi raised his eyebrows and said:

   "Why? Is he not there?"

   "...Senior Toyama just isn't here at this time. It doesn't matter if Senior Toyama is here or not! Even if Senior Toyama isn't here, we can defeat you!"

   "Well, then I am looking forward to your performance."

   "Saburo Hirano, see..."

   This person wants to re-submit his name that he didn't have time to say just now.

   But Ogata interrupted again:

   "Okay, don't waste time. Let's get started, I don't have the spare time to remember the name of the guy who will soon become my defeat!"

   Ogata’s words made the man named Saburo Hirano even more angry.

   After humming heavily with his nose, he slowly raised the wooden knife in his hand and set his posture in the middle.

   And Ogata also quietly set up the middle posture, facing each other with Hirano Ichiro.

   After both of them were in a posture, Ishikawa, who was sitting on the edge of the dojo and watching the battle, sighed heavily.

   Other low-level disciples may not be able to see it, but Ishikawa Soldier can clearly see that the victory or defeat is already divided.

   Even if the two have not yet started the fight, soldiers and horses have already seen the battle, and Ogata will undoubtedly win.

  Ogata's posture is like a rock, unshakable after both of them have set their positions.

   Although as unshakable as a rock, his feet were not completely nailed to the floor.

   His feet are still somewhat "soft", allowing him to step in or back quickly while maintaining a stable posture.

  , on the other hand, Saburo Hirano...

   With Ogata as a comparison, Saburo Hirano's posture is terrible.

   Although from the outside, Saburo Hirano’s mid-stage posture is quite standard.

   But his feet are not nailed to the ground at all.

   If Ogata is like a towering tree with dense roots, then Saburo Hirano is like a small sapling that may be blown down by the wind at any time...

   It is not only Ishikawa Soldiers who saw that the victory has been divided, but a small number of disciples who are superior in swordsmanship have also foreseen the outcome of this victory.

as predicted--

   A dull impact sounded and Hirano collapsed to the ground.

   Ogata didn't use any strange strategies or techniques.

   just aimed at Hirano's left neck and used their Sakihara's slashing chopping technique-water fall.

   Ogata's sword speed is too fast.

   No... To be precise, Ogata's sword was too fast in the eyes of Saburo Hirano.

   It was almost too late for Saburo Hirano to react.

   Ogata’s wooden sword has already cut Hirano Saburo’s neck, and he is still in the middle posture foolishly.

   He may have been stunned by Ogata, and he didn't realize that Ogata had already played the sword.

  The increase in agility can not only improve the flexibility of Ogata's body.

   can also increase Ogata's sword speed.

   allows Ogata's sword to hit the opponent faster.

   There is nothing to say about this match between Hirano Saburo and Ogata, relying on his speed far above Hirano Saburo, to kill Hirano Ichiro in seconds.

   Not to mention that Saburo Hirano was defending and counterattacking, he was stunned by Ogata before he even called out in pain.

After Saburo Hirano was dragged off the court by the two closest Ishikawa Kenkan disciples, Ogata ignored the system sound in his head as he defeated the enemy, but turned his head to look at the crowd kneeling on the edge of the dojo. .


   "I will be the next one!"

   As soon as Ogata's voice fell, a young man with a very lush beard stood up angrily, rushed into the center of the dojo, and then picked up the wooden knife that Ichiro Hirano had just dropped on the ground.

   "Sato Magoro! Join!"

   "I have said... I don't need to introduce myself, I am not interested in your names, so I won't remember the guy who will soon become my underdog."

   Ogata raised the sword high and placed it in the upper posture.

   Looking at Ogata in the upper posture, Sato Magoro secretly said in his heart:

  ——The posture in the upper stage... Is it necessary to use "Shuiluo" again...

   Sakura Kazuki only has 4 sword skills. No one of the disciples of Ishikawa Sword Museum does not know the name and type of Sakura Kazuki's 4 sword skills.

   After Ogata was in the upper posture, Sato Magoro subconsciously thought that Ogata would use their Sakahara's cutting technique-Mizuruka again.

   So, Magoro Sato tightened every nerve of his own, and UU reading www.uukanshu.com stared at Ogata in front of him, guarding against Ogata's slash.


   The sound of breaking wind sounded.

   The wooden sword in Ogata's hand slashed straight towards Sato Magoro's neck.


   Sato Ma Goro, who thought he had successfully predicted Ogata's actions, shouted happily in his heart, while holding up the wooden sword in his hand, trying to block Ogata's blow.

   However-after the wooden knife in the hand hit the opponent's wooden knife, the extremely familiar pain and numbness in the palm did not appear.

   The slash that Ogata just made was just a fake move used to deceive Sato Magoro.

   is just to blind Sato Magoro and let Sato Magoro make a wrong defensive judgment.

   Sato Magoro, who had successfully taken the bait, stupidly raised the sword.

   And Ogata suddenly stopped the sword in his hand at the moment when Sato Magoro raised the sword high.

   Then he deflected the sword and adjusted the direction of the sword's attack.

   Just now Ogata’s sword was cut from the upper left of Sato Magoro.

   And now, Ogata's sword has been cut from the upper right side of Sato Magoro.

   Sato Magoro, who was still stupidly defending the wrong direction, was hit in the neck by Ogata so unexpectedly, and then, just like Ogata's opponent in the previous round, Hirano Saburo, he passed out.

  In terms of strength, Magoro Sato ranks among the disciples of Ishikawa Kenkan.

   Seeing that even Sato Ma Goro was defeated, the faces of the other disciples sitting on the edge of the dojo all became uglier without exception.

   After Sato Magoro was dragged off the field, Ogata turned his head again and looked at the people on the edge of the dojo.
