I Was a Swordsman in Ancient Japan

Chapter 476: See the pride of mankind! (Drawing a gun

I don’t know if this bear’s skin is too thick, or it’s because Ogata’s Kasana is not powerful enough—or it may have both. After 4 rounds of Kasana’s bullets, this huge bear can still launch Ogata. attack.

After all, Xia Nai is just a pistol, neither in terms of power nor rate of fire can compare to modern firearms, let alone those shotguns.

This giant bear is about a hundred meters away from Ogata.

In just one breath a little more time, this bear will run this distance.

Its goal is clear-it is Ogata.

It just rushed straight towards Ogata.

After the huge bear got close, Ogata intuitively felt that this bear is really big!

When I encountered it during the day today, because of the distance, it didn't bring much oppression to Ogata.

Now that it got closer, Ogata deeply felt how oppressive a bear of this size was.

It was a full circle larger than the female bear that she encountered during the day today.

If standing up, his height should be at least 3 meters.

With the heavy stomping on the ground, the sharp sound of breaking wind, and such a huge size-Ogata felt that the weight of this bear should not be less than half a ton.


After rushing into his bear's paw to be able to take a picture of Ogata, the giant bear roared, while picking up the big paw with sharp claws, and patted it towards Ogata.

However, as soon as it raised its palm, Ogata jumped from the side and fled from the giant bear.

The four bullets that Ogata fired just now still had a little effect.

In terms of speed, it is much slower than the female bear that Ogata and the others encountered during the day today, which was still uninjured.

Although the target of this giant bear was Ogata, Amachi and Ayaka followed Ogata quickly to jump to the side, pulling away from the giant bear.

Ogata and Amachi jumped not far to the right of the giant bear.

Aiyaka jumped not far to the left of the giant bear.

Although bears are far better than humans in terms of power, speed, and reaction speed.

But human beings have human pride!

Bang, bang, bang, bang!

The pride of mankind is the skillful use of various tools

Four more gunshots exploded.

The four gunshots this time came from the Susakura in Amachi.

Ogata and the others took turns to show this bear the pride of mankind.

After jumping to the right side of the giant bear with Ogata not far away, Amachi raised her Suzakura, aimed at the bear’s right abdomen, and blasted all the bullets in Suzakura’s gun. .

Unlike Ogata, whose shooting talent and shooting level are approximately equal to zero, Amachi is a sharpshooter with excellent shooting talent since he was a child.

Amachi didn't hit the bear on the side of the bear because he couldn't shoot accurately like Ogata just now.

Instead, squinting one eye, using the moonlight, aimed the gun at the giant bear.

Her goal is-bear's neck.

Amachi has very little knowledge of "bear hunting". Her only knowledge of bear hunting is that Ogata told her "can't attack the head of a bear". She doesn't know anything about the key to the bear.

Although I don't know where the bear's key is, Ah Ding guessed-since it is an animal, there should be no animal that is not afraid of being attacked on its neck.

Ah Ding is already different from the daytime.

Now she, because she has had experience fighting bears, she no longer feels panicked and nervous after facing the bears again.

During the day today, due to lack of experience with bears and surprise attacks by bears, Ah Ting failed to aim and shoot calmly.

For Acho, who is good at shooting, shooting a bear on the neck at such a close distance is just a piece of cake.

Almost at the same time as Ah Ding, Aiyaka also showed the bear the pride of mankind.

Aiyaka, who jumped to the left side of the bear, raised his bow and arrow, pointing straight at the left side of the bear. The arrow beamed with a weird light.

Raising the gun, aiming, pulling the trigger—the above actions, A Ting took less than 1 second from beginning to end.

Aiyaka is like this—raise the bow, pull the string, and loosen the string. From start to finish, it only took less than 1 second.

All of Suying's 4 bullets fell into the neck of the giant bear.

The arrow shot by Ayaka also plunged deeply into the flesh of the giant bear's left abdomen.


The bear no longer made a terrifying growl as before, but made a low "whee" sound-it probably didn't have the strength to growl anymore.

"He has been hit by my poison arrow!" Ayaka yelled at Ogata and Amachi on the other side, "It won't be long before it will die!"

Although Suying and Xia Nai are not as powerful as modern firearms, they have hit 8 shots in a row, 4 of which were shot in the neck. No matter how strong and fierce this bear is, it is impossible to continue to live and live.

What's more, he has now hit a poisoned arrow.

However—even with the scars, the bear still stood firm, swaying, and walking towards Ogata little by little.


With the last bit of effort, the bear roared Ogata, raised its bear paw again, and waved it down.

This time, Ogata didn't jump as far away as before.

The speed of this bear is now slow enough that even Ah Ting can easily avoid it.

Facing the bear's paw with little power and speed left, Ogata resorted to the dragon tail transformation trick that he hadn't used for a long time-Dragon Tail Flash.

Using his left foot as the axis, Ogata dodges the bear's paw in a rotating manner, accumulating strength while rotating, and when he rotates a circle and faces the giant bear again, he quickly draws a knife and makes a sharp cross-cut to the bear. .

Under the moonlight, the gleaming knife light swept toward the giant bear's neck.

Although the fur of the giant bear is thick, the swordsmanship in the face of Dashaten who blows and breaks his hair and Ogata is actually no different from the thin paper.

Ogata's hand feels completely different from that of Slash.

Compared with human flesh, bear's flesh is thicker and harder.

A large amount of bear blood was spilled by Ogata.

With just one stab, Ogata left a bone-bearing wound on the neck of this giant bear.


The giant bear struggled, trying to stand firm.

But Ogata's cut just now seemed like the last straw that overwhelmed the camel.

After shaking a few times, the giant bear fell heavily to the ground, arousing a lot of snow on the ground.

In the face of human pride, the strength and speed of bears are not worth mentioning.

"Awesome..." Ayaka looked at Ogata blankly, "The cut you just made was really amazing..."

Although Ayaka doesn't know how to use swordsmanship, and knows nothing about Japanese swordsmanship, but as a hunter who has been accompanied by blood and death for many years, he instinctively feels that Ogata's sword is quite powerful, and he hates it.

"Mashima, I didn't expect your swordsmanship to be so powerful."

"I used to learn a little bit of swordsmanship in Izumo. It's just a small strength that is not worth mentioning." Ogata smiled while taking Dashaten, who had wiped off blood and fat, with her sheath.

When I heard Ayaka's praise to him, Ogata somehow remembered Mamiya, whom he hadn't seen for a while.

So subconsciously blurted out what Mamiya said most often.

Aiyaka walked quickly to the side of the dead bear and checked the bear's condition.

"Yeah. It's dead." After that, Aiyaka turned to look at the two Ezos who were attacked by the bear just now and are still wailing on the ground. "I'll go. Look at the situation of those two people."

"I recognize those two people. Those two people seem to be hunters in Hege Village."

Ogata ran towards the two Ezos with Ayaka.

The two Ezos are very young. The age seems to be no more than 25 years old.

One of them injured his left arm and his whole arm was full of blood. He held his injured left arm and kept rolling and wailing on the ground.

The other person suffered more severe injuries. It seemed that his chest was injured, and the blood dripping from the wound stained his upper body red.

This Ezo with a wounded chest was the one who was overwhelmed by the giant bear just now.

If it weren't for Ogata and they arrived in time, I'm afraid this person would have been killed by the giant bear.

Aiyaka was the first to check the condition of the more injured person.

Aiyaka: "¥%&*#@!¥%@#!%*&#¥! (Ezoi

The injured Ezo: "It doesn't matter to me. (Ezo

Aiyaka said a lot of Ezo language just now—Ogata couldn't understand it at all.

But Ogata understood the response of the more injured Ezo-he said it was okay.

The reason Ogata can understand what the Ezo is saying is that he and Amachi had been carefully learning the common words in Ezo from the "Guide to Ezo Languages".

The phrase "It doesn't matter" was taught in the "Guide to Ezo Common Phrases", and Ogata happened to learn this phrase.

Now that the Ezo said it didn't matter, Ogata guessed that Aiyaka was asking the Ezo if it didn't matter.

Aiyaka tore off the clothes on Ezo's chest and looked at his injuries.

When Aiyaka checked his injuries, the Ezo said "thank you" to Aiyaka in Ezo language.

Then he turned his head and looked at Ogata who was standing beside Ayaka.

First, he looked up and down Ogata with a surprised look, and then said in Ezo language:

"Thank you... (Ezo language

"He said'thank you.'" Aiyaka translated for him.

Aiyaka doesn't actually need to translate for Ogata, Ogata understands what Ezo said just now. Thank you.

"Thank you" is a vocabulary that is highly used no matter what ethnic group you are in. The first page of the "Usual Ezo Language Teaching Guide" teaches the word "thank you".

"Ayaka, you can translate it for me." Ogata said softly, "'You're welcome, I just did some small things within my power.'"

Ogata himself was a man who suffered countless injuries.

How many injuries he has suffered since he crossed into the Edo period-he can't even count the number of injuries he has suffered.

Because of too many injuries, Ogata has also developed some eyesight to see wounds.

According to Ogata's observation, the wounds on these two people's bodies are not serious.

The man with his left arm had no major injuries except for his left arm.

The person with the chest injury, although the chest was injured, but fortunately the wound was not deep, and there was no broken artery.

These two are also considered fatal.

Especially the person with a chest injury, was overwhelmed by the bear, and only suffered such a slight injury. It is a bit unqualified to describe it as a blessing in misfortune.

After a cursory glance at their injuries, Aiyaka turned to Ogata and said:

"Mashima, can you help me? Move these two people to the hunting lodge where we lived just now. Although their injuries are not fatal, it is better to deal with them quickly."

"Just save the bear until later and deal with it slowly."

Aiyaka carried the injured Ezo on his chest, and Ogata carried the injured Ezo on his arm.

Carrying the injured two on their backs, the two took the two back to the hunting lodge where they had just lived.

Aiyaka carried medicinal herbs that could heal wounds and a clean cloth for wounds.

According to Aiyaka, the herb has anti-inflammatory effects and prevents wounds from purging.

After chewing the herbs with his teeth, Aiyaka applied the chewed syrup to the wounds of the two men.

When healed the two men, Ayaka asked aloud how the two men encountered the man-eating bear.

The person with the chest injury was not suitable to talk more, so Ayaka asked the person with the left arm injury to explain.

The man with the left arm could not speak Japanese, so after he told them in Ezo, Ayaka had to translate them for them.

It turns out that these two people are villagers in Hege Village.

The name of the man with the chest injury was "Noosa".

The man whose left arm was injured was named "Nekushi".

Hege Village was one of the settlements that responded to the giant cannibal bears after they appeared, sending people to hunt the giant cannibal bears.

These two people, like Aiyaka, came to hunt the pair of cannibal bears.

Just now, the two of them passed by nearby, looking for a suitable place to spend the night.

Then he was attacked by the cannibal bear.

The two were walking on the snow, when the cannibal bear suddenly sprang out from the dark and attacked them.

The two have insufficient hunting experience, and this cannibal bear is very cunning and good at hiding, so they haven't had this cannibal bear hiding in the dark for a long time.

Although the cannibal bear was not spotted in time, they instinctively hid when the cannibal bear attacked them.

Their instinctive evasion made them lose their lives.

Nekuhi's left arm was scratched by the bear's claws, while Noosa's chest was scratched by the bear's claws-but they were not seriously injured because of their evasion.

Being scratched by a bear's paw, not only did not die, nor was he seriously injured—the luck of the two of them was really good.

After quietly listening to Iyaka’s translation, Ogata asked Iyaka with a wry smile:

"The cannibal bear happened to be near us... Doesn't it really intend to come to us for revenge?"

"It's possible." Aiyaka followed Ogata with a wry smile and nodded. "Otherwise, it's hard to explain why it happened to be near us."

"Mashima, it looks like it was really hit by you just now. It really came back tonight, planning to find us revenge."

"I really hope that in other ways, I can say anything..." Ogata sighed in a half-joking tone.

After administering good medicine to Nekuhi and Noosa, the two fell asleep due to fatigue and injuries.

After the two of them fell asleep, Ayaka breathed a sigh of activity, and then asked Ogata and Amachi in a voice that would not disturb the two who were already asleep:

"What weapon did you use when you attacked the giant cannibal bear? Short blunderbuss?"

As soon as I heard it, I knew that the weapons that Aiyaka was referring to were Su Ying and Xia Nai.

"Yeah." Amachi replied one step ahead of Ogata, "Yes, it's a short gun."

"It's amazing... I can shoot so many shots in a row."

"The Lucia's short guns can only be shot once."

"Oh?" An interesting color appeared in Ah Ding's eyes, "Have you seen Lucia's short guns?"

"Well, I have seen it. Not long ago, there was a group of Lucias who lived in our village for a while."

"It was at that time that I saw the blunderbuss used by the Lucias."

"In addition to short guns, they also have long guns."

"But whether it's their short or long guns, they can only hit one shot."

"You can't shoot many shots in a row like the blunderbuss you used."

"If your short blunderbuss can be a little more powerful, there may not be any animals in the entire mountain forest that are your opponents."

After complimenting Suying and Xia Nai, Ayaka adjusted his sitting posture, and then talked freely.

This time, Ayaka's tone was full of emotion.

"The man-eating bear thing has finally come to an end..."

"Luck is really good..."

"I thought that even if I followed you, it would take several days before I hope to kill the man-eater bear."

"I didn't expect to let things settle so quickly."

"In this way, it can also comfort the spirits of the nine compatriots who were unfortunately killed by the pair of cannibal bears."

"Nine people?" Ah Ding exclaimed in a low voice.

"Yeah. That's right, this is just the number we have found so far. The number of people eaten by this pair of cannibal bears must be far more than this number."

"The first time I found this pair of cannibal bears was half a month ago."

"The pair of cannibal bears broke into the village next door to my village in the middle of the night."

"They smashed the wall of the house directly and took away a pair of mother and daughter. Then they quickly fled from the village."

"Once a bear eats human flesh, it can only feed on human flesh throughout its life."

"Although according to our traditional Ainu concept, the reason why a bear can no longer eat food other than human flesh for the rest of its life after eating human flesh is because it has been punished by the gods."

"It is forbidden to eat such delicious foods as mountain fruits and fish."

"I don't really believe this statement."

"In my opinion, the reason why bears eat human flesh for the rest of their lives is only because they find that humans are more delicious."

"And found that people are quite fragile and easy to hunt."

"Without weapons, no matter how strong a person is, it is impossible to beat a bear."

"I guess this pair of cannibal bears migrated here from a relatively far place."

"After the mother and daughter were taken away, this pair of cannibal bears appeared here for the first time, and other victims also appeared in other villages."

"Since this pair of cannibal bears first appeared here, they have eaten 9 people in total."

"The youngest is only 9 years old."

Speaking of this, Aiyaka sighed heavily.

"Now that the pair of cannibal bears have been dealt with, the people in the village can finally get a good night's sleep."

As soon as Aiyaka's voice fell, Ah Ding immediately asked:

"I'm very curious. Don't bears hibernate in winter? Why can those two cannibal bears walk in the snow like this?"

"This is a misconception that many people often have." Aiyaka shook his head with a wry smile. "Not all bears hibernate."

"The reason why bears hibernate is because they don't have much food in winter, so they don't have enough food."

"In order to survive the winter, I hid in the nest and entered a state of half asleep and half awake, which is commonly known as'hibernation'."

"In other words, if there is sufficient food, the bear will not hibernate."

"That's why I think the pair of cannibal bears started eating people very early."

Ayaka's tone gradually became low.

Because his tone became low, his tone also became weird.

"There are delicious food everywhere, how can they hibernate well in the nest?"

Ah Ding shrank his neck.

Ogata couldn't help but feel the creeps.

What Aiyaka said just now made me feel terrified.

After sighing again, Ayaka lowered to Ogata and Amachitou, and then solemnly thanked him:

"Thank you for your help. Thanks to you, we were able to hunt this pair of Unkamuyi so quickly."

"You're welcome." Ogata returned. "We haven't done much great things either."

"I will keep my promise." Aiyaka smiled. "Tomorrow I will take you to my village."

"Do my best to help you find the two people you are looking for."

Ogata: "Thank you. I will bother you tomorrow."

"My village is not far from here. If you walk, it will take about two and a half days."

"Now I will help you deal with that cannibal bear."

After all, Ayaka drew his short knife.

"That male cannibal bear was also hunted by you, so all of it belongs to you. Which part of it do you want, I will get it for you now."

"You also participated in the hunt for that bear." Ogata said, "Let's divide the bear equally."

Aiyaka smiled and shook his head:

"Although I also attacked the man-eater bear with you just now, I didn't actually do much."

"From beginning to end, I only shot an arrow at the cannibal bear."

"The poison on the arrow didn't take effect yet, it was killed by you."

"So you hunted that bear."

"Our Ainu hunting rules are-whoever kills the prey, who owns the prey."

"So I can't ask for everything about the giant cannibal bear just now."

Seeing Ayaka insisted not to have anything on that giant cannibal bear, Ogata no longer behaved.

"Then... I will trouble you. Just cut off the bear skin and bile for us."

"Is it just bear skin and bear bile again? Don't you need other things? There are so many good things on bears."

"I know there are many good things on bears." Ogata smiled helplessly, "but neither I nor Uchiko have the energy to carry all the treasures on bears."

"So we only take the most precious bear skins and bile from bears."

"So... I know." Aiyaka nodded. "But as a hunter, I suggest you take the bear skin and bile from this cannibal bear this time. Take the bear's paw."

"Bear's paw?" Ah Ding asked back, "Why?"

"Because the paw is the best part of the bear."

Aiyaka smiled.

"The cannibal female bear that I encountered during the day was dry. At first glance, it looked like the kind of bear's paw that was not tasty and we Ainu would never use it for treats. So I have no suggestions. You take the paw of that cannibal bear."

"But this time the cannibal bear is different."

"It has a lot of meat in its bear paw, which is considered a treasure in the bear paw."

"It doesn't matter if the paw of the cannibal female bear doesn't eat it, it's definitely not tasty anyway."

"But I think it's necessary for you to taste the paws of the cannibal bear."

"Bear paw..." Ogata scratched his hair, "but neither I nor Uchiko can cook bear paws."

"It's okay." Aiyaka waved his hand. "Aren't you going to the village where I live, you will bring the bear's paw to the village where I live."

"I asked my grandma to cook bear paws for you."

"My grandma is a good cook. The bear paws she makes are better than everyone else in the village."

Bear paw-Ogata has heard of many famous dishes related to bear paw in his previous life. I have heard of the taste of bear paws in my previous life.

Ogata, who was slightly tempted, cast an inquiring look at Ah Ting.

"What do you think? Do you want to eat bear meat and try Ainu's dishes?"

"Then... try it..." A Ting, whose face was full of hesitation, tangled for a while, then nodded gently.

As a traditional Japanese, Ah Ding’s traditional concept tells her: Eating animal meat is completely crooked.

But the curiosity who has always been curious about all kinds of dishes he hasn't eaten told Amachi: It won't be great to taste it.

In the end-curiosity defeated traditional ideas.

Early the next morning, Ogata and the others officially set off for the village of Ayaka.

They also brought Nekuhi and Noosa.

According to Ayaka, the injuries on the two of them are still serious. He just did some simple dressings and needs further treatment.

Therefore, he planned to carry the two people back to his village first, and while allowing them to receive further treatment in his village, he would send someone to their village to ask someone to take them back. UU Reading www.uukanshu.cOM

The time taken by Ogata and the others was a little longer than Ayaka expected.

It was not until the afternoon of the third day that they finally arrived at the village where Aiyaka lived.

"Look at it." Aiyaka snarled at the entrance of the village not far away, "That's my village!"

After the village appeared in his field of vision, Ayaka's emotions also became excited.

Before arriving at the entrance of the village, a group of children discovered Aiyaka and walked towards Aiyaka.

After seeing Aiyaka, these children babbled a lot of Yezo language.

Ogata couldn't understand.

But he found that Ayaka's expression had changed.

"What's wrong?" Ogata asked.

"Nothing." Aiyaka smiled helplessly, "It's just...a group of Lucias have come to our village...a group of our old friends."