I Was a Swordsman in Ancient Japan

Chapter 482: Ah Ding who was disgusted because of his

"Disappeared?" Ogata said, "What do you mean? What do you mean by disappearing?"

"It means it literally." Iyaka sighed lightly, "I disappeared, and I still don't see people or dead bodies."

"About 2 years ago, or more than 3 years ago, I don't remember the exact time anymore. In short, it was a few years ago."

"You and people live by farming, and we Ainu live by fishing and hunting, so the men will go into the mountains and the woods to hunt in short distances."

"But one day just a few years ago, the young people in Qina Village who went into the mountains and forests to hunt were all gone."

"The number of missing is obviously too many. It cannot be because the hunting failed and the beasts such as bears or wolves failed to return."

"Even if you missed hunting, it is impossible for so many people to miss at the same time."

"So I suspect that something has happened. For example, an avalanche."

"Avalanches are the most terrible disaster in winter. Once a large-scale avalanche occurs, unless you have enough strength to grasp a tree that is strong enough, you are basically dead."

"Qina Village sent a large number of people to search for it"

"But after searching everywhere, there was no sign of an avalanche in any area."

"None of the missing people were found."

"Neither the living nor the dead can be seen."

"Not only didn't the people come back, but some people who went to find someone suddenly disappeared when they were looking for someone."

"No one was found for a long time, so Qina Village wondered if someone had kidnapped people from their village."

"So they went to the place where you and the people were, that is, the place called'Matsumaehan' in the south, and asked the leader of you and the people if it was a ghost between you and the people."

"The leader of Matsumae-fan denied it. To prove his innocence, Matsumae-fan sent a large number of people to assist the people in China Village to find the missing people in their village."

"However, even with the help of others, there is still nothing to gain."

"Not long after that, no one in China Village disappeared."

"That's all there is to it."

"Our old people in Kumar Village said that this was because the gods were angry. The gods punished China Village."

"But I don't agree with this view."

Aiyaka shrugged.

"The people in Qina Village did nothing wrong. They did not destroy the forest, nor did they indiscriminately kill animals such as bears and deer. Why did the gods impose punishment on Qina Village."

"...It sounds like a **** hidden." A Ding answered.

"Shen Yin?" Aiyaka tilted his head.

"It's a popular legend between us and people." Ah Ding replied, "Shen Yin means'hidden by gods and monsters'."

"According to the legend, the phenomenon of'sacred hiding' mostly occurs in rural areas."

"Some gods and ghosts often abduct some people from the countryside for fun or for other reasons."

"The abductees are mostly children."

"The children who were abducted will either never come back, or they will be sent back by the gods after a period of time."

The legend of "Kinyak" in Japan-Ogata had read an article about it in his previous life.

That article was to reveal the story of the Japanese "Shen Yin" legend.

According to the article, "Shenyin" sounds full of mystery, but in essence it is just ordinary children playing outside and then accidentally getting lost.

Why does the phenomenon of "shen concealment" mostly appear in rural areas?

Because many rural villages in ancient Japan were built next to the mountains, when children went out to play, they would often run into the nearby mountains and forests, then accidentally lost their way and couldn't return.

Why are most children encountering "Shen Yin"?

Because children are far easier to get lost than adults.

Some of the lost children were lucky and walked back on their own. Some of the lost children were unlucky and would never come back, and died in a remote corner of the mountain.

Most people in ancient times were more superstitious about this kind of gods, gods and ghosts. After encountering this kind of children's sudden disappearance, they liked to associate them with gods and ghosts.

"It's very similar to the legend of the "Shen Yin" of you and people." Aiyaka shrugged, "but there are still some differences."

"The people who disappeared in Qina Village are all those who went out hunting, and some people who went to find the missing people."

"Since this disappearance occurred, Qina Village has lost more than half of the young people."

"Without a sufficient number of young men, the women in Qina Village can only go to battle on their own."

"The women in Kina Village are really strong."

Ayaka's tone was filled with admiration.

"Many of them lost their fathers, husbands, and sons in the'disappearance incident'."

"In order to support the dilapidated home, they did all the work of men and women."

"Some of them, regardless of their archery skills or hunting skills, are not lost to men."

"One year ago, something happened that made the female fighters of Qina Village completely famous."

"I told you before. Gold diggers are all evil. In addition to digging for gold, they often attack and looting our Ainu villages."

"Just a year ago, more than 20 gold diggers heard from nowhere that there are very few young men in Qina Village."

"So Moinian moved and ran to Qina Village, planning to looting the property and women in Qina Village."

"As a result—the gold diggers underestimated the strength of the female warriors in Kina Village."

"Before they had time to rush into the village, they were defeated by the arrows shot by the female soldiers."

"It is said that only a few of the twenty-odd gold diggers managed to escape back."

Ah Ding whispered: "The female warrior of China Village is so powerful... She can use the bow to this level..."

Ah Ding knows how difficult the bow is to use.

Archery may seem easy, but in fact it requires great physical strength and strength.

After all, it is necessary to shoot the arrows with enough strength to injure or kill the enemy. Without a certain amount of strength and physical strength, there would be no way to shoot many arrows.

"Yes." Aiyaka nodded. "The female soldiers of Qina Village are just so powerful."

"All in all-when you arrive at Chinah tomorrow, you must pay attention to your words and deeds."

"Don't mention the'disappearance incident'. It is a sad thing in their village. Some people in their village can understand Japanese."

"Then don't despise the women in Qina Village."

"Their sturdiness and bravery are not lost to men."



After Ayaka had told Ogata and Amachi about the "disappearance" of China Village and warned them to be cautious in their words and deeds when they arrived at China Village, they left before their eyes.

The place where Ogata and Amachi slept was the place where Aiyaka and his family used to keep sundries.

Aiyaka and the others cleaned up this place and made enough space for Ogata and Amachi to rest.

Ah Ding seemed to be immersed in the story that Aiyaka just told.

"The sudden disappearance of people... It's terrible..." Amachi lying next to Ogata whispered.

The quilt covered by the two is a quilt made of bearskin.

At first, I was not used to it, but now that I get used to it, Ogata feels that this bearskin quilt is really a winter artifact, and feels that as long as it is covered, it can be easily dealt with no matter how cold the weather is.

"Do you think there is really a **** at work?" Amachi asked Ogata softly.

Unlike Ogata, who is a traverser, he did not receive materialism from an early age.

Ah Ding is a person who has a very pious belief in Shintoism, so A Ding has always held the attitude of "they may really exist" towards gods and ghosts.

"Who knows." Ogata replied casually. "Compared to gods and demons, I think it might be human beings."

"What can you abduct so many young men and women for?" Ah Ding asked.

"Huh...Human trafficking?" Ogata proposed a hypothesis.

"But isn't most human trafficking aimed at trafficking young girls or children?"

"Maybe it's sold to be coolies, betting into a very dangerous mine for mining or something."

"It's true that this is possible... Forget it, let's not talk about it." Amachi tightened the bearskin quilt covering her and Ogata's body tightly, and then squeezed Ogata's arms, "Ai Yaka said that as long as he stayed outside, he would leave early tomorrow morning and arrive at Chinah Village near the evening."

"You must remember not to talk nonsense, when it comes to the pain points of the villagers in China Village."

"Don't worry. I know it by myself."



The next day--

As soon as the genius turned out, Ogata, Amachi, and Ayaka were ready to travel.

The three people who were ready to go were sitting on the sled of Aiyaka’s house. After Aiyaka yelled "Tho (Ezo: Go at the four sled dogs who were in charge of pulling the car, the four sled dogs He pulled the sled and rushed forward at a speed fast enough to make a person's hair blow in the wind.

In Ezo, only the big families can afford sled dogs.

The feed fee for the sled dogs alone is an expensive expense.

And Aiyaka's family happens to be the kind of big family.

The four sled dogs raised in their family do not know how to raise them, one is stronger than the other.

They are so strong that they can be used as mounts for smaller women such as Kinoshita Lin and Gua Shengxiu.

It is precisely because the sled dogs of Aiyaka's family are strong enough, so the speed of pulling the sled is very fast.

In recent days, thanks to the sleds and sled dogs of the Ayaka family, Ogata and the others have been able to move quickly between so many villages.

Ogata likes to do this kind of dog sledding, which reminds him of the feeling of riding a motorcycle in his previous life.

Ogata liked the feeling of the strong wind blowing on his face very much—though it was a little bit painful.

"The weather today is not so good." Aiyaka, who was in charge of driving, looked towards the sky above her head.

Today is a cloudy day.

Between the sky and the earth, it is blocked by layers of thick and dense clouds, which exude bursts of cold air.

"I hope there will be no blizzard." Ogata followed Ayaka and looked up at the sky above his head.

The terrible blizzard-Ogata and Amachi have experienced it in the Ou area.

"It won't be a blizzard." As an experienced hunter, Aiyaka has his own experience and profound experience in watching the weather. "But until night, the clouds should not be dispersed."

Aiyaka needs to concentrate on driving the sled, so after taking a look at the current weather and briefly chatting with Ogata, he took his attention back and drove the car with concentration.

"Mashima, Acho, hold on. We're on a flat ground. I want the dogs to speed up a bit."

After all, Ayaka, holding a joystick-like thing in each hand, shouted to the four sled dogs in charge of pulling the sled in the front:

"Tuoha! Toha! Toha! Toha! Toha! (Ezo: Go

After these four sled dogs heard the "toh" that Aiyaka shouted, they immediately acted like a conditioned reflex, increasing the speed of the sled by a step.



Aiyaka said to Ogata and Amachi before-if you set off at dawn and you don't encounter any accidents along the way, you will be able to reach Kina Village in the evening.

It seems that the time spent is less than what Aiyaka expected.

When the time came to early 4 pm, Ogata and the others saw white and light cooking smoke.

"Mashima! Acho! Here we are!"

After loudly reminding Ogata and Amachi behind him, Ayaka instructed the sled dogs to slow down a little.

"After entering Jina Village, you must be cautious in your words and deeds."

"Don't mention anything that reminds the villagers of Qina Village of the'disappearance incident'."

"Got it!" Ogata also had to shout there because of the wind blocking it.

Aiyaka drove a slowing sled and slowly approached the place where the white and thin smoke rose.

Soon, Ogata and the others saw the shadow of the buildings in the Ainu village in front of them.

Then after a certain distance, Ogata and the others finally discovered something strange-at the entrance of Kina Village, a lot of people gathered.

In addition to people, I saw a lot of horses.

Looking at the horses, Ogata couldn't help frowning slightly.

These horses are too recognizable.

Because they are too tall and too strong. No such horses can be produced in Japan.

Ogata had just seen such a tall and strong horse in Wahiri's camp before.

——It’s a Cossack’s horse...

Ogata muttered in his heart.

Aiyaka also noticed the strangeness at the entrance of Qina Village. After frowning, he drove the sled dogs to lower the speed that had already been lowered slightly.

After approaching the entrance of Kina Village, Ogata and the others finally saw what was going on.

It turns out-there are two waves of people facing each other there.

A group of Cossacks with fair skin and deep eyes.

And a bunch of Ainu people-they are probably the villagers of Qina Village.

The two groups confronted each other like this, seeming to be arguing about something.

After the three Ogata appeared not far away, they naturally attracted the attention of both groups.

The group of people turned their heads to look at the three Ogata who were slowly approaching in a dog sled.

Only then did Ogata and the others see that standing in front of the group of Cossacks was a young man with bright red hair.

After seeing the bright red hair and the face of the red-haired young man, Aiyaka exclaimed:


"Huh? Ayaka?" The red-haired young man's face also showed surprise like Ayaka.



A few days ago--

"As long as you join in, no indigenous settlement will be our opponent."

"How? Do you want to come together?"

Vladimir's mouth is stinky.

Because he put his lips close to Skulucci's ears, Skulucci can smell the smell of a dead mouse that has been left for half a month very clearly.

But Skulucci still maintained a very gentle smile.


"Vladimir, you are right. Robbing other people's belongings, wives and daughters is indeed very enjoyable."

"It's more fun to abuse their wives and daughters in front of the husbands and fathers of those women."

Upon hearing this, Vladimir smiled with joy.

But the joy on his face only lasted for a while.

Because what Skulucci said immediately afterwards directly froze the expression on his face.

"But you should look for someone else. I don't want to participate in your ‘fun’."

"Why?" Vladimir frowned. "Can you tell me a reason?"

"Hmm..." Skulucci looked at the sky above his head and muttered, "The reason... probably because I want to spend the Maslenitsa quietly."

"...Skulucci, you really are so weird." Vladimir slowly put away the froze expression on his face.

"I thought that exploring the Far East where birds don't **** for so long can make a little change in your mood, and you won't stick to those inexplicable morals as before."

"Well, you don't need to participate."

After speaking, Vladimir seemed to be too lazy to talk more with Skulucci, shaking the cloak that had been slashed on him, and turned directly to leave.

Skulucci also stopped talking to Vladimir, and went back to the camp where Skulucci and his men were in tandem with Vladimir.

Vladimir, who didn't say a word any more, sat directly back on the back of his horse, and then led his men away.

After Vladimir left, the freckled young man who had just helped everyone catch 6 fat rabbits-that is, Afje hurried to Skulucci's side, and then cautiously asked Skulucci :

"Boss Skulucci, what did you talk to the man just now?"

"It's just talking about boring things with that pig-dog hybrid, the idiot in front of God, the stupid egg who has been eating **** since childhood and has raised such a stinky mouth."

Skulucci clutched his chest, vomiting.

"My God, the mouth of the guy who grew up **** the goat is so **** stinky. Why does his mouth smell so bad... My **** that I haven't washed for a year smells better than his **** mouth."

"It's a pity that Vasily and the others are not here."

"If Lao Tzu's other subordinates are here. You can try to kill the fool and his subordinates. Use their supplies to have a good meat festival."

"Boss, you're joking again." Afujie smiled, "Why are we all right to attack the gang just now?"

Skulucci didn't answer Afje's question, only gave him a meaningful smile, then lay back on his hammock and picked up the "Don Quixote".

"Okay! They have left! Put away their guns! What should they do!"

Seeing that Skulucci was talking like this, his subordinates put away their weapons one after another, and went back to you and did their own things.

Split material of split material.

Burning fire.

The pot for the pot.

Handling rabbits for handling rabbits.

"Boss Skulucci." Afjie, who was sitting next to Skulucci and skinning the rabbit, said to Skulucci, "It's almost the Maslenitsa, it seems we are in a foreign country. It’s the 4th Marriage Festival. When do you think we can return to China?"

"God knows." Skulucci, who was holding the "Don Quixote" watching there, shrugged. "Maybe we will receive a recall order in a while, after all, France has appeared there. Big change."

"In order to cope with the various changes that may occur, the Tsar may later recall us who were exploring the Far East to strengthen the country's military power."

"France?" Avjie raised his eyebrows. "Oh oh, do you mean the revolution that is breaking out in France?"

In the middle of 1790 last year, they were far in the Far East and they received important news from far away Europe. In the summer of 1789, the people of France captured the Bastille and a vigorous revolution broke out in France.

"It's 1791 now." Avje continued, "Maybe the revolution in France has been put down, right?"

"This kind of thing is really hard to say." Skulucci smiled, "It is also possible that the revolution is still in progress, and the scale of the revolution is even larger."

"On the contrary, I hope that the revolution in France will be as loud as possible." Sculucci, lying in a hammock, covered his face with "Don Quixote", and then folded his hands and palms behind his head. It is best to succeed in the revolution and give birth to a powerful new French government."

"Powerful enough to make the czar feel threatened, and then call us Cossacks from the Far East back to Europe."

"Compared to the Far East, where birds don't shit, it's really more comfortable to stay in Europe."

"The emperor of France is also a fool." Afjie let out a sneer, "Obviously the financial situation of his country is not very good, and he has spent so much money to support the Milcans' war of independence."

"If the emperor of France does not support the independence of the Milecans, maybe the revolution will come a few years later."

"The Milecans should really call the emperor of France the father of the nation."

For Afjie’s remarks, Skulucci only smiled, and then said:

"Well, let's talk about European topics here."

"Europe is too far away from us, let's pay more attention to it."

"Afujie, you will pass the order for me now-in two days, the map of this area will be completed."

"After drawing the map of this area, we will go back to meet Vahiri and the others, and then have a happy meat festival together."

"Huh, but I guess Vahili must have started the holiday early."

"Good!" Afujie nodded vigorously with joy.



Time back to now

After hearing the name "Sculucci" from Ayaka's mouth, Ogata's pupils shrank slightly, and then he hurriedly cast his eyes to the red-haired young man.

——Is he the boss of Vasily and the others...

During this period, in order to be able to buy guns from Wahiri and the others, Ogata has been waiting for the return of their boss.

Ogata never expected to meet Vahiri and their boss in this village of Chinah.

Ogata remembers that Vasily told him more than once-their boss was both Scots and Cossacks.

After taking a closer look at Skulucci’s facial features, Ogata found that Skulucci’s facial features were really deeper than those of Vasily and his skin was a little fairer, in short—more European feeling.

While Ogata and Amachi were looking at Skulucci, Skulucci was also looking at Ogata and Amachi.

Looking at the two Kazuto sitting behind Ayaka, Skulucci raised his eyebrows, his eyes full of curiosity and doubt.

However, he did not immediately ask Ayaka who the two sitting behind him were, but first said to Ayaka:

"Aiyaka, why are you here?"

"These 2 new friends behind me are looking for 2 people who are missing, so I took them to Qina Village to find clues. What about you? Why are you here?"

"We are going back to meet Vahiri and the others." Skulucci shrugged. "I passed by this village by accident."

"Since I have such a fate with this village, I plan to talk to the people in this village about things that are quite important to them."

"A very important thing?" Aiyaka raised his eyebrows. "What's the matter?"

"That's a long story, I'll talk to you slowly later."

"Aiyaka, do you know the people in this village? If you do, tell me about them."

"People in this village have agreed to hear what we want to say to them."

"But they don't allow all of us to enter, only allow up to 3 people to enter the village."

"I don't want my subordinates to wait for me outside such a **** cold village. Aiyaka, help me talk about them."

As soon as Skulucci’s words fell, an old woman standing right in front of Skulucci with wrinkles on her face asked Aiyaka:

"Aiyaka, do you know this red-haired stranger? (Ezo language

"Well, yes, what happened? (Ezo language Aiyaka asked rhetorically.

"This group of foreigners suddenly visited our village just now, saying that there is a very important thing to talk to us."

"Although we are interested in hearing what they are saying about interesting things."

"But we can't let such a large group of strangers into the village casually, so we blocked them here. (Ezo language

Hearing this, Aiyaka understood what the differences were between Skulucci and the villagers of Qina Village.

Although the villagers of Qina Village agreed to hear what the "important things" said in Aiyaka's mouth, they did not want all of Skulucci to enter the village, and only allowed up to 3 people to enter.

But Skulucci wanted him and all his subordinates to enter the village, and didn't want his subordinates to stay outside the frozen village and wait for him to return.

"Skulucci." Ayaka turned to look at Skulucci, "The villagers don't want your subordinates to enter, but it is reasonable. After all, there are so many foreigners entering the village at one go, anyone would be afraid."

"Can you take a step back?"

After hearing Ayaka's advice, Skulucci went to grab his red hair.

"...Never mind, take a step back and take a step back."

After shrugging his shoulders, Skulucci turned his head and shouted at the men behind him:

"Afjie! Lev! You two follow me! The others stay here and wait for us! (Rusian

After giving orders to the men behind him, Skulucci turned his gaze back to Ayaka.

"Aiyaka, you guys won't leave immediately, will you?"

"Probably not." Aiyaka said, "I and these two friends behind me, maybe we are going to spend the night here tonight."

"That's good." Skulucci smiled, "We will see you later, I am quite interested in the two friends behind you."

"I happen to have someone I want to find."



Many people in Aiyaka and Kina Village are familiar with each other.

After talking briefly to the people in China Village, the people in China Village let Ogata and the others go.

Aiyaka directed the sled dogs to slowly enter the village, pulling the sled.

As for Skulucci—he just led two subordinates, and under the leadership of some of the villagers of Qina Village, rushed to the home of their head of Qina Village.

Go and tell the head of their village about the "important things" he just said.

Aiyaka from Kuma Village came to the village with a man, a woman, and two people—this news soon spread throughout Qina Village.

Ayaka is one of the few top hunters in Kuma Village. In the Qina Village that has been close to Kuma Village, Ayaka's name is naturally known to everyone.

The heart that loves to join in the fun does not distinguish between countries and nations.

The villagers of Qina Village gathered around to see what the two widows brought by the famous Aiyaka were like.

Soon, many people gathered around Ogata and the others.

Ogata simply looked at the onlookers around him-there were really few men.

The number of young men is pitiful.

"There are so many female soldiers in this village..."

Amachi, who was sitting behind Ogata, whispered to Ogata in front of him with a volume that only she and Ogata could hear.

"Yeah." Ogata nodded softly in response.

The ratio of young men and women who came close is about 3 to 7.

Ogata has noticed that many women have bows on their backs. Even if they are wearing heavy clothes, they can feel that these women with bows are very strong and they are not weak people.

While Ogata and Amachi were looking at the villagers who approached, the villagers were also looking at Ogata and Amachi.

The men looked at Ah Ding.

The women looked at Ogata.

Although the nationalities are different, the eyes of appreciating beauty are similar.

The men who leaned against Ogata and them generally felt that Amachi was very beautiful, and swallowed their saliva involuntarily.

Compared with these men, the reactions of women who focused their main attention on Ogata were relatively flat...



Four young girls from Kina Village stood on the outermost edge of the crowd, standing on their toes and looking at Ogata and Amachi not far away—mainly looking at Ogata.

After seeing Ogata's face and figure, the four little girls walked away from the periphery of the crowd and ran all the way to a place where Ogata and the others could not be seen.

These four little girls are all underage, so there are no tattoos on their faces, and their white faces are full of youth and youth.

Although they are young, all four of them carry bows and arrows on their backs.

These 4 people wear different colored headbands on their heads~lightnovelpub.net~ The colors of the headbands worn by the four people are red, blue, purple, and orange.

After the 4 people ran to the place where Ogata and them could not be seen, the girl with the red headband couldn't wait to ask the other 3 people:

"Have you seen that and man?"

The other three nodded one after another, indicating that they had seen it.

"It's pretty high," Lan Tou led.

"It doesn't seem to be very strong." The orange headband responded.

"Speaking of which, did you see the expressions of those men just now?" The purple headband squashed his mouth. "Really, staring straight at the woman and woman, the eyes are about to come out. That and Are women so attractive?"

"I think it's pretty..." the orange headband whispered, "This is the first time I have seen such a beautiful person."

"What's the use of being beautiful." The purple headband's eyes drifted. "Have you seen that woman's here?"

The purple headband patted his chest.

"Wearing such thick clothes, there can still be such a drum. People with this figure are the most useless."

The purple head wears an appearance of hating iron but not steel.

"There is such a drum here, there is no way to pull the arrow. Once you put the bowstring, the bowstring can be played there. The pain can kill you."

"That's it." The red headband replied. "Fortunately, she is a peacemaker. If it is our Ainu, she is a guy who can't even pull a bow."




Ah Ding sneezed cutely.

"What's wrong?" Ogata turned his head back and asked, "Have you caught a cold?"

"It shouldn't be... probably just because of the cold wind blowing over just now."

After all, Ah Ting tightened the clothes on his upper body a bit, making the clothes on his chest a little more bulging.