I Was a Swordsman in Ancient Japan

Chapter 509: The eyes of the old middle-aged man... a

Keep everyone waiting for QAQ

Feeling cursed.

Since I told everyone that the update time was delayed to 11:30, it seems that no day is QAQ on time.



When Asoma and others just parted with Ogata—

"That, that! Esuma!" Puccina, who had been walking behind Esuma, suddenly said loudly.

"Huh?" Esuma turned her head and cast a suspicious look at Puccina, "What's the matter?"

"This, this for you!" Puccina stammered, and put his big furry hand into his arms and took out a beautiful flower from his arms.

"Ah, thank you." Esuma raised her hand to take the flower. "This flower is so beautiful."

"This is the flower I just found." Puccina smiled slyly, "In order to give this flower to you, I was looking for you just now."

"Thank you." Esuma put the flower in front of her nose and sniffed gently, "I make you bother."

"No, no, you're welcome." Pucciner's stuttering was a bit more serious than before. "It's fine if you like it."

"I'm taking my brother to practice bow now." Esuma continued, "Are you going to come together? I think you seem to be a bit of a waste of archery recently, and you have to practice well."

"I don't have time tonight..." Puccina scratched his hair. "I have an appointment with my friends."

"Well... well, let's wait and practice bow together. My brother and I are going to practice bow in the place we usually use, see you tomorrow!"

Esuma waved her hand at Puccina, then grabbed her brother's arm and strode towards a side road.

Puccina continued to smile and watched Esuma's departure.

However, just as Esuma's figure was about to leave, Puccina suddenly remembered something and immediately said in a loud voice "


"Huh?" Esuma stopped and turned back.

"That, that..."

Puccina's face was tangled, and his eyes were faintly hesitant.

After hesitating for a while, Puccina finally gritted his teeth, the tangled color on his face faded and turned into a touch of firmness.

"In the future...can you stop talking to that person? I think it's better not to learn that kind of knowledge from that person..."

After speaking, Puccina added in his heart:

—Knowledge of **** people efficiently... this kind of knowledge is terrible...

When Esuma heard these words from Puccina, some doubts flashed in her eyes first, and then her face became clear.

—Puccina, doesn’t he want me to learn about human culture...

Puccina is Esuma's childhood sweetheart. The two are not only the same age, but also played together since childhood.

Because she grew up with her since she was a child, Esuma knew exactly what her friend was like.

She knew—Pucciner was a conservative person and had never liked aliens much.

The reason why Puccina has such a conservative thought can be said to be given by his father.

His father, Retanoer, was notoriously conservative.

Retanoé advocates the concept of "following tradition" and believes that the Ainu should follow the tradition and live a traditional fishing and hunting life with hunting skills handed down from generation to generation, living a self-sufficient, uncontested life, and not following any Interracial contacts.

As the son of Retanoer, Puccina was naturally influenced by his father.

Although not as conservative as his father, he also adopts an attitude of "respect and stay away" toward aliens.

Although she could understand Puccina's mentality of not wanting her to interact with people, Esuma still felt a little unhappy after hearing what Puccina said just now.

Esuma didn't like others to point fingers at her private life.

Assuma feels that it is her own freedom to talk to and who she wants to talk to. Outsiders have no right to intervene or instruct her what to do.

"Puccina." After all, Puccina was his childhood sweetheart, so Esuma didn't say anything too bad. "It's very impolite to interfere in the private lives of others like this."

After all, Esuma stopped paying attention to Puccina and led her brother away in strides.

But Puccina suffered an overly strong "mental attack" and stood stupidly on the spot, watching Assumana's back gradually disappear until it completely disappeared from the field of vision.

"Hey! Puccina!"

At this time, behind Puccina sounded a few sounds very familiar to Puccina.

It was Puccina's three friends who followed him to find Esuma's friends.

"Why are you here?" Puccina asked blankly.

"Because we have been following you. We have been looking at you and following you from a distance just now. Have you succeeded in hearing what Esuma talked with that person?"

"I heard it, but I won't say it." Puccina shook his head like a rattle.

"Huh? Why?"

"Just don't say it." Puccina shook his head again.

The sisters and brothers of Esuma are learning about killing people-Pucciner doesn't want anyone to learn about this thing that might make Esuma get criticized.

So Puccina decided to rot the matter in his stomach and not talk to any outsiders.

"Then what did you say to Essuma? Why did Essoma look so unhappy just now?"

"...I seem to irritate Esuma..." Puccina drooped his head.

Puccina, who is as strong as a bear, hangs his head and aggrieved at this time-this strong contrast produces a sense of joy.

Puccina told his friends what he had just said to Esuma.

"Are you a fool...?!" One of Puccina's three friends directly put on a look of hatred for iron and steel, "Even people like me who are not very familiar with Esuma know Ai Suma has a strong personality, and I hate other people's criticism of her life...how can you say that to Esuma..."

Hearing his friends' reprimands, Puccina's head dropped a little lower...

Red Moon Fortress, Lin Ziping’s detention place—

"You said that Xicun is not very far from the Red Moon Fortress. The wording'not very far' is too vague." Ogata asked Lin Ziping in front of him, "How far is it?"

Lin Ziping pondered, thinking.

"...Huxi Village is located in the southwest of the Red Moon Fortress, about 10 miles away in a straight line."

"I was studying the geography of Ezo land for a long time. So I can't remember it wrong. I basically memorized the geography of Ezo land very well! The village of Ezo is located in the Red Moon Fortress. 10 miles away to the southwest!"

"Ten ri..." Ogata frowned slightly.

One mile in the Edo period is approximately equal to 4 kilometers in modern times.

So 10 miles equals 40 kilometers.

It's not far, but it's by no means a very close distance.

Even if Ogata and the others have horses to travel, it may take a lot of time to go back and forth between the two places.

In a place like Ezo, it is not possible to use simple numbers to calculate the round-trip time between the two places.

The current Yezo land, to describe it in modern terms, is "very poor infrastructure."

Except for the Matsumae Clan, which is controlled by the Japanese in the south, the rest of Ezo Land is "completely undeveloped", and there is nothing that can be called a "road".

"I currently lack strong evidence that I am a scholar and not a spy for the shogunate." Lin Ziping added at this time, "If we can get those three books, we can get rid of the fact that we don't have any The status quo of substantive evidence."

Ogata nodded slightly.

This method mentioned by Lin Ziping is undoubtedly useful. If he can obtain the three books written by him, it will be a great proof of his scholarship.

But this method is actually a chance.

Those three books were given to others by Lin Ziping four years ago. After such a long period of time, it is a question of whether the three books have been kept intact.

And maybe—the old village head who received the book donated by Lin Ziping is dead.

In this age of underdeveloped medical care, it is not surprising when old people die.

Although there are various uncertainties in "Searching for Books", after careful consideration, Ogata found that they now have no better method than "Searching for Books" to clear Lin Ziping's suspicion of spies.

For Lin Ziping, who holds information that may be useful to Ogata, Ogata naturally hopes to get him free as soon as possible, and then let Lin Ziping take him and Amachi to find the very strange and suspicious doctor.

So Ogata sighed lightly after thinking about it carefully.

"...Okay, then I'll go to that Huxi Village."

"Please!" Lin Ziping's eyes and face were full of excitement.

Ezo Land, the second army camp of the Shogunate—

Songping Dingxin is now in his camp, reading "Han Feizi" silently.

Songping Dingxin most admired two people in his life-Shang Yang and Han Feizi from the Tang Dynasty.

The former made the weak Qin country stronger, and Songping Dingxin always hoped that one day he would be like "Shang Yang saving Qin" and make the weak shogunate stronger again.

The latter's thinking is one that Songping Dingxin highly respects.

Songping Dingxin, who admired Han Feizi's thought very much, always carries Han Feizi's works wherever he goes.

In the huge camp, now only Songping Dingxin is alone.

Tachibana, who is always inseparable from Matsubaru Datsunobu on weekdays, is not with Matsubaru Datsunobu now.

Because Tachibana is now busy organizing an "inspection team".

"Organizing the team" seems very simple, but in fact there are many things to be done. It is necessary to count the personnel, the food and water and other materials carried... It may take half an hour to change to a mediocre person. Time can't organize the team beautifully.

Because Matsuhira Dingxin felt that this task was a good training opportunity for Tachibana, who was still very young, so Matsuhira Dingxin threw the task of organizing an "investigation team" to Tachibana, and let Tachibana handle it entirely.

The reason why Tachibana became Matsuba Dingxin's surname is because Matsuhira Dingxin appreciates Tachibana's talents and talents, and feels that he is a plastic talent, so he chose him as his own surname, and let Tachibana study and exercise with him all the time.

Therefore, Matsuba Matsushita often delegates tasks that can train people well to Tachibana as it is now.

Matsuhira Dingxin is now reading a book while silently waiting for Tachibana to organize the "investigation team".

After an unknown amount of time passed, Tachibana's voice finally sounded outside the account:

"Old Master! The team has been organized! You can set off at any time!"

Tachibana's words fell, and Matsuba Matshinori glanced at the candle next to her.

He had been counting the time it took Tachibana to organize the team just now by relying on candles.

After discovering that Tachibana took much shorter time than Matsuhira Dingxin had imagined, Matsuhira Dingxin nodded gently, then closed the "Han Feizi" in his hand and put it in his arms, and then walked out of the account with his hands on his back.

After leaving the camp, Matsubishi Dingxin saw Tachibana standing respectfully outside the camp.

"Not bad." Songping Dingxin squeezed out a smile, "It took a lot less time than I expected."

Hearing the compliment of Matsubishi Dingxin, Tachibana's face showed a touch of joy.

But Tachibana didn't dare to show the color of joy too much, so as soon as the color of joy appeared on her face, she quickly put away the color of joy, and then said something self-respecting.

"Let's go." Songping nodded firmly.

Tachibana: "Yes!"

Tachibana led Matsuhira Dingxin towards the gathering place of the "investigation team".

This "investigation team" consists of 3 people.

One: Songping Dingxin and Tachibana in the leadership.

Two: The samurai who are responsible for guarding.

Three: The experts responsible for viewing the fjord, and the handymen responsible for lifting the sedan chair to Songping Dingxin.

After leaving Edo and heading north to Ezo land, Matsudaira did not just take a guard, he also took away a group of experts from all walks of life from Edo.

The task of these experts is to assist Matsuhira Dingxin, help Matsuhira Dingxin to investigate the current situation of Ezo land and jointly study the "Ezo land development plan."

This "expert group" composed of experts from all walks of life has a total of nearly 50 people. Among them are experts who are responsible for checking whether the land is suitable for farmland, there are experts who are responsible for checking whether the coast or fjord is suitable for building a port, and there are experts who are responsible for checking which places are suitable for building cities and towns...

Songping Dingxin brought the "seaport experts" from the "expert group" on this trip.

Tachibana, who was walking in front of Matsuhiro Dingxin, led the way while introducing Matsuhiro Dingxin:

"Old Master, Inamori-sama, he sent 50 elite soldiers from the cavalry squad to serve as our guard. The leader is a general named Kitano Zhou Ji."

"Kitano Zhouki..." Matsuhira Dingxin mumbled, "I seem to have heard this name somewhere..."

"It's normal for the old man to have heard of this name." Tachibana smiled. "He is the second son of the Kitano family. He is famous for his bravery and is considered a small name in my shogunate."

"Oh... I remember when I heard this name." Matsubaru Noburi nodded, "When chatting with Inamori before, Inamori mentioned to me that he has discovered that the army is worth training. Plastic talent."

"Inamori mentioned this name at that time."

"I've heard of Kitano's name a long time ago." Tachibana said at this time, "but...at the beginning, what I heard was Kitano's rumors...I don't know whether it is true or false."

"What rumors?" Songping Dingxin asked.

"It is said..." Tachibana lowered the volume, "That Kitano Shuki prefers to play with men than women."

Tachibana's words are very euphemistic.

Matsuhira Dingxin was stunned, then smiled:

"It doesn't matter whether this kind of rumor is true or not."

"It's just different people's preferences, there is no distinction between high and low."

"Compared to this kind of thing, I care more about a person's talents."

Between talking and laughing, Matsuba Datsunobu and Tachibana had arrived in a clearing.

There is a sedan chair on that clearing ground—this is the sedan chair of Songping Dingxin.

Nearly a hundred warriors in armor stood on the left and right sides of the sedan chair.

The samurai on the left side of the palanquin wore all red armor—this is Matsudaira’s original guard: the Red Cavalry.

The samurai on the right side of the sedan chair were more numerous. They were all dressed in ordinary black armors—their 50 elite soldiers sent by Inamori to Masahiro Matsuba.

At the forefront of the 50 elite soldiers sent by Inamori, stood a young samurai dressed in well-equipped armor and beautifully dressed in haori.

This young samurai hurriedly bowed his head and saluted after Matsuba Dingxin appeared:

"Welcome to the old man!"

Matsuhira Dingxin looked up and down several times over this young samurai who was completely different from the people around him in his armor alone.

"Are you Kitano Zhouji?"

"Yes!" Matsudaira was able to call out his name accurately, which made the young samurai feel a little flattered, "It's Kitano Zhouji in Shimo!"

"This time the **** is on your behalf." Songping Dingxin said indifferently.

The young samurai—that is, Kitano Zhou Ji, was taken aback, and then hurriedly replied, “Yes! I’m sure there will be a hang in my life!”

Having said that, Matsuba believed that he would not say anything more, bypassing the Kitano Zhou Ji in front of him, and got into his sedan chair.

When Matsubishi Datsunobu bypassed him and passed him by, Kitano subconsciously wanted to turn his head to look at Matsuhira Datsunobu.

But reason finally defeated sensibility, making Kitano resist the urge to do such a disrespectful act.

—The eyes of the old man... are so beautiful...

Kitano Zhouji secretly said in his heart, while quietly swallowing.

Red Moon Fortress, somewhere—

"Your feet are too far apart! Keep your feet parallel to your shoulders!"

"Your shoulders are too stiff! Relax! Relax!"

"Your breathing is messed up! Your breathing is unstable, you won't be able to shoot the target!"

Esoma, standing next to Otunpuyi, constantly corrected Otunpuyi's bow movement.

The two sisters and brothers of Esuma are now in a spot off the beaten track in the Red Moon Fortress.

As there are no people passing by in this area, Esuma often brings her brother here to practice bowing.

After parting with Puccina, Esuma brought her brother to this place non-stop, and began tonight's archery practice.

Otunpu stood on his side, holding the bow of the hunting bow with his left hand, and pulling the bowstring into a full moon with his right hand. There was an arrow without an arrow on the string, and the arrow pointed directly at a big tree not far away.

Although Otunpuyi has been trying to correct his actions according to his sister's instructions, no matter how he corrects, his actions make his sister frown.

"Okay!" Esuma shouted, "What are you practicing today?! Why are you absent-minded all the time!"

Esuma's rebuke was quite severe.

Listening to her sister's reprimand, Otunpuyi silently lowered the bow in his hand and lowered his head.

Esuma wanted to reprimand her brother a few more words, but when I saw Otunpuyi's current look with her head hanging down, all the reprimands she had thought about were all stuck in her throat. Can't say it.

After a long silence, Essuma transformed the words that were intended to be used to rebuke Otunpuyi into a long sigh.


"Otunpuyi, what's wrong with you tonight? Why are you in such a bad state? You didn't practice so badly before."

"Is there any discomfort in your body?"

Otunpuyi shook his head: "There is nothing uncomfortable..."

"Since there is no discomfort in your body, hurry up!" Esuma's tone became serious again, "How can you participate in the'hunting festival' in your state!"

As if he hadn't heard Esuma's words, Otun Puyi continued to lower his head and looked at his toes.

Seeing Otunpuyi's weird appearance, when he just wanted to say something, Otunpuyi suddenly said nonchalantly:

"...Sister. We have been living this life of hunting for a living...really okay...?"

"Huh?" Esuma tilted her head and cast a puzzled look at her brother. "What are you talking about? If we don't hunt, what are we going to eat?"

"I mean-we have been doing this without trying to change our lives, is it really okay?"

Otunpuyi raised his head abruptly, piercing his sister with a torch-like gaze.

"When I was chatting with Majima-san just now, I thought about a lot of things..."

Otunpu said slowly.

"The materials and workmanship of the clothes worn by Mr. Majima and Miss Amachi are much better than our clothes. The craftsmanship of Kazuren's clothing is far superior to that of our Ainu.

"Mr. Mashima's sword is far more profitable and harder than our mountain sword. Kazuto's iron craftsmanship is also superior to our Ainu people."

"The skills of other aspects of people must be far beyond us."

"Heren...much more advanced than our Ainu people..."

"In the eyes of Heren, we must be just a bunch of savages with poor living standards..."

"Why don't we try to learn from Heren?"

Otunpuyi's tone gradually agitated.

"If we learn from Heren with an humility, we might be able to use such good cloth, use such a great sword, and have better medical skills like Heren."

"No need to live the primitive and barbaric fishing and hunting life..."

"Enough!" Before Otunpuyi's words were finished, Esoma interrupted his words roughly, "Why do you have such a damned idea!"

"You are not allowed to tell anyone after these **** remarks! Especially not to those who have a feast with the Japanese!"

"elder sister!"

Otunpuyi, who usually speaks softly, yelled very rarely at this time.

"Don't you want to live a kind of civilized and advanced life like a human being?"

"Didn't I say enough?!" Esuma used a voice that was one degree higher than Otunpuyi's voice, and overwhelmed Otunpuyi's voice, "Don't talk about this anymore!"

After that, Esuma let out a sigh of relief, holding her forehead tiredly.

"...No wonder you are in such a bad state of bow training tonight... So you have been thinking about such ridiculous things..."

Otunpuyi did not deny it, but remained silent.

"...Let's practice bow and arrow tonight."

Esuma put down her forehead hand.

"In your current state, you can't practice anything. Go home and rest tonight. UU reading www.uukanshu.com"

"...Okay." Otunpuyi nodded slowly.

"Those things you just said, remember not to talk to anyone again." Aizuma said with a serious face, "Those words you just said are very dangerous... if they are heard by some people, It will cause trouble."

"...I see..." Otunpuyi nodded again.

"Don't think about the absurd thing of'living a peaceful life' anymore." Asoma continued, "We Ainu have the life of our Ainu. There is no need to force us to change. Existing life, to live a life with others."

"But..." Otunpuyi gritted his teeth, "I don't think I made a mistake in what I said just now... What's wrong with learning from Heren and then living like Heren?"

"Enough." Esuma seemed to have no strength to quarrel with Otunpuyi anymore, "I don't want to argue with you about this now."

"You go home first. The moonlight is not very bright tonight. Remember to pay attention to your feet when you go back by yourself."

Otunpuyi raised his head: "Sister, won't you come home with me?"

"I don't want to go home so fast now." Esuma said blankly. "I am full of fire by you now. I will blow the air outside and wait for the fire in my stomach to go home before going home."

"...I see..." Otunpuyi dropped his head again.



A cold knowledge of popular science: Many referees of this Olympic Games are blind. It's really a conscience to let the blind find employment again. I understand why the budget for this Olympics is so high. It turns out that all the money is used to invite blind men to be referees for the Olympics. It is a wonderful country. In order to get blind men to work again, I don't hesitate to do this.