I Was a Swordsman in Ancient Japan

Chapter 523: Single man with two swords and two guns,

Bandits are like a comb, soldiers are like a castor, and officials are like a shave.

-Ancient Chinese Proverb

(There will be a chapter later!)



At this moment—

"Lilata, look."

In a forest not far from Sivasi Village, Wulape smiled and rushed to Lilata next to him, raising a huge mushroom in his hand.

"I picked a good thing. This mushroom is big and fresh. It must be delicious."

After being worn by Ula into the woods to pick mushrooms, Lilata's whole person's state was obviously different, and her eyes became more agile. Seeing the big mushroom in Wulape's hand, he smiled directly with a touch of joy.

Wulape, who had been observing Lilata's state, couldn't help but feel a sense of relief at this time.

"There is still a bit of mushrooms under that tree." Ulapai pointed to a big tree not far away, "Let's pick the mushrooms there and go back."

Lilata, who fiddled with the blades of the windmill in her hand, nodded gently.

"Master! Look! The villagers in that village have all come out with their weapons!"

A military commander wearing a mighty armor and a heavy accent, riding a horse and running beside the uppermost body, shouted loudly to the uppermost body beside him.

This military commander with a heavy accent, named Sakaguchi, came from the Morioka clan.

In this mission, let's be regarded as the top lieutenant.

He rode a horse at the forefront of the team and ran towards the top of Siwasi Village, which had already appeared in front of his sight. After hearing the reminder from Sakaguchi beside him, he fixed his eyes and looked forward-I saw a lot of people standing outside the village ahead. Villagers, and most of them are armed with spears, bows and arrows.

The top raised his hand and signaled the soldiers behind to slow down.

The top of the horse that slowed down slowly moved towards the villagers ahead at a constant speed.

"Everyone! Don't be nervous!" The villagers in Siwaxi Village in front of them shouted loudly, "We are not malicious!"

As soon as the top voice fell, a soldier behind him who was in charge of two languages, Japanese and Ainu, repeated the top voice aloud.

The villagers of Siwaxi Village will naturally not relax their vigilance because of the top sentence.

After discovering the top class who suddenly appeared, the village chief immediately summoned all those who could handle weapons in the village to take up their weapons and prepare for battle.

At this moment, these armed villagers are all relying on the houses in the village, looking with vigilance and fear at the highest class who is constantly leaning toward them.

After the top leader led the generals to a distance of about 50 steps from the village, they continued to shout:

"Don't be so nervous! We just want to come and ask you something!"

"As long as you are willing to cooperate with us, we assure you-will never hurt you half of your hair, and will leave immediately!"

"My question is very simple-have you ever seen someone with our and human knives on them?"

"The knife in my hand is the knife for us and others!"

After all, the top untied his saber around his waist, then raised it high, showing his samurai sword to the villagers of Siwasi Village in front of him.

After listening to the soldier's translation to the top, the village chief's pupils shrank slightly.

The man with the katana—he just met...

After a long silence, the village chief cleared his throat, and then responded loudly:

"I haven't seen it! No outsider who brought you and people's knives has come to our village recently! (Ainu

The village chief didn't know why these sudden visitors were looking for people with samurai swords.

But the village chief’s instinct told him—these Kazuto was definitely not looking for the person with the samurai sword with a friendly purpose.

Ogata just told them important news that "there is an army nearby." So Ogata is kind to them, so the village head is not a last resort, and doesn't want to be that kind of ungrateful person.

Hearing the negative answer from the village chief, no different color appeared on the top face.

With his face as usual, he hung his saber back to his waist, and asked in a calm tone: "What is said is true?"

Village Chief: "I didn't lie to you! (Ainu

"...Then change the question."

A faint smile appeared on the top.

"For some reasons, we have to find someone with a katana no matter what, I wonder if you can let us go into the village and check it?"

Although it is a question, there is no hint of negotiation in the top tone.

"I want to confirm if there are people with katana lurking in your village, or if there are any related clues."

Hearing these words at the top, the village head's face changed a lot.

When the village chief was silent, thinking about how to reply, Zui Shang went on to say:

"Why? Don't you want us to enter? Since you dare to say that with such confidence, you shouldn't be afraid of us entering, right?"

"If you are worried about whether we will do too much when we enter your village, then you can rest assured! I assure you-we only check and don't do other things!"

Speaking of this, the last pause.

Then he changed into an unusually calm tone and said slowly:

"I hope you can cooperate with us. This is good for both of us."

At the top, there is no threatening words directly and clearly, but there are all threats between the lines.

The village chief pressed his lips tightly, his face was full of irritation.

It's not just the village chief, most of the villagers who heard these words just now showed the same resentment as the village chief.

Because they all know—they don’t have any choice at all...

There are only less than 150 people in Siwasi Village, and the number of soldiers who can take up weapons to fight is not as many as the soldiers brought by the top.

While the number is not as good as the opponent, the equipment is also far inferior to the opponent.

The biggest killer move of their Ainu people is the poison arrow, and the biggest killer move against them by the armor on their bodies is simply Tianke.

To kill these armored soldiers with a poisonous arrow, you can only shoot through the armor with brute force, or shoot accurately at those places that are not protected by the armor. Both the former and the latter are extremely powerful shooters. Only then can this kind of thing be done.

If you fight hard with the best of them, what the consequences will be, you can imagine...

Accepting the top of them into the village, maybe the whole village will be safe in the end.

And he refused to enter the village for the most of them... The most, he had threatened them with a very tactful tone just now...

The weakness of their strength makes them unable to choose the rest of the options...

The village chief sighed heavily:

"...I see, but I only allow 10 of you to enter. (Ainu

The top raised his eyebrows: "...Okay. 10 people are 10 people."

"The village chief." A villager standing next to the village chief whispered in an eager tone, "are we really going to let these people into our village?"

"How else can we choose...?" The village chief sighed again, "Reject them and then go shopping with them? Are we their opponents?"

The words of the village chief directly made the angry expressions on the faces of the people around them more intense.

"Don't worry." The village chief relieved the surrounding villagers and comforted himself. "There is no one with a samurai sword in our village now. After they have checked and confirmed that there is nothing unusual, they should leave... "

The top relatives led 9 soldiers strode towards Siwasi Village, and the village chief personally served as their "leader."

After seeing the scenes of several private houses in one breath, the most casual voice asked the village chief who was walking in front of them:

"Every household in your house is packing up. Are you trying to escape?"

The village elder had long guessed that it was most likely to ask this question, so after swallowing hard, he replied with the answer prepared early in the morning:

"A young man in our village found your army when he was out hunting yesterday. We were afraid of being implicated by the war, so we prepared to temporarily escape into the mountains. (Ainu

The top nodded softly: "That's it... well, understandable."

Seeing that Zongshang didn't seem to be delving into their village's plan to escape from the village, the village chief secretly breathed a sigh of relief... praying for this to go smoothly afterwards, and praying that Zongshang could leave obediently.

"Huh? What happened to the village?" Wulape, who returned to the village from the east side of the village, holding Lilata's little hand, looked around with a puzzled look.

The atmosphere of the whole village enthusiastically packing their luggage and preparing to run has completely disappeared at this time.

Instead, there is a strange atmosphere of silence...

Ulapai and the others returned to the village from the east of the village, and the top troops were in the west of the village, so Ulapai and Lilata missed them perfectly.

Just as Ulape was holding Lilata, standing in a corner of the village, and continuing to look around with a puzzled expression on his face, a somewhat anxious voice sounded from Ulape's side:

"Ulapay, are you back? Don't walk around, something happened."

The owner of this voice is an old woman in a private house not far from Ulapai and the others, who is now hiding half of her body behind the curtain.

This old woman has a good relationship with Ulapai on weekdays, and her eyes are full of anxiety now.

"What happened?"

As soon as Wulape asked this question, she suddenly heard a strange "click-click" sound of iron collision in the corner in front of her.

She followed the prestige—they saw the village chief leading the top class appearing from the corner in front of her.

The strange "cracking" sound was the sound of armor crashing when they were walking.

Looking at the sudden appearance of these armored Japanese people, Wulape's face turned white, and he subconsciously pulled Lilata, pulling Lilata behind him.

Although Ulapai's movements were very fast, the person who followed the village chief still saw Lilata's face.

After seeing Lilata's face, the uppermost eyes narrowed slightly—but no one noticed the slight change in the uppermost expression.

The village chief who knew that Ulape and Lilata had a close relationship with the "person with a katana" who had just left their village, had quick eyes and quick hands:

"Ulapai, you are back, there are guests coming to our village, don't mess around in the village now, go home first. (Ainu

After he finished speaking, the village chief turned his head and smiled at the top behind him:

"Sorry, there are very few people in the village, they were just a little scared. (Ainu

"It's okay." The top smiled slightly, "understandable. Let's go, let's go somewhere else."

The village chief led the top class away.

After watching the most of them leave, Wulape let out a long breath, feeling relieved.

"Why are there soldiers here... huh? Lilata? What's wrong with you?"

It wasn't until this time that Urape discovered that Lilata, who had just been pulled behind him, was shaking quite violently now, her face was pale, as if she had seen something terrifying.

"Yes, it's that person...it's that person..." Lilata's voice was also shaking with her body.

Just now, after seeing the top who was right behind the village chief, the memories of the night before began to pop up in Lilata's mind...

The brawny man in red and black armor, dancing with a strange spear in his hand, killed her grandfather, and his parents desperately blocked her, creating time and opportunity for her to escape...

Li Lata will never forget the face of that brawny man...

That strong man... is the one who just followed the village chief...

About half of the village hadn't been visited, the top suddenly said to the village chief-it was already possible, and it was almost the same after the inspection.

Although he didn't know why the top had suddenly abandoned it halfway, the village head also wished him to leave quickly.

The village chief personally escorted the top back to the west side of the village where his troops were.

After returning to the west side of the village and his troops appeared in his field of vision, the top side continued to walk towards his troops, and suddenly raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

"The village chief, thank you for your cooperation."

The most abruptly thanked the village chief beside him.

The village chief didn’t have time to say something in the future, so he continued to speak slowly:

"My luck today...looks pretty good..."

"Originally, I was mentally prepared to find the slightest clue in your village."

"I never expected-I could find unexpected joy in your village."

After all, the top raised his hand and made a gesture to the troops ahead.

This gesture is the one agreed with his generals in advance.

The specific meaning of this gesture is-offense.

At the next moment when the top gesture was made, the soldiers who were already ready to go all raised their weapons.

10 arrows soared from the queue, and then slammed heavily towards the villagers holding weapons who remained on the west side of the village and confronted the uppermost subordinates...

Ogata, who was struggling slowly on a dirt road that was stepped out, suddenly stopped in shape.

Then he turned his head slowly and looked in the direction of Siwasi Village, which had not been long since leaving.

"Huh? What's the matter?" Amachi on the side turned his head and cast a suspicious look at Ogata.

"...It's nothing," Ogata said softly, "It's just that I don't know why just now, I feel a little uneasy..."


As the top lieutenant general, Sakaguchi strode to the top who was resting under a big tree.

The top is now resting under a big tree.

Beside the big tree, there are a large number of Ainu people who are squatting on the ground, looking sorrowful, or crying—they are all villagers of Siwasi Village.

Around them, there were more than twenty soldiers guarding them.

Just now, after the most orderly attack, he and his men, with their powerful equipment and excellent training level, took a few digits of casualties and occupied Siwaxi Village.

All those who dared to resist were killed.

Those who have given up resistance and are unable to resist are now all rushed together like livestock and managed collectively.

The most personally led people to take care of the remaining villagers in Siwaxi Village, and then delegated an important task to his deputy Sakaguchi.

This task is-to torture some villagers and ask for information from their mouths.

"We have tortured some villagers, but those villagers have said that they are not clear, don't know."

Walking to the top and back, Sakaguchi reported in his voice with a heavy accent.

"Only the village chief and the old woman gave a lot of information."

"After beating the village chief half to death, the village chief confessed: Just now, two men and two women visited their village. One of the men and the woman were peacemakers, and the gentleman was wearing a samurai sword. ."

"The village chief said: The two men and two women have just left from the north side of the village."

"But the village chief doesn't know their names."

"That old woman said more information."

"The old woman said: The two men and two daughters saved her granddaughter who lives in Takta Village."

"These four people just left from the north side of the village not long after they sent her granddaughter."

"We also asked the old woman if she knew the names of these four people. The old woman said she didn't know. The four people hurried away after sending her granddaughter. They didn't introduce themselves, and the old woman didn't have time to ask."

"Although the village head and the old woman don't know the names of the two men and women, the village head and the old woman both told them the appearance characteristics of the two men and women."

The one who was sitting under a big tree resting on the top heard the news, grinned, and laughed: "...My luck is really good today. I didn't expect to have a clue so soon. I left from the north side of the village. Already... I didn't expect you to pry out information from the old woman so quickly. Good job."

Hearing the highest compliment, Sakaguchi smiled modestly:

"It took us a lot of time to ask for information from the old woman."

"In the beginning, no matter how to tortured her, she just said nothing. Until we threatened her: If we don't tell everything we know, we will chop off your granddaughter's finger in front of you."

"After hearing this threat from us, the old woman finally let go. While telling us everything she knew, she begged us not to hurt her granddaughter."

Speaking of this, Sakaguchi paused, then quickly added:

"In order to ensure that the information is correct, we have told these tortured persons according to your instructions: if the information they say does not match the information other people say, they will be killed."

In order to ensure the accuracy of intelligence, people who may have intelligence are placed in different places so that they cannot see each other, and then threatened them: if the intelligence you say does not match, let you feel what is "pain"-this It is a very commonly used means of obtaining information.

The top nodded softly, his face even more joyful: "Good job."

"It's all thanks to you, the best lord." Sakaguchi slapped the best flattery, "My lord, how do you know that there is something wrong with the people in this village?"

The top smiled and shrugged: "It's just good luck."

The top slowly got up from the ground.

"By the way, what about the little barbarian? Does the information that the little barbarian said matches the information that the old woman said?"

"This..." A faint look of embarrassment appeared on Sakaguchi's face, "That little barbarian... until now he still doesn't say a word..."

The top frowned slightly.

And Sakaguchi immediately added:

"We frightened the little barbarian first."

"I thought that the little barbarian was so young, as long as he was scared, he would definitely be scared to the full."

"But who knows that no matter what we say, that little barbarian wouldn't say a word."

"Then what?" the top asked, "have you tortured her?"

Sakaguchi nodded quickly: "After we saw that the intimidation was useless, we began to torture her."

"But until now, that little barbarian still doesn't say anything..."

"That's it..." The top said lightly, "...Take me to see that little barbarian."

Sakaguchi: "Yes!"

Sakaguchi walked quickly leading the little barbarian who was the most tortured by Li Lata.

Soon, Sugami was led to a corner of the village by Sakaguchi. I saw Li Lata, who was lying on the ground, and the four soldiers who were standing next to Li Lata who were in charge of torturing her.

After seeing the top two and Sakaguchi, the four soldiers immediately stopped their torture work and saluted the top two.

The skin exposed outside the clothes was covered with bruises and blood-this is what Lilarta looks like now.

With so many bruises and blood stains, it is hard to imagine what happened to this child just now.

The pain coming from all over her body made Li Lata pale, her eyes closed tightly, and her face covered with cold sweat.

Seeing Lilata's miserable situation, his expression did not change at all.

After glanced at Lilata blankly, he whispered:

"I didn't expect this little barbarian to be quite spine."

"It's a pity that we don't have any instruments of torture." Sakaguchi said with emotion. "The pain and torture caused by instruments of torture are not comparable to those of punches and kicks. If you have a torture instrument in your hand, you will be able to. Let this little barbarian vomit everything he knows."

After hearing the top voice, Lilata, who was lying on the ground dying, shook her body, and then struggling to open her eyes, looking to the top.

Looking at the top of her face with a smile, Lilata's already pale face instantly became like snow.

Tears slowly came out and rolled, and complex emotions composed of various emotions appeared in the eyes-anger, fear, fear...

"Looking at what you look like, you seem to remember me." The most epic smile didn't smile. "You remember me, and I remember you too. I should say'thank you' to you, thanks to Thanks to you, let me get useful information so quickly."

The battle the night before yesterday was the first battle of this battle, so the top is still fresh in my memory.

He remembers very clearly—when he was happily killing with a sickle, he chased and killed a pair of "an old man and a little girl".

After picking up the old man with a scythe, and about to kill the little girl, a man and a woman suddenly jumped out and stopped him.

Because I was stopped by the man and the woman, I missed the opportunity to kill the little girl.

Although he couldn't kill the little girl, but the most remembered the little girl's appearance.

At the same time—he also remembered that he had witnessed 4 soldiers chasing down the little **** his behalf.

Just now, after seeing Lilata, the top remembered instantly—this was the girl who had escaped from his gun the night before.

How did such a young girl escape from the chase of four soldiers and then escape here? This question made the most suspicious of this village.

So decided to use simple and rude methods to extract information from the village.

It is precisely because of this that the most important thing is that Lilata and her grandmother Ullape are designated as "special care objects", and their mother-in-law and the village head are designated as "objects that must be tortured."

Fortunately-the best bet is right.

There are real problems in this village.

"My luck today is really good..." The top exhaled, "I thought it would take a lot of effort to collect information... eh? What is this?"

At this time, the corner of his eye's corner of the eye noticed a small thing on the ground not far away-a small windmill made of branches and leaves.

After picking up the small windmill at the top, Sakaguchi on the side quickly explained:

"This is what the little barbarian has been holding in his hand just now. When we just threw this thing out of the little barbarian's hands, the little barbarian wanted to take it back. After we slapped her twice, she Be honest."

"A windmill made of branches and leaves..." The top frowned, "It looks weird and disgusting..."

After all, the most useful action is like throwing some disgusting garbage, directly throwing the small windmill in his hand to the ground.

Windmills made of branches and leaves are inherently very fragile.

After the windmill was randomly thrown aside by the top, one of the blades of the windmill that touched the ground upside down fell off the pole made of branches.

"Master," Sakaguchi asked at this time. "Will you continue to torture this little barbarian or other villagers?"

The most indulged for a moment: "...Forget it, no need. The information collected so far is enough."

"Sakaguchi, notify everyone-prepare to go. Target: the north side of the village."

Speaking of this, the top grinned:

"We might still be able to catch up with those two men and two women."

"Then...what about these villagers?" Sakaguchi glanced at Lilata on the ground next to him.

The top followed and glanced at Lilata together: "...Let them fend for themselves, I am no longer interested in them, and I don't want to waste precious time on them."

Having said that, the top never looked at Lilata on the ground again, shook Jin Yuori on his body, and walked away.

"Get into action! Sakaguchi! I want to see the team that is ready to go within a stick of incense!"


"Mr. Mashima, look! The tree in front is very suitable for building a hunting lodge!" Aizan sitting behind Ogata pointed forward.

At the end of the direction pointed by Ayzan's finger, there is a fir tree that grows just beside a small **** and the trunk is so thick that it can be hugged by an adult man.

Fir trees are the most common trees in Ezo land. No matter where you go, you can always see fir trees.

"It's not too early now, and I don't think the weather is good, it should snow soon. Shall we stay here tonight?" Ayzan continued.

Ogata looked up at the sky above his head.

According to Ogata's estimation, the time is now approaching 5 pm.

At this time, the sky was covered with a thin layer of dark clouds, as if covered with a layer of black gauze.

Ogata nodded softly, "Well then, let's stay here tonight."

Ogata and Amachi led the radishes and grapes to a big tree and tied them, while Aizan took his mountain knife and chopped down the fir tree that just happened to grow beside the small slope. It took a few minutes. A "temporary hunting lodge" enough for the four of Ogata to lie in and rest was built.

After the four Ogata got into this hunting lodge, Aizan said softly with emotion:

"It would be nice if the road we just started was not blocked by an avalanche. That way we can get out of this mountain now."

Not long after they left Siwasi Village today, Ogata and the others encountered a small accident-the road was blocked by the trees that were crushed by an avalanche. Ogata and the others had to take a detour, which wasted a lot of time.

"Forget it." Ogata smiled, "Anyway, it doesn't make much difference whether to leave the mountain earlier or to leave the mountain later."

"Mr. Ayzan." Ahili on the side said at this time, "Shall we go get some prey back while the sky is still bright? (Ainu

"Yeah...that's right, the sky is dark now, (Ainu

Aizan turned his head to look at Ogata:

"Mr. Mashima, Aheli and I will go hunting now. Let's rest here for the two of you. We will be back as soon as possible."

"Yeah." Ogata nodded, "Be careful. If you can't catch any prey, just come back."

After Ayzan reconciled, he and Ahili got out of the hunting lodge with their bows and arrows, and both disappeared into the depths of the nearby woods.

After Aizan and Ahili left, Amachi, who was sitting cross-legged next to Ogata, suddenly asked Ogata in a joking tone:

"Now think about it carefully-the current life of the two of us is very moist."

"You don't need to worry about eating. At every meal, Ayzan and Ahili will help us get fresh food."

Hearing what Amachi said, Ogata couldn't help but smile.

"Treasure this kind of life now." Ogata changed into a joking tone like Amachi just now, "After that, I shouldn't be able to live a good life where someone will help you hunt for food. ."

After that, Ogata removed the Dashaten who was stuck in his left waist, and then pulled Dashaten out of the sheath.

"Do you want to change the oil for your knife?" Ah Ding asked.

"Yeah." Ogata nodded, "I haven't changed the oil for a while."

Ogata took out the knife powder stick, the knife powder to remove the knife oil, and the knife oil that was applied to the knife body to prevent rust.

Ogata knew that after he came to Ezo land, there should be no way to get knives powder and knife oil. Therefore, before going to Ezo land, Ogata bought enough "supplement oil" for him to use for 2 years. Suit".

Changing the oil for the knife-Ogata has long been familiar with this kind of thing.

Ogata had just dipped the powder stick with the knife powder and was about to apply the powder on the knife, when Ogata suddenly stopped Ogata:

"Wait a moment."

"Huh? What's the matter?"

Ah Ding nodded his cheek.

"Ayzan and Ahili are not here now, please take off your mask temporarily."

"You have been wearing it all this time, and I think it's time to let your face breathe." Ah Ding changed into a tone of playfulness.

"...That's right." Ogata put down the powder stick in his hand, stretched his fingers to the base of his left ear, and took off the human skin mask that had been worn on his face for a long time.

"Um..." Ah Ding stared straight at the face that had just taken off his human skin mask.

"Why look at me like this?"

"Nothing." Ah Ding smiled, "It's just that I haven't seen your true appearance for too long, and I feel a little strange to your true appearance."

"Then I will have to wear as little of this human skin mask as possible in the future." After responding to Amachi with a joke, Ogata picked up the powder stick again, and rubbed the powder on the knife with the powder stick in a proficient manner. , And then wiped off the old knife oil remaining on the Da Shi Tian Dao little by little.

When Ogata changed the oil for his saber, Amachi sat aside and watched quietly at Ogata, who was seriously changing the oil for the knife, and the one in Ogata's hand that was being painted new bit by bit. Da Shi Tian of knife oil.

Suddenly, Ah Ding whispered suddenly:

"...Your Sabre is now covered in bruises..."

"Yeah." Ogata replied softly. "No matter how tough a sword is, there is a limit."

"Think about it carefully-these two knives have followed me for a long time. It's been almost a year..."

While Ogata sighed softly, Amachi kept looking at Ogata's hand with a complicated look at Ogata Saten, who had already had a lot of gaps.

After Ogata's emotional voice fell, Amachi suddenly said quietly after a moment of silence:

"A Yi... While we are alone now... I have something to tell you..."

"Huh?" Ogata stopped the movement in his hand and looked at Amachi, "Just tell me if you have anything to say, I'll listen carefully, don't make it so mysterious."

"What I say next...you may not like to hear it, but I still want to say it."

After all, Ah Ding took a strong breath, as if to cheer himself up.

After taking a few deep breaths, Ah Ding said with a serious expression:

"A Yi, I don't object to you going to do what is righteous."

"But I think...you should protect yourself more when you are brave enough to do what is right..."

"Honestly... the night before yesterday, when I saw you and the country's army tit-for-tat, I was actually a little scared..."

Speaking of this, Ah Ding couldn't help but tighten his lips.

And Ogata, at this moment, laughed blankly.

"...Are you afraid that I will miss and be killed?"

Amachi shook his head: "I'm afraid that your identity as "Mashima Goro" is also wanted nationwide, or... "Ogata Ishi" further annoyed the shogunate and was chased by the shogunate..."

"Needless to say, you should also know how bad your situation in Japan is now...?"

"There was a felony of killing the master before, and then there was a crime of attacking Nijo Castle..."

"You have offended the shogunate miserably now."

"I am worried that if you further offend the shogunate, the shogunate might decide to use the methods of hunting and killing that have never been seen before, and that there will be no one in the future, and the whole country will hunt you down..."

"I think if you further annoy the shogunate, it is really possible for the shogunate to do something like this..."

"The shogunate rules the whole of Japan, no matter how powerful an individual's martial arts is, it can't shake such a huge behemoth."

"Shiranui is so powerful, in order to survive, I have to rely on the shogunate."

"So—A Yi, promise me."

Amachi raised his hands and pressed Ogata's cheeks.

"Anything that might further offend the shogunate should be done as little as possible, preferably not done, and live as low-key and anonymously as possible in the future, okay?"

"This kind of thing, I can guarantee you..." Ogata smiled wryly, "Everything is impermanent, and there will always be some involuntary things..."

Before Ogata's words were finished, the conversation stopped.

Because he saw Ah Ding's pupils looking straight at him.

There is no extra emotion in Ah Ding's dark eyes.

Yes, only seriousness, and real concerns about Ogata's future.

Looking directly at Amachi’s eyes, Ogata sighed silently:

"...I see." Ogata smiled bitterly, "I promise you that. I will try to do as little as possible that might offend the shogunate."

Listening to Ogata's assurance to her, Amachi Okoshita put on a big smile, and then let go of Ogata's cheeks.

"Oh." Ah Ding looked out of the hunting lodge, "it's snowing..."

Ogata also turned his gaze to the outside of the hunting lodge-only a little bit of white snow was falling from the dark clouds.

Looking at the current situation, this snowfall seems to have a further increasing trend.

Ah Ding slowly stood up while patting the dust on his buttocks:

"Well, I'm going to find something to do now, too."

"I just saw a clean river not far from here. Let me fetch some water and give me your kettle."

"Now it's snowing outside, are you going to fetch water?" Ogata said.

"It's not a blizzard too big to walk. I will be back soon."

"Ah, since you are now oiling your knife, then help me maintain my weapon by the way."

Amachi took out her Suzakura and Hizakura and handed them to Ogata.

"My two short guns have not been properly maintained for a long time, so I will trouble you."

"Ah, and-after hearing the sound of Ayzan and Ahili returning, remember to put on the human skin masks in time."

After all, without waiting for Ogata's response, Amachi took her and Ogata's water bottle and got out of the hunting lodge, leaving Ogata alone in the hunting lodge.

Ogata glanced at the unoiled saber in front of him and the two pistols that Amachi had just thrown at her.

"By the way... my gun seems to have been out of maintenance for a long time..."

After talking to himself, a helpless smile appeared on Ogata's face, and then Ogata temporarily put away his sword, picked up Amachi's Suzakura, and took the lead in maintaining Amachi's weapons.

Following his memory, Ah Ding quickly walked towards the clear river he had just seen.

After a while, Ah Ding heard the sound of gurgling water.

After listening to the sound of the water, Ah Ding quickened his pace a bit. After a while, I saw a clear river.

"Woo...It's really ice..." After putting the unscrewed kettle into the cold river water, Ah Ding was immediately shaken by the cold.

The top hand is holding a telescope, standing on a high slope, looking around.

Although the telescope is a rare and luxurious imported product in Japan, the top of the high-ranking generals is still eligible to own one.

When he was observing the surroundings with a telescope at the top, Lieutenant Sakaguchi and other generals stood around him, silently waiting for the end of the top observation.

Soon, the uppermost put down the telescope in his hand, frowning tightly.

"Master," Sakaguchi asked, "didn't you find it?"

The top shook his head: "I haven't seen half of the figure. But the deer saw a lot."

After interrogating the information about Ogata from the villagers of Siwaxi Village, they followed the direction pointed out by the villagers of Siwaxi Village and chased them all the way.

However, until now, they have not noticed the least.

Sakaguchi, with a look of regret on his face, raised his head and glanced at the sky above his head.

"Master, it's getting dark now, let's find a place where we can spend the night first, and wait until tomorrow morning before continuing to pursue that ‘mysterious swordsman’."

Sakaguchi did not respond at the most.

With a faint unwilling color on his face, he raised the telescope in his hand again.


After raising the binoculars again, the top suddenly made a startled "um" sound, and the frowning brows suddenly loosened.

The top expression suddenly changed so much, because he looked through the binoculars and saw a scene that surprised him.

He saw a river not far from here.

A woman was crouching by the river, as if fetching water.

"...My luck today is really good." The top put down the telescope in his hand, grinned, and gave a happy smile.

After holding back the biting coldness of the river and filling both himself and Ogata's kettles, Amachi carried her and Ogata's kettles in one hand, and held his clothes tightly with one hand.

"The snow has grown..." Ah Ding muttered, looking at the sky above his head.

When Ah Ting left the hunting lodge, there was still fine snow.

At this moment, the original fine snow became heavy snow with goose feathers, accompanied by moderate winds.

After tightening his clothes, Ah Ding ran quickly in the direction of returning to the hunting lodge.

Only the sound of wind and snow came into Ah Ding's ears, and the sound of low wind breaking after rushing fast.

However, at this moment-very abruptly, Ah Ding suddenly heard some strange noises.

Ah Ding suddenly heard—a small abnormal noise rang behind him.

When this strange noise sounded, Ah Ding didn't pay attention, only treating it as a sound of wind blowing.

It wasn't until this abnormal noise became louder and louder that Ah Ding gradually realized something was wrong...

Ah Ding gradually realized that the sound did not seem to be the sound of wind blowing.

But... the sound of horseshoes!

After noticing that the abnormal sound was the sound of horseshoes, Ah Ding's pupils shrank suddenly in surprise.

Want to avoid temporarily-it's too late.

The cavalry, one after another, emerged from the wind and snow behind Ah Ting.

How fast the horse is-this needless to say.

From the appearance of the figure, to quickly blocking Ah Ding's way and surrounding A Ding-it only took less than 2 breaths.

Ah Ting looked at the surrounding enemies who had surrounded her. Although he managed to control it, a faint horror appeared in the depths of his eyes.

-Damn... the sound of the wind and snow covered the sound of these people's horses...

It's the first time that Ah Ting hates wind and snow so much.

The sound of the wind and snow blocked the hooves of the uninvited guests, making Ah Ding fail to spot the cavalry team in time, and missed the best time to hide or escape...

"Hanging on the back of the waist, he looks very beautiful and has a full chest... The appearance and characteristics are the same as the information squeezed from Siwasi village..."

A Ding followed his reputation—the owner of this voice was a military commander wearing a red and black armor with a sickle spear.

"Who are you?" Ah Ding forced his composure, "Why are you blocking my way?"

"Well, this beautiful beauty. I don't want to spend too much time talking nonsense, let's get straight to the point." The military commander-that is, the top shrugged, "You should have two men and one woman and three companions, right? Where are they now? Can you tell me where they are?"

Ah Ding's pupils shrank slightly imperceptibly: "What are you talking about? What are two men, one woman and three companions?"

"I knew you wouldn't just tell me the information so obediently." The top sneered, "It's okay, we have a way to make you spit out the information. Hey, tie this woman up and take it away!"

Hearing the top order, several soldiers closest to Ah Ding rolled over and got off their horses.

"Wait!" Ah Ding shouted, "I really don't know what two men, one woman and three companions!"

The most unmoved.

The soldiers who received the order to tie up Ah Ding continued to lean towards Ah Ding with their spears in hand.

Upon seeing this, Ah Ding gritted his teeth.

Then he took a breath.

"I know! I tell you everything I know!"

Hearing Ah Ding's words, the top raised his eyebrows, and then raised his hand to signal the soldiers who had been ordered to tie A Ding to stop.

"Then tell me everything you know." The top smiled and put on a condescending attitude, "You can rest assured-as long as you cooperate obediently, we won't do anything to you."

Ah Ding nodded silently.

Then took a deep breath.


"There are enemies—!"

Shouted like this at the maximum volume he could reach.

"...Okay." Ogata nodded with satisfaction after looking at the beautifully maintained Suzakura and Hizakura several times.

After temporarily placing the two spears in his hands on the ground beside him, Ogata turned his head and glanced at the sky outside.

The sky outside has begun to darken slightly.

"Why hasn't Amachi come back... Is the river that far away..." Ogata muttered.

After the mumble, Ogata picked up Dashaten, who had just been repaired halfway, and was going to continue to maintain his saber.

But at this moment—

"There are enemies—!"

A scream penetrated through the layers of snow and got into Ogata's ears.

This scream seemed to have some magical power.

Ogata, who was still calm just now, changed suddenly when he heard this scream...

After screaming "there is an enemy", Ah Ting quickly pulled out the waist of her waist and rushed towards the enemy on her right.

She only hopes that Ogata and the others can hear her screaming, and...she can successfully break through the encirclement of these cavalry, or wait until Ogata and their support.

Just after being surrounded by this sudden cavalry squad, Ah Ding noticed that the defense on her right was weaker.

Although Ah Ting's skill is not so superb, her combat experience is not lacking.

After rushing to the soldier on her right at a very fast speed, Ah Ding waved the threat in his hand and cut the soldier's throat.

Then, like a cat, swiftly jumped towards the other soldier.

However... Abnormal changes occur suddenly.

Ah Ding suddenly heard heavy footsteps coming from his side.

Turning his head to look to his side—he carried his sickle on the top, and rushed towards Ah Ding in stride.

Just now, after seeing Ah Ting holding her agile hands, a strong expression of interest appeared on her top face, and then she turned over and jumped off her horse back and rushed towards Ah Ting.

This is the first time I have met a woman with such a good skill.

He decided to meet this rare female warrior.

The top weapon with a sickle gun, relying on a very wide range of attack, launched a stabbing attack when it was nearly 2 meters away from Ah Ding.


The sharp piercing sound of the gun head piercing the air sounded.

Looking at the tip of the gun rapidly zooming in within his field of vision, A Ting's face appeared astonished.

Ah Ding tried his best to escape the top assault dangerously and dangerously.

Seeing that Ah Ting was able to evade his own stabbing, the expression of interest on the uppermost face became more intense, he grinned happily, and then launched a new round of attacks on Ah Ting.

Seeing the most personally came forward to fight with Ah Ding, the surrounding soldiers obediently stepped aside, leaving enough space for the two of them to confront each other.

Facing the sharp stabbings one after another, Ah Ding's face was full of anxiety.

Soo Sakura and Hi Sakura, her two big killers, are now in Ogata.

The only weapons that Ah Ting now wears are the hachiza hung on the back of his waist, and a few kunai that he carries with him...

Using the threats as a weapon, her attack range is only a fraction of the top...

So at the beginning of the battle with Supreme, Ah Ding was directly suppressed by Supreme...

Knowing that he would lose if he continued like this, Ah Ding gritted his teeth.

She decided to fight.

After avoiding the top stabbing once again, Ah Ding took out 3 kunai from his back waist with lightning speed, and then threw these 3 kunai to the top in one breath.

Looking at the three oncoming kunai, the uppermost pupil suddenly shrank, and then he retracted and swept the sickle spear in his hand, knocking down all the 3 kunai in one breath.

And just at the top of the three handles, A Ding clenched the threats in his hands, grasping the rare flaws, and rushed to the top.

Facing the top with a wide range of attacks, it is definitely difficult to escape.

Therefore, Ah Ding quickly came up with the best and most feasible plan at present-to uniform the top, take the top as a hostage, and force these cavalry to retreat.

It's a pity-Ah Ding's plan is very full, but the reality is very cruel...

She underestimated the highest strength.

After sweeping away those sufferings in one shot, he turned his spear at a speed far faster than every stabbing that A Ding had just launched, and aimed the tail of the gun at A Ding, who had not had time to get close to him.


The top used the tail of the spear to hit Ah Ding's belly, and Ah Ding's facial features were twisted due to pain, and the momentum of forward thrust also came to an abrupt end.



The sound of the blade cutting the flesh and blood sounded.

On the last turn, the sickle spear in his hand, the sickle of the spear head swept towards the left collarbone of Ading...

The blood flower bloomed from Ah Ding's body...

The top offensive did not stop.

Instead, he turned the gun body again and pierced the tip of the gun into the skin and flesh under Ah Ding's left collarbone, and then pushed it forward, putting Ah Ding's petite body on the trunk of a big tree behind her.

"You just said'there are enemies'... are you admonishing your companions who happen to be nearby?" Fu Shang asked Ah Ding in a deep voice.

Ah Ding ignored the top.

Being pinned to the tree trunk, she could only endure the severe pain while casting an unyielding look at the top.

"...I don't want to say it. I hope that after I'll torture you, you can still be so stiff. I like to torture women the most, because there are many methods of torture that are not available to women when they torture men."

After all, the top took back the gun in his hand.

And Ah Ding also fell from the trunk.

"Tie up this woman!" The top four soldiers behind him ordered, "Take her away! After breaking her fingers, I will see if her mouth can be so firm!"


After the four soldiers responded in unison, they quickly walked towards A Ding, where the snow beneath him had been dyed red with his own blood.

As for the top-he turned and left with his sickle spear in full swing.

"Master." Sakaguchi slapped the top flattery. "It looks like-we are just around the corner after we find the ‘mysterious swordsman’ who dared to kill our generals."

The most did not respond to Sakaguchi's flattery.

Only a triumphant smile appeared at the top.

Smile at the task going so smoothly.

Smile for the luck that I have been pretty good lately.

Smile for the joy that I am about to complete this task.

"Be quicker, and tie up that woman quickly! Ah, yes, stop the bleeding for that woman by the way." The top of the house shouted loudly at the four soldiers he had just sent to tie up Ah Ding without looking back. Yelled, "After the straps are tied, put that woman on my horse..."

Puff, puff, puff, puff...

Before the top words were finished, four weird heavy objects fell on UU Reading www.uukanshu.com suddenly, interrupting the top words.

With the sound of these four weird sounds, the generals around the top screamed as if they had seen some wonder.

And the top was slightly startled, then slowly turned around-only the four soldiers who were responsible for stringing Ah Ding had all fallen to the ground at this time.

An unfamiliar samurai is holding a **** knife in his right hand, and his left hand is supporting Ading, whose clothing has been dyed red with blood on the half of his body.
