I Was a Swordsman in Ancient Japan

Chapter 533: "Guest" visits 【5,000 words】

The Red Moon Fortress, Chanup’s home—

Chanup was holding a cigarette gun, smoking his cigarettes, vomiting to his heart's content.

Although he was the person in charge of the entire Red Moon Fortress, he never gave himself anything special, he didn't build a very magnificent house for himself, and he didn't get himself a lot of waiters.

Chanup's house is ordinary, in terms of style, many people in the Red Moon Fortress have houses more than Chanup's style.

In a nutshell-Chanup's house does not look like the house of the top administrator who manages the Red Moon Fortress where thousands of people live.

Chanup just sat cross-legged in his not so spacious and magnificent room, waiting quietly...

Waiting for someone to arrive.

Finally—the man he was waiting for came.

"Chanup. I brought that old and man."

"Come in." Chanup spit out a wide eye circle.

The curtain opened and the two entered.

The head of the two is the sturdy man who just came to report to Chanup.

And behind this sturdy man, there was an old and old man who was very old.

After the two entered, Chanup immediately turned his gaze, let his gaze pass over the sturdy man, and looked at the old man—and while Chanup looked at the old man, the old man Also looking at Chanup.

The emotions in the eyes of the two are surprisingly similar-both seem to be looking at a stranger.

"Kimship, thank you for your hard work." Chanup said to the big man. "Kimship, do you have anything to do next?"

"There is nothing important to do." Kimship grabbed the lush beard on his chin.

"Okay. Then you do me a favor." Chanup turned his gaze to his door. "I hope you can help me guard the door now and don't let anyone in—including my daughter and my son."

"Everyone?" Kim Shipp asked in surprise.

"Yes. Everyone."

"I understand." Kimship nodded solemnly, then turned and walked outside the door.

As he turned and left, Kimship subconsciously looked at the old and the man with a puzzled look.

Kimship thought with his ass, and he could think that the reason why Chanup asked him to guard the door must be to better meet and talk with this old man.

He couldn't help but secretly said in his heart: Who is this old guy...

"What are you discussing? The discussion is so hot." Assuma, who was walking home, held her bow, leaning against the three friends who were standing on the side of the road and discussing something. .

"Aizuma, don't you know?" One of the three friends of Aizuma asked rhetorically.

"Know what? I've been practicing bow just now." Esuma shook the bow in her hand.

"A very old man came to our Heyzhe just now. It is said that he drove a dog sled to our Heyzhe's gate and yelled: "Tell your father, "The God of Soup" is here."

"Tang Shen?" Ai Suma raised her eyebrows.

"Aisuma, is this a friend of your father?"

Esuma quickly passed this person's name in her mind—she didn't remember her father and a good friend named "Tang Shen".

Esuma shook her head: "I don't know this person... Maybe it's an old friend of my father a long time ago. Where is the God of Tang now? Is he still outside the gate?"

"It's gone. The God of Tang has been put in now, and was taken directly to your father. When the God of Tang was taken to your father, we went and watched. It was indeed a very old man. My hair and beard are all white."

"Being taken to my father?" Aisuma's brows frowned slightly. "That might really be my father's old friend... I'll go home and see now."

After all, Esuma said goodbye to her three friends, and then quickly walked towards her home.

As soon as Esuma came to her door, she saw Kim Ship just walking out of the house.

After Kim Ship saw Aisuma, he immediately raised and stopped his hands: "Aisuma, you can't go in right now."

Aizuma was taken aback: "Why?"

"That's what Chanup told me." Kimship said, "He seems to want to be alone with the old and the man who suddenly visited. He told me to stay here and not let anyone in, including you and you. younger brother."

Esuma pursed her mouth: "Even I am not allowed to enter...Who is that old man...Kim Ship, do you know that man named Tang Shen?"

"Aishuma, if you don't even know the Kazuto named Tangshen, then I, the person who only lived in after Heyezhe was established, don't know." Kim Shipp smiled bitterly. "But the Ainu of Kazuto is quite fluent and standard."

"Just listening to Nawato speak Ainu, I can't imagine that this is a Kato."

"So I guess he might have lived with us Ainu for a long time. Otherwise, it's hard to imagine how he can practice such fluent Ainu."

After Kimhip obediently left Chanup's house according to Chanup's instructions and guarded the door of Chanup's house, Chanup punished his chin in front of him.

"Sit down as you please."

Lao Heren carried the thick and long crutches in his hand, walked quickly to Chanup's body, and then sat down cross-legged like Chanup.

Chanup opened his mouth, as if he was about to say something.

But as soon as he opened his mouth, he seemed to think of something, his expression paused, and then he smiled bitterly:

"I almost forgot that your current name is Tangshen... I almost called you by my old name."

"Tang Shen, you are so old. When I saw you just now, I almost couldn't recognize you... When was the last time we met?"

"I don't remember." Lao Heren-or Tang Shen said slowly in fluent and standard Ainu, "So are you... When I first saw you, I almost couldn't recognize you. You have become an old man."

"My changes should not be as big as you?" Chanup shrugged. "You look like an ordinary old man. Is it because the days of peace have been too long?"

Speaking of this, Chanup suddenly looked sideways and glanced at the thick and long crutches that Tang Shen had placed on his right side.

"...But this stuff...you still carry it with you..."

"Okay. Chanup. I'll leave the chat for later." Tang Shen folded his arms and looked directly at Chanup in front of him, his expression slowly becoming serious, "I came to you suddenly after a long absence, yes. There is something very important to tell you."

"Just when I entered your Heyezhe, I found out-you are still living leisurely. It seems that you don't know that something big has happened."

"Big matter?" Chanup frowned. "Did something happen?"

Tang Shen sighed.

"Chanup, your Heyezhe... is going to die..."

The place where Ogata and the others currently hide—

Ogata raised his hand and touched Shitamachi's forehead—the temperature was about the same as when he left last night.

At this time, Ogata had changed into clean clothes and washed all the blood and stains on his body.

After retracting the hand that took Amachi's body temperature, Ogata turned his head to look at Ahili next to him, and whispered:

"A Ding, has she woke up since last night?"

Ashiri looked at Ogata blankly-she didn't understand the Japanese sentence Ogata just said.

Ogata is totally helpless with this language barrier... I can only hope that Aizan, who is out hunting, will come back soon.

Ogata grabbed the clean cloth next to him and gently wiped the fine beads of sweat that had just emerged from Amachi's face.

"Mr. Majima, do you want to take a break now?" Ahili, who was sitting next to Ogata, said while doing sleep movements, trying to communicate with Ogata using "sign language" "I think you look tired... I think it's better for you to take a break now... After lunch is done, I will call you. (Ainu

After watching Ahili's actions many times, Ogata finally understood what Ahili meant.

In other words, whoever went through a lap in a barracks with 3,000 soldiers stationed would not be like a okay person.

Although Ogata didn't suffer any injuries, his mental and physical exhaustion was quite large—especially mental and physical exhaustion.

There is nothing to say about physical strength. A person rushes from left to right in the camp, moves basically with his feet, and has entered the "state of no self" once in the middle.

As for the mind, Ogata's nerves have been tense since breaking into the camp, guarding the surroundings and guarding against any possible attacks.

After smoothly leaving the camp and relaxing his tight nerves, Ogata instantly felt fatigue rushing from his brain and every muscle in his body.

The dual exhaustion of mind and physical strength really makes Ogata's current state look quite bad, and it has reached the point where "outsiders can tell that this person is tired now" at a glance.

Ogata, who understood Ahili's "sign language", was just thinking about whether to follow Ahili's suggestion. When he went to take a short break now, he suddenly heard a low gasp from his side.

The volume of this gasp was not loud or small—just so that Ogata and Ahili could hear it clearly.

Hearing this gasp, Ogata and Aheli turned their heads like a conditioned reflex and quickly turned their heads to look at Amachi next to them—Amachi who had closed his eyes since Ogata left last night, now opened his eyes. A gap, turning his head, looked at Ogata and Ahili.

Before Ogata and Ahili could say anything, Amachi took the lead in speaking to them in a weak tone:

"Is there water...?"

Ahili has been following Ogata and Amachi for so long, and now Ahili recognizes some simple Japanese words.

She didn't understand what Ah Ting said just now.

But she heard the word "water".

Ah Ding has been sweating since last night, and it is strange that his body is not short of water without dripping in. After instantly realizing that Ah Ding probably wanted water to drink, Yaxi nodded vigorously, said "there is water, there is water" several times in Ainu, and then quickly got out of the hunting lodge.

After a while, Ahiri reappeared in front of Ogata and Amachi with a large cup of warm water.

Ogata sat up with Amachi in one hand, and took the warm water from Ahiri with the other. He first tried it on his own. After confirming that the water temperature was ok, he passed the cup of warm water to Amachi. She was a little cracked. Lips.

The thirsty Ah Ding drank like a buffalo, drinking this big cup of warm water in just two breaths.

"Would you like to drink more?" Ogata asked.

Ah Ding shook his head: "I'm full..."

Seeing Ah Ding said so, Okinawa handed the cup back to Ahili.

As soon as Ogata wanted Amachi to lie down again, Amachi told Ogata one step in advance:

"Wait a minute... I have been lying down yesterday, and my back hurts when I lie down. Let me sit for a while now, it will be good for my body."

"Doesn't it feel uncomfortable to sit?" Ogata asked.

"No... I'm more comfortable sitting now..."

"okay then…"

Ogata changed the position where he was sitting, from sitting on the side of Amachi to sitting behind Amachi, so that Amachi could sit on him with his back.

Upon seeing this, Ahili held the cup that Ogata had just handed back with great eyesight, and hurriedly left the hunting lodge, leaving enough room for Ogata and Amachi.

In fact, Ogata was not afraid of Ashley staying here—she couldn't understand the conversation between him and Amachi anyway.

"How are you feeling now? Is there anything uncomfortable?"

"Except for the painful wound and tiredness, everything else is fine..." Ah Ding forced a smile that wasn't pretty. "How long have I slept? When is it now?"

"You have slept for 7 or 8 hours. It's noon now."

"Have I slept for so long..."

After that, Amachi closed his eyes and leaned his head against Ogata's left shoulder socket.

"Do you have an appetite to eat now?" Ogata asked, "Ayzan went hunting and should be back soon. I will see if I can cook something that can replenish the body for you."

"I feel that my appetite should be okay... I should be able to eat..." After that, Amachi drilled his head into Ogata's shoulder. "I will leave it alone... for now... Tell me about you..."

"My business?" Ogata raised an eyebrow.

"You... have a heavy smell of blood..."

Ogata's expression froze.

"Although your clothes look clean...but when I just leaned on you, I immediately smelled the smell of blood on your body..."

"Sure enough... still ran to avenge me...?"

"...Hmm." This is the end of the matter, and Ogata can't think of a way to hide it, so after pursing his lips, he nodded gently, "When you sleep, I will help you. Revenge. The guy who almost killed you is now asleep forever."

As Ogata's voice fell, Amachi slowly opened his eyes, then raised his head and looked at Ogata, who was sitting behind her, using her body as the back of the chair. Deep in her eyes, there was a touch of emotion that could not be described in words. Emerge.

"Are you not hurt...?" she asked.

Ogata smiled and shook his head:

"I'm not hurt. If you don't believe me, you can feel around."

"Why can't you bear it..." Ah Ding said a bit of blame in his tone.

She closed her eyes, leaned the back of her head on Ogata's left shoulder again, and stopped speaking.

Seeing that Amachi stopped speaking, Ogata couldn't help but said cautiously:

"I thought you were going to scold me harshly... I didn't obediently listen to you..."

"I don't have the strength to judge you now..." Ah Ding sighed lightly, "And since it has happened, it doesn't make any sense for me to judge you anymore..."

"As long as you are okay..."

"Mr. Mashima, Miss Acho!"

At this time, Ahili's voice suddenly came from outside the house.

Ahili, who had just left for a short time, got back into the hunting lodge again.

"Mr. Aizan is back. (Ainu

As soon as Ahili's voice fell, Ayzan's voice sounded from outside the house:

"Mr. Mashima, you are finally back...Ah! Miss Acho, are you awake?"

Aizan carrying a bow and arrow and a fat rabbit followed Ahili into the hunting lodge, and when he saw Ogata who had finally returned, and Amachi who had woke up, he was surprised.

"Sorry, I worried you." Ogata said, "It's been so hard for you to help take care of Amachi during my absence."

Aizan hurriedly said, "It's nothing, please don't care."

"Mr. Mashima, you came back just in time."

Speaking of this, a strange color appeared on Aizan's face.

"There are... guests visiting."

Aizan hesitated for a while before finally vomiting the word "guest".



Today’s update is as late and less as always... I am guilty... (Leopard has a headache and cries. jpg)

The author Jun’s parents ran a mall. They asked me to come to the mall to help before I got a formal job. So I’m basically working during the day, and I can’t start writing until I get off work at night.

So the author is now regarded as a social animal... After that, the daily update volume, UU reading www.uukanshu. com, I can’t guarantee that the quantity is large and large...

All in all-in order to apologize, I won't have any knowledge of popular science today. Let me tell you the story of the follow-up of this book.

It is my traditional art ability to estimate the amount of plot wrong...I always thought that the book could end in the end of summer and early autumn this year, but now I find that this is completely idiotic...

The current volume of the book has always been a "one volume, one map" model. Volume 5 is in Kyoto, volume 6 is in Edo, and volume 7 is in Ezo.

But the final volume 8 is not like this.

The stage of Volume 8 is extremely large, spanning multiple maps. Let me now reveal a little about the maps involved in Volume 8—Ezo and Osaka.

And in the end there are many forces involved, Buddhism, ninja, shogunate, gourd house...

Because the map is vast and powerful, the plot volume is also huge. It may not be a problem to write 800,000 words... In addition, the author is not a college student who has too much time every day, and the amount of daily updates is not as good as before, so This book will not be over until next year.