I Was a Swordsman in Ancient Japan

Chapter 55: 2 swordsman swordsman (below)

   Izumo is a region of Japan.

   There are 3 feudal clan in the Izumo area, namely-Matsue clan, Mori clan, and Hirose clan to which Ogata belongs.

   In such a vast land like Izumo, Denichiro Sakihara is called "Izumo Warriors"-one can imagine how strong Denichiro Sakihara is.

   "When my elder was young, in order to hone his sword skills, he began to travel around and challenge the masters from all over the world."

   The color of memories on Hanbei's face became more intense.

   "Brother, with his talent and strength, gradually made his name, and gradually became known as'Izumo Warriors'."

   "However... not long after his brother was given the title of'Izumo Musou,' he met a...very weird guy."

   "The encounter between my brother and this weird guy was completely accidental."

   "The two were just walking opposite each other on a narrow road, but that guy accidentally hit his brother's shoulder when he was passing by."

   "My brother's biggest shortcoming is that he has a bad temper."

   "After being hit in the shoulder by that guy, my brother immediately violently asked that guy to apologize quickly."

   "If that guy is willing to bow his head obediently and apologize, this trivial matter can just pass."

   "It's just that that guy not only didn't apologize..."

  " Still provoking his brother: ‘Should you not be the one who should apologize? No matter how you look at it just now, the one who should avoid is you, right?’"

   "I don't remember whether that guy's original words were like this at the time. In short, what the guy said at the time was roughly what it meant."

   "What happened next, you should have guessed Ogata."

   "The very angry elder brother drew the knife directly and wanted to fight that guy."

   "My brother Lien Chan Lianjie was dubbed "Izumo Warriors" at the time, and it was at a time of high spirits."

   "The elder brother was quite confident at that time."

   "I have confidence in my swordsmanship."

   "I am confident that I can teach this rude person well."

   "But who knows... Brother won't be able to laugh soon..."

   "After the brother drew the sword, that guy also drew the sword."

   "That guy drew both his knife and his threats in one go."

   "Since the emergence of the second sword style swordsmanship, there has been a long history."

   "But very few people can master the'evil sword' like the Second Dao Style."

   "It was the first time that my elder brother faced a swordsman with two swords."

   "But the confident brother at that time, after seeing that guy pull out his double knives, he still didn't put that guy in his eyes."

   "I confidently believe that no matter how many knives this guy draws, he will be the one who will win."

   "Then... after about two breaths, the result of this battle will be clear."

   "Brother has no strength to fight back."

   "That guy defeated the elder brother who was already'Izumo Musou' with just one blow."

   "That was the first time my brother had lost since he was traveling around the world."

   "It was also the worst defeat."

   "After defeating my elder brother, that guy gave the book to my elder brother."

   Speaking of this, Hanbei made a grumpy mouth at the book that Ogata was holding.

   "Huh?" Ogata looked at the book in his hand, "That guy is so good, why did he give the book suddenly?"

   "That's why I said that was a weirdo..."

   After sighing lightly, Hanbei continued:

   "In this book, the second sword technique used by that guy is recorded."

"The guy threw the book to his elder brother and said:'You are quite talented. I wrote this book myself. It records the second sword technique I used. See if you can participate in it. Enlighten it'."

   "After leaving this sentence, the person left."

   Hearing this, Ogata felt that he was already confused.

   After listening to the master's narration, Ogata also thought-that guy is too weird.

   After slashing his opponent over with a sword, he gave the opponent a secret book that recorded his sword skills—this kind of behavior was incomprehensible in Ogata’s eyes.

The story of    Sakihara Hanbei is not finished yet.

   "Since that guy left, his brother has never seen that guy again."

   "This showdown has had a great impact on my brother."

   "The original jealous and irritable personality has reduced a lot. The personality has become a lot more calm."

   "If the former brother was the one with a sharp knife, then since his defeat in that guy's hand, the brother has learned to hide the cold light and the sharp edge."

   "Perhaps because his mentality and personality have become a lot more stable, my elder brother, after a few years, finally integrated all kinds of swordsmanship he knew, and created a new genre that belongs to him-Sakihara Ichiga.

"So from a certain point of view, my brother and I have to thank the weird second-sword swordsman. If it wasn't because he had crushed his brother's incredible self-confidence, otherwise my brother might not be able to create a new one in the future. school."

   "And my elder brother has been studying and studying this book since he got this book in the hands of the second swordsman ~lightnovelpub.net~."

   "Hope to master the swordsmanship recorded in this book."

   "But until my brother died of illness, my brother failed to master this'Selfless Two Swordsmen'."

   "On the eve of my brother's death, he entrusted this book to me."

   "It was also until then that I didn't know from my brother that he had this past that he was defeated by the unknown second swordsman."

   "After getting this book from my elder brother, I have been delving into this ‘Selfless Two Sword Style’."


   Speaking of this, a wry smile appeared on Hanbei's face.

   "My talent is dull... I don't even understand what is said in this book..."

   "Until now, I'm gray-haired, and I haven't been able to master the one-and-a-half strokes of the'Two Swordsmen without Me'.

   "But if I keep this book in the cabinet and fall to the dust, I really won't be reconciled..."

   "It's like guarding a golden mountain in the air, but you can't dig out gold from this golden mountain."

   "So, a long time ago, I made up my mind-I will entrust this book to the most talented disciple in our library in the future."

   "Let’s see if the disciples with the best talents in our hall can comprehend this one-and-a-half strokes of two swordsmanship that once defeated my brother."

   "I originally planned to entrust this book to Sanshang."

   "But now, I changed my mind."

  Hanbei straightened his waist, which had been somewhat bent.

   The excess emotions on   's face are also removed, leaving only a serious look.

   "Ogata, I have already decided-I want to entrust the "No-me Two Sword Style" to you!"