I Was a Swordsman in Ancient Japan

Chapter 550: Enter-"Transparent Realm"! 【Four thous

The reason Ogata chose to take off his human skin mask before rushing into the shogunate camp was to launch a "mental attack" on the generals of the shogunate.

Ogata didn't know whether the army that was currently besieging the Red Moon Fortress was the first army that had had some "bad memories" with him before.

But in any case, there is value in trying this "mental attack".

According to the current situation, Ogata's "mental attack" can be regarded as a success.

Judging from the reaction of the general in front of him and the scream he just made, this army seems to be the first army that seems to have a wonderful relationship with him.

But Ogata couldn't care about expressing emotion for this "reunion" now. After breaking through the blockade of the general who led hundreds of soldiers, Ogata once again smashed his stomach with his heels with no light or no serious strength.

Turnip let out a low neigh, obeyed his master's order, and continued to rush toward the depths of the military camp that seemed to have no end in front.

The first army camp, the coach's camp

"Pass the order to Kasuga and Iimasao, so that they can restrain their troops."

In the coach's camp, Gui Yizheng ordered one after another military orders.

After learning that someone had attacked the camp, and the attacker seemed to be Ogata Ichitosai, Katsura Yoshimasa's head became a blank state for a moment.

But he, who can be entrusted by Inamori with the important task and sent to the First Army here to take over the position of Shengtianmu, still has some abilities.

After a moment of blanking his head due to various emotions such as stupefaction, calmness, and fear, he quickly regained his sanity and composure.

Then, quickly integrated all the information currently known, and issued military orders one after another.

Gui Yizheng was also one of the very precious generals who had war experience in the 200-year Edo era, even though he was only fighting bandits and peasants who dared to revolt.

The seven-year-old “day famine” that ravaged the country directly led to the number of peasant uprisings and the surge in the number of bandits.

Many generals headed by Gui Yizheng, relying on the suppression of the peasant rebels and bandits that had risen due to daylight famine, have accumulated some experience in marching and fighting.

Even if they have no experience in warfare, anyone who has read only military books knows that if the camp is attacked, the most important thing is to ensure that the camp is not chaotic.

If the camp is in chaos, the phenomenon of "one's own people killing one's own people" is extremely easy to appear.

So after regaining his composure, the first military order issued by Gui Yizheng was to send orders to the generals located in various places in the camp, so that they could restrain their troops and keep them from chaos.

As long as the military camp stays out of chaos, then everything is easy to say.

After Gui Yizheng gave a series of orders in one breath, a herald suddenly rushed to the coach’s camp and declared his identity to Gui Yizheng in the camp. He said that he was a messenger sent by Kuroda. He was The next generation Kuroda came to convey the news to Katsura Yoshihide.

After learning that the messenger was sent by Kuroda, Gui Yizheng quickly passed the messenger into the house.

As soon as this messenger entered the camp, he immediately reported loudly:

"My lord! Kuroda-sama wants me to tell my lord: He will lead 150 infantrymen to encircle the culprits!"

"Did Kuroda lead his troops to encircle and suppress the culprits?" Gui Yizheng raised his eyebrows.

After pondering for a moment, he nodded slightly: "...that's fine. Someone must be responsible for stopping the culprits."

As soon as Gui Yizheng's whisper fell, another messenger rushed into the camp.

This messenger was a messenger sent by Gui Yizheng to observe the movement of the culprits in real time, so he had the privilege of being able to enter the camp immediately without notification.

"The culprit has arrived in the area where Lord Xiaoxi's troops are stationed!"

Gui Yizheng naturally knew exactly where the area where Xiaoxi's troops were stationed.

After listening to this report from the messenger, Gui Yizheng's brows instantly frowned. Then mumbled in a low volume that only you can hear:

"Where is he going..."

Gui Yizheng has been paying close attention to the movement of the attacking culprits.

Integrating the movements of the culprits known so far, Gui Yizheng instantly discovered the strangeness. The culprit seemed to be rushing straight south.

It neither wreaks havoc nor rushes to the right.

Just rushed straight south.

This situation...It's like leaving in a hurry...

"How is the battle on the front line now?" Gui Yizheng asked.

"The generals are struggling to stop them." Chuan Lingbing replied, "but the culprit's horse is too fast, and his skill is... so good, until now he has not been successfully stopped..."

"Tsk..." Gui Yizheng's face went dark, "Damn..."

Ogata has no idea where he has rushed.

I don't know how far I am from rushing out of the barracks.

His brain is now unable to think about everything except "fights". All the computing power of his brain is used in the judgment of the battle and the judgment of the situation.

This is a battle that aims to "get out of here", and the longer it drags on, the more disadvantaged it is for Ogata.

In order to avoid being shot by arrows, Ogata has been driving the irregular curve of the radish to move flexibly and increase the difficulty of shooting for archers.

Move flexibly, avoiding arrows while also avoiding enemy soldiers.

Ogata relied on his extremely high mobility to avoid all enemy soldiers that he could avoid.

If you can't avoid it, use "physical methods" to solve it.

Those enemy soldiers that could not be avoided were either cut off by Ogata with a sword, or hit by turnips.

From time to time, Ogata could hear the sound of the wind breaking through the air with arrows.

But these arrows shot towards Ogata could only hit the afterimages left by the high-speed movement of the radish in vain.

At this time, Ogata suddenly saw a small cavalry team approaching him in front of him.

This small cavalry team consisted of more than a dozen people. The head of the team wore a much more luxurious armor than ordinary footwear. The horse under the hip was obviously better than the horses of the rest of the cavalry behind him.

Ogata didn't know how to judge the rank of generals based on the style of armor. He only knew that the small cavalry squad in front of him was most likely a guard patrol outside the camp, and was ordered to return to the camp to stop him.

Because of the lack of high-quality horses, the cavalry is an extremely expensive unit in Japan, so the samurai who can be a cavalry are not ordinary samurai.

Ogata simply looked at the cavalry team that appeared in front of him, and he clearly felt that the dozen or so riding warriors in front of him were far from those of ordinary foot-light.

"Get out! Get out!" When the dozen or so cavalrymen rushed toward Ogata, the leading general kept shouting.

Listening to this shout, all the generals who were between them and Ogata voluntarily stepped aside.

In the face of the dozen or so cavalry who came on, Ogata narrowed his eyes slightly, then bit the rein he had been holding in his left hand in his mouth, leaving his left hand free.

Ogata greeted the dozen or so cavalrymen without evasiveness.

And the radish under his crotch is like this, in the four hoofs that are constantly interlacing and spreading, there is no fear or retreat.

When Turnip's horse head and the horse head of the cavalry general were about to cross and pass by, the cavalry general clenched his spear and slammed it at Ogata.

When the gun head is about to hit Ogata’s chest


Ogata used his left hand to pull out Da Ziyou from his waist at a speed much faster than the cavalry general's spear, and then pulled the general's spear away.

The horse's head staggered across and the blade flashed.

The horse staggered past. The cavalry general slid off the horse, leaving only a small amount of skin and flesh on the neck.

Ogata's Dashaten's blade once again drank a handful of hot blood.

No-self two sword flow · circulation.

The light of the double knives swung toward every cavalry who crossed him.

Every slash that was swung out could hit every cavalry's key with extreme precision.

The attacks of these cavalry were either blocked or avoided.

After being completely disengaged with the dozen or so cavalrymen, it was like a trick. The dozen or so cavalrymen who were still majestic just now are all like soft noodles, bleeding from their horses while sliding on their backs. Down.

After breaking through the obstacles of the dozen or so cavalrymen, Ogata's pupils suddenly shrank.

After that, Ogata's body reacted earlier than his brain, and he slammed his body to the left.


An arrow slid across Ogata's right abdomen.

Although it didn't hit Ogata, he managed to take away some of Ogata's clothes and flesh.

In the "Selfless Realm", Ogata's pain is lessened, but Ogata can still feel a burning sensation in his left abdomen.

If Ogata took a step back a while ago, the arrow would directly sink into Ogata's flanks.

Need to speed up...

Without the leisure time to deal with the wound slowly, Ogata continued to charge forward with the turnip after such a secret voice in his heart.

Ogata can already clearly feel the strength of this military camp's counterattack is getting stronger and stronger.

Although this barracks is now becoming noisy because of his "visit", it just "looks a bit chaotic" and the order of the barracks has not collapsed.

After all, no matter how Ogata can fight, there is only one man and one horse.

No matter how good the sword is, it can only cut things within 3 feet.

The momentum and destructive power caused by one man and one horse has always been limited, and it is difficult for a military camp to have a "battalion whistle" due to panic.

The reason why the order of the barracks has not collapsed is not only because Ogata's one man, one horse, and his ability to do is limited, but also because this army has maintained a vigilant posture since its arrival at the Red Moon Fortress.

Today is no better than before.

The last time Ogata looked for the top justice for a long time, he was able to win a big victory and retreat completely. Part of the reason was that the generals of the First Army did not expect that they would be attacked.

Now it's different.

After arriving under the Red Moon Fortress, in order to prevent the barbarians in the fortress from attacking them, the whole battalion has maintained a vigilant posture.

If it wasn't for the short camping time, and the fences, high platforms for shooting and other fortifications would not be built in the future, Ogata might even have to work **** how to break into the barracks.

Choosing to leave the injury on his side to Ogata temporarily behind him, after ditching the blood on the Da Zizai sword, he returned the sword to its sheath.

How far is it from outside the camp...

Ogata raised his eyes and looked into the distance. The distance still seemed to be an endless camp...

The sight in front of him made Ogata's heart sink.

But... At the same time as my heart sank, a group of conversations suddenly emerged from Ogata's mind.

[Then do you believe in miracles? 】

【…I believe. 】

This is the conversation he had with Ah Ding when he had just bid farewell to Ah Ding.

Ogata gritted his teeth and continued to tighten the rein and sword in his hand.

At this moment, if someone carefully observes Ogata's eyes, he will surely find that Ogata's eyes have undergone a little...strange change.

In Ogata's pupils, there was a new light that was very different from "the state of no self" flashing.

After swiping a knife again to chop off the pawns in front of him, Ogata finally saw... the scenery he had always wanted to see.

He saw that not far away, he could no longer see any camps.

I'm about to rush out of this barracks!

Seeing that success is right in front of him, Ogata's spirit can't help but refresh.

But the spirit that had just been lifted up was suppressed by the sudden change in front of him.

I saw a large number of pawns armed with long guns on the left and right sides of the front.

These steppers are advancing in a fast running manner, orderly and unstable.

They emerged from the left and right sides in front of Ogata at an extremely fast speed, and then quickly formed a half-moon formation.

In the formation of a half-moon shape, these pawns lay down their spears, with the tip of the spear pointed at Ogata.

At the same time, behind this half-moon formation, there are quite a few archers, and these archers have already drawn their bows and arrows into a full moon.

If you hit this gun array, it would definitely die. No matter how powerful the carrot is, it is impossible to hit the gun array.

So Ogata immediately reined in his horse and drove the turnip to stop.

When Ogata looked at the gun array that suddenly appeared in front of him, a big shout suddenly exploded:

"Go forward slowly! Stabbing the enemy!"

Following this, Ogata shouted and found that he was still a somewhat familiar person.

Wearing a black and red battle armor, this man is riding a horse that is only slightly lower than the radish. He stands behind the gun formation, looking at Ogata with a look mixed with fear. .

This person is Kuroda.

Looking at Ogata, whose body was flushed with blood, even the horses and humans were soaked in blood, Kuroda couldn't help swallowing.

It's really Ogata Ichitosai...

When Ogata attacked their barracks, Kuroda happened to be resting in his camp.

Not long after learning that someone had attacked the camp, Kuroda immediately learned that many people had witnessed: The attacker seemed to be the one Ogata Ichitosai.

When he first heard the news, the first idea that came up in Kuroda's mind was actually to run away.

The last battle with Ogata left an indelible shadow on Kuroda.

However, fear goes to fear. Inspired by "Samurai Glory", Kuroda finally chose to come forward.

Kuroda mobilized 150 infantrymen that he could quickly mobilize.

Like Katsura Yoshimasa, he paid close attention to Ogata's movements, and then, like Katsura Yoshimasa, he found that Ogata's way of advancing was a little weird, and he kept going straight to the south.

Although I don’t know why Ogata chose this way of advancement, Kuroda boldly chose to predict where Ogata would go in the future based on Ogata’s way of advancement, and then deployed his troops there in advance and waited for Ogata. From the cast Luo net.

And Kuroda was right.

He made a right bet on where Ogata would be.

His deployment was not in vain.

Kuroda, who has cast an extremely strong psychological shadow on Ogata, has no other desires now.

I just want to quickly let Ogata die in front of me.

As long as Ogata still breathes in front of him, he will only feel uneasy.

So Kuroda didn't say a word of nonsense, and immediately ordered an attack after the half-moon gun formation against Ogata was formed.

Hundreds of spearmen surrounded Ogata at a trotting speed.

Ogata scanned the gun formation in front of him, his face solemn.


Ogata, who usually seldom speaks foul language, seldom said "detestable" in his heart at this time.

He was about to rush out of this camp, but he came out halfway through a large number of enemy soldiers who knew they were ambushing early... This rapid contrast made Ogata's face uncontrollably ugly.

This half-moon-shaped spear formation not only has pikemen, but also archers. Now if they turn around and find another way, UU reading www.uukanshu.com is not that simple...

Since there is no escape, there is only one option left.

"bring it on."

After saying this in a calm tone, Ogata stuffed the horse rein with his left hand into his mouth again.

But at this moment, just as Ogata's left hand was about to pull out the great freedom from his waist, the pupils of his eyes suddenly shrank because of the scene in front of him.

The scene in front of Ogata suddenly changed.

Suddenly he could no longer see ordinary people.

He suddenly clearly saw the movement of the generals’ muscles, the flow of blood...



The doctor said that my wrist is recovering well! Just a few more days off! congratulations! congratulations!