I Was a Swordsman in Ancient Japan

Chapter 551: Like a sea of ​​fire! Like a mountai

The author released a free chapter-"Military System in the Edo Period (1 late last night, just in the previous chapter.

The author recommends everyone to take a look at this free chapter, there are not many words, only a thousand words.

After reading this popular science chapter, you will find that Ogata's presence in the camp of the First Army is not so incredible.

[In Japan in the Edo period, there was basically no standing army that usually did nothing except military training]

So don't mistakenly think that these 10,000 shogunate forces are forbidden, capable of shooting an elite army like a rain of locust arrows and a shocking cavalry.



Because of the insufficient number of people, Kuroda's temporary formation of guns had only one thin layer.

Although there is only one floor, but a long wall made of spears presses against you, and that courage is enough to make people who are not determined enough to scare their legs.

But Ogata was unmoved.

His whole body and mind are now in the perception of the wonderful state he is currently entering.

The sudden change in the situation in front of him caused Ogata to subconsciously blink his eyes twice.

It's not dazzling.

It's not that my head is muddled.

He really... saw the scenery he saw when he faced Shuntarou.

Only after arriving at a realm above the "no-self realm" can you see...or the sensed scenery.

What is present before Ogata's eyes is not what he suddenly sees through eyes and then sees it with naked eyes.

All of them were sensed by Ogata.

The clarity of this sense gave Ogata the illusion that his eyes could see through human skin.

Everyone in the field of vision-including the beating of their own internal organs, muscle movement, blood flow...

The flames of the torches used in the surrounding lighting are now swaying with the wind...

Where does the wind blow...

Where are the leaves falling...


In this peculiar state, Ogata's state of mind has become even more inadequate to use the term "Furui Buba" to describe it.

Ogata's emotions were too calm, and Ogata even thought about the discussions between Genichi, who hadn't seen each other for a while, with him about this state-the "transparent realm".

This is a realm where Genichi Kinoshita, who created the "breath of the source", can be encountered and cannot be found.

You can feel everything.

Feel like one with the world.

I feel like being possessed by a god... No, it should be said that it is "feeling that I have become a god".

Feeling omnipotent.

Puff puff……

The peculiar muffled sound of bowstring vibration rang.

The more than 30 archers standing behind the pikemen loosened the tight bowstrings in their hands. More than 30 arrows finally released from the tight bowstrings crossed a beautiful parabola and smashed towards Ogata.

Before these archers had released their arrows, Ogata, who was now in a state of being integrated with the world, felt that they were about to release arrows in advance from the movements of these archers' muscles.

At the same time, from the direction of the arrows, the strength of these archers' muscles, and the tightness of the bowstrings, one can perceive roughly where these arrows will shoot.

Ogata early these archers shot arrows and pulled the horse back one step at a time.

Turnip also obeyed Ogata's control very cooperatively, and quickly jumped 2 steps to the right back.

As soon as the four hooves of the radish jumping to the right landed, the more than 30 arrows all plunged into the ground where Ogata and the radish stood just now.

Seeing no arrow hit Ogata and the horse under his hip, Kuroda's eyes suddenly rounded.

These more than 30 archers are the largest number of archers that Kuroda can mobilize in a short period of time.

In ancient times, the archer was a proper technical unit.

At first glance, shooting an arrow and a bow may seem simple, but in fact, anyone who has drawn a bow knows that—drawing a bow is far more tiring than you think.

The samurai who can afford to practice bows are at least a family with no worries about food and clothing.

Against the background that the samurai are corrupt and degenerate, they are generally negligent in martial arts, and many people don’t even practice the sword, the abolition of archery is even more exaggerated. The quantity and quality have dropped sharply.

There are 3,000 generals in the First Army, and there are many people who are capable and qualified to serve as archers—more than 250 people, and the more than 250 archers are not even good and bad.

These 250 archers are now distributed throughout the barracks. The 30-odd archers are already the highest number of archers that Kuroda can mobilize in a short period of time as a lieutenant.

The more than 30 archers that Kuroda brought to encircle Ogata were not very good.

But even at a lower level, he is an archer anyway.

Among the arrows thrown by more than 30 archers at such a close distance, none of the arrows successfully hit Ogata.

However, this was not actually what shocked Kuroda the most.

What shocked Kuroda most was that he always felt that Ogata had foreseen in advance where the arrow would go.

Kuroda doesn't know if he read it wrong. He seemed to have seen Ogata’s archers shoot arrows and steer the horse one step at a time to jump precisely where the arrows could not be shot...

Kuroda has not recovered from the shock, Okinawa has already started his action.

As soon as Carrot's four hooves landed, Xu Jian immediately knocked the horse's abdomen with his right heel, driving the horse to the front left and toward the gun formation located in front of him.

Ogata didn't find the direction of the assault casually.

He is relying on his current body that seems to be integrated with the whole world to perceive-the enemy in that direction is the weakest and the fighting spirit is the worst, so it is best to break through.

Ogata, who had found the right direction, rushed straight towards the enemy soldier with the weakest strength and the worst fighting spirit without any confusion or hesitation.

Looking at Ogata, who was rushing towards him, the face of the enemy soldier whom Ogata "fancyed" showed a clear look of fear, and he followed the steps of his surrounding companions to rush forward. Take a beat.

Ogata doesn't know how long his "transparent state" can be maintained.

Therefore-he was in a hurry and chose the most convenient breakthrough method.

He bit Da Shitian in his mouth.

Although Oshaten is very heavy, for Ogata, whose bite force is far stronger than ordinary people under the blessing of 20 power points, it is not difficult to hold Oshaten firmly.

After biting Oshaten into his mouth, Ogata put his hands into his arms.

Then he took out Su Ying and Xia Nai.

Hold Xia Nai in the right hand and Su Ying in the left.

Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang...

Eight gunshots sounded.

Ogata emptied the bullets in the guns of Kasanari and Sozakura in one breath.

The eight bullets poured out at the gunmen who stood in front of Ogata.

There is no reason to miss such a short distance.

Eight gunshots fell, and the four pikemen who stood in front of Ogata wailed and fell to the ground.

The sudden sound of gunshots shocked the soldiers who had not been shot, and the originally neat gun array instantly became messy.

The soldiers who fell to the ground after being hit by the projectile caused a gap in front of Ogata that was enough for them to leave.

"Don't panic! Stabbing the horse!" Kuroda shouted anxiously to the soldiers closest to Ogata who had not been shot.

Kuroda's yelling was still effective, and the soldiers closest to Ogata who had recovered from Kuroda's yelling immediately pierced Ogata, who was about to rush out through the gap.

In fact, it was not bad when they came back to attack Ogata.

No matter when they attacked, Ogata could perceive it and react first.

According to Ogata's perception-although the nearby spearmen are attacking him, there are only 3 spears that can pierce him and Turnip.

The targets of these 3 spears are all carrots.

One came from his left side and was piercing the belly of Turnip.

The other two stems came from his right side, and both pierced the belly of the turnip.

Ogata, who had already tucked Sozakura and Kasanari back into his arms, has held the sword in his hand again.

Now that you know where you will be attacked, is there any reason to be hit?

Ogata's left hand and his right hand holding the knife moved at the same time. Both hands made completely different movements.

With his left hand, he grabbed the spear stabbed from the left. Then he snatched the spear from the soldier's hand, and threw it aside at random.

With his right hand swinging the knife, the two spears pierced from the right were shot again with the back of the knife. Because Ogata's strength was too great, the two spears were shot directly and flew out of the hands of the two soldiers.

"Transparent Realm" not only allows Ogata to perceive everything in the surroundings, but also his own body, just like the potential hidden in the body has been fully stimulated, and it can explode under "Transparent Realm" The power that comes out far exceeds the "realm of selflessness."

"The left and right hands are doing different actions"-in the "no-self state", it is extremely difficult to do this dual purpose, but in the "transparent state" it can be done easily.

The offensive launched by these soldiers who tried to stop Ogata was easily dismantled by Ogata.

Looking at Ogata, who successfully rushed out of the gap in the gun array, Kuroda gave orders to the archers angrily:

"Shoot him down! Shoot him down!"

The intensive rain of arrows once again threw towards Ogata.

And the scene that made Kuroda almost stare away again, appeared in front of him again.

He saw it very clearly this time—his archer hadn't let go of the tight bowstring in his hand, and Xu convenient drove the horse to the left in advance.

When the archer shot the arrow, Ogata had already flashed to a place where the arrow could not be shot.

And Ogata didn't look back at his archer the whole time.

"This guy..." Kuroda murmured, with a stunned face, "Did you have eyes behind your back...!"



Kuroda's words are neither right nor right.

Ogata now has eyes behind his back - but he has more than just eyes behind his back.

He has eyes and ears in every corner of his body, and his eyesight and hearing are more than 100 times that of ordinary people's eyes and ears.

After rushing out of the encirclement, Ogata dashed up a trail with the fewest people based on his own perception.

Where is someone, where is that person running now, is there a cold arrow shot at him... All of this is invisible in front of Ogata.

I feel like a **** who controls the entire world.

This feeling of being possessed by a god, like a fragrant wine, made Ogata immersed in it and intoxicated.

Ogata was so intoxicated, until a cool night breeze hit his face, he realized later that he had rushed out of the barracks.

There were no military accounts or incoming generals in front of or around him.

Without the obstruction of the military tent and the muddy air, the night breeze blowing in the face is extremely cool.

Ogata turned his head and looked back-the barracks were thrown farther and farther, and his field of vision became smaller and smaller.

No cavalry came to chase him.

Ogata turned his gaze back to the front.

While feeling the cool night breeze, he whispered softly in his heart:

——Break through... the blockade of the shogunate...

I felt a big rock falling on the ground in my heart.

At the same time that the big stone fell, the nerves that had been tense were finally relaxed.

At the moment when his nerves were relaxed, Ogata felt that his brain was suddenly hit hard by some sledgehammer.

The state of feeling that I was omniscient and omnipotent seemed to have never existed before, disappearing in an instant.

This kind of strong gap is bigger than that of a person with good eyesight suddenly becoming blind.

While the "transparent realm" receded, intense pain invaded every corner of the brain.


Even though Ogata, who has been through the storm for a long time, faced the severe pain, he couldn't help but raised his hand to cover his head and let out a low cry of pain.

The intense pain almost caused Ogata to fall off his horse.

He had just broken out of the blockade of the shogunate and was far from completely safe.

Ogata bit the tip of his tongue, using the pain from the tip of his tongue to cheer up his spirits, and driving the radish straight forward southward, away from the shogunate army barracks.



After Sending Ogata left the Red Moon Fortress, Chanup stood there, looking at the door in front of him, and did not leave for a long time.

"Mr. Chanup!"

A young tribe standing guard on the wall suddenly shouted to Chanup:

"I saw Heren, who had just left the city, rushed towards the camp of the Heren army! What is he doing? Do you want him to come back?"

"Don't worry about him." Chanup glanced at the young tribe with a blank face. "Just keep doing your own things."

After all, Chanup turned his gaze back to the tall city gate in front of him.

——Mr. Mashima... I wish you prosperous martial arts.

What will happen to Ogata afterwards—— Chanup is completely invisible anymore.

Now Chanup has nothing else to do except silently praying for Ogata's success in his heart.


At this time, Retannoe's iconic loud voice suddenly sounded from behind Chanup.

Retanoe walked quickly in front of Chanup at a speed no less than a trot.

"Chanup, I've heard about it. You take that Japanese Kazuo named Majima Goro to the gate, what are you going to do? What about Majima Goro?"

"Retannoe." Chanup whispered, "Sorry, can I be allowed to keep this matter secret? When the opportunity comes, I will tell me and Mr. Majima what we plan to do."

Chanup is not an idiot, so he naturally knows-the details of the plan Ogata and he secretly planned, naturally, the less people know, the better.

If the Japanese army outside the city knows through what channels Ogata intends to invite reinforcements and launch surprise attacks on them with the recruited reinforcements-then the trouble will be big.

Retannoe raised his eyebrows, and after looking at the serious Chanup several times, he said:

"Then leave this matter until you want to talk about it before you tell me."

"I have something more important to tell you now! Chanup, you come with me!"

"What's the matter?" Chanup asked.

"Something happened in Upanu," Retanoer said in a deep voice. "The villagers in Capaci Village want to join the war."

"And Upanu blocked him, preventing his villagers from participating in the war."

"Hurry up and take a look."

Chanup frowned slightly: "...I see."



"The village chief! Don't stop us anymore!"

"How can we surrender to Heren?"

"My father fought with people to defend his homeland in the battle of Kunasilimenesi to the last minute. I can't lose to my father!"

As the head of Kapasi Village, Upanu is now surrounded by almost all the young people in their Kapasi Village.

These young villagers surrounding Upanu looked at Upanu with firm eyes. You tried to persuade them to stop them from just now and not allow them to join Chanupu in the war. Upanu.

"If I say no, I can't do it!!"

Upanu shouted loudly with the maximum volume he could reach.

Because this roar exhausted all the strength of his whole body, when Upanu roared this roar again, his face was hideous, even the blue veins burst out.

Although this roar of Upanu was shocking, none of the young people around him flinched.

"Chanup is going crazy, why do you young people go crazy with him?!"

"Fighting with Heren, how many chances do we have?"

"Have you forgotten the Cunassili Menasi 3 years ago?"

"Have you all forgotten how your father and grandfather were tortured and killed in Kunasi Limenasi three years ago?"

"I would rather surrender and be a dog with people than to cut off the blood of the race! Watching you young people who have finally dragged you to die!"

Upanu glared at the surrounding clansmen without flinching.

Just at this time--

"Mr. Chanup! Mr. Chanup is here!"

A shout with a bit of surprise sounded.

This sudden loud shout made the originally tense atmosphere loose.

The young clansmen who stood in front of Upanu slowly separated to the sides, giving way to a path that could be walked by one person.

At the end of this trail, Chanup stood face and looked at Upanu expressionlessly.

Chinup walked slowly towards Upanu along the path made by the people of the tribe.

"Chanup...Thanks to your wicked words." Upanu stared at Chanup viciously with a look as if he wanted to swallow Chanup. "The children in my village want to follow now. You go crazy together."

"Even if you encourage everyone~lightnovelpub.net~ to let everyone take up arms and fight together, what can you do?"

"Do you remember what I told you?"

"We are not rivals at all!"

"The army of people is like a violent fire, like a towering mountain..."

Before Upanu finished speaking, Chanup interrupted loudly:

"The army of others is like a violent fire, like a towering mountain range. But my determination to defend my homeland is like a sea that can drown the fire! My will to fight to the death is like the thunder that can flatten the mountains!"



Chanup’s last sentence, "Like the sea of ​​fire, like the thunder of the mountain", this simple sentence, the author took an unimaginable time to slowly polish...

The author has been unable to count how many lines there are in this volume that took a huge amount of time to slowly polish (Leopard has a headache. jpg)
