I Was a Swordsman in Ancient Japan

Chapter 573: Cthulhu Coming [7000 Characters]

7 miles south of the Red Moon Fortress (approximately 28 kilometers now), on a wide plain—

The sun rose from the other side of the mountain, and the sun seemed to be listless, and the sun sprinkled on the vast ground covered by snow was extremely dim, making the shogunate camp on this plain even more heavy.

Looking around, every general and soldier in the camp has a sluggish and decadent appearance. Almost everyone lowered their heads without a slight smile on their faces.

There was silence everywhere in the camp—the only sound was the screams of the wounded while they were being treated.

In the center of the big camp, in a luxurious camp, the generals of the army gathered here.

"Everyone is here, right?"

In the camp, Songping Dingxin, who was sitting in the first seat, looked around the generals in front of him.

Compared with the past, the number of generals in the camp is much less...

"All are here." A general who was sitting not far from Songping Dingxin said respectfully.

Songping nodded firmly: "Then let's start the military discussion."

"I won't talk too much nonsense to you. I'll just talk to you on the subject."

"We will gather the remnants for another 2 days. After 2 days, the whole army retreats and withdraws from Ezo Land."

Songping, who has always been vigorous and resolute in his work, has given his conviction that only three concise and concise sentences made the generals in the camp show complex and diverse expressions.

"Retreat?!" a young general with a thick linen wrapped his head in a loud voice, "Old Master! We have not lost yet! We have gathered 6000 generals now! We still have the strength to fight! We have not lost yet! !"

After the horrific defeat to Ogata, the entire army was defeated by a thousand miles.

Fortunately—Matsuhira Dingxin appeared in time. He personally presided over the gathering of the remnants.

Songping Dingxin, who stepped forward in time, calmed the generals' minds like a pinnacle at the moment of Inamori's death.

With the backbone of the master, the generals gradually returned to the state they should have, performing their duties and gathering the remnants scattered around.

After a few days, it has successfully gathered back 6000 generals and some of the luggage that was discarded on the road.

The young general had just finished speaking, and immediately echoed several echoes:

"Yeah! Old Master! We can fight again!"

"The fiasco a few days ago was nothing more than a sneak attack by that executioner Ichidozai! If we fight again, we will never repeat the same mistakes! We will definitely win in one battle!"

"Old Master! Let's fight again!"

Matsuba Dingxin did not interrupt the speech of these people, but quietly put his hands on his legs, and rhythmically tapped his right thigh with his right index finger.

After allowing these generals to speak generously, Matsuhira Dingxin said in a calm tone:

"Fight again? Have you taken a good look at the state of the remnants now gathered back? Do you think there is still a way for such a unit to fight again?"

Songping's words of definite credibility caused the group of people who had threatened to "fight again" to choke.

"The morale of the whole army is completely vented. If they are asked to launch a new attack on the Red Moon Fortress, I am afraid that it will be directly mutiny." Songping Dingxin continued, "And-have you ever thought about the problem of packing?"

"When the whole army flees, it discards a lot of baggage, including a lot of grain and grass."

"With our army's current inventory, it is no longer enough for our army to launch a new offensive."

"Taking advantage of the current stockpile reserves, it is enough to allow the remaining army to withdraw to the mainland, and retreating quickly is our current best option."

As soon as Songping Dingxin's voice fell, a somewhat hoarse shout suddenly sounded:

"Old Master! Are you really going to retreat like this? We have suffered such a big humiliation because of the executioner Ichizai, do we really want to retreat like this?"

Everyone in the camp, including Songping Dingxin, focused their attention on the shouting master Pu Sheng.

From a certain point of view, Kamio’s experience during this period can be regarded as a blessing in disguise-as a general of the Aizu army, he has been recovering from the rear after being seriously injured by Shinto, so he is perfectly wrong with Ogata’s surprise attack. Passing by.

After the army was defeated, Pu Sheng, who had not healed his injuries, had been holding on to gather the defeated soldiers, and made great contributions to the collapse of the soldiers.

Because he was the general of the Aizu army, Gamou sat very close to Matsudaira Sadashin.

After everyone focused on him, Pu Sheng, whose cheeks were flushed with emotion, went on to speak loudly:

"Old Master Zhong, we have paid a huge price for crusade against the Red Moon Fortress! I just retreat like this, I really can't be reconciled!"

These days, in addition to gathering the remnants, Songping Dingxin has also been presiding over the statistics of casualties.

It is difficult to count the casualties of ordinary soldiers, but the casualties of generals are still well counted.

Not counting the loss of ordinary soldiers and supplies, the casualties of the generals alone are extremely heavy...

At present, the number of well-known generals who have died under the sword of Ogata has been determined to be as many as nine people headed by Inamori.

The loss was so heavy that he had to return without success in the end-this really made Pu Sheng feel unacceptable.

Pu Sheng's shouting just now can be said to have shouted out the aspirations of many people present. Many people showed grief or pain after Pu Sheng's voice fell.

"...Pu Shengjun." Songping Dingxin said lightly, "I can understand your mood."

After speaking, Songping Dingxin raised his head and looked around.

"Everyone, I hope you all understand-I am better than any of you present, and I don't want to lose this battle."

"But the truth is so cruel-we have already lost the battle and have to retreat. No matter how unwilling to accept this fact, it is useless."

Pu Sheng opened his mouth, as if trying to refute Songping's letter.

But after opening and closing his lips for a while, Pu Sheng finally closed his mouth and lowered his head with a sullen expression.

"It's all gone."

Masahiro Matsuba, whose expression still remained Furui, stood up from the horse.

"Everyone, continue to follow the plan."

"After gathering the remnants for another 2 days-the whole army retreats."

After all, Songping Dingxin took the lead to walk out of the camp with his hands behind his back.

As soon as Songping Dingxin left the camp, his little surname, Tachibana, greeted him immediately.

"Tachibana, let's go."


Under the **** of the escorts, Matsudaira and Tachibana walked back to the camp where they lived.

In the middle of the journey, Matsuhira Dingxin suddenly asked Tachibana behind him abruptly:

"Tachibana, what? Are you also very dissatisfied with the order of my army to retreat?"

"No!" Tachibana said anxiously.

"Tachibana." Matsudaira turned his head and glanced at Tachibana, "Your expression has already revealed what you think."

"?!" Tachibana was startled, her lips tightened, and her head slowly lowered, "...Old Master, if you withdraw like this...When you return to Edo, I'm afraid that countless people will impeach you. …"

"I know." Matsudaira turned his gaze back to the front. "After all, this battle was initiated by me and personally supervised the battle. After I go back, I am afraid that even His Majesty the Emperor will follow me. After all, I and His Majesty’s relationship has been very poor."

Tachibana: "In that case..."

"Even so, we have to withdraw troops." Before Tachibana had finished speaking, Matsudai Matshinori interrupted his words. "There is no chance of winning a battle, so there is no need to go on. If the remaining troops are exhausted, yes, It will be a disaster for the shogunate. So—get your mood up, Tachibana."

Tachibana raised her eyes and glanced at the figure in front of him, Matsubishi Ding believe that he was walking forward firmly, and his eyes slowly reddened.

While holding back unwilling tears, he gritted his teeth and said:

"Blame that **** executioner...!"

Tachibana, immersed in unwillingness, didn't notice—when he yelled out the word "executioner," Matsuhira's pace was half a minute slower—but soon the pace returned to normal.

Red Moon Fortress—

"Okay, your wound has recovered well." Kunoya checked the wound of the wounded in front of Fan, and nodded, "If you rest for another two or three days, you should be able to go to the ground."

In order to facilitate the treatment of the wounded, Chanup vacated more than ten empty rooms for the wounded.

During this time, Kunoya stayed here longer than the time spent in her own home and her own clinic.

After watching several wounded men with another breath, Kunoya took a deep breath, and when she was about to take a break, an eager yell suddenly sounded behind her:

"Kunoya! Kunoya! Come and see his wound!"

Kunoya turned around and saw a few young people carrying a man whose upper body had been dyed red with blood, rushing towards Kunoya.

"You..." Kunoya raised her eyebrows and glanced at the group of young men in front of her. "Are they the one who was sent by Chanup to scout and military movements?"

"Yes!" replied a young man carrying the blood man, "When we were investigating the movement of the army today, we accidentally walked into the territory of a bear who missed hibernation, so it was very grumpy! It! After seeing us, I probably thought we were invading its territory, so I immediately rushed over and attacked us!"

Although he successfully defeated the Hejun, Chanup did not dare to relax completely before confirming that the Hejun had completely withdrawn from here. Therefore, these days, he sent some people who were still able to move freely to investigate the movements of the Hejun. , Confirm the approximate position of Hejun now.

"Have you been attacked by a bear..." Kunoya glanced at the blood man. "Come with me, there just happens to be an empty bed left."

Kunoya led them to an empty blanket in the corner of the room. After asking the gang to put the blood man on the blanket, Kunoya took out a pair of scissors from her arms and cut the blood man’s chest After cutting off his clothes, he carefully looked at the blood man’s wound.

"My chest was scratched by bear paws... The paw prints are so big, the bear who attacked you is not small. Lucky this kid, if he gets closer to the bear, he will be shot in half by the bear paws. ."

"Is he still saved?" someone asked.

"The wound is not very deep, there is a chance to be saved." Kunoya said lightly, "I will try my best, but whether this young man can be saved-it depends on his luck."

After that, Kunoya called an assistant not far away, and read a series of medicines to the assistant like a spell, and asked the assistant to bring all the medicines she had read.

After the assistant quickly left to get the medicine, Kunoya heard a young man who had just brought the blood man over and said with a grudge:

"Damn Unkamuyi..."

Kunoya glanced at the young man: "Did you kill that bear?"

"Of course!" the young man said without hesitation. "It attacked us. If we hadn't reacted quickly, this friend of mine would have died under the claws of a bear! That bear has been transformed into the hateful Unkamuyi." , Of course we can’t let it go! We shot it to death with a poisoned arrow!"

"Damn Unkamuyi..." Kunoya whispered what the young man had just said, and then let out a low laugh as if being amused.

"Kunoya, what are you laughing at?" the young man asked.

"It's nothing." Kunoya shrugged, "It was just a sudden thought...it should be considered a very interesting thing."

Crimson Moon Fortress, Kunoya's Clinic—

"Sculucci." Ogata asked towards Skulucci, who was sitting next to him. "What are you writing?"

"Writing a poem." Skulucci replied, "I don't know why, I have been inspired these days. Okay, please be quiet, I have a new inspiration just now, I want to write it down quickly."

After all, Skulucci turned the notebook in his palm to a new page, lifted the pen, and then quickly wrote:

[The army from killing and plundering attacked the village.

The red-haired boy's father lost his head.

The mother was unaware of the protection of the teenager.

The boy cried and wailed.

He prayed for the coming of the noble knight to save him from the fire and water.

But the shadow of the knight has not been seen for a long time.

Does anyone want to be that noble knight?

There are still.

The red-haired boy soon found someone willing to be the noble knight.

In the mirror. 】

After making the last stroke, Skulucci took the notebook far from his eyes, holding the notebook in one hand and rubbing his chin with the other.

"Well... it still feels a bit nondescript..."

"Can you show me your poem?" Ogata asked in a half-joking tone.

"That won't work. You and others should not be able to understand our poems. And the poems I wrote just now are a bit terrible and don't have any value for outsiders."

After Skulucci retracted his notebook into his arms, he moved his gaze and looked at Ogata a few times.

"You are really good at recovering. When I came to see you yesterday, your face was a little pale, but today your face is a lot rosy."

"This is one of my few strengths." Ogata said as he sat up on the blanket.

"Don't you lie down?" Skulucci asked.

"Since this morning, I have been lying down. After lying down for so long, it is time to sit down."

"Would you like some water?" asked Amachi, who was also sitting next to Ogata at this time.

Ogata shook his head.

"If Vasily is here, you must be envious of you." Skulucci said in a playful tone at this time, "It is also injured. You are accompanied by a beautiful woman. And he can only be with me. "

In the seventh battle of the Shogunate, even though Ogata was wearing an excellent armor at the time, it was unlikely that he would not be injured at all in such a fierce battle even with the protection of the armor.

After the battle, when checking the injuries on his body, Ogata suffered a staggering 11 injuries.

During the **** battle with the shogunate, Ogata focused his mind and body on how to defeat the shogunate. He didn’t pay attention to where he had another wound. So after the war, he learned that he was wounded in so many places. , Ogata was also taken aback.

In the past few days, Ogata and Amachi, who has not healed from their injuries, have been living in Kunoya's clinic, receiving Kunoya's treatment. Although Ogata suffered a lot of injuries, they were all just ordinary skin injuries. Ogata, who possessed a high value of "vitality", recovered greatly after only a few days of resting.

Seeing that Skulucci mentioned Vasily, who is also an old acquaintance to Ogata, Ogata asked:

"Skulucci, how are they doing with Vasily?"

"They are either eating every day." Skulucci shrugged. "Except for the boring days, everything is fine."

"This time... I really appreciate your assistance." Ogata said softly.

A total of 64 people came to assist Ogata, including Skulucci. After a **** battle with Ogata and the shogunate, a total of 20 people died, and the remaining people were basically injured.

The casualties are not tragic...

Facing Ogata’s expression of gratitude, Skulucci just smiled and shrugged:

"Neither, nor Wahiri or the others, they just did what we all wanted to do. So there's nothing to thank you for."

"Furthermore-we have also been well paid.

Skulucci grinned.

"Last night, that Chanup suddenly came to our place, and then told us: in a few days they will be able to raise half of their belongings and send them over, Vahiri and the others are crazy and excited until the sky. It's almost light and I haven't fallen asleep yet."

"As far as remuneration is concerned, we actually make a profit."

After speaking, Skulucci got up from the floor.

Looking at Skulucci who got up, Ogata asked, "Are you leaving?"

"Yeah." Skulucci nodded, "I've been with you long enough. It's time to go back and see how the bunch of **** under my command are now."

"Without me watching them, God knows what they would do to pass the boring time."

"Anyway-today's visit will be here first. Take care, Ogata-kun, I will see you tomorrow."

After all, Skulucci quickly walked away from Ogata and Amachi's field of vision.

After Skulucci left, Ogata and Amachi looked at each other-only the two of them were left in the clinic.

"Skulucci is right." Acho looked at Ogata's face seriously several times, "You look much better today. I really envy your physique..."

Ah Ding smiled wryly and patted her upper breast, which was still wrapped in linen.

"I really want to have your physique... When will my injury heal soon..."

At this time, just as Ah Ding's voice fell, a loud response sounded outside the house:

"If you want to get better soon, sleep more and eat more."

Ogata and Amachi looked at the door of the clinic—Kunoa strode into the clinic with her cigarette that seemed to have just extinguished the fire.

"Kunoya." Ah Ding said, "You are back."

"Well. It's not that busy today, so I will come back early and take a break." Kunoya, who seemed to be in a good mood, smiled and took out the tool for cleaning the cigarette gun from the cabinet in front of him.

Looking at Kunoya who was smiling, Ah Ding asked, "Kunoya, you seem to be in a good mood today. Is something good happened?"

"Nothing good has happened." Kunoya said, "It's just that I encountered something that made me very emotional today."

"Something that makes you very emotional?" Ah Ding was puzzled.

Ogata on the side also looked at Kunoya with curious eyes.

"Just now, a group of young men brought back a young man injured by a bear..."

Kunoya briefly summarized what happened just now in a few words.

"You two should know what'Unkamuyi' is?"

Ogata and Amachi nodded. The two of them are no strangers to "Wuen Kamui". Not long after they set foot on Ezo Land, they were attacked by Wuen Kamui.

Unkamuyi is an Ainu vocabulary which means "cthulhu".

The Ainu people believe that every animal except deer has a **** in its body.

If an animal attacks humans, the Ainu people think that the gods that live in this animal has become an evil god, that is, degenerate into "Unkamuyi".

Once degenerate into "Unkamuyi", it will be listed as a kill target. Will be expelled at all costs.

Seeing that both Ogata and Amachi knew what "Wun Kamui" meant, they smiled meaningfully and said quietly:

"We, the Ainu people, classify those animals that have harmed humans as'unkamuyi' and expel them at all costs."

"But what did we do wrong about these animals that we listed as'Unkamuyi'?"

"The vast majority of them are just hungry and want to eat, and then they happen to have humans appear in front of them, or attack humans who have invaded their territory."

"From their point of view, they are just living according to instinct. The only thing they do wrong is that it affects our human lives."

"We are completely selfish in judging whether an animal is an'Unkamuyi'."

"Animals that do not provoke us humans are good gods, and animals that provoke us humans are evil gods."

"According to the selfish standard, give the animal the title of'Unkamyi', and then give yourself the righteous name of'Expelling the Cthulhu' to expel the so-called'Unkamyi'."

"Do you feel that such behavior is very similar to this time the Hejun aggression against us?"

Kunoya turned her head to look at Ogata and Amachi, the meaningful color in the smile on her face was too strong at this time.

"In the eyes of Kazuto, according to their standards, we are probably their'unkamuyi', who must be expelled."

"Our act of expelling animals that harm us humans is not much different from the invasion of the Japanese Army this time-they are all in a big attack on the'Unkamuyi' in our own eyes."

"It doesn't matter whether you are a person or the Ainu. Although the culture and living customs are completely different, some places are really the same."

"Or maybe it's the same with humans everywhere."

"They will label others as'Unkamuyi' according to their own preferences and their own standards, and then label themselves the righteousness of'Expelling the Evil God'."

"So in the end-what is'Unkamuyi"? Who is "Unkamuyi"?"

After Kunoya's voice fell, Ogata and Amachi showed completely different expressions.

Ogata looked at Kunoa with a slightly surprised look, pursed his lips, and a thoughtful look appeared on his face.

As for Ah Ding—

"Yeah..." Ah Ding groaned, and his small face became strained due to hard thinking, "Kunoya, what you just said... it feels a bit difficult to understand, I don't understand a bit..."

"Hahahaha." Kunoya laughed a few times. "It doesn't matter if you don't understand. What I just said is just a momentary feeling, thinking about what to say. Take what I just said. Just treat it as a grumbling."

"If you are really curious about what I was talking about just now, you can ask your husband."

"I see your husband's expression-he should have understood what I just said."

Amachi turned his head to look at Ogata, and Ogata, who was suddenly named by Kunoya, who was showing a pensive expression, was stunned when he faced Kunoya's sudden naming.

After looking at Amachi, and then at Kunoya, Ogata scratched his hair:

"If you want to know what Kunoya said just now, I can really explain to you as much as possible... But I am not a person who is very good at teasing, so I don't know if I can explain it to you clearly. ."

"Um... forget it. No need to explain it to me." Ah Ding smiled brightly, "I have never been interested in this kind of philosophy that seems to be full of philosophy. I also hate listening to the theory the most."

"Anyway, no matter how philosophically there is, it is not as important as'what you and I eat tonight'."

Seeing the somewhat carefree smile on Amachi's face, Ogata was startled and smiled involuntarily.

"...Yes. You're right." Ogata smiled. "What is'Unkamui' to do with us? Instead of thinking about these principles, it's better to think about what we are eating tonight."

"I really want to eat fish!" Ah Ding held his hand high.

"I also miss the smell of fish a bit. UU reading www.uukanshu.com" Ogata echoed.

"Don't think about any fish." Kunoya said irritably, "all give me the ‘wounded meal’ that I tailor-made for you."

The expressions of Ogata and Amachi collapsed together.

Volume 7 "Unkamuyi"-the end!



Trailer of Volume 8 (Final Volume) "Ichitozai":

"Mr. Ogata, go to the sacred place, Mount Koya, there may be everything you want there."

"You are already facing the enemy, do you want to be the enemy of the Buddha now?!"