I Was a Swordsman in Ancient Japan

Chapter 582: Goal: Holy Land·Koyasan! 【Four Thousa

"Master Xianyuan..." Ogata chewed the name carefully.

According to what Xuan Zhi just said, this Master Xianyuan is indeed suspicious.

The reason why Xuan Zhi and his master Xuan Zheng embarked on the study of "immortality" began with the invitation of Master Xianyuan.

"...Xuan Zhi. Apart from Master Xianyuan, do you know any other people or things related to the study of the culprit of'immortality'?"

Xuan Zhi smiled bitterly and shook his head, "My position in the laboratory has always been an ordinary researcher. Until I escaped, I haven't seen even a person of high rank."

"As of the time I fled, the highest-ranking person I have ever seen... is probably the young samurai who calls himself "Tai Ge"."

"But I don't know much about that'Taiko'."

"I only met the Taige side after my master and I received an invitation from Master Xianyuan and came to Gaoye Mountain."

"Taige, Master Xianyuan, and my master had a close conversation for nearly three hours in the room, and I never saw that Taige again."

"But... Although I don't even know the real name of the Taige, what I can be sure of is that the Taige's status should be very high."

"Because I have noticed that Master Xianyuan's attitude towards Taige has always been respectful."

"Taiko..." Ah Ding muttered, "That man's code name is really interesting... Is he an admirer of Toyotomi Hideyoshi?"

"Taiko" is a proper noun specifically referring to Toyotomi Hideyoshi in Japan.

Just like in China, when you mention "Overlord", people will think of Xiang Yu the first time, and you will associate the overlord with Xiang Yu. In Japan, when you mention "Taiko", people will immediately think of Toyotomi Hideyoshi and Taiko. Linked with Toyotomi Hideyoshi.

Taige was originally called the Guan Bai who retired.

Guan Bai is the official title of the Japanese court, which is equivalent to the prime minister of ancient China.

Two hundred years ago, Toyotomi Hideyoshi did not take the post of the great general of the conquering barbarian and created the "Toyotomi Shogunate" like his predecessors after unifying the world. Toyotomi regime".

The reason why Toyotomi Hideyoshi didn't choose to start the shogunate was not just because of his inferior background. The relevant research materials can be described as abundant, which can be said to be tens of thousands of words.

In short-Toyotomi Hideyoshi gave way to his nephew Toyotomi Hideji not long after taking over as Guan Bai. Since then, Toyotomi Hideyoshi has been honored as "Taiko" by everyone.

Today, "Taiko" has unknowingly changed to Toyotomi Hideyoshi's exclusive name.

For this reason, after hearing that unknown samurai called himself "Taiko", Amachi subconsciously classified him as "an admirer of Toyotomi Hideyoshi."

"Perhaps so." Xuan said directly, "After all, Toyotomi Hideyoshi is a great hero. To be able to change from a rash to a'world under heaven', this feat should be unprecedented...Huh? Mashima. Jun, what's the matter with you? Why is your face so solemn."

At this time, Xuan Zhi found that Ogata's face was terribly serious.

"Nothing." Ogata said solemnly, "I just...remembered something."

"Hyun Nao, since even Ezo land has a laboratory for studying'immortality'... then is the experimental body used for the research a human being trafficked from Japan, or is it... directly'obtained on-site'?"

Ogata suddenly recalled Kina Village, who had a very good relationship with them.

Recalling the paradoxical "missing incident" in China Village...

Combining with what Gennao said just now, the experimental subjects they used were basically abducted... The unknown premonition was swelling in Ogata's mind.

"I don't know about this." Xuan Zhi replied, "I fled before arriving at the research room in Ezo."

"I haven't been to the Ezo land research room, and I don't know anything about the Ezo land research room."

"So..." Ogata's eyes flashed helplessly.

"Do you have any questions? If you still have questions, please ask as soon as possible." Xuan Zhi's face was full of unstoppable tiredness at this time, "Probably because it has been a long time to speak as'Xuan Zhi'. I’m not used to it... Now if you give me a pillow, I can go to sleep right away..."

"...Xuan Nao, I still have a problem. This problem has bothered me for a long time." Ogata raised another question again, "On Butterfly Island, I have also learned the power of those'purple eyes' that can't be killed. . For the'Zimu', is there any way to kill them?"

"Is there a way to kill "Zimu"..." Xuan Zhi shook his head again, "I can't answer this question."

"So are those monsters really unkillable?" Ah Ding couldn't help asking.

Xuan Zhi shook his head again.

"As I said earlier, I am just the most ordinary researcher in the study of'immortality', so I don't know many things."

"It's possible that a way to counter the'purple eyes' has already been developed, but I don't know it."

"But what I know is—the ‘purple eyes’ is not terrible."

"You have been in contact with the'Purple Eyes', and you should all know: There are only three weapons in the'Purple Eyes'."

"One: not easy to be killed."

"Two: tireless."

"Three: If you accidentally let the blood and body fluids of the'Purple Eye' enter your body, you will die suddenly."

"Other than that, the'Purple Eyes' are nothing special. As long as the fear of such monsters can be overcome, even if they can't be killed, they can still be firmly trapped."

"Master, he is very interested in'Purple Eyes'. After taking the initiative to do experiments on Butterfly Island, he told me some research results on'Purple Eyes'."

"The master said: The reason why the'purple eyes' became such a mindless monster is all because of the incomplete'immortal power' at work."

"They have strong recovery ability, but they don't have the mentality, and they haven't improved the physical functions like those who have changed. This is the best proof that the undead power in the'Purple Eye' is incomplete."

"The incompleteness of the'immortal power' also makes the'purple eyes' not really immortal."

"The master said that he had dissected the bodies of many'purple eyes' and found that although the appearance of the'purple eyes' will no longer change, the organs in the body will still age."

"Moreover, the rate of aging is a bit faster than ordinary people."

"So the master speculated that the powerful resilience of'Zimu' is not comprehensive. Although the appearance will not change anymore, it will still die due to organ failure."

"Of course, this is only the master's speculation. I only listen to the words of the master. I have not seen the aging and dead'purple eyes' with my own eyes, so I don't know whether the master's speculation is accurate."

Ogata has been listening carefully to Gennao's account.

After Xuan Nao's words fell, Ogata had difficulty ignoring certain parts of his words just now.

"...You just said: The master said that he had dissected many'purple eyes' bodies." Ogata slowly said, "That is to say, in addition to many poor people who are forced to become transfigures for your experiments, but also Are many poor people forced to become'purple eyes'?"

Xuan Zhi... fell silent.

While silent, he slowly lowered his head.

"...Before I went to Butterfly Island, I had not come into contact with the research on'Zimu'." Xuan Zhi's tone was so weak that his voice would be cut off at any time, "So... I don't know how many people were forced to become Zimu. Go..."

Looking at Genzhi, whose head was so low that his entire head was almost buried in his chest, Ogata sighed silently, and then took the initiative to change the subject.

"Since you fled not long after you boarded Ezo Land, and you have settled here to this day, then you haven't seen your master again after you fled, right?"

"Um...yes. I haven't seen the master again since I successfully escaped. The master now...maybe still enthusiastically indulging in the study of'immortality'."

"Since I came into contact with the research on'immortality', the master has changed like a person..."

"Obviously... he used to be loved by injured patients, and he himself is a doctor with noble medical ethics and respected by me and my younger brother..."

"I still remember what the master told me when I was opposed to experimenting with the residents of Butterfly Island:'This is the necessary sacrifice to complete this great research..."

At this time, Xuan Zhi only noticed that his fist had been clenched tightly at an unknown time.

"Sorry... I lost my mind..." Xuan Zhi loosened his fist. "Do you have anything else you want to ask?"

"...What do you plan to do next?" After a while of silence, Ogata asked a topic that was irrelevant to the previous series of conversations. "I want to stay here and live as a'Hei Chiyo'. Going down, I'll go to Owari and find your brother."

"Let me mention it by the way: Your younger brother has always been worried about you and your master."

"...I have no face to see Xuan Ren." Xuan Zhi smiled, but this smile was a bit sad, "I have always taught Xuan Ren: We, as doctors, must respect and fear life."

"But in the end, I became an executioner who participated in human experiments..."

"I have no face to see him again..."

"I plan to spend the rest of my life in this Kanto village..."

Speaking of this, Xuan Zhi's face showed reminiscence again.

"At the beginning, after successfully fleeing, I thought about suicide countless times."

"As soon as I closed my eyes, the faces of those in the laboratory and the islanders of Butterfly Island kept flashing in my mind, and I was almost driven crazy."

"In fact, there have been several times, and almost succeeded in suicide."

"My last suicide was by jumping off a snow cliff."

"But maybe it's really good fortune to make people. I who jumped off the snow cliff not only did not die, but also let a villager in Kanto village who went hunting to find me who fell down the snow cliff and brought me back. The village."

"Kantou Village has always been a village without a doctor. If the people in their village are sick, they have to go far away to get a doctor."

"After being rescued back to Kanto Village, I slowly became a village doctor in Kanto Village due to various chances."

"During the time I lived in Kanto Village, I...have been doing my medical skills to save people for a long time."

"I am also very fortunate to be respected and loved by the villagers for my medical skills. Even when I know I am a person with a problematic head, I am willing to love and protect me."

"Unconsciously, I can also gradually fall asleep at night, and will no longer be disturbed by nightmares..."

"...I just deeply realized how high your status is in this village." After hearing Xuan Zhi's screams, the villagers surrounded him and Ading in three circles and outside three circles. The scene left a deep impression on Ogata, "Mr. Lin was driven out of the village by the villagers before, to protect you, right?"

"Well, yes. Before, the villagers drove out Mr. Lin, who caused my emotional instability, to stabilize my emotions as soon as possible, and to prevent Mr. Lin from accidentally stimulating me again."

After speaking, Xuan Zhi let out a sigh of relief.

"All in all-I can be regarded as being saved by this village. I have decided to be here for the rest of my life."

"Just let me never meet again with my brother and my master..."

"Do you have anything else to ask?"

"..." Ogata stood up silently, "Thank you for these answers. I am finally closer to the truth now."

"What are you going to do next?" Xuan Zhi asked, "Are you going to Koyasan?"

"I don't have any clues besides going to Mount Koya." Ogata said in a half-joking tone. "From Ezo Land to Kansai...it’s another long journey..."

"...Then, as a farewell gift. Give these two pills to you. I can't use these two pills anymore."

Xuan Zhi stretched his hand into his arms and took out 2 small red pills from his arms.

"What is this?" Ogata asked.

These two small pills exude an aroma similar to mint, if it is not because the color is weird red, otherwise it is really like mints from the past life.

"This is a poison that my master developed accidentally." Xuan Zhi said lightly, "It is one of my master's unique drugs. It was originally a rat poison used to poison mice, but it was made because of toxicity. It's too strong, even people can easily be poisoned to death."

"As long as you take this medicine, you will die very quickly. Because it is too toxic, the process is quite painful."

"The master planned to work with me to improve this poison and change it into rat poison that is really suitable for human use, so I remember the prescription for this deadly poison."

"While doing experiments with the master on Butterfly Island, I secretly refined 2 of them without telling the master."

"...Is these two poisons made to facilitate suicide?" Ogata asked softly.

"Well, that's right... After boarding Butterfly Island, when I fled for the second time, I planned to take this medicine if I was caught again."

"But in the end, my second escape was successful, so these two poisons are still there."

"I can't use these 2 poisons anymore. So I will give you these 2 poisons."

"This medicine won't melt when thrown in water. It must be eaten raw to be effective."

"Once you encounter something unexpected, you can use these two poisons to give yourself a joy."

"Although I don't want to say too much to you, but I still remind you."

Xuan Zhi's tone slowly became serious.

"If you keep tracing'immortality' like this, one day you will face the group of people who study'immortality.'"

"That group is definitely not a mob."

"Being able to connect with the monks in Koyasan, and at the same time abduct so many people to serve as research experiments, this research on ‘immortality’ will definitely not be too small."

"The enemy you will face next may be a behemoth far beyond your imagination."

"It is not surprising that you encounter any accidents against such a powerful enemy."

"So I think it's very important to keep these 2 pills for a relief at the necessary moments."

Ogata listened carefully to Gennao's sincere advice. U U Reading www.uukanshu.com

Then smiled—

"thank you for your kindness."

"As early as I don't know when, I have been fighting against all kinds of giants."

"Also walked on the edge of death several times."

"I'm used to confronting behemoths."

"Oral poison, death by poisoning, and death by facing a strong enemy, draining the last drop of blood. I prefer the latter."

"...It's the handsome guy who chased all the way to the bitter cold land like Ezo land in order to find me and the master." Xuan Zhi showed a smile that he hadn't shown since talking with Ogata." I have to admire this attitude."

Xuan Zhi took the two poisons back into his arms: "Then-I wish them prosperous martial arts."

"May you all get what you want."

Ogata and Amachi walked side by side on the way out of Gennao's house.

As soon as he left Xuanzhi's house, Xu Jian turned his head and took a deep look at Xuanzhi's house behind him.

"...A Ding, I remember we carried a brush and a little ink with us, right?"

"Huh? Yeah. But we don't have much ink. What are you doing?"

"Nothing. I just want to write something for Xuan Zhi."



The author is not feeling well today...his stomach has been weird...so there are fewer updates today. Take some medicine tonight, hope it will be okay tomorrow...

PS: When I surf the Internet recently, I always see mammoths and mammoths. What new stalk is this? Is there a book friend who can explain to me concisely and concisely?

Like me as a swordsman in ancient Japan, please collect it: () I was a swordsman in ancient Japan with the fastest update speed.