I Was a Swordsman in Ancient Japan

Chapter 610: Flying like a dragon in the night sky of

   Wenxian's figure is not tall, and his height is only about 160cm.

   But at this time, Wenxian, who walked slowly toward Mamiya and Yoshizhao, made them feel like a mountain was slowly pressing towards them...

   Wrong and panic appeared in Yi Chao's eyes.

   Compared to the uprising period, the emotions that appeared in the depths of Mamiya’s pupils were much more complicated.

   At this moment, looking at Bun Xian who appeared from the darkness, Mamiya, for some reason, recalled the day when he broke with his father five years ago and was removed the name of Yamada Asemon by his angry father...





   "Father! Why do you do that!"

"I've explained it many times...Don't let me repeat it again: it's just to help Huoduo. Using their lives in exchange for the next life in the palace, these Huoduo can be considered dead. And their sacrifices are also worthwhile. , During the period of imprisoning you to prevent you from making trouble, I have successfully made high-quality human gall pill from these filthy human gall. These human gall pills have now been sent to Kyoto, with this By approving Rendan pills, the body under the palace, which was infected by lung disease, should be able to heal."

   "Father! How can human lives be equivalently converted in this way!"

   "Shut up!" Wen Xian, who usually speaks softly, yelled in a rare voice, "Life is not distinguished from high or low—this is just to fool a child!"

   "In this world, some people are worth living more than others!"

   "If you sacrifice some less important people, you can make the more worthwhile people survive-I'm happy to do this!"

   "...Father." Kuro slowly stood up from the tatami, "Your idea... Please forgive me Yoshitsune to disagree!"





   After Wen Xian suddenly appeared, the air in the basement was filled with a deadly atmosphere that was so suppressed that one could not breathe.

   And the first person to break this deadly atmosphere-is Moon Hyun.

   "...Yi Chao, I have already given you a chance." Wen Xian's tone was unsorrowful, "After you secretly let Azhu out, I didn't hold him accountable for this matter."

   "I know that the prisoner must be you. Without your help, Azhu would not be able to break free from the chains that bound her and escape from the locked basement."

   "Azhu didn't escape successfully. I wanted to let the incident be revealed so that nothing happened."

   "It looks like... I chose to let you go, so I really need to decide whether it's right or wrong."

   "I kindly let you go, but you not only didn't stop, but you got worse."

   Yoshi Asa then turned his gaze to Mamiya.

   "You really took great pains... this time I asked Kuro to help you."

   "Seeing that Kuro, who had been expelled from home for 5 years, came back suddenly, I felt puzzled."

   "Why did Kuro come back at this time when we got Atake?"

   "So when I saw Kuro come back, I wondered if Kuro was retrieved by your Yichao, the purpose is to entrust Kuro to help you release Atake."

   "It turned out to be my guess."

   "No." Mamiya said coldly, "You guessed it wrong. I didn't get it back by Yi Chao."

   "The reason why I came home at this time is purely coincidental."

   "Fortunately, I am back at this time, otherwise this girl really doesn't know when you will be tortured."

"Didn't you get back by Yoshi asa...well, it doesn't matter anyway." Wen Xian said lightly, "I won't talk more nonsense. Kuro, Yoshi Asa, give me the one from Atake Leaving beside him."

   "As long as you two leave obediently now, I can do nothing tonight and only take the key to your basement."

   "Impossible." Mamiya refused without hesitation, "You are the one who should give way."

   "...heh." Wen Xian suddenly let out a few chuckles, "Such a picture... really familiar."

   "Five years ago, on the eve of your abandoning the name of Yamada Asemon and leaving home, we had a similar confrontation."

   "Father." Mamiya's tone was indisputable, "Torturing a little girl repeatedly just to get a better pill-this kind of absurd thing is public or private, I can't ignore it."

"...Hmph, not only is the picture similar, and even what you said is the same as five years ago..." Moon Xian paused, "Kuro, I ask you: Do you know how many people suffer from lung disease in Edo in one year? Dead?"

Before    Mamiya could answer, Wen Xian asked and answered:

   "Thousands of people die of lung diseases in Edo every year."

   "The vast majority of them are not terminally ill, as long as they take high-quality medicines, they can get their lives back."

   "This is the reason why our Rendan pills have been worrying about buyers, and the people who buy Rendan pills are endless."

   "But we do not produce high-quality human gall pill every time."

   "You have also carried the name of Yamada Asemon, and you should know how lucky it is to make Ningdan pills."

   "Human guts are taken from death row prisoners who were beheaded by us."

   "Not every time there are healthy, disease-free and young prisoners on death row, the quality of the bile taken out is also uneven, making the quality of the pills that are made from time to time high and low."

   "And this girl has a body that can regenerate guts."

   "She is young and healthy. She has high-quality gall bladder and can make high-quality human gall pill."

   "And I have personally tested whether the human gallbladder pills made with Azhu's constantly regenerating gallbladder have any side effects—there are no strange side effects."

   "So, Kuro. Can you understand how precious and important this girl is?"

   "There will be countless people who will be saved because of this girl."

   Wenxian's tone slowly became deep.

   "Just by sacrificing Atake, countless families can be spared the pain of family members' illness and death—Kuro, don't you agree that this is the right thing?"

As soon as    Bunken's voice fell, Mamiya answered without thinking:

   "I feel extremely stupid."

   His answer is concise and neat.

   "Father, the remarks you made just now are nothing but touching yourself."

   "Sacrifice this girl in order to save more people with lung disease?"

   Mamiya squinted and glanced at Atake behind him.

   Since Wen appeared just now, Azhu immediately seemed to have seen some indescribable horrible ghost. His face was terribly pale, and his body was shaking so badly that he kept hiding behind Yi Chao.

   Atake’s reaction, Mamiya has always been watching.

   "Father, you just moved yourself by yourself."

   "Since you asked me just now,'How many people die of lung disease in Edo every year,' then I should also ask you some questions now."

   "Father, do you remember when my eyes became bad and I couldn't see things in the distance?"

   "...16 years old." Wen Xian answered his question very well with Mamiya, "because you were reading by candlelight every night."

   "At that time, you took me to seek medical treatment." Mamiya took over Wen Xian's words, "I tried various methods to correct vision."

   "I have done even the inexplicable thing like drinking Huangfushui, but there is no effective way."

   "Until I left the family, with the help of someone, I found a way to make my eyes see clearly again in Nagasaki."

   "It means wearing this pair of Nanban goods called'glasses'."

   "The trip to Nagasaki was an unprecedented precious experience for me."

   "At that time I realized for the first time-Nanban people are so advanced."

   "After getting to know it deeply, I realized that certain diseases that are terminally ill in our country are just simple diseases in the Nanban people."

   "The Nanban people have found a way to treat the diseases that we Japanese cannot cure."

   "The reason is that the Nanban people have been constantly researching new and more effective treatment methods."

   "So, father. Can you understand what I just said?"

   Mamiya imitated Moon Hyun's tone just now.

"As you said earlier, I was also a member of Yamada Asemon's family! So I also know very well-even if the quality of Rendan pills is extremely high! It does not guarantee that everyone will have it after eating. Effectiveness!"

   "If you really want all people in Edo who have lung diseases to heal, you should work with doctors to find new and better ways to treat people with lung diseases!"

   "Instead of torturing an innocent girl here, using the old methods, and then still moving myself here! I feel like what an amazing thing I have done!"

  Mamiya’s remarks, the farther back, the more sonorous the tone becomes.

   "Brother Sir..." Yoshikawa looked at Mamiya in front of him blankly.

   He never dared to refute his father face to face loudly like this.

   But the elder brother said "no" to his father without flinching.

   Wenxian his expression that had always been Furui Bubo has changed a little at this time-it has become gloomy.

   "...That is to say-don't you want to get out?"

  Mamiya was speechless, but stood quietly in place.

   and Yichao hesitated for a moment, firmly guarding Azhu behind him, and whispered in a whisper-like tone: "Father...this kind of conscience...please don't do it again..."

   "...The negotiation... broke down."

   Wenxian's head hangs slightly, and there is a touch of helplessness and unspeakable emotions on his face.

   "I don't want to... use this last resort with you..."

   Wenxian spread his feet, raised his left hand, and pressed the knife that was hitting his waist.

   His simple action made Yi Chao's face pale, and he unconsciously stepped back.

   Yoshitoo retreated, but Mamiya-remained motionless.

   Both feet seem to be rooted on the ground, facing the pressure like a flood from Zi Wenxian at this time.

   "Think about it carefully: It's really not suitable for me, who are all samurai, to show each other's tongues here like a court official."

   "This kind of verbal warfare that no one can convince anyone, let's stop here."

   "Next-let's talk with a sword!"


   Wenxian suddenly pulled out the scabbard hanging around his left waist and the black and purple knife with its handle.

   The candle light shines into the blade, reflecting a weird, purple cold light.

   "Vairocana..." Mamiya whispered the name of the sword in Wenxian's palm.

Five years ago, he was a member of the Yamada Asemon family, and he naturally recognized that this sword was a treasure made by his grandfather, the sixth generation of Yamada Asemon, and asked to pass it on from generation to generation: Vairocana. .

   When I was young, Mamiya once asked Wen Xian: Why did my grandfather name this knife the name of the Dainichi Tathagata in the Buddhist Tantric Buddhism.

   "Because holding this knife, you will be possessed like the Great Sun Tathagata." Wen Xian replied in a proud tone at the time.

   After a brief loss of consciousness due to shock, Yoshitog gritted his teeth and raised his hand to the saber on his left waist.

   But as soon as his hand touched the hilt of the saber, Mamiya shouted:

   "Yi Chao, step back!"

   "This showdown...you can't come to intervene..."

   "I have to be alone with my father... to make an end!"


  Mamiya also drew his sword abruptly.

   "Come on, Kuro...no, Yamada Asemon Yoshitsune." Bun Xian smiled at this time. "It's been a long time since I competed with you. Let me see how much you have grown in the past 5 years."

   "Teach anytime."

   Jian Miya set up a knife.

   "The Ronin."

   "Mamiya Kuro!"

   "Oh... a good posture, it seems that I can go all out for a long time."

   Wenxian raised the knife high.

   "Seven generations of Yamada Asaemon Patriarch."

   "Yamada Asaemon Fumaki!"

   Jian Gong and Wen Xian shouted in unison: "Let the horse come here!"

After    yelled, Wen Xian leaped towards Mamiya without a run-up, as if Mount Tai was pressing on the top, holding his own weight, swiping a knife towards Mamiya from top to bottom.

  Mamiya raised the knife, and held Vairocana that was smashing at his forehead.

  The sharp golden iron clang blasted out.

  The wind pressure is centered on the two of them, and they spread out in all directions.

   Both are top swordsmen.

   Both of them have an aura like a rainbow.

   The majestic aura of the two of them seems to transform into a flying dragon at any time, breaking through this tiny basement, rushing to the sky, and flying in the night sky of Edo!

   Wen Xian leaped over, his feet were already on the ground, and he and Mamiya maintained a posture of swords, wrestling with each other.

   The swords of the two collide. This posture makes it difficult to separate each other's swords when wrestling with each other.

   Wenxian used a bit of strength, and Mamiya would push back a bit, just like that, no one would give in.

   Strength is not Mamiya's advantage, but Wenxian's advantage, who is stronger than him.

   In order not to be controlled by the enemy, Mamiya squeezed his strength horizontally and successfully got rid of this wrestling that was destined to fall into the wind.

   Mamiya adjusted his posture, adjusted to the upper posture, and cut to Wenxian from the road. The knife cut down from the road is as fast as thunder, and Mamiya's deception is also extremely effective, but Wen Xian easily breaks it away.

After the blow of   ge Kaima Palace, Wen Xian made a wrong footstep, moved his body horizontally to the left side where Mamiya was difficult to defend, then sank down and slammed into Mamiya in front of him.

   lowered the body's center of gravity, bends and stretches the upper body, slashes the knife from the bottom to the top, and the action is done in one go.

  Mamiya’s body reacted first to his brain—his body knew that an attack in this direction was difficult to defend, so he quickly retreated two steps back to avoid the slash.

   Agility is Mamiya’s strong point, and this level of attack is not enough to hit the middle palace.

   The father and son continued to exchange fierce offense and defense, alternately launching fierce attacks like squally rain.

   The sparks produced when the two swords struck each other became another light source in the basement besides the candlelight.

   Sparks alternately illuminate the faces of the father and son.

   In the basement that is not spacious, only the clanging of swords and the sound of the two sliding feet.

   Yoshizawa protected Atake behind him as Mamiya had just said, and with a look that couldn't hide his shock, he watched the battle in front of him, which had not been distinguished.

  Bunxian is an unparalleled master in Yismo's mind. He has always believed that the only one who can defeat Bunxian is probably the now famous Ogata Itosai.

   He knew that his elder brother was a well-deserved genius. Whether he was able to use swordsmanship or other skills, he knew everything at one point, and his learning progress was rapid.

But even if he knew that his elder brother was a genius, but after witnessing the elder brother whom he hadn’t seen for a long time, he grew up to be able to beat his father in just 5 years. This still makes it difficult for Yi Chao to cover his eyes. The color of consternation.






   With an almost deafening sound of metal and iron struck, Wen Xian's knife was repeatedly opened, Mamiya slammed his saber into the sheath.

   This is the long-awaited opportunity for Mamiya.

   A good opportunity for Wen Xian to use his best skill: the "streaming" of the sword drawing technique.


   The next moment the saber was retracted into the sheath, the light of the knife emptied out of the sheath and swept towards Wen Xian's belly.



   The light shining from the sheath was blocked by Vairocana, who was enlightened halfway, and was heavily opened.

  Mamiya will not have time to show a stunned look because his stunt is blocked, and Wen Xian will perfectly repeat the action Mamiya has done just now—he quickly retracted Vairocana into the sheath...

  Mamiya’s pupils shrank suddenly, and then subconsciously raised the Sabre—


   There was another double-knife strike.

  Mamiya held the sword that had been evasived back several steps.

  Wen Xian stood still, motionless.

"...He." Wen Xian, who did not pursue Mamiya, slightly raised the corners of his mouth, revealing a smile with appreciative color, UU reading www.uukanshu.com "It seems, in the past 5 years, you Really have grown a lot."

   "But—you are still far behind."

  Mamiya felt tingling pain from the left collarbone.

   He lowered his eyes and looked at his left collarbone—the clothes on the left collarbone were quickly dyed red with blood.

   Wenxian's dagger just now, he couldn't completely take it.

   Vairocana's blade still cut the skin on his left collarbone, but the wound was not deep.

   "You are still the same, the biggest weakness is insufficient physical strength." Wen Xian continued at this time, "but compared to yourself, your sword should be one step ahead of you and you can't hold it."

  Mamiya looked at the saber in his hand.

   In the fierce fight just now, the blade of the Sabre has been chopped into pits.

   And the Vairocana in Wenxian's hands-intact.



   ask for a monthly pass! Ask for a monthly pass! Asking for a monthly pass while the leopard is crying! (Leopard has a headache and crying.jpg)

  PS: There should be no book enthusiasts who think that Wen Xian’s practice of converting human lives into value is correct and worthy of encouragement?


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