I Was a Swordsman in Ancient Japan

Chapter 632: The third Osaka battle-launch! [Six thou

Before Ogata and the others had time to say anything, Naoshu began to explain to the three of them on their own:

"The'big test match' is a test match between my Isshiki sword hall and the other sword halls that have a good relationship. Let the apprentices in the respective halls compete to test the level of the apprentices in the respective halls."

Ogata's practical application does not support Naoshu's explanation.

When he accidentally took a bath with Isshika in the same bath before, he heard about the "big test" from Isshika's mouth.

According to Isshiki Hana, she and Naozhou had to take the fast and convenient smuggling ferry back to mainland Japan just to rush back to participate in the "big trial match."

Ogata’s impression of this “big trial” is quite similar to the “respect of the gods” held at the Sakura Sword Museum where Ogata used to practice swords.

"Mr. Isshiki." Ogata said at this time, "You want me to watch the'big test match' in your hall, what does this mean?"

"Mashima-sama." Naoshu looked at Ogata with pleading eyes, "This place is the residence of Master Yuji, not a convenient place to talk."

"There is a tea house that I often go to just not far from here."

"Could you please squeeze some time now to talk to me in the tea house?"

Let's be honest-Ogata is not interested in the "big test fit" that Naoshu said.

Let Ogata take the time to talk about the "big test fit" with the nearby tea house on Monday... Ogata is not very happy.

But how can I eat people's hands short.

Ogata has just been taken care of by Naozhou. Without Naozhou's help, he might still be struggling to persuade him to repair the knife.

"...Okay." After all, Ogata is not the kind of faceless person. As soon as others have helped you, you will not give you any face. You can't do this kind of thing. "I know, then go. Yeah, but don’t talk too long."

"Please rest assured!" Zhi Zhou is now full of excitement, "I will not delay your time for too long!"

Zhizhou greeted Yu'er, saying that he had something important, so he should go ahead.

At this time, Yu Er had already begun to repair Da Shi Tian and Da Zi Zi.

He held Da Shitian and looked at Da Shitian's blade carefully. When Zhi Zhou said goodbye to him, he just nodded and said "Well, go slowly."

From the beginning to the end, his sight did not leave Da Shitian's blade.

Ogata was very curious about Yuji's behavior of looking straight at the sword.

Just out of Yu'er's house, Ouji could not help asking Naozhou: What was Yu'er doing just now.

"Oh oh. He was'watching the sword' just now." Yuer replied, "This is a necessary process for repairing the sword."

"Each knife is unique."

"The blade pattern, setback pattern, ridge, blade curvature... etc. of each knife are different."

"Therefore, there is no uniform standard for sword grinding and repairing."

"Only the incompetent knifemaker will start repairing after getting an unfamiliar knife."

"A swordsmith who really has kung fu, before grinding and repairing the sword, he will carefully look at the knife hundreds of times and study this knife thoroughly."

"Conceive in your mind how to grind in order to best utilize the characteristics of this knife, outline the design drawings for repair and grind in your mind, and conceive the sequence of work."

"Whether Yu Er is helping others to repair or sharpen their knives, they are generally accustomed to spend one day studying knives first and design the best repair and grinding methods before starting work."

"So it's like this..." Ogata murmured, "Sure enough, there is a lot of knowledge in the polishing and repair of swords."

"Look forward to it. Mashima-sama." Zhizhou smiled, "The skills of the second master will never disappoint you."

"I can't wait to see my repaired knife as soon as seven days later." Ogata responded in a half-joking tone.

While they were talking, they had left the remote suburbs where Yu Er lived, and came to a fairly lively street market.

The "tea house he often visits" that Zhi Zhou said is located in the center of this street market.

According to Zhi Zhou, he usually came to this tea house for a few cups of hot tea and snacks before returning home after visiting his old friend.

Judging from the reactions of the waiters in the tea house, Zhizhou did not lie either.

After Naoshu led Ogata and the others into this tea house, the waiters who were working in the tea house greeted Naozhou enthusiastically after seeing Naozhou. They were familiar with Naozhou. appearance.

This is a tea house with private room service. After ordering the private room and the best tea and snacks in the tea house, it is convenient for the private room to sit opposite Ogata.

"Okay, Mr. Isshiki." Just after sitting down on the tatami, Okinawa said directly to Zhizhou, "I have something to say, but please speak frankly."

Zhizhou didn't dare to talk more nonsense, cleared his throat, and said seriously:

"As I said before, the'big test combination' is a joint test of the strength of the apprentices held by the Isshiki Sword Hall and the other swordsmanships that have a better relationship."

"There are 4 sword halls participating in the ‘big test union’. They are—"

"The whole military hall of Katori Shinto-ryu."

"Yuanming Pavilion without outflow."

"Shinto-ryu's Shimurakan."

"And Ono's Isshiki Museum—that is, the sword museum of our Isshiki Family."

"They are all in the famous Dajian Pavilion in Osaka."

"The annual'Big Test Combination' will be held in April, the beginning of spring."

"The day after tomorrow will be the day when this year's'Big Test Combination' will be held."

"Mashima-sama, the reason why I invite you to watch our'big test match' is not for anything else, just to make the best of the landlord's friendship and let you appreciate our annual feast."

Naoshu twittered about the reason why he invited Ogata to watch the "big test match".

Facing the eloquent Zhi Zhou, Xu was expressionless.

After looking straight at Naoshu in front of him for a long time, Ogata said in a helpless tone in his heart:

—What kind of "wanting the friendship of a landlord"... It should be "to be close to me" and "to cultivate and cultivate relationships with me". Fortunately, I will be able to join you in your downfall...

Naoshu spoke nicely, with a nose and an eye, but Ogata was not a foolish idiot. He still understood such "adult diplomatic rhetoric".

Ogata didn't believe a word about Naoshu's "wanting the friendship of a landlord". After all, this kind of remark was too fake and empty.

Then why should he invite him to watch their "big test match"?

In combination with Naoshu’s gracious invitation to Ogata to participate in their "fell-off scene", but Ogata directly rejected it—it’s not difficult to guess that Naoshu probably still doesn’t want to give up on this, and he doesn’t want to miss Ogata. Great people who helped them fall.

So I decided to change the way to win over Ogata-first cultivate and cultivate the relationship with Ogata, and after getting acquainted with Ogata, then continue to invite Ogata to dedicate his life together.

The more Ogata thought about it, the more he felt that his speculation was reasonable.

"If you are willing to come and watch the'Big Test Combination', it won't take you too much time!"

"This year's'Big Test Combination' will be held in the National Military Museum! It will officially start at 5 o'clock in the evening (8 o'clock in the morning) and will end at 9 o'clock in the evening (12 noon)! It won't take you too much time!"

"If you are free the next morning, I sincerely hope that you can come and watch the ‘big test match’ I’m waiting for!"

Naoshu’s sincere attitude... is just one step away from kneeling down on the ground and praying for Ogata...

Naoshu now looked at Ogata hopefully.

And Amachi and Azuki, who were sitting on the left and right sides of Ogata, also turned their heads sideways, looking at Ogata, and waiting for Ogata's answer.

As for Ogata—his current mood is as complicated as his current expression.

He is really not interested in any "big test fit".

If Ogata hadn't left the Hirose clan before, he might still be happy to watch this kind of competition.

And now...it’s a bit ugly. Looking at this kind of competition between swordsman apprentices, Ogata has only one feeling... watching the children babbling...

You let a swordsman who has fought many battles, fought all kinds of battles, and cut countless enemies, and watched a group of people who might not even wield a real sword very much. What's so good about it?

Instead of spending time looking at something that is sure to yawn, it's better to spend this time wandering around and seeing around Osaka with A Ding and the others, to appreciate the elegance of "the world's number one business capital".

If there were no special circumstances, Ogata would definitely reject Naoshu's invitation without hesitation.

It's just... now there happens to be a special situation...

—It’s really troublesome to owe favors...

Ogata sighed helplessly in his heart.

Zhizhou just persuaded Yu Er to help him repair the knife—this kind of debt made it difficult to move the tongue that should have said the words of refusing the invitation immediately.

In the face of such things as favor debt, Ogata's view has always been "pay it back if you can."

Ogata pursed his lips. After weighing the pros and cons, he finally said:

"Your'Big Test Combination', is it sure that it will only be held for 2 hours in the next day?"

"It's true." Zhi Zhou hurriedly said, "Maybe it will take a little longer, but the annual ‘big trial’ will basically end within 2 hours."

"We have four sword halls, so many apprentices, it is naturally impossible for everyone to compete."

"Each sword hall sends the most outstanding disciples of the 3 halls to participate in the trial, so there are only 12 apprentices participating in the'big trial,' and the time of 2 hours is almost over."

While listening attentively, Ogata nodded lightly from time to time.

"...Then—" Ogata let out a silent sigh, and then slowly said with a mentality of "I will pay you back alone," "I will come to disturb you in the morning."

Hearing Ogata's words, Naozhou was stunned for a while.

Then, with a face full of ecstasy, he bent down toward Ogata in front of him, and said something like "You would like to watch the'big test together', I'm so happy" and so on.

Naoshu’s excitement made Ogata a little worried about whether he would be overwhelmed with excitement at such an age...

— "Large Test"...

Ogata said in his heart.

—Since it is the sword hall where the Yoshiki sword hall participates...that means I have to see that person again...

At this time, a figure in a goose-yellow kimono flashed across Ogata's mind.

Daban, National Military Museum—




"Scream louder! Want to swing a knife so quietly?!"

In the huge dojo, all kinds of auras and shouts came and went one after another.

In terms of comprehensive strength, the entire military museum is undoubtedly the first sword museum in Osaka.

There are a total of more than 300 apprentices, and there are only 4 avenues that can accommodate dozens of people to practice swords at the same time.

Jeonbingkan is also one of the largest Katori Shinto Ryukenkan in Western Japan.

Many people who are also practising Katori Shinto-ryu travel all the way to the National Military Museum in Osaka to study for further studies.

The military hall with 4 dojos is called "Dojo A", "Dojo B", "Dojo C", and "Dojo D" for the convenience of management and naming.

Based on their strength, the apprentices in the museum were diverted to different dojos one by one.

The weakest apprentices practice in the "Dorch Dojo", and the stronger ones go to the "Dojo C"...and so on, the "Dojo A" gathers all the best apprentices in the military hall.

It is also precisely because the people who practice in the "No. A Dojo" are all good players in the military hall, so the atmosphere of this dojo is completely different from other dojos.

The air in "No. A Dojo" was filled with a bit of murderous breath. There was also the least amount of laughter in the dojo, and everyone was practicing swords with all their hearts.

At this moment, at the corner of the "No. A Dojo", Kitahara was holding a very large wooden sword, practicing Suzhen (constantly using the basic sword technique of downward splitting against the air in front of him).

Kitahara, who took off his upper body clothes, was already sweating on his upper body, and gusts of heat were faintly visible from Kitahara's body.

The wooden knife he is waving is a heavy wooden knife specially made by his client. Its weight is twice as heavy as a real knife. When Beiyuan usually practices swords, he uses this wooden knife to temper his arms.


When he counted "200", Kitahara let out a sigh, then put down the heavy wooden knife in his hand, and drew a clean white handkerchief from his waist, wiping his face and upper body covered with sweat all over his body.

"Yo! Kitahara!"

Beiyuan heard the voice of an acquaintance coming from behind, and looked back, only to see one of his friends walking towards him carrying a wooden knife.

"It's really hard work. Why? Are you planning to win the first place in the "big test close" in the future?"

"Well, that's right." Beiyuan nodded without any cover, "I must win the first place in the'big test match' this year!"

"Oh?" The friend of Kitahara put on a playful tone, "Why haven't you seen you have such a strong drive in the past few years?"

"Oh, I remember."

Kitahara's friend patted his forehead very artificially, and then said in a playful tone.

"I almost forgot-Miss Isshiki never came to watch the'big test match' in the past few years, but this year, Miss Isshiki is sure to come to watch it."

"Don't stand here talking about these or not." Beiyuan scolded angrily, "I'm going to practice sword again, don't bother me."

The friend who had been ordered by Beiyuan to evict his guests shrugged, and then swayed away carrying a wooden knife.

The place where Beiyuan stood was just next to a window.

After his friend left, he turned his head and looked at the sky outside the window.

"Miss Isshiki..." Kitahara murmured.

The sound and appearance of all colors appeared in his mind.

Just remembering Isshihua's face, Kitahara felt his whole body full of power again.

—This time, I must perform well in front of Miss Isse!

After saying this in a decisive tone in his heart, Kitahara once again picked up the special wooden knife beside him.

In order to enable him to meet the "big trial" in the future in the best condition, Kitahara has brought his washing tools, clothes and other luggage to the National Military Museum starting today.

From now on, they will be practicing in retreat in the military hall without going outside or making contact with anyone outside.

As Kitahara kept chanting Isshika's name in his heart, he aimed at the air in front of him again, and practiced Suzhen.

Osaka, Isshiki Sword Museum—

Isshiki's Isshiki Sword Museum is a very typical structure in which home and sword museum are integrated.

After passing through the dojo and then walking inside, is the place where Isshiki's family lives.

In the deepest part of their home, there is a small Buddhist hall.

It was still a goose-yellow colored flower with a bunch of costumes, and he was now in this small Buddhist hall.

A golden Buddha statue is placed in this small Buddhist hall.

Isshiki knelt and sat on a futon placed in front of the golden Buddha statue, with her bare white feet buried between her hips and futon, her eyes closed tightly, her hands folded, and a string of brown between her palms. Buddhist beads, religiously chanting Buddhist scriptures.

Isshiki's mother is a devout Buddhist.

Affected by her mother's ears and eyes, Isshiki has had a devout belief in Buddhism since she was a child.

Issehua's father did not have any religious beliefs, but in order to take care of his wife's pious heart, he specially spent a lot of money to build this small Buddhist hall and erect this golden Buddha statue.

When living at home, Isshiki must come to this temple every day, reciting Buddhist scriptures in front of the Buddha statues.

After completing the routine Buddhist scripture chanting, Isshika opened her eyes, collected the beads, and hurriedly left the temple.

As soon as she left the Buddhist hall, she saw her grandfather rushing toward her happily.

"Hua, you are here, I finally found you."

"Grandpa." Isshiki raised her pretty eyebrows, "What's the matter? What's the matter?"

"Little Flower, guess who I met outside today?"

"I can't guess." As soon as Zhi Zhou's voice fell, Yi Shi Hua said coldly, "Grandpa, if you have any words, just say it directly. Don't play this boring ‘guessing game’."

Isshiki didn't cooperate-but Naozhou wasn't angry about it.

Zhi Zhou looked around, and after confirming that no one was around, he put his lips close to Isshihua’s ear, and whispered:

"I ran into Master Yidaozhai outside today."

As soon as Zhizhou said this, Isshihua's eyes that were originally full of coldness suddenly opened up, almost exclaiming.

Zhi Zhouyan briefly and concisely informed Isshika of the encounter with Ogata today and the success of inviting Ogata to watch the "big test together".

"Grandpa..." Isshiki looked at Nao Zhou with a look of disbelief, "Did you really...successfully invite Master Idozai...?"

Naoshu nodded triumphantly: "Don't make any noise. You know that there will be people who will visit Ogata Ichitosai. Only you and me. Never let the third person know."

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhi Zhou was stunned.

Then he slapped his head abruptly.

"Oh... I forgot to explain to Ogata that the person "Isshiki Ryoma" does not exist, only "Isshika" exists..."

Zhi Zhou smiled bitterly.

"Trouble... When Ichitosai-sama sees Isshiki Ryoma turning into a woman... I don't know how to explain it..."

"...Grandpa. You don't need to explain this at all."

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"Master Idozhai has long known that "Isse Ryoma" was made by disguising "Isse Flower"..."

"What do you mean?" Zhizhou's eyes widened in astonishment. "You...have you ever revealed your identity to Ichidaosai-sama?"

"Yeah..." Isshiki lowered her head and said in a very vague tone, "Just before... the night before I was in the northern part of Oshu, I was going to take a bath. I had Master Ichitosai bumped into the woman wearing women's clothing in the corridor. I, my daughter is just exposed..."

Because she's not good at lying, Isshiki's eyes kept glaring around-but because she lowered her head, Zhizhou didn't notice Isshiki's strangeness at this time.

"Have something like this happened... why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"This is not something worth telling, why should I tell you."

"You...oh, forget it. Now that the adult knows you are a daughter, it's easy." Zhizhou cleared his throat. "The adult will come here in the future. This is a rare opportunity to engage with him. Opportunity for a good relationship."

"Because he only knows me and you, so in order not to let the adult feel embarrassed because he has no acquaintances beside him, I plan to let you sit next to him at the beginning of the'big test match' and watch the test with him. combine."

"how do you feel?"


"Okay, that's the decision." Zhizhou told Isshika in a serious tone, "You must remember in the future-don't say anything rude to Ichidozai."

Naoshu talked to Isshiki about various precautionary regulations very long-windedly.

An impatient flower gradually appeared on his face, and he said angrily:

"I know... it's just one sword fast, why is it so grand..."

After all, Isshiki turned and walked away quickly.

Nao Zhou yelled "I haven't finished my words yet" to Isshiki's back, but Isshiki was completely unmoved and didn't make any pause...

—That person...he came to Osaka...

Isshiki, who was walking quickly on the corridor of his home, whispered in her heart.

We met Ogata for the first time-it was a long time ago.

But when I reminisce about this past event, I feel that this experience is just like yesterday.

Memory fragments...especially those fragments of bathing in the bath with Ogata, as if she had her own consciousness, one by one appeared in Kazuki's mind.

Isshiki suddenly felt her blood pouring into her cheeks.

He raised his hands and touched his cheeks—the cheeks were hot as if they had just been roasted by fire.

Isseki's mother, whose original name was "Kazami", was renamed "Isseki" after she married to Isseki's family.

As the daughter of the martial arts family, she has received a very good education since childhood, and she is proficient in everything.

On weekdays, she likes to do these elegant things to pass the time.

At this moment, Ash was in his room, humming a nice little tune, while painting on the book table.


Suddenly—Ashi heard his daughter's voice coming from outside the room.

As soon as Xunsheng turned her head, she saw Isshihua opened the paper door of her room and knelt down in front of her.

"Hua, what's the matter?" Ash put down the pen in his hand.

"Mom... can you... teach me how to make up?"


"When I wanted to teach you before, didn't you say you were not interested?"

At this moment, Ash suddenly realized something, so he hurriedly asked Isshiki with an expectant tone:

"Do you have someone you like?"

"...Nothing like this." Isshiki Hua whispered.

Just when Iseki Hua was whistling, asking her mother for advice on how to make-up—

Koyasan, Xianyuan Temple—

"Nobuhide Toyotomi... It's been a long time..." An old man with pale eyebrows smiled at a young man sitting in front of him.

"It's not a long time." The young man shrugged.

"Suddenly visit, what's the matter?" the old man asked.

"Master, there is something unexpected in the shogunate, UU reading www.uukānshu.com, and us here." The young man stretched out a finger and took out his ear as if he was saying what his dinner is today. He continued in a casual tone, "So, I decided to launch the 3rd'Dasaka Battle' ahead of schedule!"

"Just recently, the long-lost'Taiko Tong' was hung up in Osaka City!"



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Thanks to the book friend [L5? ? 】The rewarded leader!

The book friend has already rewarded the three leaders of this book. I am really grateful.

The author will immediately try to update 12,000 according to the rules as soon as possible, in order to thank the book friend!

PS: The character of Isshiki has a historical prototype~~ is a very famous female swordsman in Japanese history. I wonder if anyone remembers this person.