I Was a Swordsman in Ancient Japan

Chapter 635: The prelude of the Osaka Spring Array an

Looking at Kitahara, who quickly bowed to apologize to him, Ogata's depressed mood caused by Kitahara's brutal attitude just now disappeared slightly.

Nodded lightly to show acceptance of Kitahara's apology.

After seeing Kitahara apologize to Ogata in a timely manner, and seeing that Ogata would no longer pursue Kitahara's rude behavior, the last big rock in his heart finally fell.

"Mr. Majima." Naojo Chao Ogata made a pleased gesture, "I'm very sorry that you waited for us outside the hall for so long. Come on, let's enter the hall."

"It's okay. Don't apologize, I just came here."

Ogata and Naoshu walked side by side and walked towards the whole army.

The four young people who were in charge of receiving visitors, who had just gathered in front of Ogata and helped Kitahara, have now recovered from their shock.

One of them hurried forward very conspicuously to lead Zhizhou and the others.

At this time, Kitahara straightened the waist that had just bowed to Ogata and apologized, staring blankly at Ogata, who had already passed through the gate of the museum and was about to enter the museum.

—This guy... is really Mr. Isshiki's guest...? !

Up to this moment, the cold reality presented before his eyes still made Beiyuan feel unbelievable.

Kitahara's brain was running fast at this time.

He is now racking his brains to think: This guy wearing a hat, from his voice, is probably only his age. What kind of identity is he so that he can be treated so courteously by Isshizhi Zhou?

Is he a descendant of a high-ranking official? Or a descendant of a giant businessman?

Suddenly—Kitahara's body shook suddenly and his face turned pale.

He suddenly noticed something that made him sweat.

His age is the same, and he was treated so courteously by Isshiji...

An unprecedented sense of crisis struck Kami Kitahara's heart.

He quickly moved his gaze, and subconsciously chased after Isshika's figure.

However, his line of sight can no longer catch up.

All the people in the Isse Sword Hall had already entered the hall at this time.

"Mr. Majima, let me introduce you." Naoshu, who walked side by side with Ogata, enthusiastically helped Ogata to introduce him, "This is my eldest son—Ishirukawa."

"Rushui, this is the outstanding person I told you: Mashima Goro."

"Mr. Majima, this is the first meeting." Rusui bowed to Ogata to greet him first.

Ogata nodded gently in return: "When we first met, I am Goro Majima."

While Ogata was introducing herself, Rusui looked at Ogata quietly.

—Is he the Majima Goro that my father said...

As Naoshu and Isshika are tight-lipped about Ogata's true identity, Rusui naturally didn't know that the current "Japan's No. 1 Most Wanted Criminal" was by his side.

Nao Zhou only said to Rushui: He invited a young samurai named "Mashima Goro" to watch the "Daily Trial" with them. When you see him by then, you must remember to be polite and don't treat him. Do any rude behavior.

His name is Goro Mashima, and his father respects him so much for some reason—this is all the information that Rusui has known about Ogata.

Rusui knew very little about Ogata, let alone the apprentices in the museum.

The apprentices of Isshiki Sword Museum who were walking behind Ogata, Naoshu, and behind them are now looking at them with curious and suspicious eyes, who can only see Ogata from behind.

"And this..." Zhi Zhou turned his gaze to Isshihua's body, and his expression slowly became weird, "This... shouldn't need me to introduce more."

"It's been a long time, Mr. Mashima." Isshiki nodded to Ogata, and said lightly.

At this time, Isshiki's face was expressionless.

But when Isshiki nodded her greetings to Ogata, Isshiki looked at Ogata's gaze, and the emotions contained in it became weird and complicated subconsciously.

The awkward scenes with Ogata in the bath before flashed through Kazuki's mind...

And Ogata is the same.

After seeing Isshiki, a memory segment composed of keywords such as Ishiki and baths automatically popped up in Ishiki's mind, making Ogata's expression uncontrollably weird when he looked at Isshiki.

"Hmm..." Ogata said softly, "Long time no see..."

The venue for the "Big Test Combination" is the most spacious "No. B Dojo" in the military hall.

After arriving at the "Big Dojo", the scene in the dojo made Ogata involuntarily let out a low exclamation.

This is the first time Ogata has seen such a spacious and luxurious dojo.

The dojo is so spacious that even if there are more than 50 people in it at the same time, they will not feel crowded.

In order to welcome the arrival of the "big test", the floor of the dojo was scrubbed so that people can be illuminated.

The ceiling and other places that were difficult to clean were all cleaned up.

Half of the places on the fringe of the dojo have been filled.

After entering the dojo, Ogata immediately felt countless eyes shooting towards them-most of them were shot at Isshiki flowers sitting behind Ogata's side.

Ogata took a cursory observation, and the people who were staring at Isshiki now were basically young men.

They all looked at Isshika's gaze, and they all contained the same emotion-fiery heat.

Faced with the fiery eyes cast by these people, Yi Shi Hua did not even move his eyebrows, and looked like he was used to it.

The young people are basically looking at Isshika, while the older people are basically looking at Ogata. This is especially conspicuous because of wearing a hat and a face towel, and at the same time a very strange person cast a puzzled look. .

"Huh? Mashima-kun?"

At this time, a familiar voice suddenly entered Ogata's ears from Ogata's side.

"Shibata?" Ogata looked at the master of this voice in surprise.

"Ah! It's really Mashima-kun!"

The owner of the voice—that is, the **** of "Osaka No. 1 Artist" Hatsumi who had worked with Ogata for one night: Shibata Masao, with a hearty smile, waved his hands at Ogata, and walked quickly towards Ogata. Rushing.

At this moment—

The military hall, somewhere in a remote corner with no one—

"An Yunjun, let me confirm, you haven't forgotten the content of the new mission you received last night?" A grim-looking young man asked like a brawny man in front of him who was constantly moving his neck and bones. road.

This brawny man called "An Yunjun" has a large horizontal scar on his forehead, which adds a bit of hideousness to his face.

"Remember." An Yun stretched out her scarlet tongue and licked the corner of her left mouth. "This new task is my favorite type of task... I won't forget it."

"Leave it to me with confidence."

An Yun stretched her waist vigorously, showing a grinning smile.

"Master Toyotomi finally gave me some interesting tasks..."

"It is a great prelude to the'Daban Spring Array'... It's really fortunate for Sansheng to choose to work for'Taegotong' at the beginning, and it really was the right choice."

"Prajna, wait for the ‘big trial’ to start, so you can watch it in the audience."

An Yun turned her gaze back to the stern young man in front of her.

"Look at how well I accomplished the task."

The grim young man called "prajna" nodded:

"I will look forward to your performance."

"You can make trouble later."

"But remember-no matter what, you must ensure that you can be sent to the Yang room in Osaka."

"If you fail to achieve this most important goal, everything will be lost."

Osaka, in a downtown area—

"Miss Ading! Look! This squid is so big!"

Ah Zhu was very excited to show Ah Ding the grilled squid in her hand that was the size of her entire face.

"Wow, it's really big, where did you buy it?" A Ding, who was constantly stuffing glutinous rice dumplings in his mouth, was a little vague because his mouth was full of glutinous rice dumplings.

"It's at the intersection over there." A Zhuchao pointed to the intersection not far away, "There is a grilled squid stall. A string only costs 20 cents. Ms. Ading, would you like to buy one and try it? ?"

"Um...I don't need it." After thinking for a moment, Ah Ding shook his head, "Compared to grilled squid, I still prefer sweets. I want to save a little more to eat more sweet things."

After all, Ah Ding stuffed a whole bunch of glutinous rice dumplings-4 dumplings in one breath.

A Ding and A Zhu are both lively girls.

There are still many places in Osaka that they haven't been to, but they are idly in a daze and wasting time in the hotel-they can't do this kind of thing.

Therefore, after Ogata rushed to the National Military Museum and prepared to participate in the "big test match", Amachi and Azhu went out together, preparing to continue to "expedition" in areas that have not been visited yet.

After they left the hotel, they stopped and ate and drank all the way, unhappy.

"Miss Ah Ding." A Zhu stuffed the huge grilled squid in his hand into his mouth. It was obvious that his entire mouth was filled with squid, but he spoke unambiguously, "I just inquired-along here. Go straight down the street, and then turn 2 turns to the right, and you will see a lively happy street."

"There are many entertainers who play piano, tell stories, and perform juggling on that street."

"This street is not very far from our place, how about we go and see it together now?"

Hearing the word "storyteller", Ah Ding immediately brightened his eyes, and then nodded vigorously without thinking:

"Okay, okay, let's go take a look now."

While talking and laughing, the two of them strode towards the location where the happy street that A Zhu said was located.

"Speaking of which-Miss Ading." A Zhu swallowed the last bite of the squid, "I have a question that I have always wanted to ask you."

"Huh? What's the problem?"

"Oo...ah, no, does Majima-sama have no religious beliefs?"

"Huh? Why do you ask this suddenly?" Ah Ding cast a surprised look at A Zhu.

"It's just a moment of curiosity and want to ask." A Zhu said, "After all, no matter who it is, there should be some awe of gods and Buddhas."

"But Mashima-sama doesn't seem to be the case."

"Before, when we went to Owari and the Mikawa area, didn't we pass by a deserted temple."

"When we were passing by this temple, because it was going to be dark soon, we spent the night in that ruined temple. Do you remember this?"

Ah Ding: "Um... I don't seem to remember well..."

"It's okay, you continue to listen to me. Listen to me and continue, you will probably be able to remember this thing."

"That temple still enshrines an old wooden Buddha statue." A Zhu continued, "You and I both saluted the Buddha statue respectfully at the time. In the end, only Lord Mashima ignored the statue. …"

"But that's all."

"The thing Mashima-sama wants to do later is incredible..."

"When I was lighting a bonfire, I couldn't light it because I couldn't find the wood."

"So Majima-sama proposed to smash the wooden Buddha statue and use the wooden Buddha statue to light the fire..."

Ah Ding smiled at this moment, and then said in a helpless tone:

"Ah, I remembered...I remembered all of it, it did happen."

"At that time, you worked a lot to stop him..."

"That incident gave me a huge shock..." Ah Zhu shrank his neck at this time, a little fear flashed across his face, "This is the first time I have seen someone who wants to smash a Buddha statue to make a fire. …"

"Although I am not a Buddhist, I still feel that smashing Buddha statues for warmth is too presumptuous..."

"Afterwards, I tried to persuade Mr. Mashima to tell him that he should be trusted to treat gods and Buddhas rather than believable."

"Fear the gods and Buddhas, worship and pray to the gods and Buddhas a lot when you see the statues of the gods and Buddhas, there is no harm."

"Result! Miss Ading, guess what Majima-sama told me?"

"He smiled and said to me: If you often pray to gods and Buddhas, you have to put your hands together frequently, so how can I hold the sword?"

"I think I can remember this for a lifetime..."

"... Ah Yi does not believe in gods and buddhas, so he can often do something very difficult to understand." Ah Ding let out a soft silent sigh, "So I am a little accustomed to his behavior."

"He has done a lot of more exaggerated things."

"You also know-I believe in Shintoism."

While listening attentively, Ah Zhu nodded in response: "Well, I know."

Through the details of A Ding's daily life, Azhu has long known that A Ding is a devout believer of Shintoism, and he is very awed by Buddhism.

"A Yi, he knows that I believe in Shintoism, and he always tries to persuade me to wear a witch costume... he wants to see me in a witch costume."

After all, Ah Ding put on a look of "weakness to complain".

As for Ah Zhu, she said in an unpleasant tone at this moment: "Women's costumes...cannot be worn by people who are not clergy? And what is good to wear in witch-women's costumes?"

Ah Ding nodded: "Yes, so I just said that Ah Yi often does something very difficult to understand."

Speaking of this, Ah Ding changed into a joking tone:

"I once thought-Ayi, he might become good friends with Oda Nobunaga who has been dead for more than 200 years."

"After all, both of them can take Buddha statues and set fire to them without blinking."

"Ah! It's Master Kiyomizu!"

"It's Master Kiyomizu!"

At this time.

Just when Ah Ding's voice fell, he and Ah Zhu both heard a very loud noise suddenly coming from the front.

These noises were mixed with cheers and a voice of "Master Kiyosumi" in a respectful tone.

After looking at each other for a while, Ading and Azhu, who were puzzled in their hearts, speeded up a bit and ran forward.

After running for a hundred meters, the two of them saw-in the middle of the street in front, there was an old monk with kind eyebrows and brown robes.

The old monk was surrounded by many people. These people enthusiastically said good things to the old monk, and the old monk nodded and smiled at them one by one.

"Who is this monk?" A Zhu was speechless, "Such a big battle..."

"Huh? Don't you know Master Kiyosumi?" A middle-aged man with a pimple face standing in front of Ah Ding and A Zhu turned his head to cast doubts at the two of them after hearing the murmur just now. Sight.

"I don't know." A Zhu honestly shook his head, "Who is this Master Kiyomi? Why does he look so beloved? So many people surround him to say hello to him... That Master Kiyomi is so much. Surrounded by people, it feels almost impossible to walk..."

"Master Kiyomizu is a famous living bodhisattva here in Osaka." "Lumpy Face" showed a proud expression. "He is the presiding officer of Longshui Temple. Not only is he proficient in Buddhism, he is also proficient in medicine."

"As long as he has free time, he will go outside the monastery to help the poor for free. He is the lifesaver of many people, so many people are very grateful to him."

"Master Kisumi is probably going somewhere to treat the poor now."

While listening to the introduction of Master Kiyosumi by "Lump Face", Master Kiyosumi had already walked not far from Ah Ding and the others.

When Master Kiyomizu passed by with them, Ah Ding only felt a special, refreshing scent rushing towards her.

"What's this smell..." Ah Ding smoked a cute nose.

"Oh, this is a special incense made by Master Kiyomizu." "Lumpy Face" said, "Master Kiyomizu is also an outstanding incense Taoist in addition to being the abbot and physician of the temple."

"The scent you just smelled is exactly his special incense. Doesn't it smell good? This is the only fragrance in the world."

"Master Kisumi often uses his special incense to incense his clothes."

"It's a pity that the special incense of Master Kiyomizu, UU reading www.uukanshu.com, can last for a long time. If this defect can be corrected, then this incense is really perfect."

Incense Way—One of the "Elegant Ways" in Japan, which is also called the Flower Way and the Tea Ceremony.

Making incense, smelling incense, and appreciating incense—this is the incense master.

Ah Ding’s background... To put it awkwardly, she is a poor village girl, she doesn’t even recognize Chinese characters, so she can’t smell anything refined and vulgar, only the special incense made by Master Kiyomizu is indeed very good. , Is the taste that Ah Ding likes.

Ah Ding couldn't help taking a few deep breaths, and after trying hard to take a few more breaths of the good smell, he turned his head and asked the "pimple face":

"Does Master Kiyosumi sell his special incense?"

"Uh...not this one." "Lumpy Face" shook his head, "Master Kisumi never sells his incense."

"That's it..." A look of regret appeared on Ah Ding's face, and then he took a few more breaths of the scent that had been thinned by the departure of Master Kiyosumi.