I Was a Swordsman in Ancient Japan

Chapter 641: I Ogata! Never read this Shibuharu readi

After leaving the whole army, Ogata went back to the hotel where he stayed with Amachi and Azuchi first-as Ogata expected, the two of them were completely invisible in the hotel.

Ogata naturally has no clue as to where the two of them have gone to play now and when they will be back.

How to pass this time alone without Ah Ding and the others?

Staying in the hotel and staring at the ceiling in a daze, this kind of thing is definitely not going to happen.

After thinking about it, I couldn't think of any place I really wanted to go now, so I walked out of the hotel wildly.

——Just go outside and take a walk.

He bought a few sticks of glutinous rice dumplings from a tea house near the hotel, and took them for lunch, while walking aimlessly in the streets of Osaka, while leisurely gnawing on the glutinous rice dumplings in his hand.

In Ogata’s impression, since he left Edo last fall, he hasn’t walked in the bustling metropolis like this for a long time.

The long-lost "walking alone" made Ogata's heart a special freshness, and his footsteps couldn't help but become a little lighter.

There is no destination for Ogata's walk, so he can go wherever he wants to go.

Before I knew it, I entered a commercial street.

——Daban really deserves to be the "business capital" and the "largest economic city in the country"...

Ogata couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

The density of the commercial streets in Osaka is far better than that of Kyoto and slightly better than Edo. No matter where you go, you can run into the commercial streets and meet the constant shouting of vendors.

The glutinous rice dumplings in Ogata’s hand have now just been eaten. He crossed his hands into the broad Haori sleeves, and while walking slowly in the middle of this commercial street, he carefully looked at the food on the street. Every shop.

This is a comprehensive commercial street with a wide variety of shops on both sides of the street, selling everything.

Porcelain, clothes, groceries, tatami...

Perhaps it is because this place is the western suburbs of Osaka, so the flow of people is not very high.

Just as Ogata walked to almost the center of this commercial street, his feet slammed.

He looked at a shop on his left with bright eyes.

To his left, there is a pretty magnificent bookstore.


Reading is one of Ogata's great hobbies.

At the beginning, he was reading in his own study. He squinted his eyes and slept for a while because he was tired. When he opened his eyes again, he had become Ogata's Yishi.

Since I came to the Edo period, there is no time and the books of this era are basically not suitable for Ogata's taste, so I rarely read books anymore.

Because he likes to read, bookstores are one of Ogata's favorite places to visit in his previous life.

I am still idle now, and it is rare to run into a shop that I am interested in, so Ogata stepped into this bookstore without thinking too much.

As soon as I entered the bookstore, the strong smell of ink and paper came to my face.

A hand generation (businessman's buddy) greeted Ogata with a quick walk like a cat smelling a fishy smell.

"Guest, what do you need?" the young handman bowed towards Ogata and asked politely.

"I just came to see if there are any interesting books." Ogata said.

"If that's the case, please, please." Tashiro maintained a bowed posture, stood aside, and made a "please" gesture to Ogata.

This magnificent bookstore has a large collection of books, and a dazzling array of books.

But after Ogata took a cursory look, a touch of disappointment slowly emerged from his eyes-the bookstore's collection was not beyond his expectation, and they were basically books that he was not very interested in.

Basically, they are some historical books, or some Han classics, and some Chinese novels.

Such as Romance of the Three Kingdoms and Water Margin.

The Romance of the Three Kingdoms and the Water Margin were undoubted bestsellers in the Edo period.

Ogata moved inch by inch, scanning every book on the shelf bit by bit, looking for books he was interested in.

Before he knew it, he had already walked to the side of the counter.

Behind the counter, sat an old man with thinning hair.

The old man was looking at a book in his hand with relish. The cover of the book in his hand is neatly lined up with 4 Chinese characters-Romance of the Three Kingdoms.

At this time, the old man found Ogata who was standing not far away looking for a book.

"...This lord." The old man grinned. "What book do you want?"

"Ah, I just read it casually," Ogata said, "I just look for books of interest."

"Interesting book..." A meaningful smile appeared on the old man's face, "I wonder if you are not interested in this kind of book sense?"

After all, the old man reached out and peeked under the counter-he found out a book with a yellow cover.

Looking at the yellow-covered book in the hands of the old man, Ogata's eyes couldn't help but his eyes widened, and he exclaimed, "Yellow paper?"

"That's right." The old man nodded with a kind face, "It's the yellow paper."

Yellow paper-books that can make countless men of this age can't help but show a "knowing smile" when they hear it.

To put it simply, it is a literary and artistic work with illustrations from the Edo period. Because the cover is basically yellow, it is called "yellow paper".

Seeing the old man showing the yellow paper in his hand to Ogata so carelessly, Ogata couldn't help subconsciously inspecting the surrounding area.

After confirming that there were no others around, Ogata lowered the volume and asked the old man:

"Boss, why do you dare to sell this kind of thing? I remember that this kind of thing has long been banned?"

Since Matsuhira Dingxin came to power, in order to reverse the society's corrupt trend of advocating consumption and enjoyment, and to make the declining warrior class more samurai, Matsuhira Dingxin has issued a series of rectification measures.

For example, mixed bathing of men and women is prohibited.

Another example is the prohibition on the sale of astringent publications such as yellow form paper.

If there are merchants selling these things, they will be severely punished.

Before Matsuhira Dingxin issued this ban, this kind of reading materials could be sold grandiosely on the shelves, and they were extremely popular.

In Ogata's eyes, the old man who is now holding up the yellow paper is like he is holding a bomb.

"My lord, listen to your accent, you shouldn't be a native of Osaka? You don't know much about Osaka!"

"In Osaka, this is the most important thing."

The old man Chao Ogata made a gesture of money.

"In front of this, whether the general or the emperor, all have to stand aside."

"As long as you have this, you can have a way, and if you have a way, you can do anything."

"Don't worry, if I'm worried about being caught because of this, I won't show this to you."

After he finished speaking, the old man stuffed the yellow paper in his hand into Ogata's arms.

"Let's take a look. If you're interested, I'll sell it to you at a cheaper price."

A person who had just read the Romance of the Three Kingdoms seriously, suddenly took out a yellow form and stuffed it over-somehow, this gave Ogata a strange feeling of inexplicability.

He bowed his head and looked at the yellow paper in his arms.

Ogata's brain said loudly to Ogata: No! What's so good about this kind of depraved human will!

Obviously the brain has already said so.

But that's how weird things happened!

Ogata realized that he couldn't control his fingers anymore.

His fingers flipped the yellow form in his hand uncontrollably.

After the yellow sheet was opened, he was surprised to find that not only his fingers could not control, but his eyes were also uncontrollable.

Uncontrollably look at the line of words in the book.

I have never read this type of book since I traveled to the Edo period. Just take a look-Ogata feels his fingers and eyes seem to be talking to him.

Ogata's reading speed is very fast, he can read ten lines at a glance and accurately memorize the contents of the book.

Yellow paper is generally very thin, the thickest will not be thicker than a finger.

In a short while, only two-thirds of the contents of the yellow form in Ogata's hand were left.

In terms of content, the content of this yellow form is very simple. It is just about the detailed process of acquaintance, love, and connection between a ronin and the daughter of a certain dojo master.

There are still a few illustrations in this book-but Ogata has always been unable to appreciate the art style of the Edo period, so these few illustrations are not as good as none for Ogata, but they will "calm down" after reading them.

This is Ogata’s first contact with literary works in the Edo period. He obviously only intends to look at it casually and taste something fresh, but gradually...the whole body and mind are slowly immersed in the plot of this book uncontrollably. Among.

at this time--

"Mr. Sheng, long time no see."

"Oh! It's you! It's been a long time since I saw you!"

"I'm here to give my mother something she forgot to bring. Is my mother here?"

"Oh, yes, yes! Your mother and my wife are chatting upstairs!"

A very familiar female voice came to Ogata's ears.

This sudden female voice brought Ogata's mind back to reality from the plot in the book.

With a startled expression, Ogata slowly turned her neck, and followed the female voice that was in her ears just now-a beautiful goose yellow appeared in Ogata's eyes...

Isshika, who was talking to the old man sitting behind the counter, noticed that someone seemed to be looking at her.

So she turned her face along the line of sight she felt.

She and Ogata's eyes collided in mid-air like this.

Isshiki stunned directly in place.

She looked at Ogata blankly.

Then... she slowly moved her gaze, looking at the yellow form in Ogata's hand...



Gu </span> At this moment-


"Is this Koyacho..." Hasegawa's recently focused newcomer: Yamauchi, with his eyes wide open, scanning the surroundings with curious eyes, "Sure enough, there are many monks..."

"If Osaka is an'economic city' serving the economy..." Walking in front of the mountain, I and his subordinates are all dressed up in casual clothes Hasegawa smiled. "Then Koyacho should be a monk dedicated to Koyasan. People serve as a'religious city'."

Although Koyasan is called "mountain", it is not a lone mountain.

Koyasan is a vast expanse of mountains.

More than 120 temples, headed by King Kong Temple, are scattered among the stacked mountains.

Koyacho is a town nestled in the mountains.

After leaving Kyoto, Hasegawa led his men and rushed to Koyasan non-stop, and finally arrived in Koyacho today smoothly.

Koyacho is regarded as a transit point for the outside world to enter Koyasan.

Hasegawa is going to rest for half a day in Koyacho, and will set off into the mountain tomorrow morning to go to Sengenji Temple where a large number of Buddhist supplies were stolen and reported.

Hasegawa is quite unfamiliar with Koyacho. He is also the first time in Koyacho. He only heard that Koyacho is a town with a strong Buddhist atmosphere.

See it with my own eyes now-it really is.

After leading his troops into Koyacho, Hasegawa found monks from Koyasan with their heads shaved everywhere.

Koyasan is the main mountain of Buddhism Shingon sect, and Shingon sect has very strict precepts.

The strict precepts make the monks of Shingon Buddhism look very similar to Chinese monks. They shave their hair and do not get fishy.

Koya Town is not only a transit point for the outside world to enter Koyasan, but also the first channel for Koyasan monks to contact the outside world.

The monks also need to eat and drink Lhasa, and the Koyasan monks will buy food, clothing, shelter and transportation in Koya Town.

Therefore, it is not an exaggeration to call Koyacho "a town dedicated to providing services to the monks of Koyasan".

The vast majority of townspeople living in Koyacho also live by earning money from the monks of Koyasan.

Because it is close to Koya Mountain, the air of Koya Town is also filled with a very rich Buddhist atmosphere.

As soon as he entered Koyacho, Hasegawa smelled the smell of burning incense in the air.

Hasegawa used to hear that almost everyone in Koya Town believed in Buddhism, but Hasegawa didn’t know if it was true or not.

"Master Hasegawa." It was also the first time I came to Yamauchi in Koyacho. While continuing to look at everything around him, he asked Hasegawa, "Should we go and say hello to the town of Koyacho now?"

Hasegawa came to Koyacho this time. Because of the sudden incident, he did not take the lead to say hello to Koyacho's morale. The township of Koyamachi shouldn't know the famous "Onihei" come to Koyacho until now.

"...Not in a hurry," Hasegawa said. "Say hello to Masayoshi or something, wait until lunch is over."

Hasegawa smiled bitterly and stroked his stomach.

"Since I left Kyoto and rushed here, I haven't eaten anything hot, but I'm so greedy."

All of Hasegawa’s subordinates are now empty in their stomachs. Hearing Hasegawa said that he should go to eat now, everyone immediately approved it unanimously and agreed to fill their stomachs first.

Koyacho is a small town.

But the sparrow is small and well-equipped. In a short while, Hasegawa found a restaurant with a strong fragrance that was constantly drifting out.

When Hasegawa was about to lead people in, he saw a young monk coming out of this restaurant and bumping into Hasegawa.

"Ah, sorry, sorry." Hasegawa first apologized to the young monk.

"I am the one who should apologize." The young monk also politely apologized to Hasegawa.

The two apologized to each other, and the atmosphere was not harmonious.

But at this moment—the young monk who was still apologizing to Hasegawa politely just now, his eyes suddenly widened:

"You... are Hasegawa-sama?"

Before Hasegawa could say anything, the young monk frowned and continued:

"Master Hasegawa, I didn't expect to be able to meet you here. It is such a privilege to see you again here."

"Little monk Rong, please dare to ask you—how is the case of Nara Honjo-ji Temple solved? Have you found the whereabouts of the enemy who stole our Honjo-ji Temple?"

Hearing this young monk's words, Hasegawa's face suddenly changed: "Are you... a monk from Honxiang Temple?"

"Exactly. The monk's name is Faru."

"When the adults rushed to collect clues at the Honxiang Temple, which was burned to white ground, the little monk was also there, but the adults concentrated on collecting clues at the time, so they didn't care about the little monk."

"Since the Honxiang Temple was destroyed, I moved to Koyasan to continue my practice."

Facing this little monk who claimed to be Faru, Hasegawa forced a stiff smile.

"This... the case of the Honxiang Temple... we have been actively pursuing it."

"But there are too few clues, so our tracing work is also progressing quite difficult."

Hasegawa babbled.

Although I have talked a lot, but briefly summarized the central idea of ​​his remarks-we have been solving the case very seriously, but for various reasons, until now we have not been able to destroy the Buddha who burned the temple and stole the treasure. The enemy was caught.

"Master Hasegawa, I can understand that you, as the chief of Huofu Thief Kai, have everything you can do, and you are very busy every day."

"But I still hope that you can arrest and bring to justice the enemies who burned down my elephant temple and stole the treasure of my elephant temple as soon as possible."

"This kind of villain, I really don't want to see him brought to justice without seeing him."

"If you can't catch him, please be sure to retrieve the stolen treasure of our temple, the treasured sword Yan Mo."

"This knife was once one of Hideyoshi Taiko's sabers. This knife has a history of more than 200 years. It is a sword that cuts iron like mud and is also a precious cultural relic. No matter what, it cannot fall into the hands of thieves."

Faru babbled.

I talked about Datong, but only one point was conveyed: hurry up and bring the thief who burned the temple to steal the treasure to justice.

Hasegawa assured Faru with a sonorous and powerful tone that one day he would catch the enemy of the Buddha and give an explanation to the monks in the Honxiang Temple.

After pulling with this Faru for a long time, Hasegawa finally dismissed the Faru.

"There are monks from the Honxiang Temple..." Hasegawa scratched his hair and sighed helplessly, then turned his head and said to the men behind him, "Okay, let's go in for dinner."

This is a restaurant with private rooms.

Hasegawa opened a large private room large enough to accommodate him and his subordinates-a total of 24 people dining in it.

After ordering a good meal and sitting in the private room waiting for the meal to be served, Yamauchi quietly asked Hasegawa:

"Master Hasegawa, Honxiangji... is the temple where treasures were stolen from the temple three years ago in Nara, right?"

Hasegawa nodded: "Yes, that's it. At that time, you were not a part of the Huofu Rogue Reform, so you should have no impression of this case."

"On the day when the Honxiang Temple was attacked by the enemy of the Buddha, not only the entire temple was burned and the treasured sword Yan Mo in the temple was stolen, but the 13 monks headed by the host Lianzhu were also killed by the enemy of the Buddha."

"After the main temple was destroyed, the surviving monks built a temple in the eastern suburbs of Nara."

"I didn't expect to meet the monks of the Honxiang Temple in Koyasan... I really don't want to meet the monks of the Honxiang Temple..."

"If we let them know that we have no clue about the case of the'Destroyed Elephant Temple', then their spit stars can drown us..."

"Just now, Faru said that the Yan Mo sword was the saber used by Taiko Hideyoshi, who has a history of more than 200 years. Is this true?"

"Who knows." Hasegawa shrugged. "A big man like Hideyoshi Taiko has so many precious sabers. Who knows if that knife is really Hideyoshi Taiko's sabre."

"All in all-we don't have enough energy to deal with the case of the Honxiang Temple right now. We will temporarily shelve this case and postpone it. When we have clues about the Buddha and enemy, we will deal with this case."

"Now let's focus on the current case of'theft of Buddhist supplies in Xianyuan Temple'."

During the conversation, the pile of dishes ordered by Hasegawa has been brought up one after another.

Hasegawa and others, who were already hungry, immediately feasted on them.

The food in this restaurant is already well cooked, and because the stomach is empty, Hasegawa’s meal is even more delicious.

After eating three large bowls of rice in one go, Hasegawa burped contentedly.

After a full hiccup, Hasegawa immediately yawned again.

——I really have to be old...In the past, when I was young, I could be full of energy even if I didn't sleep for one or two days~lightnovelpub.net~, but now I feel sleepy after every meal...

After Hasegawa rubbed his eyes vigorously, he was surprised to find that all the subordinates in front of him looked very sleepy now.

Then... a stronger sleepiness hit Hasegawa's brain.

Hasegawa's pupils shrank suddenly.

--Could it be that? !

A terrible thought popped up in Hasegawa's mind.

He subconsciously grabbed the saber on his side.

However, the finger even touched the hilt of the saber, and the sleepiness of hitting Hasegawa's brain instantly became stronger several times.

Although he tried to open his eyes and not close his eyelids, his control over his eyelids was getting weaker and weaker...

Strength also flowed through Hasegawa's body at an alarming speed, and Hasegawa now lacks the strength to speak.

The moment before he closed his eyelids and completely lost consciousness, Hasegawa saw that his subordinates collapsed and collapsed to the ground...



After Hasegawa and others all passed out, nearly 10 young people dressed in black opened the door and entered the private room of Hasegawa and others.

"These medicines from the West are really amazing. After the medicine's effect, I immediately lose the strength to speak."

"Don't gossip, hurry up and transport them all to Xianyuan Temple. When moving the'Kibei', remember to be lighter. He is a VIP named by Mr. Toyotomi to meet in person."




I recommend you a documentary. Search for "New Japanese Fudoki Koyasan" at station B. This documentary has a detailed introduction to Koyacho and Koyasan. Those who are interested can check it out. In modern times, there are old shops in Koya Town that have served the monks of Koyasan for hundreds of years.