I Was a Swordsman in Ancient Japan

Chapter 651: Juggernaut VS Wind Demon and Wind Demon

The beautiful face caught in the eyes of the dazzling eyes made her dazzled for a moment.

She recognized this face.

It is the face of the now well-known "Dasaka No. 1 Artist" Hakuko.

Isshika recognizes the first light.

By chance.

It was about half a year ago. It was the first and the last time Isshika saw the first light on the street when she was rushing to a certain place to perform at a certain banquet.

Although she only looked at Chuguang, her temperament that reminds people of "white lotus blooming in the mud" left a deep impression on Isshiki.

Even if he only saw Chuguang, and had not seen this beautiful music performer in the six months since then, Isshiki still remembered Chuguang's face firmly and could recognize her at a glance.

Isshiki was taken aback for a moment only for the fact that "the first light appeared in front of her eyes".

In just a moment of effort, the astonishment in Yi Shi's eyes turned into horror.

She looked around, confirmed her situation, and tried to struggle a few times, trying to break away from the string that fastened her to the wooden pole.

The binding skill of this string tied with Isshiki is extremely high. It will not make Isshiki feel uncomfortable because of the tightness while binding the Isshiki firmly.

After struggling with all her strength for a few times, Isshika had no results other than hurting her places tightly bound by the string, and the knots of the string still remained motionless.

After struggling to no avail, Isshiki gradually calmed down.

The color of panic gradually disappeared and turned into alertness.

She raised her head and looked at Chuguang with a wary look.

"Oh?" Chuguang curled his mouth, showing a charming smile, "good courage."

"How can I recover my composure so quickly."

"Such a courageous woman is really rare."

Chuguang knelt down and sat down in front of Isshika, keeping his eyes level with Isshika.

"I don't have much time for self-activity like this, so I will make a long story short."

"I will first tell you what you want to know most now, as briefly as possible."

"The reason why your Isshiki family was attacked is all because of the intersection between you and that ‘Sura’ Ogata Ichitosai."

Hearing the name "Ogata Itosai", Isshiki's pupils shrank slightly uncontrollably.

Chuguang ignored the change in Yishihua's expression, and continued.

"My immediate boss has to kill Ogata Ichizasai for some reason."

"They used methods that I didn't know, and they learned that your Isshiki Sword Museum is very likely to have a relationship with Ogata Ichitosai."

"My mad boss, who was eager to know the location of Ogata Isosai, decided to attack your home tonight, catch you all, and then tortured Ogata Isosasai's information from your mouth."

"The confidential work of my mad boss is still so impervious. It was not until night fell when the mission was about to begin, that I was allowed to tell all the contents of the mission tonight, and I only knew that there was a mission tonight."

"So it's a pity. If you knew earlier that tonight's mission target was your home, you could act sooner and let you escape quickly."

"But the blessing in misfortune is—you are lucky to escape your house in time."

"And among those sent to catch you—I am."

"And I happen to be the first to find you."

"In a way, you have to thank the pervert who tried to take your clothes off by me just now."

"If it weren't for my noisy noise, I wouldn't be able to locate your location so quickly."

"I don't want to follow my mad boss to cruel innocent people."

"God knows how those people will torture your family, so the fewer people caught by them, the better."

"So after looking for you first, I secretly brought you to this absolutely safe place."

"Although your grandfather and parents have been arrested, they are currently safe and have not suffered any serious injuries. He should be safe for a while."

"I have a very important question for you now."

As Chuguang said, he raised his hand and grabbed the white tie tied to Yi Se Hua's mouth.

"I'm going to take off the strap tied to your mouth."

"Don't yell after I remove the strap from your mouth."

"You should be a smart person. You can know the current situation without me elaborating. Listening to me is the best solution, right?"

After speaking, Chuguang tore off the strip of cloth tied to the mouth of Yi Se Hua.

As soon as he took off the cloth strip, Chu Guang immediately filled up Isshihua and asked:

"If you know where Ogata Ichitosai lives, please tell me his address quickly. He is very dangerous now, so he must leave Osaka as soon as possible."

As soon as Chuguang's questioning fell, Yi Shihua immediately "turned on the offensive", and Chao Chuguang asked:

"Who are you? Why do you want to kill Lord Yidaozhai? Why do you want to save me?"

Looking at Isshiki who not only didn't answer her question, but also asked her a question, Chuguang curled his lips.

"...I didn't allow you to ask me questions."

"Forget it, never mind. I still have some time anyway. I am quite fond of you, such a courageous and strange girl, so I will spend more time to help you out."

"In the Osaka Summer Array two hundred years ago, the Toyotomi clan's blood was not severed, and survived tenaciously."

"The'mad boss' I have been talking about is the descendant of Toyotomi Hideyoshi, a man of the world two hundred years ago-Toyotomi Nobuhide."

"I don't know why this lunatic suddenly wanted Ogata Ichitosai's life so much. After all, my status in the organization is not that high, and I am not qualified to know all kinds of secrets."

"Obviously before this, he also mobilized a large number of hands to look for Ogata Ichidosesai, and strictly required that Ogata Idosesai must be captured alive."

"Hatsumi of the'Dasaka No. 1 Artist' who belongs to the Seven Grass House-this is just my identity after disguising."

"My true identity is one of the Iga Ninjas."

"After Iga's demise 41 years ago, some of the surviving Iga ninjas gathered in an attempt to rebuild and revive Iga."

"The remnant party in Iga has been lingering until a few years ago, after being subdued by Toyotomi Nobuhide, life finally got better."

"Disguising your identity, sneaking in, and spying on intelligence have always been one of the main tasks of a female ninja like me."

"I can play shamisen, so I was sent to pretend to be an artist named "Hatsuko" to collect information in Osaka."

"Compared with the kind of colleagues who need to pretend to be a wandering girl, my task is much easier. At least I don't need to sleep with other men."

"As for why I want to save you, it's very simple."

"Because I didn't intend to kill Toyotomi Shinhide from the beginning."

"The reason why I became the Ninja Iga and gave my life to Nobuhide Toyotomi was purely forced."

"When I was forced to sell my life to Toyotomi Nobuhide, I secretly vowed-I would destroy it fiercely."

"The best thing is to collapse the entire Toyotomi Group internally-although this kind of thing is unlikely, I am also working hard in this direction."

"And it's not the first time I secretly sabotaged while doing a mission."

"With regard to secretly adding traffic to the Toyotomi Group, I am quite familiar with it."

Chu Guangyan responded concisely and concisely to the three consecutive questions that Ise Sehua had just exhaled.

Facing Chuguang’s response just now, Isshiki made a response that Chuguang had expected:

"The Toyotomi Group... are you joking?"

"What I said is true." Chuguang said, "Do you believe it or not. Is there anything else I want to ask? While I am still in the mood to answer your questions, if I still want to ask, ask as soon as possible. "

"...You just..." Although she managed to control, Isshiki's face still showed worry uncontrollably. "Is it true that my family is still all right now?"

"Really." Chuguang nodded, "The person responsible for capturing and torturing your family is Lou Luo."

"Although I don't like this monk with a gloomy temperament, he has always adhered to the advantage of his principles, and I still appreciate it."

"Luo Luo is a very principled person. Not killing people who are not killing for the Edo shogunate is one of his principles."

"As long as your family members don't die, they will be safe now and for some time to come."

Speaking of this, Chuguang's words suddenly changed.

"Well, I have answered many of your questions. It's almost your turn to answer my questions."

"If you know where Ogata Ichisai is currently living, please tell me where he lives quickly. If you know where Ogata Ichisai often goes, and where you will go later, you can."

"..." Isshiki didn't answer.

But just as at the beginning, glance at Chuguang with a vigilant gaze.

"Hey hey hey." Chu Guang frowned, "I told you so many things just now, don't you trust me?"

"I'm not the enemy."

Chuguang said every word.

"If I were the enemy, I would have reunited you and your family in the cell long ago, instead of taking you here to protect you so hard."

"I don't want to see too many innocent people being harmed by that lunatic Toyotomi Shinhide, so I will try my best to protect you and try to protect Ogata Ichitosai who has been targeted."

"No matter how strong that Ogata Itosai is, in the face of Toyotomi's targeted blow, even if he does not die, he will definitely be tortured into misery."

"If you want to look at the streets of Ogata Ichitosai Yokochi, just keep silent."

Chu Guang's words successfully shaken Isshika's expression.

She hung her head and looked at the tatami between her and Chuguang.

"I also... I don't know where Ichidosai-sama lives in Osaka... I don't know Idozai-sama's whereabouts."

After waiting for a long time, Chuguang heard Isshiki say this.

Chuguang stared at Yi Shihua's face for a long time: "...It seems that you didn't lie. Alas...this is troublesome..."

Chuguang sighed heavily, then took out a Western pocket watch from his arms.

After checking the time on the watch, she mumbled: "There is not much time left...I should go."

After all, Chuguang tucked the pocket watch back into his arms, then picked up the strip of cloth that sealed Isshika's mouth just untied, and swiftly tied it toward Isshika's mouth.

Chuguang's hands are extremely fast.

Isshika's consciousness just reacted, and Chuguang had already tied her mouth firmly.

"I have little time left to move around freely, I should go now."

Chu Guangchao's mouth was re-sealed, and the Isshiki said sternly.

"My colleagues are still looking for you everywhere, so they can't set you free right now. You will live here temporarily for a while."

"The old woman who lives in this house is a friend of mine. She is an absolute trustworthy person. I will let her take care of you."

"If you need anything, just talk to her mother-in-law."

"When I can let you free, I will let you go."

"Although I don't think you are the kind of person who will act rashly in order to save your family, in order to avoid accidents, you have to tie you like this until you are set free. Please forgive me."

"I will do my best to make your family feel more comfortable and to ensure your family's safety."

"That's it, I will see you again later when I have time."

Isshiki struggled hard, and uttered a "Mmmmmmm" cry.

Chuguang ignored it and walked straight out of the room.

As soon as she got out of the room, she saw her mother-in-law walking towards her.

"Are you finished?" the mother-in-law asked.

"Yeah." Chuguang smiled bitterly, "Mother-in-law, I will trouble you to take care of her afterwards."

"Hahaha, it's just a small matter."

"Mother-in-law, do you have tea? I want to drink a cup of hot tea before leaving."

"Yes, I'll bring it. You can sit in the hall for a while."

"It's fine for me to stand here. I'll leave after drinking and stay soon."

"That's OK, then you wait here for a while."

The mother-in-law took small steps and quickly walked towards the kitchen at the back of the house.

As soon as the mother-in-law left, Chuguang heard the door sliding from the door not far away.

Following the sound, he saw that the door of the room was opened with a small slit enough for one person to pass through, and then a strong man slid into the room along the slit.

"Miss Chuguang."

"It's Shibata."

The one who walked in was Shibata, Chuguang's guard.

"Miss Chuguang, how?" Shibata walked quickly to Chuguang, "Does that Isshiki know anything?"

Chuguang shook his head: "She doesn't know anything."

"That's it..." Shibata's face was regretful, "On the'big test match', I saw that she was talking and laughing with Ogata Ichitosai, and she had a good relationship with Ogata Ichisai, and I thought she must know a lot. What about Ogata Ichitosai..."

"Now I can only try my luck and see if I can find Ogata Ichitosai's residence based on the currently known clues." Hatsumitsu said, "If Ogata Ichitosai is not found until the end... then you can only ask him. I'm asking for a blessing."

"The workload is really desperate." Shibata smiled wryly.

"I don't want to see any innocent person being harmed by that lunatic Toyotomi Shinhide." Hatsumi paused, "No matter how heavy the workload is, I have to do it."

Shibata scratched his hair, and the bitter smile on his face turned into a smile: "Then I can only sacrifice my life to accompany the gentleman, who told me that I have already sworn to destroy the Toyotomi Group internally with you."

Listening to Shibata's words, a charming smile appeared on Chu Guang's face.

"By the way, Miss Chuguang." Shibata suddenly said serious, "I have something important to tell you. The people above seem to be determined to make some big moves in the near future."

"Big action?" Shibata's words made the smile on Chuguang's face disappear, turning back to a serious expression.

"Specifically, I don't know too much." Shibata sighed lightly. "Neither you nor I are high-level personnel, and I don't have the qualifications to know many things."

"I only heard a little bit of wind. Toyotomi Nobuhide seems to be going to make some big moves next to prepare for the downfall war and the revival of Toyotomi."

Chuguang's expression changed.

"'The war against the curtain'..." Hatsumi's face changed, "That Toyotomi Nobunhide is really crazy...Does he really think he has the ability to turn the curtain..."

"...Miss Hatsumi." Shibata said solemnly, "I think... Toyotomi Nobuhide is launching the ‘falling curtain war’ now. It’s really not unimaginable..."

"I hate Toyotomi Hideyoshi, but even if I hate him so much, I have to admit that he is a terrible hero."

"He let one after another strange people willingly work for him."

"Ms. Hatsumi, you should also know how good Toyotomi Shinhide is at gathering people's hearts, right?"

In response to Shibata's question, Chuguang tightened his lips and remained silent.

And Shibata then continued:

"Tootomi Shinhide has a large number of talents, and he has accumulated a huge amount of wealth through smuggling trade."

"The Edo shogunate is now rotten. A while ago, the 10,000 army of the shogunate was defeated by Ichitosai Ogata. It is no longer the Edo shogunate that made the world's princes afraid to fight with them 200 years ago."

"After several years of dormancy, preparation, and...control of that kind of alien art, I think Toyotomi Nobuhide may really have the ability to defeat the Edo shogunate now."

"All in all-we both will keep an eye on it from now on and collect information carefully. Investigate and see what the next "big move" Toyotomi Nobuhide is going to take."

"...Tsk." The corner of Chuguang's mouth drooped, "The war against the curtain...Fufu Toyotomi...It's really crazy..."

2 days later —

Osaka, in the hotel where the gourd house and a group of people live—


Genichi, who was drinking "tons and tons" with a bottle of wine in his hand, asked Ogata who was standing at the door of the room in a vague tone of drinking.

"What is the surprise you said to me?"

The room in the gourd house, which is now used as a temporary base, is now deserted as never before-there are only 4 people in the room: Genichi, Lin, Makura, and Shimada.

Lin was sitting next to Genichi now, blowing the steaming hot tea in her hands "huhuhu".

Mucun sat in the corner of the room, looking boredly at the "Analects" in his hand. Shimada was sitting next to Makimura, sharpening the knife with a small whetstone.

Just now, Ogata and Amachi, who opened the door of the room by shouting "Excuse me", stood at the door of the room with weird smiles, and they were slow to come in.

Gen one person, I brought you a surprise-this is the original words Ogata said to Genichi after greeting Lin and others in the room just now.

This is why Genichi asked Ogata "what is the surprise" just now.

When Genichi asked him what the surprise was, the smile on Ogata's face became even stranger.

Ogata took a step back with a weird smile, and then beckoned to his side.

Under Ogata's beckoning, a bald head slowly walked out from behind the door of Genichi and others invisible, and stood where Ogata had just stood.

Looking at the bald head that appeared suddenly, Yuan Yi's expression was taken aback, and the hand pouring the wine into his mouth also paused.

"Gen is a big person." Ogata said with a smile, "this surprise..."


Before Ogata's words were finished, a loud noise interrupted his words.

This is the sound of Genichi slamming on the tatami.

Following this explosion, there was a harsh metal crash.


The sudden violent Yuan Yi, while rushing towards the bald head, quickly pulled out the knife from his waist. Yang Shen slashed towards the bright bald head.

And the bald head reacted extremely quickly.

When Yuanyi's Yang Shen was only a few inches away from the top of his head, the bald head quickly raised his left hand.

Yang Shen and the left arm of the bald head... To be precise, the iron chain wrapped around the bald head's left arm collided heavily, wiping out a little spark.

Ogata, who was standing behind his bald head, shrank his pupils when Genichi suddenly violently violent, and then quickly jumped into the distance while holding his wife in his hands, pulling the distance between Genichi and bald head.

"Oh..." Yuanyi grinned and opened his mouth, "This chain... This reaction... is really Ganshi."

As if they had agreed in advance, Genichi and Shaved... or Feng Demon grinned wide at the same time.

"This slash... it really is Genichi."

"How on earth do you two recognize people...?" Amachi, who was still in Ogata's arms, twitched his mouth and vomited.


The clash of gold and iron sounded again.

Feng Mo's arm shook, and Yuan Yi's Yang God was opened.

At the moment when Yang Shen was disengaged, Yuan Yi quickly regained his posture and swung his knife towards Feng Mo again.

Knife back and forth chain.

Whether it was Yuan Yi or Feng Mo, both of them stood still.

The two standing still exchanged fierce offense and defense in this way.

Every knife Yuan Yi swiped at Feng Demon was accurately opened by Feng Demon.

And every time the wind demon launched an attack, no one hit was effective.

Lin continued to blow her tea calmly. Just now, after seeing Feng Mo appeared, her face flashed with shock, but she quickly recovered her calmness and looked at Yuan I in the fierce confrontation with a habit of seeing. Two wind demon.

As for Ogata, Makimura, and Shimada, they all have "what's the situation? What should I do now" expressions. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

The battle between Juggernaut and Wind Demon was fierce.

But soon the winner was decided.


Feng Mo pulled the iron chain with both hands and slammed Yuanyi's Yang Shen aside, causing a flaw in Yuanyi's middle door.

With the rich combat experience accumulated over the years, the Wind Demon grasped this fleeting opportunity like instinct.

Feng Mo grasped the iron chain wrapped around his left arm with his right hand, and stretched the iron chain across Yuanyi's neck.

"I won." Feng Mo smiled.

And Genichi... laughed at the same time.

He glanced down at the iron chain on his neck, Yuan smiled:

"Ganshi, years have really made your strength worse than before. You don't even know that you are already dead."

"Huh?" Feng Mo was confused at first, then as if he had discovered something, his face changed, and then he suddenly looked down.

I saw that Yuanyi had pulled out his threatening servant Yan Rong with his left hand at some point, and pointed the tip of the sword at the point of Feng Demon.

"...I'm not reconciled." Feng Mo sighed and slowly put away the chains that lay across Yuanyi's neck. "When everyone was a young boy, I couldn't beat you. Now everyone is a gray-haired old man. , But still not your opponent."

"We haven't all become gray-haired old people." Yuan Yi smiled playfully, looking at Feng Mo's bright head.

"Wind Magic Flow Profound Meaning!"



Ask for a monthly pass! Ask for a monthly pass! I beg you to vote for the book QAQ.

After finishing this chapter, the author discovered that, if he did not subscribe to "The Last Wind Demon Kotaro" in full, it has been 3.2 million words up to now, and Genichi is finally in the same frame as his old partner in the main story.