I Was a Swordsman in Ancient Japan

Chapter 661: The Realm of Transparency - Open! 【Sev

The latest website: Rewind time to not long ago——

Osaka, the Osaka Institute—

"This task is really easier than eating wagashi." A strong man yawned and scratched his hair.

The burly man's attire is quite peculiar.

He was topless, wearing only a thin hakama, with two flanks hanging from his back waist, and no shoes and socks on his feet.

The strong man's bare feet were huge.

In modern units...his feet are about 49 yards.

He is not too tall, only 1.7 meters at most, but he has such big feet, which makes his body look very strange.

This strong man is named "Yu Hachiro".

He is one of the commanders of this "Osaka Spring Formation and Discussion Operation".

In this battle, the task he was in charge of was to lead his men to attack the census in Osaka, kill everyone in the census, and then burn the census to ashes.

At this time, there are no people at the Osaka Institute at all, so Yuhachiro and the others spent only ten minutes before and after to clear the Osaka Institute.

"Sir." A musketeer held a torch and ran to Yuhachiro's side quickly, "Everywhere in the Fengxing Office, the oil is now poured!"

"Yeah." Yuhachiro nodded with satisfaction, "Okay! Give me the torch!"

The musketeer who came to report the message quickly handed the torch in his hand to Yuhachiro.

Yuhachiro, who took the torch, threw the torch in his hand towards the pool of kerosene in front of him without any hesitation.


The kerosene became a fiery snake, devouring and licking everything the flames could touch.

"Let's go!" After sizing up the intensifying sea of ​​fire several times with satisfaction, Yu Hachiro waved his hand and led his subordinates struttingly away from the practice house, which was gradually being swallowed up by the sea of ​​fire.

Because the residents were all frightened by the sound of Yuhachiro and others who were slaughtering in the practice center, the residents living around the practice center have already dispersed, so the surrounding area of ​​the practice center is very quiet now, and I can't see it. Half figure.

As soon as he led his subordinates away from the practice center, which would soon be burnt to ruins, Yuhachiro said to the subordinate who had just informed him that "the oil has been sprinkled":

"You, go to the main formation and announce: Osaka's Confucian Center has fallen."


As soon as the subordinates who were sent to report the battle situation to the main formation left, Yu Hachiro suddenly saw a black shadow running down from the roof of the private house in front of him.

It's a male ninja dressed in an Iga ninja suit.

Seeing that it was the Iga ninja coming, he knew that it might be Yuhachiro, who was going to give him some important notification, and immediately stopped and turned his back.

"Sir." The Iga ninja hurried to Yuhachiro and knelt down on one knee, then quickly said, "Plan A fails, start plan B. Plan A fails, start plan B..."

After repeating this sentence three times in a row, the Iga ninja stopped reporting.

"Oh?" Yuhachiro grinned after listening to the Iga ninja's order, "Do you want to activate Plan B..."

Plan B - Uihachiro, one of the commanders, naturally knows what this is.

More than 60 musketeers were dispatched, led by Sakuma, who was best at commanding musketeers, to ambush Ogata on the only way for Ogata to get his saber—this was their "Plan A".

Ambush Ogata with more than 60 musketeers - it can be said to be "super luxurious treatment".

The number of people sent to attack the majestic Osaka City was only over 80.

Although there are many people sent to ambush Ogata, there is still the possibility that the ambush will fail.

After all, their opponent is that Shura.

So after they designed "Plan A", they specially designed a "Plan B"——

If the "A plan" to ambush Ogata fails, all the Iga ninjas that can be dispatched will be dispatched, and they will act as the "eyes" of the entire army, and search for Ogata throughout the city.

Once Ogata is found, red fireworks are released to help each unit locate Ogata.

The teams responsible for attacking important places and facilities in Osaka immediately joined the siege against Ogata after completing their respective tasks.

This is their "Plan B".

Uohachiro has now completed his task of "capturing the Osaka Institute".

In other words—he now needs to take his troops and participate in the siege against Ogata.


Yu Hachiro laughed a few times at this time.

"I just feel that the task I'm in charge of tonight is too simple and too boring..."

After all, Yu Hachiro twisted his neck hard, relaxing the muscles of his lower neck and shoulders well.

"Sir." The Iga Ninja, who came to deliver the message and is still kneeling in front of Yuhachiro, then said, "Although the ambush against Ogata failed, Sakuma-sama, who was in charge of this task. , but found the following 3 important pieces of information about Shura."

"After Sakuma-sama reported these three important pieces of information about Shura to Yoshihisa-sama, Yoshihisa-sama specifically asked those of us who are in charge of the order to accurately inform each unit of these three pieces of important information about Ogata. commander."

"One. Shura has a short gun on his body."

"Second. Shura's strength far exceeds our expectations."

"Three. Asura's physical condition tonight doesn't seem to be good."

"Oh?" Yu Hachiro raised his eyebrows, "With a short gun on his body...not in good physical condition...?"

When Yuhachiro muttered thoughtfully on his face, the male shinobi's order was not over yet:

"At the same time, Sakuma-sama suggested to Yoshihisa-sama that Shura doesn't have a good sword in his hand now, so when fighting against him, he should not carry a sword with him, so as to cut off Shura's 'supply' and make it difficult for him to replace himself weapons."

"Master Yoshihisa has already agreed to this proposal of Master Sakuma, so I hereby order that all troops, from the commander to the ordinary soldiers, are not allowed to carry swords and swords when chasing and besieging Shura."

"Huh?" Yuhachiro pouted his mouth sharply, "Don't take the weapon with you...what is this?"

Male Shinobu ignored Yuhachiro's complaint.

"The above is the entire content of this summons." Nan Ren said lightly, "Then, I will retire first, and wish you a prosperous martial arts."

After chanting "Wu Hachiro" to Yubalang in a non-salty and indifferent tone, the male shinobi jumped to the roof of the nearby private house with extremely agile movements, and in only 1 or 2 breaths, his figure appeared. disappeared into the night.

After watching the male Shinobi leave, Yuhachiro spit heavily on the ground.

"That Jijiu... made us all throw our swords away... what is this..."

For the old man Yoshijiu, Yuhachiro already had a deep resentment.

He was originally just the leader of a group of Iga remnants who were lingering on and dreaming of "reviving Iga" and "revenge for Iga".

But Yu Hachiro also admitted that the old man was still very capable.

Not long after he was recruited into his command by Lord Toyotomi, with his loyalty and outstanding ability, he made rapid progress in the organization, and was deeply trusted and valued by Lord Toyotomi.

How much does Lord Toyotomi hold him? Tonight's "Osaka Spring Formation and Deliberation Operation", he was directly established as "Frontline Commander" by Mr. Toyotomi!

The musketeers, Iga ninjas, and commanders like Uihachiro and Sakuma who participated in this battle all received orders from Yoshihisa.

Yuhachiro admits that Yoshihisa has the ability to sit on the "front line commander".

But he didn't want to listen to Jijiu's orders from the bottom of his heart.

Not for anything else, just because he's a ninja.

The thought of listening to a ninja's orders made Yuhachiro feel uncomfortable.

But he felt uncomfortable, and after all, he didn't dare to go too far against Jijiu's orders.

After the Iga Ninja who came to pass the order left, Yuhachiro immediately ordered the more than 40 subordinates under his command: throw away all the knives around his waist.

However, although Yuhachiro asked his subordinates to remove the swords from their waists, he did not throw away the two wakis from his waist.

This is his insistence as a samurai.

Even though he might be punished later, he didn't want to throw away the knife from his waist.

After his subordinates threw all the knives around their waists, Yuhachiro waved his hands imposingly:

"Okay! Let's go! Come with me! Let's go hunt Shura!"



Similar scenes were being staged all over Osaka at this time.

The Iga ninja, who was in charge of the order, conveyed orders to the commander of the unit in charge of attacking various places in Osaka, such as "start the second plan" and "don't bring swords with you when fighting Shura".

One after another, the troops that had completed their respective tasks joined in the siege of Ogata.

They all looked up at the sky, waiting for the red firework that represented "Ogata is there".

Today's Osaka is like a huge spider web.

These troops who came to besiege Ogata were like cobwebs.

As more and more troops completed their original tasks and came to participate in the siege, this cobweb became larger and tighter.

And Ogata, like a prey that was accidentally caught by this spider web, was struggling to avoid hunting on this spider web...



Although he shouted "Go hunt Shura" to his subordinates quite imposingly, but Yuhachiro has no clue as to where Ogata is currently.

"Really...what do those Iga ninjas eat..." Yuhachiro growled in an annoyed tone, "Have you not found Shura yet?"

After the launch of "Project B", the activity of Iga Ninja will greatly affect the success or failure of "Project B".

Because their task is very heavy, they need to act as the "eyes" of the whole army, looking for Ogata's figure everywhere in Osaka, and using red fireworks to help the troops of the whole army locate.

After leaving the practice center, Uihachiro led his subordinates aimlessly wandering the streets of Osaka, while waiting for the appearance of red fireworks.

Yuhachiro's hard wait finally paid off.


Yuhachiro suddenly heard the sound of fireworks exploding from the northwest.

He immediately looked to the northwest, and saw a "red flower" blooming beautifully in the northwest sky not far from him.

"Aha! I finally found it!" Yuhachiro smiled happily, "It's still very close to here! Everyone come with me!"

Yu Hachiro, like a runaway horse, ran towards the place where the "red flower" rose just now.

Important places related to the government, such as the Osaka Prefectural Office and Dojima Yone City, have all been captured and burned one by one.

The screams of killing and the burning fire caused chaos in all areas of Osaka.

The citizens fled in terror like headless flies.

The town where Uohachiro is currently located is also quite chaotic, and people running in panic can be seen on any street.

Fortunately, there were not many rioters on the street, and the street was not blocked.

Yu Hachiro used extremely rude movements to squeeze and push away all the chaotic people in front of him.

Under the rapid advance of his pig, Yuhachiro finally arrived at the place where the bunch of fireworks just ignited.

Then I happened to bump into it - Ogata who used Kasumi to knock down the male ninja who set off the fireworks just now, then pressed him on top of him, and stabbed his neck with a knife.

"Aha..." Yuhachiro licked his lips, "Is this... the famous Shura... He is covered in blood, really like the Shura who came from hell..."

Looking at Ogata, who was covered in blood, Uihachiro smiled.

Then, Uohachiro saw the wide canal on the side of Ogata and very close to Ogata - he smiled even more happily.

Himself, Ogata, Canal—they all happen to be on the same line.

The corners of Yuhachiro's mouth almost reached his ears.

Yuhachiro's subordinates arrived one after another at this time.

After seeing Ogata from a distance, they immediately raised the flintlock guns in their hands like a conditioned reflex.

But at this moment-

"Put down your guns."

Yuhachiro said suddenly.

His subordinates all cast suspicious glances at Yuhachiro.

Before they even had time to ask Yuhachiro what the phrase "put down the guns" just now meant, they saw Yuhachiro stride forward, rushing straight towards Ogata in the distance!

Like an unloaded cannonball, he slammed into Ogata, who had not yet escaped from the male shinobi he killed, and fell into the canal together with him.



- Trouble...

Ogata never imagined that he would one day fight people underwater.

There is no need to analyze the environment he is currently in. He can only analyze it with his butt. The battle situation is overwhelmingly unfavorable to him.

Being rushed into the water, he fell into the water before he could take a few more breaths of oxygen, leaving little oxygen left in his lungs.

Falling into the water meant that all the two pistols he was carrying were temporarily unavailable.

No matter whether it is Xia Nagi or Mei Ran, they have no waterproof function.

Although he can swim, he is far from being good at it.

However, the enemy's water is very good. From the attack of the enemy just now, it can be seen that his water is very good. To fight against this man in the water is to use one's own weakness to attack the enemy's strength.

And what's even worse - he can't use the "breath of the source" in the water.

In other words, he can't enter the "no-self realm" now...

I can't use a musket, I can't enter the realm of no-self, I have little air left in my lungs, the enemy happens to be the kind of person who is good at underwater warfare, and my current physical condition is extremely poor due to the "undead poison"...

Facing this desperate situation——Ogata just clenched the two knives in his hands calmly, without the slightest panic on his face.

This is the xinxing that has been cultivated after experiencing hundreds of battles and being accustomed to all kinds of strong winds and waves.

The urgency of the situation made Ogata forget the pain and bloating in his head for a while, and his head started to run quickly——

- All in all, you must first swim back to the shore, or at least temporarily swim to the surface to breathe.

It only took a moment for Ou to draw up a strategy.

No matter what, you can't fight the enemy underwater where you're not very good at it and you can't let go of your hands and feet.

Ogata simply estimated how long the remaining air in his lungs would last him underwater—about 20 seconds.

Even a second at this moment was extremely precious to Ogata now.

Therefore, after drawing up the general strategy, Ogata immediately swam towards the water surface with the moonlight shining on it without any hesitation.

While swimming hard towards the surface of the water, Ogata opened his eyes, which could only be half-opened in the water, and scanned his surroundings, searching for the figure of the enemy.

Ogata knew that the enemy who knocked him into the water would not watch him swim back to the surface.

But he didn't expect this man's attack to come so quickly.

Out of the corner of his right eye, he caught a glimpse of a large black shadow swimming towards him rapidly.

He swims extremely fast, and his swimming speed is not like a human being, but more like a fish.

In the blink of an eye, the enemy swam to Ogata's side and rear again, and the bright two-handed Wakizashi slashed towards Ogata again.

Ogata, who is not proficient in swimming, can't dodge in the water, so he can only swing his sword to block.

However, when swinging a knife underwater, the underwater resistance is a big trouble that cannot be ignored.

Poor physical condition + underwater resistance = Ogata's block this time was half a beat slower.

Ogata failed to block the enemy's slashes smoothly with the blade, and only made the enemy's sword path deviate.

The sword that originally came to Ogata's vital point slid across Ogata's right shoulder, leaving a neither shallow nor deep stab wound on Ogata's right shoulder.

The exact same scene as before was staged again. After the enemy made an attack, he immediately retreated, never reluctantly fighting, never fighting with Ogata.

Although his previous attack did not give Ogata mortal wounds, he succeeded in holding back Ogata who was trying to ascend.

The air left in Ogata's lungs is only enough for him to move again - 15 seconds...

The second time he repelled the enemy's attack, Ogata, whose expression on his face was gradually becoming ugly due to the exhaustion of oxygen, poured all the strength of his body into his feet, swung his feet with all his strength, and swam to the surface of the water. .

He just had time to swim a few centimeters upstream, and the enemy who can move swiftly in the water like a fish is here again...

This time, Ogata's block was very successful, and the enemy's Wakizha failed to hurt Ogata in the slightest.

After blocking the enemy's third attack, Ogata wanted to launch a counterattack, but the enemy's movements in the water were so agile that the enemy had swum far away as soon as his sword was slashed out.

When the enemy once again opened the distance between Ogata and Ogata, Ogata vaguely saw - he seemed to be showing a smug smile at him...

Ogata could understand why this man laughed at him.

Once again he succeeded in delaying Ogata's time...

The air left in Ogata's lungs is only enough for him to move again - 10 seconds...

The enemy's superior water quality exceeded Ogata's expectations.

——If I let the enemy continue to harass me, I will never swim back to the surface of the water...

——Is there any... way to counter this 'Murloc'...

The light of thought flashed again in Ogata's eyes.



——If Toyotomi-sama and the others knew that I did not just use guns to deal with Shura as they said, they would definitely be very angry...

Although Yu Hachiro said this in his heart in a frustrated tone, the smile on his face was extremely bright.

Before the start of tonight's battle, they had been told five times - they must not engage in melee combat with Shura, and use technology to kill Ogata.

Yuhachiro originally wanted to obey this order.

However... at the moment when I saw Ogata on the shore and the canal next to Ogata, things like "use guns and guns against Ogata" and "follow the orders of the superiors", these things are all in the fish. Hachiro's mind disappeared.

There was only one thought left in his mind - to use his "underwater killing method" to fight the famous Shura!

Not for revenge, nor to gain a false reputation.

He simply wanted to challenge the "strongest swordsman in the world" with his proudest fighting style, and compete with him well.

Yuhachiro has lived by the sea since he was a child. Since he was a child, he has had a strong interest and love for swimming. He started swimming in the sea when he was 6 years old.

In swimming, Yuhachiro also has a unique talent.

His lung capacity is far beyond that of ordinary people. After taking a deep breath, he can stay in the water for half an hour.

His feet are larger than ordinary people, and when swimming in the water, his huge feet can move water like duck webs, making him swim faster.

With his love for swimming and his talent in swimming, Yuhachiro created the "underwater killing method".

The so-called "underwater killing method" is actually to deal with the enemy underwater through superb swimming skills, and then wait for the opportunity to kill the enemy.

It sounds simple, but there are actually a lot of doorways in it.

With the "underwater killing method", Yu Hachiro killed countless strong players.

Using the "underwater killing method" to challenge the powerhouses from all walks of life has become one of Yuhachiro's major interests.

A long time ago, when Ogata first started to gain fame, Yuhachiro fantasized about having a fight with this famous young swordsman.

After Ogata's reputation became more and more famous, Yuhachiro's thoughts became deeper and deeper.

He really wanted to use his "underwater killing method" to have a good fight with Ogata, even if he could only fight once, even if he had to resist.

Because of this, when I saw Ogata on the edge of the canal just now, I was shocked that it was a good time to test whether my "underwater killing method" would work for Shura, so Yuhachiro ignored the "no close combat with Ogata". Ordered to ask his subordinates not to shoot, and then rushed Ogata into the canal with all his might.

——As expected of Shura... Until now, there was no panic on his face.

Yuhachiro hid somewhere not far from Ogata, secretly looking at Ogata's expression.

Eyes open in the water to see things - this is a piece of cake for Yuhachiro, who is proficient in swimming.

Not only can he open his eyes to see things in the water, but he can also see things in the water very clearly.

--Ok? Does he still want to continue upstream...

Uohachiro saw - Ogata, who had been attacked three times by him, was swimming toward the surface again.

- Does he still have the strength to swim...

——Then... give him another blow!

Yuhachiro licked the corner of his mouth in the water.

Never allow the enemy to crawl back to the shore or swim to the surface to take a breath - this is one of the most important points of Uohachiro's "underwater killing method".

Yuhachiro moved his feet like a bloodthirsty shark and rushed towards Ogata.

He didn't know—Ogata was now eagerly waiting for him to come quickly...



--come yet……

The huge black shadow reappeared within the field of vision and quickly approached him.

Ogata continued to move the water with his feet and continued to swim to the surface.

Slightly raised the knife in his hand, ready to deal with another attack by Yuhachiro

Oh no.

It should be "pretending to prepare for another attack by Yuhachiro".

Ogata had already realized just now that if he didn't kill Yuhachiro, he would never want to swim out of the water in this life.

And if you want to kill Yuhachiro, Ogata's water is far less good than Yuhachiro. If you want to chase the opponent, you will definitely not be able to catch up.

So Ogata thought of a slightly crazy method.

Yuhachiro's next attack, he can't block it!

Let Yu Hachiro's knife cut into his body.

After Uohachiro's knife slashed into his body, Ogata grabbed his arm or body so that he could no longer swim.

As long as Yuhachiro can stop swimming away from him, the rest will be easy to talk about and manage.

Ogata was going to use this crazy method to solve Yuhachiro.

The biggest difficulty with this method is undoubtedly how to keep Yuhachiro's knife from hitting his vitals.

If Yu Hachiro's knife hits his vitals, the situation will become one for one, and the two of them die together.

Of course Ogata didn't want to die with this guy.

If possible, Ogata didn't want to use this "injury-for-life" tactics to deal with Yuhachiro.

But at the moment when there are only a few seconds of activity left, Ogata can't think of any other way to kill Yuhachiro except for this "suicide method of killing the enemy".

The air left in Ogata's lungs is only enough for him to move again - 7 seconds!

Yuhachiro's figure is already very close!

Ogata stopped his feet that dipped the water, raised his knives, and assumed a posture that he was about to set off Yuhachiro's knives again.

——No matter what...you can't let him hit my vitals!

Repeatedly reminding himself in his heart, the sight from Ogata's eyes gradually became sharper.

The air left in Ogata's lungs is only enough for him to move again - 6 seconds!

The figure of Yuhachiro is close at hand!

In just 1 second, Uohachiro can reach the distance where his sword can attack Ogata.

The outcome, life and death, will be decided in the next second!

--come on!

Ogata gripped the two knives tightly with a force that seemed to crush the hilt of the knife.

His eyes are so sharp that he seems to be able to cut everything he touches into pieces.

——I won't...die here!

It was clearly at a critical juncture in the death battle.

Obviously in the next second, the outcome and life and death will be decided.

But at this time, there are many images that have nothing to do with the current tense situation, flashing in Ogata's mind at this moment.

The bits and pieces of getting along with A-cho, and the past with friends such as Genichi and Rin...

These beautiful images flashed one by one in Ogata's mind.

And while these beautiful memories flashed through Ogata's mind one by one—

Goo-dong, goo-dong...

Very suddenly...Ogata heard a strange sound of water flowing.

Whoa, whoa, whoa...

I heard the swaying of the grass under the canal.

Whoa, whoa, whoa...

At the same time, I also heard... the sound of those fish swimming in the water~lightnovelpub.net~ Ogata's originally sharp eyes were now full of confusion and shock.

He heard it.

He heard... the sound of this "canal".

He felt it.

He felt... as if he was one with this "canal".

The whole world... seems to have become transparent at this moment!



This chapter is another big chapter, full of 7300 words, ask for a monthly pass! Ask for a monthly pass! (Leopard Head Crying.jpg)