I Was a Swordsman in Ancient Japan

Chapter 667: Ogata: "This is called revenge!" [Five�

The latest website: Dongxiang looked at the corpse of Yuhachiro, whose forehead was slashed and his entire face was bloody, with pity on his face.

- what an idiot...

Dongxiang secretly said in his heart.

——There is no need for a good musket, and I just have to fight with Ogata Ichitosai.

——But this idiot's death is still worthwhile.

——At least he proved that Ogata Ichitosai's strength is far beyond our expectations.

In order to facilitate management and command, each troop participating in tonight's "Osaka Spring Formation and Discussion Operation" has its own designation, and the designation is "x group".

The troop number led by Togo is the 7th Division.

Just now, after seeing the red fireworks, Dongxiang hurriedly took his 7th group to the place where the fireworks were set off.

As a result, after arriving at the scene, that is, by the river of a certain canal, Dongxiang saw the members of the 3rd group.

The 3rd Division——The unit led by Yuhachiro, who has no special skills other than swimming and killing people in the water.

When he met Yuhachiro's 3rd group, Dongxiang was stunned.

Because Yuhachiro actually died.

A knife was hit in the middle of his forehead, and his head was directly slashed. The members of the 3rd group were not very good at water, and they just fished him out of the river.

Dongxiang asked the members of the 3rd group in detail, and only then did he know how Yuhachiro died.

The cause of Yuhachiro's death made Dongxiang not know how to evaluate it.

I don't need a good flintlock gun, and so many of my subordinates don't need it. I just have to have a one-on-one with Ogata, which is really difficult for Dongxiang to understand.

Dongxiang knew that Yuhachiro was a person who was keen to compete with others, but Dongxiang did not expect Yuhachiro to be so enthusiastic.

A person is dead, no matter how much you complain about the stupidity of this person, it will not help.

Dongxiang, who was kneeling beside Yuhachiro's body, quickly recited a few reincarnation spells, and then slowly stood up.

And when he just stood up—


To the northwest, somewhere in the sky downstream of the canal not far from here, red fireworks appeared.

Hearing the sound, Dongxiang, who turned his head to look at him, muttered, "Did Shura escape there... It's quite close to here."

"Hey, from the 3rd group."

Dongxiang turned his head and shouted at Yuhachiro's subordinates.

"I ordered with 'wartime command authority': you are temporarily under my command."

Wartime Command - A power shared by the commanders of all units.

The content of this power includes: when the war is urgent, the commander can temporarily recruit the remnants of the remaining troops according to the war situation.

After hearing the words "wartime command" from Dongxiang, all the people in the 3rd group had a positive look.

"You, you, you. The three of you are responsible for transporting Yuhachiro's body back to the main formation."

"The rest come with me! Come chase Shura with me!"

"No matter what, you can't let Shura run away!"

The members of the 3rd group have been worried about losing their backbone since the death of Yuhachiro. This voice of Dongxiang has calmed down the members of the 3rd group like a timely rain.


After agreeing in unison, the three people who were named by Dongxiang just now to bring Yubalang's body back to the main formation, you raised your head and I lifted Yuhachiro's body onto the cart they just found, and the rest They formed a neat queue in front of Dongxiang.

Looking at the third group, who was almost in a state of damage, Dongxiang nodded with satisfaction.

——The people from the 3rd group, plus my 7th group... a total of 89 people.

——Oh, with such combat power, even if it encounters a shogunate army with a size of a thousand people, there is no need to be afraid.

The corners of Dongxiang's mouth curled up in a proud arc.

"Follow me all!"

With an imposing wave of his hand, Dongxiang led the 3rd and 7th teams to the area where the red fireworks were just set off.



Osaka, southwest of Osaka Castle—

"Oh... in that direction..."

Just now, after a gorgeous "safflower" bloomed in the sky to the northwest, the left and right guards captured this beautiful scene in time.

After watching the whole process of this "red flower" from blooming to withering, left and right guards were both happy and annoyed.

Just after completing the task of "cleaning up Osaka Castle", walking out of Osaka Castle, and preparing to invest in the "Project B" against Ogata, he saw the red fireworks at the standard Ogata position - which made Yoemon very happy.

But the location of the red fireworks is on the horizon in the northwest... It's far from Yoemon - much to the chagrin of Yoemon.

"It's really annoying...how is it so far away from me..." Left and right guard scratched his head, "When I get to that place, Shura has already escaped, or was killed by someone else..."

"Well, let's rush over to have a look first."



Except for the troops that were so far away that they couldn't see the fireworks at all, the rest of the troops basically discovered the "red flower" that just bloomed at the first time.

Each unit has now almost completed the task of destroying important facilities and sites in Osaka.

That is to say... Now all the troops have already invested in the encirclement and suppression of Ogata.

Almost all of them who saw the "red flower" at the same moment rushed to the place where the "red flower" appeared from all directions.

Some of them smiled smugly.

Thinking that they were hunters, they successfully closed the encircling net and quickly killed their prey.

But they don't know - the identities of hunters and prey are often interchangeable.



"Is this a place where the poor live..."

Dongxiang, the closest to "Honghua", was the fastest to get to the place where "Honghua" appeared.

Now that he has the 3rd and 7th teams under his command, he is frowning, scanning the low and dilapidated houses in front of him.

Judging from the state of the houses, it is not difficult to see that this is where the poor people of Osaka live. The low and dilapidated houses are arranged tightly and densely. comfortable.

I can't see a single resident here, and they must have been scared to flee for their lives by the fires that are now spreading all over Osaka.

——There is no doubt that the fireworks just now were set off at this place.

——Did Ogata Ichitosai escape to this place... This place is really suitable for hiding...

——By the way, what about the ninja who set off fireworks just now? is he not here? Has it been killed?

——Forget it, it’s more important to find Shura first.

——The roads here are very narrow. With so many people acting together, not only the efficiency of traveling and searching is extremely low, but it is also very easy to hinder each other...

- must act separately...

——If there are 30 people in a group...the combat power should be enough, so even if any group of people encounters Shura, there is no need to fear him...

After careful calculation and calculation in his heart, Dongxiang, who had made up his mind, gave a loud order to the 3rd and 7th teams that he was now in charge of commanding:

"Come and follow me with 29 people, and the other 60 people will spread out in two groups of 30 people! Search this place!"

"Remember to cheer up!"

"Shura might be hiding somewhere in this place right now!"

"Take your guns tight!"

"Once you find someone who is suspected to be Shura, kill them directly."

Under the order of Dongxiang, the members of the 3rd and 7th groups quickly divided into groups and rushed to the "poor settlement" in front of them from all directions.



The team led by Dongxiang personally searched very fast.

After a while, they advanced to the depths of this block.

They are now walking on a long, narrow and long road.

This is a long road with a very narrow width, and only 4 people can walk side by side.

They shoulder-to-shoulder, each of them slowly advancing while monitoring different directions, searching for every dark alley and house along the way.

Too quiet street...

The object of pursuit is most likely lurking somewhere in this place...

I have to lift my spirits to scan every corner of the surrounding...

All of these things made everyone's psychological pressure increase and their nerves tense.

Just at the moment when everyone's nerves were already tense——


In a dark alley behind the team, there was a crisp sound of something falling.

Everyone was shocked by the sound.

Dongxiang hurriedly signaled the entire team to stop immediately.

The soldiers walking at the back of the team were even more startled by the sudden sound, and they turned around quickly and pointed their guns in the direction of the abnormal sound just now.

The muzzles of the black holes are like a grinning jackal.

Under the covetousness of these "jackals"—


A mouse sprang out from the dark alley where the abnormal noise came from.

The mouse ran to the center of the long road behind the queue, glanced at the soldiers who aimed a flintlock pistol at it, then spread its four small claws and fled into the darkness beside it.

"What... it's a mouse..."

"A false alarm..."

"My gun almost went off just now."


The soldiers at the back of the queue, while putting away their guns, criticized or ridiculed the mouse that had startled them just now in a complaining or joking tone.

"If only the mouse just now was Shura." A soldier with a wide forehead standing at the back of the queue, whispered to his companions in a playful tone, "In this way, we can quickly kill him. , our mission can also be concluded..."


A cold light suddenly emerged from the chest of this wide-forehead warrior.

It's a knife.

Behind the wide-forehead warrior is a short and old private house.

At this moment, a knife was stabbed from the room of this private house.

Pierce the door, and strung the door with the heart of the wide-forehead warrior with his back to this private house!

"Pfft...!" The words that the wide forehead had not finished speaking were transformed into a sound of vomiting blood.

Handfuls of blood spurted out from the mouth of the wide forehead and the wound on his chest, splashing all over the body of the companion he was talking to just now.

After the knife pierced the wide forehead's chest, it slammed back and retracted into the house.

Under the action of inertia, the body of the wide forehead also flew backwards, smashed the dilapidated door, and slammed into the private house, splashing clouds of dust.

The sudden change shocked the soldiers around him.

The four soldiers closest to the wide-forehead soldier held guns and rushed into the private house where the wide-forehead was "swallowed" by the knife that pierced the wide-forehead's chest just now. .

Although the splashes of dust obscured the view, the four soldiers who rushed into the room first could barely see the scene inside the room.

This is a very shabby house, and the decent furniture in the house can be counted on one hand.

The wide forehead, which had just been "swallowed" into the house, is now lying on the ground in a "big" shape with the broken wooden door shards under it.

His pupils have been dilated, and there is a lot of gas out and little gas in. It is obviously hopeless.

The four soldiers who rushed into the house looked around the house—except for the tattered furniture, there was nothing else in the house, and there was no half-person figure...

"What's going on? What's going on?"

"Kotaro was killed!"

"Did you get killed by Shura?"

"No, I don't know. There's no one in the house."

"Did he escape?"

Dongxiang learned the whole story of Kuanforemen's murder as soon as possible.

Just after listening to the report in Dongxiang, a soldier beside him stammered:

"Hey, hey, couldn't I be killed by something unclean? I was born in Osaka, I heard that once Osaka is at night, there will be a monster that eats human flesh on the streets... "

Before the soldier's words were finished, Dongxiang immediately reprimanded him:

"Don't talk nonsense, even if there are monsters, what's there to be afraid of? We have Western firearms! Even if the big monsters such as Dayuemaru, Shuten Douji, and Nine-Tailed Demon Fox come, we can blast them to slag."

The inexplicably wide forehead made the faces of the remaining 29 people in the group show more or less panic.

Death is often not the scariest thing.

Inexplicable death is the most chilling.

"Alert! Alert!" Dongxiang shouted loudly, "The murderer is undoubtedly Shura! Everyone..."

He hasn't finished speaking yet--


The exact same scene that happened just now reappeared.

Another house "spit out" a knife, piercing the chest of a soldier closest to the house.

The house is like the mouth of a giant beast.

The knife was like the beast's tongue.

After the predatory tongue successfully grabbed the prey, it slammed into the mouth, and the warrior flew backwards like the wide forehead just now and was "swallowed" into his mouth.

An overly terrifying scene made a certain soldier cry out subconsciously.

"Quick! Rush in! Shoot when you see Shura!"

Togo quickly directed the soldiers closest to the house to rush into the house to catch Ogata.

The low rate of fire of the flintlock gun is destined to be precious every shot, and it should not be shot before seeing the enemy.

The five fighters closest to the house filed in with flintlock guns.

The soldier who ran the fastest and rushed into the house first had only just stepped into the house with his front feet. He saw a black shadow descend from above the door frame on the inside of the house and fell on his head.


The soldier heard the sound of bones being broken.

And this cracking sound... came from his neck.

He saw the world in front of him turn around, and for the first time in his life, he saw the scene behind him from a straight-on angle.

And then... there is no then.

The vision was engulfed by the darkness at an astonishing speed, and the body quickly lost consciousness.



Falling from the door frame, he clamped the head of the soldier who had entered the house with his legs, and after turning his head 180 degrees, Ogata fell back to the ground with a neat movement.

The body is still in a very poor state due to the "immortal poison".

The pain was all over the body, the temperature was still rising, and the head was aching and swollen.

Although the body was in pain, Ogata felt that his spirit was very happy.

Because he can finally repay these unidentified enemies.

Tonight was inexplicably attacked by this guy round by round.

Thanks to these bastards, not only did he not get his saber back, but he also couldn't return to A-Ting's side, and there was an additional wound on his leg that was still aching to this day.

In Ogata's mind, there are few unnecessary distractions now.

He has only one thought now.


A blissful revenge.

After Ogata used Shiranui-style jiu-jitsu to take the life of the first fighter who entered the room, the other 4 fighters who wanted to enter the room behind the fighter were subconsciously startled.

At this time, Ogata's attack has been launched.

Ogata did not shoot.

Instead punch.

With the sword in his right hand, Ogata clenched his left hand into a fist and slammed it towards the chest of the second soldier who entered the room.

Good luck!


The fist under the blessing of Yun Jin directly hit the person's chest.

Even if he is in a bad state now, Ogata's strength is far beyond the level of ordinary people.

Luck strength + the level that is far beyond ordinary people = this person can't die anymore.

The broken bones felt smooth to Ogata's fist.

The soldier with a large dent in his chest flew backwards like a cannonball, and hit the other three soldiers behind him like a domino. Road Central.

Flying out with them, there was also Ogata.

In Ogata's right hand he held the brand new sword he had just bought from Ishikawa, and in his left he held the flintlock pistol he got from the warrior he killed with Shiranui-style jiu-jitsu.

Ogata, who "flyed" out of the house at a speed like flying at a low altitude, "landed" in front of a certain soldier.

While landing, Ogata did not forget to use the potential energy of gravity to slash the soldier's forehead heavily, directly smashing his forehead.

With his right hand, he slashed the head of the enemy in front of him, while his left hand aimed the muzzle of the flintlock gun in his palm at the chest of an enemy beside him.


Without looking at the person who was shot, Ogata turned the flintlock pistol in his left hand and aimed it at another soldier.

Although these enemies now carry no weapons other than muskets, making it impossible for Ogata to change his swords, he has now changed his mind.

Since there are no knives to grab, grab their muskets!

Firearms have many other uses besides shooting.

For example, use it directly as a short gun.

Ogata thrust the muzzle of the flintlock gun, which had been emptied, into the mouth of an enemy beside him with brute force.

The muzzle of the gun directly pierced the man's lips, flew several teeth, including his front teeth, into the man's throat, and then left the gun in the man's mouth.

The unfortunate soldier who was pierced by a musket in his mouth rolled his eyes, only breathing out, but not breathing in.

With such a narrow road, there is no terrain more restrictive for the Musketeer than this.

The fighters tried to distance themselves from Ogata so they could shoot.

But they have legs, and Ogata has legs too.

Ogata dodged to the side of the other soldier with a step, then pulled out the Wakizashi with his left hand and pierced the man's chest.

Ogata just used the wakizashi to insert the person's chest, using this person as a shield, and launching a shield attack on the enemy in front of him.

This "shield shock" by Ogata was a sharp slam that poured all the strength of his entire body into it, knocking down and flying the enemies in front of him one by one.

It was precisely because it was a blow with all his strength that Ogata's impact was extremely fast.

In just a split second, Ou Fang rushed to the front of Dongxiang with this soldier.

Dongxiang is now full of fear.

When he saw Ogata staring at this human shield and rushing towards him just now, he subconsciously wanted to escape.

But Ogata's speed was much faster than his.

He just took 2 steps back, and Ogata has already rushed to the position where his sword can cut him down.

The knife light soared into the sky.

The tip of the knife slashed from Dongxiang's chin all the way to Dongxiang's Tianling Gai.

The last sight Togo saw in his life~lightnovelpub.net~ was Ogata's cold eyes.

Looking at these chilling eyes, Togo couldn't help recalling that he had never seen Ogata's strength with his own eyes, so he thought that with a team of 30 people, each team's combat power would be enough to deal with Ogata, so The self who confidently divided his troops into 3 groups...



Ask for a monthly pass! Ask for a monthly pass!

This chapter mentions the power of Ogata, so the author will mention the behind-the-scenes story that he has not told you: this book has an abolished side story. In Songqian Castle, waiting for the time when the stowaways are ready to depart.

The general content is the story of Ogata, whose physical strength, strength, and vitality have grown to an incredible state, and A-machi was accidentally let loose.

Because the content is so extreme that it can't even be posted, so this episode can only be invalidated like this.