I Was a Swordsman in Ancient Japan

Chapter 672: A-cho's classic skin and the new master

Latest website: Osaka, somewhere—

A-Machi and A-Tzu were carrying their luggage and followed behind Genichi and the others.

Yuan Yi, who ran at the front, led the crowd around the streets and alleys of Osaka, and finally stopped in front of the gate of a small Buddhist temple, and then rushed into the temple without any hesitation.

After rushing into the temple, A-cho saw two more familiar faces - Asai and Shimada.

Asai and Shimada, carrying their own swords, walked out of the Buddhist hall in the temple, and Chaoyuan and the others greeted them.

Asai: "Ms. Gen., you guys are finally back. Huh? Miss A-Machi, what's the matter with your appearance? Did you guys also get attacked?"

Shimada: "Ah! Where is Mr. Ogata? Why haven't I seen Mr. Ogata?"

"I'll explain it to you later." Genichi interrupted Asai and Shimada, "The two of you first come to help and move the man and woman on the backs of Mamiya and Makimura into the inner room of the temple. , and then get some water to wake them up."

Mamiya and Makimura were each carrying a woman and a man.

This woman and one man are the commanders Jiezheng and Iga Ninja Aharu, who they captured just now.

Asai and Shimada didn't know where Genichi and Genichi got Jiezheng and Aqing from, but the two of them didn't ask any further questions. They obediently followed Genichi's instructions and worked with Mamiya and Makimura to carry them into the temple. .

"Mr. Genichi." At this time, Azhu looked around with a blank expression, "Is this the temple of your acquaintance?"

"No." Yuan Yi said, "We don't know anyone in this temple at all."

"We just saw that the location of this temple is good, and the people in the temple happened to be frightened by the fire in Osaka at this time, so I just borrowed it for the time being."

A-Machi and A-Tzu both stared at Genichi who made such a violent statement with stunned eyes.

"Mr. Yuan, Yuanyi." Azhu shrank his neck, "We trespassed into Buddhist temples without permission, and forcibly requisitioned other people's Buddhist temples... Wouldn't this be a bad idea?"

"Forcibly expropriated or something, it's too ugly." Yuan Yi smiled and shrugged at A Zhu, "We are not evil ghosts. Don't worry, we will not treat people in this Buddhist temple badly."

After all, Yuan Yi turned to look at the merit box placed not far away.

"These money are regarded as the rental fee for this Buddhist temple."

As Yuan Yi said, he walked slowly to the merit box, and then took out a large amount of money from his arms.

Looking at the big gold sentence in Yuan Yi's hand, A Zhu's eyes were straight.

According to her visual estimation, the money in Yuan Yi's hand was more than twenty taels at least.

More than 20 taels... Not to mention renting the temple, it is more than enough to renovate the entire temple.

Such a huge sum of money, Yuan Yi didn't even look at it, and threw it directly into the merit box...

"A-Ding." After stuffing the huge sum of money into the merit box, Yuanichi turned his attention to A-Ding, "Would you like to take a rest now? I think you have experienced a lot of things tonight. …”

After he finished speaking, Genichi glanced at the bloodstains and sludge on the kimono of Maomachi.

"Ha, you don't need to rest. Don't look at me like this, my physical strength is very good, and I'm not too tired." A-ding lowered his head and looked at the smudges on his clothes, and the fact that he had been barefoot all the time. And the feet that became dirty, "I just need to change clothes."

Having said this, A-Ming put on a serious tone at this time.

"Master Yuan."

"Before that, can you tell me what happened to you tonight? What does the phrase 'did you have an accident' that Mamiya said before mean?"

"Ha..." Yuan Yi smiled with a bit of bitterness and annoyance, "Not only were you attacked tonight, but we were also attacked..."



A-machi is now standing in a side room of a Buddhist temple.

She grabbed the two fronts of the kimono that had been untied from the waistband, and pulled **** the left and right sides, and then pulled down. The thin kimono fell off her smooth skin, revealing a body that could make countless men willing to indulge in it. .

Outside the closed door, there were three people, Yuan Yi, Feng Mo, and A Zhu.

A-cho just changed clothes while listening to Genichi's story of what happened tonight with Fuuma and A-Tzu outside the door.

"A-cho, do you remember that Yukimura?"

"Of course I remember." A-Ming immediately said, "Just the person I just met again during the daytime today."

Yukimura - a wealthy businessman in Osaka who has received many favors from the Gourd House.

Previously, when Ogata and A-cho acted as the guards of "Osaka's first artist" Hatsumi, they met Yukimura for the first time in Shinmachi, and their meeting with Yukimura also indirectly helped Ogata, Makimura, and Mamiya to reunite.

Lin entrusted him to help investigate the "disappearance in Kansai". During the daytime today, he rushed to the residence of Lin and others, and sent a message to the Huluya group and Ogata and A-cho who happened to be there at the time. "It may be related to Koya-san, who is in charge of preaching." Important information.

It was this information that made Rin and Ogata decide to set off for Koyasan tomorrow to investigate.

However, tomorrow has not yet come, and one change after another has occurred tonight, and it can basically declare that the plan to "go to Koyasan tomorrow" has gone bankrupt.

"This afternoon, that Yukimura invited Xiao Lin to come to his house for dinner."

"Yukimura is both Lin's old acquaintance and half of Lin's subordinates. Without Lin's various support and help back then, Yukimura could not have built such a large family business in Osaka in such a short period of time."

"My acquaintance and half of my subordinates invited me to dinner, and I don't have anything urgent to do tonight, so Xiao Lin, who has no reason to refuse, naturally agrees."

"Xiao Lin went to Yukimura's residence alone tonight for a banquet."

"As a result, Xiaolin...that's what happened."

"Not long after Rin went to the banquet, I, Mamiya, Makimura, Asai, and Shimada, who were staying at the hotel, heard gunshots coming from all over Osaka."

"The sound of gunfire in the city of Osaka - this is not normal."

"We were worried about Xiao Lin who was alone now, so we rushed to Yukimura's mansion immediately."

"As a result, after arriving at Yukimura's mansion, we only saw a mess."

"I only saw the servants of the Yukimura family who were in a mess, and I didn't see Xiaolin and Yukimura."

"We only found out what happened after we asked the servants of the Yukimura family in detail."

"Not long after Xiao Lin arrived at Yukimura's mansion, dozens of gunmen with flintlock guns suddenly appeared. They charged aggressively into Yukimura's mansion and rushed towards Xiaolin."

"The frightened servants fled and hid everywhere. Only 2 or 3 people saw the whole process of Xiao Lin's battle with those gunmen."

"Xiao Lin fought bravely against these enemies, knocking down 8 people in one go, but in the end she was overwhelmed because she was outnumbered and couldn't fight the musket."

"It was Yukimura who was subdued together."

"The stunned Xiao Lin and Yukimura were taken away by those gunmen. As for where they were taken, those servants don't know."

"Miss Lin... was taken away by those people?" A-ding, who had just changed half of her clothes, stopped her hands to change her clothes in shock.

"Well..." Yuan Yi nodded lightly, "The enemy knew that Xiao Lin would go to Yukimura's house for a dinner tonight, so it was obvious that this was a premeditated attack, and the robbers knew exactly what Xiao Lin was doing. Chu."

"Xiao Lin was kidnapped by unknown people. Naturally, it is impossible for us to take this kind of thing lightly."

"The hotel we stayed in was too small to do anything. So we borrowed this temple and let Asai and Shimada stay at the temple, while I, Mamiya, Makimura, the three of us came to you. ."

"If you want to get Xiaolin back, the more helpers, the better, so we came to your original intention, just to ask you for help, please help us find Xiaolin."

"And when we were rushing to your hotel, we encountered Ganshi on the way."

"I was eating at my old subordinate's house when I suddenly heard the sound of guns." Fengmo took over at this time, "There are so many guns in Osaka, it's unusual to think about it."

"So I asked my old subordinate to take his family to the outskirts of Osaka as soon as possible, and I came to see your situation, Komachi, and see if you have also taken refuge in the outskirts of Osaka."

"When I was rushing to the hotel where you were staying, I met Yuan Yi, who was also going to find you on the way, so I went with them."

After Feng Mo's voice fell, Yuan Yi once again dominated the right to speak:

"What happened after that, I don't need to go into more details."

"When I came to the hotel where you were staying, I found that your hotel was surrounded by a group of shooters with flintlock guns."

"...So that's how it is..." A Ding murmured, "It's not just A Yi that has an accident, has something happened to Miss Lin too?"

"Who are these people with muskets?" Azhu blinked and interjected, "Why are they both staring at Master Daozhai and Miss Kinoshita? Do they have any common enemies? "

The common enemy of Ogata and Rin - A-cho only thinks of her former old club: Shiranui.

But as far as A-cho knows, even Shiranui in its heyday did not have the ability to equip a flintlock gun on a large scale...

"I don't know who is the mastermind behind those musketeers." Yuan Yi said slowly, "However—if we are lucky enough, we will soon be able to understand the answers to these questions."

"Are you trying to torture the man and woman we captured?" A-cho immediately understood the meaning behind Genichi's words.

"We originally planned to try to capture a few people who seem to be very powerful from the enemy to gather information after meeting with you." Yuan Yi smiled, "I didn't think so, but I was very lucky "Meeting with you" and "catching people to interrogate intelligence" were done at the same time."

"Hopefully we can get enough valuable information from that young couple."

clap clap clap...

At this time, the sound of footsteps from far and near came.

It was Shimada who was running toward them quickly.

"Master Yuan, we have woken up the man and woman with water."

"Oh, thank you for your hard work." Yuan Yi leaned on the knife and slowly got up from the ground.

And at this moment, the door of the side room where A-cho used to change clothes was slowly opened——

"Yeah, Komachi." Feng Mo was taken aback, "Why did you change your clothes?"

"Tonight is bound to be a very busy night." A-Ming smiled slightly, "So it's better to change into something convenient for activities."

"Of all the clothes I bring, this one is the easiest to move around."

"And this dress is also what I used to wear most often. Wearing this dress that is familiar to me can also make me a little more athletic."

The clothes that A-cho is wearing now is her ninja uniform in Shiranui.

In terms of the convenience of movement, there is no fabric on the back and arms of the upper body, and the style of the lower body is similar to the ninja in Shiranui, which is similar to the close-fitting long johns. It is indeed many times better than ordinary kimonos.

This is the first time that A-Tzu has seen A-Ming wearing a ninja suit from Shiranui.

"Ms. A-Ting..." A-Zhu blushed slightly, while looking at A-Ting's bare arms and back, she asked in a low voice, "You won't feel cold in your back wearing this dress. , are you uncomfortable?"

"Although it does feel chilly when the weather is cold, but when the weather is hot, wearing this dress will be very comfortable." A-machi smiled at A-Zhu.



A-Qing, who was dazed, shook her head vigorously to remove the water droplets from her hair and face.

"Aqing! Aqing! How are you?"

The voice of his close friend Jiezheng came from beside him.

"Jiezheng?" Ah Qing turned her head in response to the sound, and saw Jiezheng, who was being **** with five flowers and was soaking wet.

After looking at Jiezheng, Ah Qing looked down at herself again - she was also **** with five flowers now, and she was soaked all over like a chicken in soup.

Ah Qing looked around and found that she was in an unfamiliar room, surrounded by three unfamiliar men.

These three men, who were quite unfamiliar to Ah Qing, naturally asked Shimada to inform Genichi that "the prisoner has woken up", and stayed behind to take care of Jiezheng and Ah Qing's Mamiya, Makimura, and Asai.

"There's really no more convenient way to wake people up than throwing water on them." Asai sighed softly as he threw the empty bucket to the side.

-Why am I here...

Ah Qing frowned slightly, trying to "repair" her memory.

The memory fragments before the coma surfaced in Ah Qing's mind one by one like bubbles spit by a fish.

Followed by Jiezheng to catch the woman who was suspected to be Shura's wife, was attacked by unknown people, and was knocked unconscious by a single stroke...

After "repairing" her memory, Ah Qing's expression changed drastically, and she looked at the three strangers in front of her with vigilant eyes.


At this moment, the sliding door of the room was suddenly pulled open.

The people who entered the door were Genichi and A-cho who had changed their clothes.

"I'm awake already." Yuan Yi glanced at Jiezheng and Ah Qing, then withdrew his gaze, "It shouldn't be too late, let's get started."


After Mamiya, Makimura, Asai, and Shimada said "yes" in unison, they immediately divided into two teams.

Mamiya and Asai worked together to get Aharu out, while Makimura and Shimada stayed in this room.

"What are you doing!" Seeing Ah Qing being dragged out of the house, Jie Zheng immediately roared and struggled to get up.

"Don't move." Makimura rushed forward with a single stride, held down Jiezheng very roughly, and then worked with Shimada to tie him to a piece of tatami that they had just removed.

His limbs were tied to the corners of the tatami, and a clean cloth was placed over his face.

After completing this series of arrangements, Makimura ordered Shimada:

"Pour water."

"Okay, okay." Shimada swallowed hard, then took a bucket full of water next to him with a slightly stiff motion, took the water with a water ladle, and poured it on Jiezheng's face.

When watering Jiezheng's face covered with cloth, Makimura kept pressing down on Jiezheng's head to prevent him from moving.

When the water just poured on Jiezheng's face, Jiezheng was still able to hold back the discomfort.

But after just a moment, Jiezheng began to struggle and groan in pain.

This is exactly what Makimura realized when he was Yuri in Kyoto, through the interrogation of suspects together, the torture method that will make the victims extremely painful: waterboarding.

Last summer, Makimura used this method to torture the enemy and successfully obtained a lot of information.

This torture method is more painful than just punching and kicking.

After letting Jiezheng experience the feeling of being suffocated at any time for a long time, Makimura signaled Shimada to stop watering.

"Pain?" Makimura lifted the cloth covering Jiezheng's face. "If you don't want to suffer like this again, just answer our question - who are you? Who is instructing you."

Jie was coughing hard, snot and saliva dripping down his entire face.

However, despite his appearance, Jiezheng's eyes were still sharp, and he glared at Makimura and Shimada fiercely.

"What do you think...cough! I'll just...cough! Tell you...cough!"

"Well, I think so too." Makimura put the cloth back on Jiezheng's face, "Shimada, then water."



A similar scene is being played out outside the room.

Ah Qing was taken to the other side of the temple where the sound of Jiezheng's torture was not heard, and she was tortured in a place far away from Jiezheng.

After Mamiya and Asai worked together to make her "full" of water, Asai lifted the cloth covering Ah Qing's face.

"Why are you Iga ninjas here? Who is your mastermind? Just answer our questions obediently, and you will no longer suffer!"

Aharu is stronger than Jiezheng.

She glanced at Mamiya and Asai with disdain, then closed her eyes silently, ignoring Mamiya and Asai.

"As expected of a ninja." Mamiya on the side said lightly, "The mouth is not generally strict."

"Then I'll see how long she can hold on. We're in a hurry." Asai put the face towel back on Ah Qing's face, and then poured water onto Ah Qing's face.



When A-machi, Genichi and his party were torturing Jiezheng and Aqing——

Osaka, Longshui Temple——

"Jijiu! Jijiu!" A woman in full clothes walked towards Jijiu with the hem of a kimono.

"It's Madam Lu." Ji Jiu, who was standing by the window with his hands behind his back, turned around slowly, "What's the matter?"

The woman, who Jijiu called the "Branded Woman", was about 30 years old.

The beautiful facial features are covered with coquettish heavy makeup, and the body is dressed in exaggerated and luxurious costumes like an oiran. The blue silk on the head is also pulled into the hairstyle of a noble lady, and all kinds of decorations are inserted into the hair.

She was clearly a woman with such a coquettish appearance and dress, but her tone of speech was extremely rude.

"Jijiu! My mother is so **** boring! When can I give my mother some tasks?"

"Lady Burning." Ji Jiu said lightly, "Don't be impatient. When you need to appear, I will naturally let you appear."

"Even for a moment, I want to be loyal to Lord Toyotomi as soon as possible! I want to help Lord Toyotomi as soon as possible!" As if itching all over, the burnt woman raised her hands and scratched the skin all over her body. Expose pain.

"You obediently obey my orders, you are doing your best to Lord Toyotomi and helping Lord Toyotomi."

"Hey! Jijiu!" The woman's expression suddenly became fierce, and even a few blue veins burst out from her neck, "The tone of your words when you mentioned Mr. Toyotomi just now was not respectful enough! It was not respectful enough!! How can you address Toyotomi-sama with such a weak tone!"

Ji Jiu ignored the hysterical roar of the woman, and turned around with his hands behind his back, facing the window next to him, looking at the fire-filled night view of Osaka outside the window.

"All in all—you stand by me obediently. I promise you, I will give you the task as soon as possible."

"No way!" Madame Lao shouted without hesitation, "I'm getting bored!"

"Aren't the left and right guards looking for the Ogata Ichitosai, but they haven't found it yet? Why don't you let the old lady join the search!"

"No." Yoshihisa said lightly, "Don't make me repeat it so many times, just wait for me. Search for Ogata Ichitosai, it's enough to have left and right guards."

The burnt woman opened her mouth and was about to say something.

However, as soon as she opened her mouth, Ji Jiu blocked her mouth with a sentence:

"Lord Toyotomi has given me full authority to command the front line of this battle."

"You don't want me to report to Toyotomi-sama in the future: Madam Lau doesn't listen to me at all, right?"

Ji Jiu's words made the woman's expression suffocate, and all the words she wanted to say were swallowed back in her stomach.

"...Humph!" Madame Lao gritted her teeth, "Aren't you more favored by Mr. Toyotomi than the old lady! Arrogant ass!"

After leaving behind a lot of foul language, the branded woman left cursingly.

After the woman left, the room finally became quiet.

However, it did not become quiet for long.

"Master Jijiu."

Not long after the woman left, a female voice came from behind Ji Jiu again.

However, the female voice that sounded this time was much gentler and more pleasant than the voice of the woman who burned.

"It's the first light."

It's different from the indifference he faced with Madam Lao just now.

With a faint smile on his face at this time, Ji Jiu slowly turned around and looked at the "Old Osaka No. 1 Artist" who appeared behind Ji Jiu at an unknown time just now and was kneeling on one knee.

"Lord Emon-sama, they have searched all over the river." Hatsumi said softly, "I still haven't found Ogata Ichitosai."

"I haven't found it yet..." Ji Jiu's expression was calm, as if he had expected this result long ago, "The 'surprises' brought to us by Ogata Ichitosai are really one after another...Is there anything else to report? ?"

"No." Chu Guang said.

"... Chuguang, I'll give you a new mission."

"new task?"

"Don't be a 'messenger' anymore, you also go to find Ogata Ichitosai."



"Damn... Damn Jijiu..."

Still swearing, Mrs. Lau ~lightnovelpub.net~ returned to her temporary residence.

Her temporary residence is a small room in Longshui Temple. The layout of the room is quite simple, with almost no furniture, only a few cushions, and a knife holder placed in the corner of the room. A knife and a dagger.

Madam Lao, who returned to the room, looked at the two knives on the knife holder, her eyes softened immediately.

She walked slowly to the side of the knife holder, raised her hand and stroked the two knives on the knife holder.

"I really want to... I really want to use my two new knives to help Toyotomi-sama..."

The two knives being stroked by Mrs. Lao's hand, their hilts and scabbards are made of blue and gold, and they are very beautiful knives.