I Was a Swordsman in Ancient Japan

Chapter 679: A-cho and Mamiya show their operation [6

Although I said yesterday that there will be 8,000 updates today, there is an unexpected situation today. The Spring Festival is a lot of things... Today at noon, I suddenly notified me to go to my relatives' house for New Year's greetings. I don't have enough time to write today, so today's 6500 words, tomorrow will be 8000... QAQ



Ji Jiu didn't like to burn women very much.

This is mainly because of the crazy and extremely irritable character of the branded woman, which makes people really want to stay away.

In the entire Toyotomi army, only Toyotomi Nobuhide was able to get close to the Lao woman normally, and at the same time, only Toyotomi Nobuhide could control this mad dog.

And Ji Jiu didn't like to burn women, and there was a... special reason.

What a burnt woman does is two swords.

What Jijiu hates most is the second sword style.

On that day more than forty years ago.

The day it was destroyed in Iga no Sato. .

A young man with a pair of knives made Ji Jiu deep in his soul, engraved a deep sea-like disgust and... fear for the word "two knives".

Even though he hadn't seen that young man since that day more than forty years ago, Jijiu still remembered the saber used by that man.

I remember that person's look...

Ji Jiu didn't expect that in his lifetime, he would still be able to meet that person's eyes.

The overly strong sense of shock caused Ji Jiu's consciousness to fall into a brief absence.

But in the blink of an eye, Ji Jiu's consciousness was pulled back to reality by two shouts——

"Stop them! Stop them!"

"Go! Don't hold back!"

Three ninjas rushed towards them from behind Genichi and Mamiya.

Yoshihisa, whose consciousness returned to reality, changed his expression, and then hurriedly took out two gun barrels and a gun head from his arms, and yelled at the three subordinates who bravely rushed towards Genichi and Mamiya. :

"Get back!"

Jijiu had issued a warning to his subordinates as fast as he could.

It's a pity...it's still too late.

3 sword lights, light up at the same time.

2 sword lights were issued by Genichi, and 1 sword light was issued by Mamiya.

The three menacing ninjas just now turned into dead corpses on the ground when the sword light fell.

"Tsk...!" Ji Jiu, whose face was blue and white, was already assembling his short gun between the electric light and flint.

The pistol that Jijiu used was a special pistol that could be disassembled into three parts and carried in his arms.

"Brothering woman..." Ji Jiu said in a deep voice, "The troublesome person is here, you..."


Out of the corner of Jijiu's eyes, he caught a glimpse of an extremely long afterimage that swept toward Mamiya like a shooting star.

Mamiya narrowed his eyes and held Vairocana in front of him——


The two knives in the woman's hand collided heavily with Vairocana's Vairocana in midair.

"Haha!" The woman burnt with a smile full of joy, "I've finally encountered something interesting tonight!"

Unlike the powerful force that a woman can emit, it passed along Vairocana's blade to Mamiya's arms, making Mamiya's expression slightly changed.

Just when Mamiya was about to use his force to open the woman's knife—

"Huh?" Mamiya frowned suddenly, "Your knife..."



"Tsk..." Ji Jiu gritted his teeth and cursed in a low voice, "Lady, you really are... a disobedient mad dog...!"

Although he said so, but after scolding in such a low voice, he also clenched the short spear in his hand and rushed towards Yuan Yi just like the burnt woman just now.

He wanted to let the woman burn with him to focus on killing Yuan Yi first, because he knew better than anyone here—if this old man with two knives was not killed as soon as possible, what terrible things would happen. .

Seeing Jijiu rushing towards him, Yuan Yi stood still, spread his feet leisurely, and set up a posture.


The gun head penetrated the air and stabbed Yuan Yi's chest.

Genichi didn't take Jijiu's attack hard.

Using his left foot as an axis, he turned his body in a counterclockwise circle, avoiding Jijiu's attack, and using the centrifugal force brought by his turn, he slashed at Jijiu.

This is the technique that Genichi once taught Ogata - dodge.

The speed of the exchange of offense and defense is dazzling.

Jikuzha exerted force on his feet on the ground, retracted the short spear that he stabbed, and swept the steel spear shaft towards the knife that Yuanichi slashed.


The barrel of the gun stopped Yang Shen's slash.

"Kinoshita Genichi..." Ji Jiu's facial features twisted in a strange way, "How did you find this place...!"



Back in time not too long ago—

Where Osaka, A-cho, Huluya and others hide——

"Ugh...! Uuuu...!"

A steady stream of water poured on Ah Qing's face, whose face was covered with a white cloth, causing Ah Qing to groan in pain.

Seeing that if she keeps pouring water like this, the girl will lose her breath, so Asai hurriedly stopped the hand pouring the water, lifted the white cloth covering Ah Qing's face, and then grabbed Ah Qing by the front of her shirt while shaking Ah Qing forcefully. , while shouting:

"Come on! Who the **** are you! You must have a place like a nest here in Osaka? Tell me now!"

Because of his impatience and anger, Asai's originally handsome face was now extraordinarily hideous.

Ah Qing coughed for a long time, saliva and snot bubbles all came out from the cough, and she finally recovered.

After recovering, the first thing she did was - cast a mocking, disdainful look at Asai.

"Just... this level...? This level is not enough for me to speak..."

The sarcasm and disdain on Ah Qing's face became more intense.

"Why don't you change the torture method?"

"Like cutting me every two breaths?"

"...As expected of a ninja." Mamiya on the side said lightly, "This firm will has to be admired."

"Hey, Mamiya." Asai cast a displeased look at Mamiya, "Why do you still praise the enemy? Mamiya, why don't we change the torture method?"

"Waterboarding is the most painful torture method we can use right now." Mamiya said, "If waterboarding can't make this person submit, then it's useless to use other methods."

"Then what do we do now?"

"Asai, don't be impatient. My lord was taken away, and my anxiety level is no worse than yours."

Mamiya took off the glasses on the bridge of his nose, then took out a clean cloth and tried the lenses.

"Let's continue to interrogate this female ninja step by step now.

Let's wait and see what's going on with Makimura and the others. "

Makimura and the others over there—

"Ugh... puff cough cough!"

Makimura raised his hand to signal Shimada to stop pouring water, and then lifted the white cloth on Jiezheng's face.

Makimura didn't have time to ask anything, and Jiezheng glared at Makimura and Shimada while coughing.

Just looking at his eyes, Makimura and Shimada knew - this person still refused to say anything.

"No way, Makimura-senior." Shimada shook his head at Makimura with a bitter look, "Is there a more severe torture method than waterboarding?"

"Tsk..." Makimura gritted his teeth, "It's really a hard bone..."

Jiezheng, who was tortured by Makimura and Shimada, has been suffering from the painful waterboarding just like Ah Qing.

But he, like Ah Qing, has kept his mouth closed until now, posing a posture of "no matter what, I just won't say anything".

After staring at Makimura and Shimada with fierce eyes for a while, Jiezheng slowly closed his eyes.

His consciousness involuntarily went back to this evening.

Back to this evening, when the battle was about to start tonight, Yoshijiu and others held a mobilization ceremony for the commanders of their musketeer troops.

Jijiu: "Everyone! The day we've been waiting for for a long time! It's finally here!"

The location of the mobilization ceremony was on the outskirts of Osaka.

The mobilization ceremony was presided over by the front-line commander Ji Jiu, and the abbot of Longshui Temple, whose name was Qingcheng.

Yoshihisa is in charge of giving speeches that inspire people.

And that Qingcheng was responsible for going to the commander of each musketeer unit after Jijiu's speech and praying for everyone.

At the same time, each person was also given a stick-shaped magic weapon that was said to have been consecrated by Qing Cheng himself and could bring good luck to everyone.

It is said that the part of chanting sutras, praying for blessings, and presenting magical instruments to each commander was added by Qing Chong's own request. He said that he wanted to do everything he could for the soldiers.

Jiezheng has a deep memory of this Qingcheng, because after Qingcheng finished reading the scriptures and praying for everyone, he would hug that person hard, and then say "I wish you a prosperous martial arts".

The Qingcheng's body and clothes were scented with a special scented incense. When Qingcheng hugged Jiezheng, Jiezheng was directly choked by the strong fragrance on Qingcheng's body and coughed.

In this mobilization ceremony, Jiezheng was deeply impressed by Qingcheng, but not so deeply impressed by Jijiu.

Jiezheng can't even remember what Jijiu said in this mobilization ceremony.

He just remembered - he was very excited.

It was only because of the day he had been waiting for for a long time, the day when Toyotomi Shinhide was going to take action against the Edo shogunate, and the day when the Toyotomi family was going to officially retake the world, finally came.

Jiezheng doesn't have a heavy past, nor does he have any deep hatred for the Edo shogunate.

The reason why he became a member of the Toyotomi Army and served for Toyotomi Nobuhide was only for the most vulgar and ordinary reason—to become a superior person, to become the master of a city and a land.

He was originally an ordinary lower-level samurai from the Sendai Domain, and in this peaceful world, he had little chance to make merit and get rid of his status as a lower-level samurai.

Getting rid of the status of a lower-level samurai is as difficult as ascending to the sky, let alone becoming the lord of a city and a place.

Jiezheng doesn't want this.

He didn't want to spend his life mediocre as a lower-level samurai.

So after he came into contact with the Toyotomi army by chance, he resolutely dragged away from the vassal, left his hometown, and joined the Toyotomi army.

In the Toyotomi Army, he tried his best to improve and hone himself.

All in order to be able to flourish in the Toyotomi army in the future.

Everything is to help the Toyotomi clan regain the world, and he also takes advantage of this wind to become the master of one city and one land through military merit.

Everything is for this dream.

His hard work has not been in vain. Now he is fortunate enough to lead an army of musketeers in action tonight.

Before tonight's battle began, he had made up his mind - no matter what, he would achieve great military exploits in tonight's "Osaka Spring Formation and Discussion Battle"!

If he betrayed Toyotomi's army, his dream of "becoming the master of one city and one land" would no longer be possible.

It is this belief that has made Jiezheng insist, and until now he is unwilling to spit out any information to Makimura and the others.

"One more time!" Makimura roughly put the white cloth back on Jiezheng's face, and then asked Shimada to pour water on Jiezheng's face.

Genichi, Fuuma, A-Ming, and A-Zhu are all in the room where Jiezheng was being interrogated.

Seeing Jie Zheng who was tormented by waterboarding again and shouting "uuuuuuuuu", Azhu couldn't help but murmured, "This person's willpower is really strong..."

"He should have some faith." Feng Mo said on the side, "Because of the support of faith, he has been able to last until now."

"It's troublesome." Feng Mo smiled bitterly and patted Zhengliang's forehead, "This kind of person with firm belief can't let him relax without putting in a lot of effort."

The sooner you can collect valuable information from these people, the sooner you may be able to find and help Ogata, whose whereabouts are still unknown, so what Fengmo said just now made A-cho, who was originally not very good-looking, The expression was even more ugly.

A-machi knew of some interrogation methods that they had passed down from generation to generation.

However, those powerful interrogation methods have extremely high conditions on the venue and tools, and those powerful interrogation methods cannot be used at the moment.

While A-ding frowned, wondering if there was any way to help Makimura and the others to ask for information, out of the corner of her eye, she suddenly caught a glimpse of a strange stick-like thing lying quietly in a corner of the room.

"What is this?" A-Ming walked over slowly and picked up such a thing.

"Oh, this was found from this person." Shimada Asakusa, who was pouring water on Jiezheng's face, pursed his lips, and then explained, "This should be a Buddhist artifact. Because it feels useless. , just throw it there."

A-Ming: "The magic weapon on this person..."

Carrying one or two Buddhist or Shinto instruments to pray for good luck is just a very common thing.

A-machi, who felt that this thing was useless, was about to throw this thing back to its original place——


A-ding's brows suddenly twitched, and then he put the stick-shaped instrument under the tip of his nose and sniffed hard.

"Ms. A-machi, what's wrong?" A-machi, who discovered A-machi's abnormality, wondered.

A-machi did not respond to A-Zhu immediately.

Because she now put her whole body and mind in the memory.

- This taste is...

This stick-shaped instrument exudes a special fragrance.

After smelling this special fragrance, a strong sense of familiarity flooded into A-Machi's heart.

A-machi dared to be 100% sure that he had smelled this smell somewhere not too long ago.

--Where? Where have you smelled this?

A-ding raised his hand and pressed his smooth forehead, searching and piecing together pieces of memory in his mind like a puzzle.

A piece of memory fragment was connected.

A complete "puzzle" finally appeared in A-cho's mind.

She finally remembered.

On the day that Ogata went to participate in the "big trial match", on the morning when A-cho and A-Tsu were idle in Osaka together, she passed by a certain accidental name, Kiyosumi. The old monk has smelled this smell...

A-ding hurriedly threw the stick-shaped magic weapon in his hand aside, then rushed to Jizheng's side, lowered his head, and sniffed **** Jizheng's body.

The smell is very light, but I can still smell a little of that special aroma on Jiezheng's body...

A-cho's sudden and strange behavior made everyone present look puzzled and puzzled.

Genichi's reaction was the fastest - after a brief moment of doubt, he asked A-cho sternly:

"Miss A-cho, have you found something?"

"For the time being..." A-Ming slowly straightened up, "It's...a new discovery that I don't know if it's useful..."

After a while—

"On that man, did you smell the incense specially used by the abbot of Longshui Temple?" Mamiya frowned slightly.

A-Ming, A-Zhu, Fengmo, and Huluwu are now gathered in the Buddhist hall in the Buddhist temple where they are currently hiding.

They gathered together, listening to the new discoveries A-cho had just made.

"Yeah." A-ding nodded lightly, "A-zhu and I met the abbot of Longshui Temple on the street before..."

A-machi explained to everyone how he came across this incense in the first place.

"...At that time, a passerby introduced to me and Azhu: the incense used by Qingcheng, the abbot of Longshui Temple, is his special incense, which is unique in the whole world. Because this smell is very special, so I dare to conclude— —I smelled it right. That man’s magic weapon and the smell on his body are the incense fragrance on Qing Cheng’s body.”

"...But that doesn't mean anything." Asai curled his lips, "Maybe that man just went to that Longshui Temple to worship Buddha before, and then bought a ritual instrument for blessing from the temple. The instrument was produced in Longshui Temple, so it was naturally stained with some clear special incense, and after putting this instrument in his arms, the incense aroma was dyed on the man's body."

"Yeah. That's why I just said to Master Yuan: 'This is a new discovery that I don't know if it's useful or not'..." A-cho smiled helplessly.

"No!" As soon as Ah Ting's voice fell, he heard Mamiya, who was currently frowning, in a deep voice, "Miss Ah Ting, this discovery of yours... is not any information that cannot be assigned to Yongchang."

"Your new discovery is very useful."

"Longshui Temple... If it is Longshui Temple, then it will be easy to explain..."

At this time, everyone focused their attention on Mamiya.

"What do you mean?" Shimada blinked twice, "Senior Mamiya, what do you mean by 'if it is Ryushui Temple, it will be easy to explain'?"

"Tonight's gang of enemies are catching the lord, attacking Ogata-kun, and sabotaging all over the city of Osaka." Mamiya stretched out the index and middle fingers of his right hand to hold his eyebrows, and looked thoughtful, "To carry out so many tasks at the same time, it is impossible to coordinate and command without a unified command post."

"And since it is to organize such a complex operation that covers almost the entire Osaka, it is naturally impossible for the command post to be built in a place that is too remote and extremely inconvenient for personnel."

"If I were to command this series of systems tonight, I would definitely set up the command post somewhere in Osaka with the best geographical location."

"It is best to have a place with a higher terrain, overlooking most of Osaka, and at the same time, it is extremely convenient for people to travel."

"The Longshui Temple is located in Tongmending, which is close to the city center of Osaka. There are countless streets and alleys, whether people, livestock, or carriages can travel here unimpeded."

"Not only that, but the terrain of Longshui Temple is high enough. From Longshui Temple, you can have a panoramic view of most of Osaka."

"Mamiya." Asai's eyes widened at this time, "Why are you so familiar with that Longshui Temple? Have you ever been to Longshui Temple before?"

"I haven't been there, but I'm familiar with Osaka, which is like my backyard to me."

"I used to follow my lord to Osaka to talk business with others, and we walked around in Osaka, because the lord and I were both unfamiliar with Osaka, and we often went the wrong way."

"So in order to facilitate the operation in Osaka, I memorized the map of Osaka."

"In a city as big as Osaka, you can actually memorize its map?" Ah Zhu looked terrified.

"It's not as difficult to memorize as the map of Edo." Mamiya said lightly.

Azhu opened his mouth wide, looked at Ma Gong with a confused look, and then looked at the other people present.

She saw that Makimura and the others all had a calm look, and they didn't seem to be surprised. After listening to what Mamiya said just now, they all said "Oh, so it is", "As expected of Mamiya. " expression.

Are you all right? ! He just said that he had memorized the maps of Osaka and Edo! Why are you all so unsurprising! Is this kind of thing a very common thing——A Zhu asked the crowd with his eyes.

At this time, A-Machi patted A-Zhu on the shoulder.

When Azhu looked up at A-Ming, A-Ming said to A-Ming with his eyes: Just get used to it.

Mamiya's words just now undoubtedly made everyone's expressions serious.

"To sum up the above, I can now make such an assumption-" Mamiya continued at this time, "The enemies may be using Ryushui Temple as their main base. And the abbot of Ryushui Temple and those enemies may be It's a gang."

"In this way, it can be a good explanation for why that man has that magical instrument with clear incense on his body."

"...But, Mamiya." Asai shook his head gently, "This is just your assumption. The whole of Osaka is suitable for use as a command post, and there must be more than Ryushui Temple..."

Asai's words haven't finished yet——

"Okay! Then let's go to Longshui Temple and see the situation at Longshui Temple!"

Genichi's hearty voice interrupted Asai's words.

"Master Yuan?" Asai turned to look at Yuan Yi with a look of astonishment on his face.

The rest of the people also turned their attention to Yuan Yi at this time.

"The two people we captured have kept their mouths shut and refused to reveal the slightest bit of information." Yuan Yi raised his hand and touched the hilt of the saber hanging on his left waist, and said slowly, " It's rare to find a clue now, so it can't be wasted."

"It's better to explore the existing clues instead of staring at the big eyes."

"Maybe that Longshui Temple is really the enemy's main formation."

"What do you think?"

Everyone looked at each other~lightnovelpub.net~ and then nodded one by one.



Time goes back to the present-

After Jijiu called out his name, Yuan tilted his head and looked puzzled:

"I'm sorry, who are you—who are you? Is it my enemy again?"

Genichi's rhetorical question made Ji Jiu's expression startled at first, and then he let out a self-deprecating laugh:

"Don't you know me... That's right. After all, on the day Iga no Sato was destroyed 41 years ago, I was just an ordinary pawn. How could you remember me as a Sword Saint."

When the sound fell, Ji Jiu gritted his teeth and instilled powerful power into the short spear in his hand.

Ji Jiu used 60% of his strength in one breath, and wanted to use this one breath to knock Yuan Yi away.

But who knows - Yuan Yi's feet, and the sun **** who is holding his gun barrel are not moving at all.

Not only does he stay still, but he also has the leeway to express his emotions:

"Iga... So that's the case... Are you also a living undead in Iga no Sato..."

"Hey! You two!"

At this moment, a squeak sounded abruptly, attracting everyone's attention.

The master of this sweet drink struggled to sit up, and then shouted to Yuanichi and Mamiya:

"Both of them have incomplete undead bodies!"

"They only have brains and can't regenerate! Cut their heads! Or give them enough damage! As long as you give them enough damage in a short period of time, they will die too!"



About the plot of A-cho's first encounter with Qingcheng Kaoru, it is located in Chapter 635. Those who forget this plot can go back and watch it.

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