I Was a Swordsman in Ancient Japan

Chapter 687: Ogata: Do you know what despair is? 【S

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The angry face, the face distorted by fear or pain, the bright gun, the blood scattered in the air—these scenes were mixed, and they passed through Yubei's field of vision.

There were enemies all around, and at the same time the ninja Iga, who was agile, was wandering around, so Ogata didn't dare to let go of Isshiki, and could only hold her in his arms.

He needs to hold Ishiki with one left hand, and only one right hand can grasp the knife.

But he was stunned to use this knife to forcefully wield the effect of 6 knives.

Front, left, right, rear... No matter which direction the enemy is located in Ogata, it is difficult to avoid Ogata's sword.

When the musketeers launched a long-range shot at Ogata, there was nothing they could do about Ogata, not to mention that they were now approached by Ogata.

The forehead was opened.

The neck was cut off.

The chest cavity is pierced.

Ogata rushed left and right in the enemy group, going left and right, his long sword was shining, and the wind was blowing from his feet. .

He raised his head proudly, and ripped apart the crowd of enemies gathered together from one end, no one could stop him.

In just a moment, 30 people fell to the ground and stopped moving.

Being slaughtered like cattle and sheep—even though these musketeers are well-trained elites, it is difficult to defy this sense of despair and powerlessness like a mountain topping down.

The musketeers began to confuse.

Some are running away.

Others glared fiercely and aimed their guns at Ogata, ready to fight hard.

Out of the corner of Ogata's eyes, he caught a glimpse of a certain musketeer pulling the trigger on him not far to his right.

The moment the projectile was ejected, and the trajectory of the projectile flying in the air, Ogata could see it clearly.

And this is also the reason why the guns of these musketeers have not hit Ogata until now.

In the past, even in the "realm of no-self", it was difficult to clearly see the trajectory of the bullet, but in the eyes of Ogata now, there is nothing to hide.

Who is shooting, where are the bullets going, all can't escape Ogata's eyes and ears.

The rapid reaction and agility that Ogata currently possesses allows him to immediately make evasive or defensive actions the moment he discovers the trajectory of the bullet.

Just like now—Ogata moved his body back a little, and then dodged the bullet fired by the musketeer on his right. While dodging, he also slashed the knife in his hand and released the person beside him. He poured down, and then swept to the right with his right elbow, making a close contact with the other person's face with his right elbow.

The right elbow felt the touch of broken bones - the bridge of this guy's nose was completely punched into his face, with the root of his nose as the center, the whole face of this man was sunken in a large piece in the center, and his facial features were blurred. became a group.

Arms, legs and feet can easily use strength far superior to the past, and the power currently possessed in his body makes Ogata feel a little scared.

Such a powerful force naturally makes every part of Ogata's body an efficient murder weapon.

A simple punch and a kick can kill a person, and the appearance of death is very tragic.

"Come on! Come on! Kill him! Kill him!"

Ogata raised his eyes and glanced at the man who was shouting "Get up, get up quickly" - this person was a commander-level person at first glance.

No matter when, you must capture the thief first - after fighting countless battles with one enemy and many enemies, this principle is deeply embedded in Ogata's blood and DNA.

From the very beginning, Ogata did not aimlessly rush and kill.

He has been consciously moving towards someone who looks like a commander.

The commander who just shouted "Get up, get up," is now about ten steps away from Ogata.

After confirming the person's location, Ogata immediately turned into a hurricane and quickly approached the commander while "smashing" the enemy in his way.

This commander is also a **** man.

He didn't turn around and run away, but stared at his eyes that shone fiercely, orderly and loudly ordered the dozen or so musketeers who had just gathered in front of him and who were still fighting:


At the moment when he was about to spit out the last syllable of "fire", Daoguang, came.

Ogata and Isshiki's robes fluttered.

A semi-arc knife light was drawn, which cut off the air.

When the chopped air was reconnected, the dozen or so musketeers who stood in front of the commander all fell to the ground, either stopped moving, or stopped moving after a while.


The commander, whose consciousness had not yet reacted, spat out the last syllable of "fire".

At the same moment when the voice fell, a knife light from bottom to top slashed into his chin.

Ogata's original intention was to cut this person's head in half directly from the bottom up.

But after the blade cut all the way to the bridge of his nose, the blade stopped cutting.

It's not that Ogata is out of strength.

But the blade is no longer sharp.

The knife that Ishikawa exchanged for him has accompanied Ogata all the way from the war in the dilapidated neighborhood to the present. The damage of the blade has been extremely serious. Now that it is covered with a thick layer of blood and fat, the sharpness is greatly reduced. .

No matter how powerful a person is, he cannot cut the thick flesh with a ruler.

Seeing that the person's head could not be cut in half smoothly, Ogata's brows wrinkled slightly, and then he changed it to a front thorn, stabbed the back of his forehead from the bridge of the nose, and then pulled the knife back.

The commander's death had an immediate effect—the order of the surrounding musketeers collapsed at a speed visible to the naked eye due to the loss of the commander's control.

The number of people who fled in all directions rose in a straight line.

Those who still want to fight, because they have no command, they fight on their own.

A large number of people were accidentally injured, which further deteriorated the order.

Left and right guard, who had been watching the battle closely, was now completely unable to sit still.

He clenched the big naginata in his hand tightly, and then said quickly to the second division commander beside him:

"I'm going to hold Ogata Ichitosai later, you and the other commanders quickly take the opportunity to reorganize the troops!"

Left and right guards have already understood - if Ogata continues to make trouble like this, their musketeer unit will collapse.

After the battle in the "shabby district" just now, not to mention those who have faced Ogata directly, even those who have not fought against Ogata, have a hard time waving away from this monster that made them seriously attenuated. fear.

But now, Ogata's easy dodging of bullets, and the horror that he could knock out a person's brains with a single punch, made the musketeers' fear grow exponentially.

If the troops collapse, then they will lose.

Right now, there is only one way that Yuemon can think of to solve this dangerous situation - try to entangle Ogata, and then let the various groups take the opportunity to regroup and regroup.

Only by doing so can we have a chance to regain a city.

Otherwise, continue to let Ogata continue to rage like this, and the collapse of the troops will only be a matter of time.

And now, the only person who has the ability to entangle Ogata... is the left and right guard.

The commander of the 2nd division is not a mother-in-law, and he also has the same judgment as Yoemon: if they don't try to regroup the team quickly, they will lose.

So after Left and Right's voice fell, the commander of the 2nd Division nodded vigorously, and then responded with a "hmm".

Immediately afterwards, the left and right guards said in a deep voice:

"At any time, the priority must be to complete the task assigned by Toyotomi-sama."

"As long as you can complete the task given by Mr. Toyotomi, even if it costs your life."

"So, when I go to entangle Ogata later, I will try to create the best shot possible."

"After hearing me say 'fire', no matter what happens, even if I'm standing next to Ogata Ichitosai, you should quickly fire at Ogata."

The 2nd Division Commander's expression changed slightly, he turned his head and looked at the left and right guards with complicated eyes, then nodded: "Yes. I see."

After explaining all of this, the guards on the left and right held the Great Naginata high: "Get out of the way! Get out of the way!"

After retreating all the subordinates in front of him, Emmon's huge body immediately pressed towards Ogata like a mountain.

While the left and right guards were attacking Ogata, the commander of the 2nd division waved his hand quickly: "Everyone obeys! Take me as the center, form the team! Those who disobey the order, kill!"

After seeing the acquaintance of Yoemon rushing towards him, and the commander of the 2nd division ordering the whole team, Ogata immediately understood what they were going to do.

Of course he wouldn't just watch the Musketeers get back in order, but he couldn't just ignore the guards.

Therefore, after slightly tightening the left palm that was holding Isshiki's sensual left thigh, holding Isshiki more stably, and saying "hold me tight" to Isshiki's ear, Xu said. Fang lowered his body's center of gravity, and took the initiative to meet the left and right guards as if he was about to slide on the ground.

Isshiki has been wanting to vomit since just now.

Ogata hugged her left and right, jumping up and down, making her head dizzy.

But even though she was quite uncomfortable, she didn't make any complaints to Ogata, she didn't even say a word to Ogata, she kept her mouth shut, for fear that if she spoke, it would distract Ogata.

She clenched her legs together, clenched her two small feet together, and wrapped her arms around Ogata's neck. She did everything she could to shrink her body into Ogata's arms, trying not to give Ogata's cause too much burden.

At the same time, she will still arch her back hard, and her right face is close to Ogata's left shoulder socket. Even though her back is very sore now, she does not dare to stretch her waist, worrying about some two groups of semi-circular objects. It will block Ogata's vision again.

With his tall arms and long arms, the left and right guards who are also holding a long weapon such as the big naginata sword are naturally the one who will attack Ogata first.


With the left foot as the axis, the left and right guards turned their bodies, and drove the large naginata sword in their hands to slash from the lower right to the upper left towards Ogata's left body, preparing to cut the two of them in half together with Isshiki.

Right at the beginning of the war, the left and right guards saw Ogata's two major weaknesses - the sword in his hand was no longer usable, and he was holding a Isshiki flower in his arms.

Left and right guards don't believe it - with a big living person in his left arm, Ogata's left body movements will not be affected in the slightest.

So just now, while holding the Naginata sword high and pounced on Ogata, the left and right guards have drawn up a battle strategy - with the left half of Ogata's body as the main attack direction, and try to destroy Ogata's katana.

Yoemon's idea was brilliant.

And his judgment is not wrong. No matter how strong Ogata is now, he can use his left hand to hug a tall adult woman, and his movements will not be affected at all.

It's just...he got it wrong.

He miscalculated the physical quality that Ogata currently possesses...

The big naginata slashed out and blew up clouds of dust and whirlwinds, and it was an extremely ferocious blow.

Ogata moved his feet lightly to the side as if he was jumping a big rope, and easily avoided it.

Before Ogata dashed into the position where his sword could slash at the left and right guards, the left and right guards turned the big naginata again and slashed towards Ogata in the other direction.

Ogata flashed past with ease again, as if jumping a big rope.

The process of dodging Yoemon's attack—there's nothing worth detailing.

After seeing the trajectory of the left and right guards swinging the sword, and hiding in the place where the sword can't cut - it's that simple.

Previously, in Ogata's eyes, Yogata's attack was a ferocious attack that required concentration.

And now... No matter how fast the swords of the left and right guards are, can they still be faster than the bullet speed?

Dodging 2 slashes from Yoemon in a row, Ogata approached right in front of Yoemon—

Sakakihara's Sword of Swords Dragon's Tail!

The blade slashed towards the left and right Ememon's neck.

Ogata naturally won't eat it a second time after eating the loss that he pierced Left and Right's neck and heart without killing him.

He didn't know if Yoemon had any weaknesses.

So he decided to try any possible weakness.

Let's start by cutting his head.

How fast is Ogata's sword? The air that was chopped by the blade made a harsh whimper.

Looking at the blade coming straight towards his neck, the pupils of the left and right guards shrank violently, and then retreated with a very embarrassing movement, narrowly avoiding Ogata's slash, and the blade only smashed through. the flesh on his chest.

Ogata's eyebrows twitched slightly as he watched the left and right guards fleeing backwards in a hurry.

"Are you afraid of your head being chopped off?"

After muttering softly in a tone of self-talk, Ouichi took a step forward, approached Eemon again, and slashed at this "giant" with his sword again.

The sword was raised high, blocking the moonlight, and slender shadows were cast on the eyes of the left and right guards, whose eyes were increasingly full of fear.

- Watch me break your knife!

The left and right guards gritted their teeth, took a half step back, and then used all of their strength to smash the sword that Ogata had chopped with the iron shank.

Left and right guards are full of confidence - if he hits this, he will definitely be able to smash the tattered sword in Ogata's hand!

He thought so with confidence.

However—he knew that this blow of his own could break Ogata’s sword, wouldn’t Ogata himself know?

When the two weapons were about to meet, Ogata relied on brute force to stop the sword in his hand, and then used superb skills to turn the sword around and avoid the smashing sword from the left and right guards. The blade slashed towards the right arm of the left and right guards holding the sword.

The left and right guards, whose eyes instantly surged in terror, hurriedly retreated again, and once again narrowly escaped Ogata's slash, so that the right arm would not be cut off, and only a little of the flesh of the right arm was cut.

Ogata's batter followed.

Left and right guards, who did not believe in evil in their hearts, swung the sword again and tried to smash Ogata's sword again.

But a scene very similar to just now reappeared - when the two weapons were about to collide, Ogata relied on his current astonishing strength, combined with his outstanding skills, to forcibly change the direction of the sword, avoiding the collision with the left and right guards. At the same time, he hit his body.

There was another wound on left and right Emmon's body.

Ogata's attacks continued one after another.

On the other hand, left and right guards had no chance to attack Ogata except for the first two swings at Ogata.

He also tried to see the opportunity to counter Ogata.

But before he could attack, Ogata's sword came again.

There is only power left to fight, but no power to fight back—this sentence can be used to describe the current left and right guards.

He focused all his energy on protecting his head - if he hadn't, he might have died many times just now.

But because he focused all his energy on protecting his head, he had no time to take care of the rest of his body.

One after another wounds spread all over the body of the left and right guards.

Although the "undead power" in his body has been repairing his body diligently, the speed of repair has not kept up with the speed of injury.

As soon as one wound was repaired, two more wounds appeared immediately.

Before that, he had been able to fight back and forth with Ogata, but now less than an hour has passed, and he was beaten from one side to the other and completely at a disadvantage.


Horrified, confused, and shocked, Yoemon let out a meaningless moan in his heart uncontrollably.

Right at this moment, Yoemon suddenly realized that Ogata didn't look like a perverted physique that a human could achieve at this time, it was very similar to someone...

"Lord Toyotomi..."

Left and right guard involuntarily read the man's name softly at a volume that only he could hear.

last in the queue —

"Hurry up! Hurry up and rearrange the formation! Did you forget the training content you learned on the training ground?"

The commander of the 8th Division roughly instructed his subordinates to rearrange the formation.

In normal times, the musketeers could rearrange the gun formations in the blink of an eye.

Then at this moment, when morale was quite low, their movements and thinking abilities became dull.

Until now, the 8th group under his command has not been able to put out anything that can be called "array".

The too bad battle situation makes the commander of the 8th Division also full of anxiety now.

"Give you 5 breaths! Hurry up and form a neat 3-line gun formation for me!" The commander of the 8th Division shouted hysterically, "Otherwise, military law..."

"Ah ah ah ah ah-!"

A sudden scream from the rear interrupted the commander of the 8th Division.

-what happened again?

With that in mind, he turned his head to look behind him.

However, as soon as he turned his head, he saw a purple sword light that filled his vision.

Left and right guards kept defending and dodging.

After once again evading the Ogata sword guarded across the chest by Yoemon, the target of Ogata's attack was Yoemon's belly.

Ogata intends to slash the left and right guards in half.

He wanted to see if the big man could grow a new lower body after cutting him in half.

Left and right guard subconsciously wanted to dodge back as usual.

But if you keep it for a long time, you will lose it, which is an eternal truth.

This time, the left and right guards missed.

Just as his right leg took half a step back, the sharp pain from the base of the leg made the left and right guard's body uncontrollably sluggish for a moment - just now, his right leg was cut by Ogata at the base of the leg. A very deep wound has yet to heal.

In this level of battle, even a momentary mistake can be fatal.


The blade sank deeply into the left flanks of Left and Right, and the blade pushed towards the left flanks of Left and Right.

However, the blade came to a stop when it reached the position of the left and right guards about the navel.

It's the same reason that the commander's head couldn't be chopped in half just now - the knife is useless.

An overly blunt blade, entangled in skin and tough muscles.

Someone's stomach was cut in half—this severe pain made the consciousness of the left and right guards go into a trance.

But this severe pain also aroused the blood of left and right guards.

He knew that with his current ability, he must not be able to catch Ogata, whose physical fitness was extremely perverted.

So - he chose to grab something else with a better chance of grabbing it.

He threw the big naginata aside, used all his strength, stretched out his big fan-like hands, and grabbed the blade of the blade that was currently inserted in his body, preventing the blade from passing through his body. Leaving, and then, at the highest volume he could achieve, he shouted:


Completing Toyotomi Nobuhide's mission is the top priority no matter what—he had already told the commander of the 2nd Division before.

Having made up his mind that his head was accidentally smashed by a stray bullet, Yoemon has made up his mind—at the very least, Ogata will lose his sword!

The commander of the 2nd Division has been paying close attention to Yoemon's orders.

At present, nearly half of the troops have not been able to regroup.

After hearing the instructions to fire from the left and right guards, the commander of the 2nd Division immediately ordered the musketeers who had already lined up the gun array without hesitation:

"Aim at Shura! Fire!"

Click, click, click, click...

A flintlock pistol was aimed at Ogata, who was still slashing the sword into Left and Right's belly.

-come on!

Left and right guard yelled fiercely in his heart.

- Do you want to give up this knife and quickly take the woman away from the incoming bullet, or stand here stupidly and be smashed into a sieve by the bullet!

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After shouting like that in Yu's heart, Yogata put all the weight of his body on the sword that was still in his stomach, and did everything he could to prevent Ogata from withdrawing his sword.

The left and right guards were full of anticipation, ready to watch Ogata abandon the sword and dodge the barrage that was about to whistle with Isshiki.


"Ayi! Next!"

He suddenly heard a high-pitched scream.

Immediately afterwards, he saw two slender objects, one long and one short, thrown from a short distance, crossed two low parabolas, and fell towards Ogata's head.

And when these two slender objects fell on Ogata's head, the left and right guard finally saw what these two things were - two blue and gold swords.

Ogata and Yoemon showed the same expression—shocked.

Immediately afterwards, the expressions on the two people's faces changed drastically—Ogata's shock turned to joy, and left and right Emmon's shock turned to fear.

At the same moment when these two swords were about to hit Ogata's head—

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom…

The sound of gunshots exploded like a burst of beans.

Countless bullets, UU reading www.uukanshu.com formed a barrage, roaring towards Ogata.

A large number of bullets hit the ground, stirring up clouds of dust, covering the figures of Ogata and others.

Subsequent bullets sank into the dust and slammed into the spot where Ogata was standing just now.

The sound of the imaginary bullet piercing into the flesh... only came from the direction where the left and right guards were standing.

It came from Ogata... like the sound of gold and iron hitting, and the strange sound of something being split.

The bullets that can be fired have been fired in one go.

The people headed by the 2nd group waited eagerly for the dust to dissipate with anticipation and a bit of fear in their eyes.

Before the dust had dissipated, they waited first... A sigh with mixed emotions:

"A-Ming, thank you...for helping me bring the knife again."


I saw a flash of white light in the dust!

The flickering white light blew up a strong wind pressure, blowing away the surrounding dust.

In the scattered dust, two swords, one long and one short, emit a dazzling and dazzling light, as if they are attracting all the darkness around them!



A 6600-character chapter without any moisture, asking for a monthly ticket is not too much (Leopard Headache Cry.jpg)

Ask for a monthly pass! Ask for a monthly pass! Ask for a monthly pass!

PS: At the end of the last chapter, in the paragraph "Ogata's field of vision is blocked by a semi-circular object", why didn't book friends post some pictures? (Furious.jpg), the author expressed his disappointment... Do you know the mistakes you made? Many people may not understand what kind of scene that is. I will give you a chance to go to that paragraph and add some pictures.