I Was a Swordsman in Ancient Japan

Chapter 703: The twisted fans of Ogata 1 Tozai appear

The latest website: Koyasan, Xianyuan Temple——

After taking a few steps to run, Ogata leaped over in one breath, and with the help of gravity, he slashed down the sword that was held high above his head, and slashed towards someone who had been squatting on the beam just now and had been attacking Ogata with a shuriken.” monk".

"Monk" subconsciously wanted to dodge, but his movement speed was far less than Ogata's sword speed.

Blood splashes.

Ogata fell back to the ground together with the "monk" who was no longer alive.

After killing the "monk", Ogata hurriedly took the knife and ran to a nearby corridor.

Came to the corridor and looked inside the corridor - this corridor has three forks, and at each fork, no one was seen.

"Tsk..." Ogata curled his lips, "Did you let Master Xianyuan escape... This Xianyuan Temple is too big..."

Since just now, "monks" armed with various weapons have been attacking Ogata.

Ogata did not count the number of enemies coming, but he estimated that there should still be twenty of them. .

Of course, these "monks" were not Ogata's opponents, and they were basically killed by Ogata one by one.

It's just - although they can't beat Ogata, they can still do it to buy time for Master Xianyuan to escape.

After all, no matter how powerful Ogata was, it would take more than ten seconds to kill more than twenty enemies.

And Xianyuan Temple happens to be very big.

There were so many forks in the road that Ogata's head was almost dizzy.

In an area where you are not familiar with the ground conditions, it is naturally extremely difficult to pursue a person who is familiar with the ground conditions.

Therefore, it is quite a pity - there are "monks" who buy time for them to escape, and there are complex terrains as cover, and Ogata has now completely been unable to find Venerable Master Xianyuan.

"Forget it..." Ogata muttered while shaking his saber, "Let him escape and escape... Anyway, Master Xianyuan is not that important."

After muttering, Ogata turned his head and looked around.

Surrounding him were the "monks" who had just been killed by him.

The Xianyuan Temple at the moment is extremely quiet, which is in stark contrast to the noise just now.

The roars and shouts of the "monks" when they attacked Ogata, the screams and wailing of the normal monks hurriedly fleeing outside the temple... These sounds were interwoven into the noise and chaos just now.

After Ogata entered Xianyuan Temple, the news of "thugs attacking Xianyuan Temple" immediately spread like a powerful epidemic disease throughout Xianyuan Temple.

There are still many normal monks in this Xianyuan Temple.

After they heard that their temple had been attacked, many people hurriedly took courage, followed the sound and rushed to Ogata to check the situation and see who dared to be presumptuous in Xianyuan Temple.

After seeing Ogata's face, and seeing Ogata beheading their "companions" like chopping melons and vegetables, and the holy temple was covered in blood, their expressions immediately changed greatly, and their expressions panicked and panicked. Fleeing outside the temple, fleeing in the direction away from Ogata.

At this moment, looking at the extremely quiet surroundings, Ogata guessed that all the normal monks in this monastery should have run away.

And those members of the Toyotomi clan who were lurking in Xianyuan Temple disguised as "monks" should have been killed by him, and those who were not killed by him should have all escaped.

--All right……

Ogata clenched Da Shitian in his hands, secretly thinking in his heart.

——Now... just stay here and wait for the reinforcements from the Toyotomi clan to arrive...

——I don't know how A-cho and Gen-sama are doing on their side...

pat, pat...

Unexpectedly——Ogata suddenly heard the sound of footsteps coming from behind him.

Ogata, who has been in a tense state since his nerves attacked Xianyuan Temple, hurriedly raised his sword and turned around, mistaking him for a new enemy killing him, and following the sound of footsteps, he stabbed his sharp sight.

However——Ogata quickly raised his brows after piercing his gaze to see the face of the owner of the footsteps, his sharp gaze softened immediately.

The owner of the footsteps was an old monk with a goatee, a wrinkled face, and a whole cheek like a dry orange peel.

The age of this old monk was terrifyingly old, and Ogata felt that he was at least 80 years old. Not only was his cheek covered with layers of wrinkles, but even the goatee hanging on his chin was all gray.

Ogata looked at the old monk carefully. He didn't see any weapons on his body, but only saw a small wooden Buddha statue in his arms.

The old monk just strode towards Ogata while holding the wooden Buddha statue tightly.

As he walked towards Ogata, he stared at Ogata fiercely with his eyes full of anger.

"Ogata Ichitosai!"

"what you up to?!"

"Do you know what exactly you are doing now?!"

"Do you know where this place is?!"

"How dare you attack my Buddhist holy place!"

"You are already the enemy of the DPRK! Do you want to be the enemy of the Buddha now?!"

The "Old Monk with Goatee Beard" sent out a series of angry shouts at Ogata like a cannonball.

——This old gentleman...should be an ordinary monk from Xianyuan Temple...

Seeing that this person did not seem to be a member of the Toyotomi clan, but a normal monk from Xianyuan Temple, Ogata silently put down the sword he raised.

However, he didn't completely let go of his guard, his nerves were still tense, ready to counter when the "Old Goatee Monk" planned to do something to him.

"Sir." Ogata said, "Get out of here..."

Before Ogata finished speaking, he was interrupted by the "goatee old monk":

"I do not go!"

"Why should I submit to a villain like you?"

"Ogata Ichitosai, I'm so disappointed in you."

At this moment, there was a hint of sadness in the tone of "Old Monk with Goatee Beard".

"Although you were listed as an enemy of the imperial court by the imperial court and the shogunate, I don't hate you."

"Not only do I not hate you, but I have always respected you."

"I have always seen the corruption of the Edo Shogunate."

"The lives of the people of Limin are getting more and more difficult, and the warriors who should protect the people are becoming more and more incompetent."

"You can be intimidated by the power of the Edo Shogunate, and no one dares and can give a loud blow to the Edo Shogunate—until you appear!"

"Although your attack on Nijo Castle and the defeat of the shogunate army is a bit extreme, I still think you are a hero!"

"A hero who dared to say no to the Edo shogunate, dare to fight against the Edo shogunate!"

"I always thought that your appearance and your repeated blows to the Edo shogunate might force the Edo shogunate to reform! Change the rotten style!"

"But who knows - you have done something that is inferior to a pig and a dog today!"

"I ask you: where did our Xianyuan Temple and our Koya Mountain offend you?"

"Why do you want to do such a brutal act here today? Kill the monks of my temple?!"

The more this "goatee-bearded monk" spoke, the more excited he became and the more excited his tone became.

Until the voice was about to fall, the goatee hanging on his chin was shaking because he was too emotional and too excited.

——This old gentleman... turns out to be my fan...

Looking at the old monk who had been glaring at him, Ogata, who had a look of helplessness on his face, secretly said in his heart:

——If I don't explain it to him briefly, this old gentleman probably won't leave...

After Gu Yu let out a silent sigh, Ogata said slowly:

"Sir... I'll tell you this: there are a group of brutal outlaws secretly lurking in Koya Mountain, preparing to use Koya Mountain as a stronghold to do illegal things."

"The reason why I came to Koya Mountain today is to deal with these thugs lurking in Koya Mountain."

"Master Xianyuan of your Xianyuan Temple is one of those thugs' companions."

"Look carefully at these 'monks' who were brought down by me just now."

Ogata pouted towards the corpses on the ground not far away.

"See those guys in their hands?"

"Shuriken, Wakizai, Kunai, Lock sickle..."

"Is this a weapon a monk would have?"

"Can you monks in Xianyuan Temple carry so many murderous weapons with them?"

"These people are the outlaws I just mentioned. They disguised themselves as monks and lurked in Xianyuan Temple. They are the real thugs."

"The Venerable Master is the thug's companion? Impossible!" "Old Goatee Monk" retorted without hesitation, "I have known the Venerable Master for decades! I know the Venerable Master all too well! How could he possibly be a thug? ?!"

"Then let me ask you—" Ogata pressed, "how do you explain that these 'monks' who were brought down by me are holding so many weapons that are not possessed by monks at all?"

"..." The "goatee old monk" fell silent.

He looked at Ogata, and then at the weapons held by the "monks" on the ground next to him.

The expression gradually became weird.

With anger and blood, he just came to confront Ogata with the Buddha statue in his arms.

Because he was in a hurry to confront Ogata, and he was blinded by anger, he didn't notice at all - his "companions" who were killed by Ogata were all armed with weapons that monks could not have possessed. ...

After being questioned by Ogata in a very calm tone, the "Old Monk with Goatee Beard" gradually regained his composure and thought.

"It's okay if you don't believe me. It doesn't matter what you think of me." Ogata then continued, "Anyway, get out of here quickly. It's quite unsafe here."

"After a while, there should be a large group of people killing... eh?"

Ogata's brows suddenly wrinkled, and then he sniffed hard.

At this time, the "goatee old monk" also made a very synchronized action with Ogata: frowning and sniffing.

At first, Ogata thought it was his own delusion.

But after sniffing hard and sniffing the odor wafting in the air, Ogata was convinced that he hadn't smelled wrong.

In the air... there is indeed a more and more intense burnt smell...

Ogata, who immediately had a strong sense of foreboding in his heart, hurried to the window not far away in three and two steps.

And the "goatee old monk" made a very synchronized action with Ogata at this time, and ran towards the window with Ogata.

Arriving at the window and looking out the window - the scenery outside the window changed the expressions of Ogata and the "Old Monk with Goatee" beside him.


They saw the fire.

A lot of flames ignited from the woods behind Xianyuan Temple.

The flames rushed through the woods like a torrent, engulfing everything the flames touched.

In the blink of an eye, a big tree was drowned by a pillar of fire, and there was a sound of wood cracking, as if it was groaning in pain. A large number of sparks were stirred up in the air.

"It's on fire..." The "goatee old monk", whose face was bloodless, muttered with a dull expression.

Ogata regained his composure after a brief moment of shock.

"...Tsk." After thinking for a moment, Ogata gritted his teeth, "Are you coming for this trick...!"



Koyasan, where Hasegawa and others were imprisoned—

Hasegawa, who was sitting cross-legged on the ground with his eyes closed, rubbing his left wrist with his right thumb, suddenly heard very intensive footsteps outside the cell.

Opening his eyes, he looked outside the prison—a dozen or so members of the Toyotomi clan with anxious expressions on their faces, all with flintlock guns in their hands, appeared from the end of the corridor outside the prison.

"Quick! Quickly take them all away!"

A certain young man with slender eyes and a pair of knives and wakizashi on his waist shouted to the crowd around him, while he took off a bunch of keys from his waist, and then quickly He walked to the door of Hasegawa's cell, took out one of the keys, and unlocked the iron lock on the gate of Hasegawa's cell.

As soon as the lock was unlocked and the door opened, four of Toyotomi's followers rushed in immediately.

Three of them restrained Hasegawa, and the other pulled Hasegawa's hands behind him, and then tied Hasegawa's hands tightly with a hemp rope.

"What are you doing?" Hasegawa didn't resist, only frowned and asked, "Where are you taking me?"

"Don't worry about this kind of thing." The slender-eyed young man responded impatiently.

When his subordinates went to tie Hasegawa, the slender-eyed young man unlocked the cell door of Shishizhizhou's family with a key, and then the Isshiki family also followed Hasegawa's --- the Toyotomi's department who filed in People, bind their hands firmly behind their backs.

"Quick! Take them away!"

The slender-eyed youth waved his hand.

"Bring them all to the shore at once!"

Toyotomi's followers pushed Hasegawa and Isshiki Naoshu and others out of the cell. They were forced to form a column, and the young man with narrow eyes held the knife at his waist, like a mother. Like ducks leading ducklings, they struttingly led Hasegawa and the others to the outside of the prison.

"What do you mean by 'coast' just now?" Hasegawa lowered his head slightly and asked the slender-eyed young man in front of him, "Which coast are you taking us to by boat?"

"I said it just now." The slender-eyed young man suppressed his impatience and roared in a low voice, "Don't worry about this kind of thing! Just follow us obediently, that's all!"

"...What about my subordinates?" Hasegawa continued, "Will my subordinates be taken to new places like me?"

"I don't know!" The slender-eyed youth responded rudely, "Those of your subordinates are not under my control!"

"Is that so... Okay, then I'll go find my subordinates myself."

"Ah ah ah ah ah--!"

A sharp scream, like a sharp arrow, pierced the eardrum of the young man with thin eyes.

The pupils of the slender-eyed youth shrank suddenly, then turned his head back like a conditioned reflex.

The first thing that caught the eyes of the slender-eyed young man was one of his subordinates who was kneeling on the ground and screaming while covering his forehead that was spewing blood. The flintlock gun that he should have been holding in his hand was gone. Trace——The scream just now was issued by this person.

Immediately after, what caught his eye was Hasegawa.

To be more precise ~lightnovelpub.net~ is Hasegawa holding a flintlock gun in his right hand.

Hasegawa clenched the barrel of the flintlock pistol, raised the flintlock pistol over his head, aimed it at the head of the slender-eyed youth, and swung the flintlock pistol downwards—

Getting closer and bigger - this is the last scene the slender-eyed young man sees in his life.



The author is dead... A few days ago, I got gastroenteritis caused by bacterial infection. After taking the medicine prescribed by the doctor twice, I thought I was fine and didn't take any more...

As a result, today, it seems that some relapses have occurred. I stretched my stomach all night last night, and I was so scared that I quickly pulled out the medicine given by the doctor and continued to take it. Fortunately, this medicine really works. After taking it twice, my body is getting better again. .

To celebrate feeling better again, have fried chicken tonight!
