I Was a Swordsman in Ancient Japan

Chapter 705: Thunderbolt, here we come! 【Five thous

The latest website: Koyasan, somewhere in the back mountain—

"Lord Gao Qing. The sedan chairs are all ready."

"Yeah." Gao Qing looked at the sedan chairs in front of her and nodded lightly, "Very good."

"Lord Gao Qing." At this time, another Iga ninja rushed towards Gao Qing, "Lord Yoshihisa has successfully transferred Miss Toyotomi."

Hearing this ninja's report, Gao Qing's face, which had been tense all the time, finally relaxed a little at this moment.

"Did you transfer her smoothly... that's good."

Although both Yoshihisa and Gao Qing were ordered by Toyotomi Nobuhide to immediately transfer the people imprisoned in the cell, the specific tasks of the two were slightly different.

Toyotomi Nobuhide asked Yoshihisa himself to transfer his sister away, in order to ensure that Rin's transfer was foolproof.

If the situation requires, Mr. Hasegawa and the others can not take them away, but only my sister must be taken away no matter what - this is the original words of Toyotomi Nobuhide.

Therefore, under the strict order of Toyotomi Nobuhide, Gao Qing could not help but breathe a sigh of relief after learning that Lin had been transferred successfully.

Due to different identities and importance, the place where Lin was detained was not only different from the place where Hasegawa and others were detained, but also separated by a long distance.

Therefore, after receiving the order to transfer the prisoner from Toyotomi Nobuhide, Yoshijiu and Gao Qingbing parted ways.

Jijiu went to transfer Lin.

And Gao Qing went to transfer Hasegawa and others who were detained in the "ordinary prison".

Gao Qing divided his subordinates into two - some of them were responsible for entering the prison and bringing Hasegawa and others out.

Others went to mobilize the sedan chairs used to transfer Hasegawa and others.

At present, all the sedan chairs that can be transferred have been transferred.

It was only a matter of bringing Hasegawa and the others over.

Gao Qing raised her head at this time and looked at the distant mountain.

On the distant hilltops, the waves of fire were churning, as if the sky was going to be burned together.

A large amount of black fog, caused by the burning of trees and buildings, enveloped the hills like dark clouds.

Even from far away, Gao Qing could smell the disgusting burnt stench, and his mouth tasted bitter as if he had just eaten Coptis chinensis.

Gao Qing glanced at the fire that was spreading faster and faster, and then looked up at the sky above.

Looking at the sky above, worries slowly emerged from Gao Qing's eyes.

"But don't let it rain now..."

Since the temperature has warmed, the daily weather has begun to change.

It was a sunny day with the sun coming out this morning, but after noon, the wind suddenly picked up in the sky, and under the guidance of the wind, thick dark clouds rushed from west to east from the sky.

In less than half an hour, the sky of Koya Mountain was covered with thick clouds made of gray dark clouds.

The cloud pressure was extremely low, and the temperature was rising, making people feel breathless, and the clouds above the head exuded bursts of cold air.

Before joining the Toyotomi family and playing for Toyotomi Nobuhide, Takaharuhara was a warrior from Ryukyu. He lived by the sea since he was a child and lived by the sea.

In his childhood, he and his family lived by the sea, and Gao Qing unconsciously developed a skill of watching the weather...especially "watching the rain".

How much rain is going to fall, how long it will rain, whether it is a storm or a thunderstorm, Gao Qing can tell by looking at the clouds in the sky.

It is precisely because of his ability that Gao Qing couldn't help but stunned frequently when the dark clouds began to appear in the sky. According to his prediction, there would be a thunderstorm with amazing rain this afternoon at the latest. .

It is not uncommon for thunderstorms to occur in this season. Now is the season of frequent spring rains, and thunderstorms will fall every three days.

Gao Qing could already faintly see thunder light dancing between the clouds.

From the beginning, Gao Qing had been praying in his heart that the raindrops would not fall so quickly.

They are now using wildfires to block Ogata Itosai's actions.

If the thunderstorm falls now and extinguishes the mountain fire, then the fire they lit just now to stop Ogata Ichitosai will be considered a waste.

In addition, Gao Qing is also worried that the thunderstorm will affect their next voyage.

Having lived by the sea since he was a child, he understands better than anyone how terrifying the "bad weather" is on the sea.

Even if the ship they were on was one of the most advanced warships of this era, it was not guaranteed that there would be no accidents when sailing in bad weather.

The denser and denser clouds made Gao Qing more and more worried that their subsequent voyages would be affected, so Gao Qing's mood became more and more impatient.

He only heard him ask the adjutant beside him in a coercive and impatient tone, "Have the people who went to **** Hasegawa and others still not back?"

"Not yet." The adjutant, who was slightly stuttered by Gao Qing's stern tone, replied, "I still haven't received the news of their return."

The impatience on Gao Qing's face became more intense.

Just when he opened his mouth and was about to say something to the adjutant, he suddenly seemed to realize something, and his open lips froze.

After a while, Gao Qing's open lips slowly closed.

He pursed his lips slowly, and thought slowly appeared between his brows.

"...Everyone come with me!"

Gao Qing waved a big hand at everyone beside him, and then strode towards the prison where Hasegawa and others were being held not far from here.

Koyasan, somewhere—

"Cough, cough, cough!"

Holding a damp cloth in his left hand and covering his nose and mouth, Ogata looked at the road ahead that was blocked by the burning and collapsed tree, his face sank involuntarily.

"Can't you get through here..."

Ogata turned around and looked at the way he had just come.

"Do I have to turn around and find a new way again..."

He reached into his arms with his empty right hand and pulled out a simple map.

"Tsk... Now the terrain here has been destroyed by the fire..." Ogata frowned uncontrollably, "The map that Miss Isshiki drew for us... It's already difficult to use..."

After seeing the fires burning around the back mountain of Koyasan, Ogata immediately understood what the people who came to Toyotomi were going to do.

They had absolutely no intention of sending their minions against him.

Now they just want to fight with fire and use fire to stop him from getting closer to Koyasan.

Why not hesitate to give Koyasan some points, but also to prevent him from getting closer? Ogata only thought of one possibility: the people of Toyotomi plan to abandon the car and protect the commander, and abandon this place.

Aware of Toyotomi's current intentions and knowing that they seemed to have been given by Toyotomi to Ogata, the anti-general army, after shouting "Get out of here" to the "goatee old monk", The breath rushed into the back mountain that was being eroded by the fire at an extremely fast speed.

Before rushing into the fire, Ogata got a piece of cloth wet with water by the way, so that he could move in the fire later.

It is spring now, the sky is dry and the weather is dry, and this place happens to be a mountain with a lot of inflammables. Ogata guessed that under such weather, the fire will spread very fast - but he did not expect it to be fast. to this extent.

It has only been more than 20 minutes since Ogata discovered the wildfire, and the scope of the wildfire has immediately expanded more than ten times.

The fire that continued to devour and destroy everything that the flames touched had made the surrounding terrain unrecognizable.

The road was either surrounded by fires, or blocked by burnt and collapsed trees.

Ogata, who had to change his way several times due to the fire, was already turning his head into a dizziness.

- If only it rained sooner...

Ogata raised his head and looked at the sky already covered with dark clouds.

When he first arrived at Koya Mountain, he had noticed that the sky was getting dark, and a heavy rain seemed to be coming soon.

Since seeing the wildfire, Ogata has been looking forward to the rainstorm falling earlier and extinguishing the wildfire.

However, I have been looking forward to it until now, but I didn't see even a drop of raindrops falling.

—This time... try to go there and see if there is a road that can pass.

After Ogata put the map that Isshiki had drawn on them back into his arms, he ran towards a certain forest in the northwest that was less eroded by the flames.

And just when Ogata just had time to take a few steps in that direction—

"Ho, ho, ho..."

The old gasp sounded from behind Ogata.

Turning his head to look, Ogata couldn't help being surprised after seeing who the owner of the old gasping voice was.


The person who gave out this old gasp was the old monk with the goatee who confronted the Ogata theory with the Buddha statue just now.

I saw that he was still holding the wooden Buddha statue, ignoring the flames that were raging around, and rushed towards Ogata out of breath.

"Sir, what are you doing here?" Ogata couldn't help exclaiming at the goatee old monk, "Didn't I tell you to leave here soon?"

"Old Monk with Goatee Beard" took his breath away, which made Ogata feel that he might die suddenly, and rushed to Ogata at a faster pace.

"You...ho...just...said...hoho...Master he...ho...was a thug...do you have...what...hoho...other evidence?"

Looking at the old monk who rushed into the fire to find him just to ask this question, despite the danger, Ogata didn't know what to look like...

"I don't have any other evidence to prove that Venerable Master Xianyuan is a thug." Ogata said quickly, "Sir, you should listen to my advice and get out of here! If you stay here, you will die. deal!"

After leaving these words, Ogata, who had no time to take care of the old monk, turned around and wanted to leave.

However, Ogata just turned around—

"Hoo...that direction you go...hoho...it's useless...there are...ho...a lot of dead trees...that direction...must...ho...it's all on fire..."

The words of the goatee old monk made Ogata's figure and expression involuntarily stop.

Immediately afterwards, the old monk with the goatee beard asked Ogata with a sullen face:

"You...now...are you going to find...the Venerable Master?"

"...I don't plan to find Venerable Xianyuan right now." Ogata replied, "I only plan to rescue my companions and friends' family members who are being held by the thugs lurking in Koyasan."

"...then...good." The "goatee old monk" whose breath became much smoother tightened the wooden Buddha statue in his hand, "I have lived in... Koya Mountain for...for decades."

"I'm all too familiar with this neighborhood..."

"I'll help you... show you the way... tell you... which places... are not easy to be affected by fire..."

"I just need you...take me...go to the back mountain..."

"I want...with my eyes...to witness..."

"In the Holy Land... is there really evil lurking...!"

Koyasan, where Hasegawa and others were imprisoned—

Hasegawa dragged his left hand that was temporarily abolished, his right hand held the knife he had snatched from the slender-eyed young man, and led Naoshiki and the others through the prison passage.

No guards could be seen in the passage, so Hasegawa and his party were considered unimpeded.

"Lord Nag, Hasegawa." Zhi Zhou, his daughter-in-law, who had never seen any storm, asked in a timid tone, "Do you know how to get out?"

"I don't know." Hasegawa shook his head directly, "But don't worry, I can definitely take you out."

"There is no need to rush to escape right now."

"Now try to find my subordinates who were also arrested."

"As long as you find my subordinates, the chances of escaping will be greatly increased!"

Hasegawa, who has always loved soldiers like a son, would rather die than do something like "abandoning his subordinates".

Toyotomi Nobuhide told him before: His subordinates are now being raised with food and drink, and Hasegawa believes that his remarks should be credible.

According to Hasegawa's observation and judgment, Toyotomi Nobuhide should really want to bring him under his command.

Since he really wants to win over Hasegawa and bring him under his command, then unless Toyotomi Nobuhide is a person with a problem in his head, it is unlikely that he would do something like "kill Hasegawa's subordinates" no matter what.

Hasegawa can now only hope that his subordinates are also locked in this place.

In fact, regardless of Hasegawa's sympathy, from a practical point of view, Hasegawa and his subordinates cannot be saved.

Although Hasegawa is quite confident in his skills, he also has self-knowledge - he is already an uncle who is almost 50 years old.

Physical fitness or something, has been seriously declining in recent years.

In an unfamiliar place, dragging an old body and escaping the dangerous place alone with three people - this kind of thing, no matter how you think about it, it is extremely risky.

Rather than taking such a risk, he might as well rescue his subordinates first and try to rendezvous with his subordinates.

Practicing soldiers - this is one of Hasegawa's most contented strengths.

Under his training and tempering, all the members of Huofu Bandit Reform have extremely high combat effectiveness and organization.

He brought Koyasan's subordinates this time, a total of 23 people.

Although among the 23 people, there are some newcomers who have been specially brought out to gain experience and sharpen their qualifications, but the experienced veterans still account for the vast majority of the 23 people.

If all 23 of his subordinates can be rescued, the chances of escaping from this place will undoubtedly be greatly increased.

—This place... how big is it?

Because he was unfamiliar with this place, Hasegawa, who had to lead Naozhou and the others through the narrow passage like a headless fly, couldn't help but feel this emotion in his heart.

According to Hasegawa's observation, it should be an underground prison transformed from a cave.

Connecting the various caves, and then repairing each cave, a beautiful and spacious underground prison was born.

Hasegawa is actually not afraid of the size of this underground prison.

He is only afraid that his subordinates are not locked in this place...

After turning into an unknown number of narrow passages, Hasegawa finally heard the sound of small conversations coming from ahead.

After raising his hand to signal Zhizhou and the others behind him to stop, Hasegawa held the knife, lowered his body's center of gravity, and moved forward little by little in a posture similar to squatting on the ground.

The bursts of small chatter came from behind the corner in front.

Hasegawa cautiously walked to the edge of the corner, pressed his body against the rock wall of the corner, and stuck his small head out of the corner.

After he glanced at the corner—the moment he saw the scene behind the corner, a relieved smile immediately appeared on Hasegawa's face.

"Finally... I found you..."

Hasegawa strode away from the corner where he was hiding and walked out.

Behind the corner is a huge prison cell.

This cell was probably transformed from a natural rock cave. The space is very spacious. It should not be a problem for more than 30 people. A wooden fence is built between the cave and the passage. A spacious cell is like this. done.

I saw that at the back of this cell, more than 20 people were imprisoned.

And these twenty or so people, without exception, are all familiar faces of Hasegawa.

After Hasegawa appeared from behind the corner, the "guests" in the cell were stunned for a moment, and then they all rushed to the edge of the cell door in ecstasy.

"Lord Hasegawa! Why are you here?"

"Lord Hasegawa, I finally see you!"

"Lord Hasegawa, where exactly is this place?"

Facing the words "Lord Hasegawa", Hasegawa said helplessly while digging out the bunch of keys he just got from the slender-eyed youth:

"Be quiet first."

"Let's get out of here first."

"I'll talk about these things in detail later."

After speaking, Hasegawa took out one of the keys from the bunch of keys that the slender-eyed youth had picked up, and inserted it into the large iron lock that tightly closed the doors of his subordinates' cells.

There are 13 keys in this bunch.

It takes less than half a minute to try every key.

But who knows - after trying every key, Hasegawa was shocked to find that there was no key that matched the iron lock of this cell.

"Tsk...Damn...wasting Lao Tzu's time." Hasegawa threw the bunch of keys to his feet like a **** after exploding in a low voice, and then beckoned to Zhizhou behind him, "Mr. Isshiki, please give I have an iron gun."

"Ah good!"

Naozhou hurriedly handed Hasegawa an iron cannon on his back.

"You all stand back."

After shouting at the subordinates crowded by the door, Hasegawa raised his flintlock gun and pressed the muzzle against the most vulnerable part of the iron lock—the slender lock barrel.


The gunshots exploded at the same time as the harsh cracking sound.

The lock tube of the shot, like shattered glass, has dense cracks.

After throwing the empty musket in his hand, Hasegawa grabbed the iron lock and slammed it hard. With a "click" sound, the iron lock was finally opened at the physical level.

"Come out soon." Hasegawa opened the door and called his subordinates to get out of the cell, then turned his head and shouted to Zhizhou and the others, "Mr. Isshiki, please distribute the iron cannons you brought to me. subordinates."

Zhizhou: "Yes. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com"

He successfully rescued his subordinates, none of them missing—this made Hasegawa finally drop half of the big stone that had been hanging in his heart since just now.

However... the big stone in his heart had just fallen halfway, and the sound that suddenly entered Hasegawa's ears made the big stone rise back to its original position.

Whoa, whoa, whoa...

Hasegawa heard the sound of extremely dense footsteps approaching here not far away.

With a sudden change in his expression, he raised his arms and shouted:

"Hide, find a place to hide!"



It's so strange...how do I feel that today's Russia and Ukraine are so peaceful...there is no big news...before there were big news almost every day...