I Was a Swordsman in Ancient Japan

Chapter 728: "Flowers" and "Leaves" begin to determin

The latest website: Toyotomi Nobuhide's body is like a piece of cloth that has been torn apart a little bit.

Starting from the left shoulder, it slowly tore to the chest, and the gap is still expanding.

The body was being torn apart bit by bit - the pain made Toyotomi Nobuhide's current facial features extremely terrifying, the eyebrows, eyes, nose... all seemed to be twisted together.

Toyotomi Nobuhide's current expression is terrifying - but in terms of the degree of terrifying, Genichi's expression at this time is not too much.

The sharp pain from the chest made Yuanichi feel that he was almost fainting now.

The chest is the part where the arms are connected, and it is impossible not to involve the muscles in the chest when swinging the sword with both arms.

Just now, Yuan Yi has been enduring the pain and fighting with perseverance until now.

At this moment, he has gone all out, betting his strength, will... everything on his current strike.

The muscles in both arms were already tense to the extreme—this naturally also caused the muscles in the injured chest to be constantly being pulled... Yuan Yi was so painful that his nerves were almost paralyzed.

If this blow fails to deal with Toyotomi Nobuhide... then I'm afraid I won't have the strength to strike the next blow...

Therefore - Genichi and Toyotomi Nobuhide are in the same current state.

Nobuhide Toyotomi, who knew that he would die if he did not block the blow of the old man who was like a **** in front of him.

Genichi Kinoshita, who knew that his current physical condition could no longer support himself with another slash.

The two of them now both realize that the outcome between the two of them will be decided at this moment!

Perhaps it was the desire to survive—when the sun **** cut to his chest, Toyotomi Nobuhide's Yoshimitsu bone food finally stopped the sun god's blade.

"Ah, ah, ah, ah!" Feng Chen Xiu also smashed like the source, he brought him with a big, his feet were fastened on the deck, the waist, the muscles on the arms Uplifted, the veins burst out.

As if carrying a falling mountain, he firmly "carried" the Yang God, preventing the Yang God from cutting his body further.

Looking at the blocked Yang God, Yuan Yi's eyes narrowed, and the muscles in his arms tensed even more.

-Fall down!

"Hmm...!" Toyotomi Nobuhide, who had been clenching his teeth since just now, seemed to be about to bite his teeth into pieces.

The Yang God embedded in his body became heavier again!

The blade, which he finally stopped with all his strength, moved again and continued to cut his body.

--Oh shit!

Toyotomi Nobuhide is now... insane.

The whites of both eyes were covered with red blood.

Because of clenching his teeth, the teeth on both sides of his cheeks bulged high.

The blade of the Yang God had already cut through his chest, slashing his lungs, and a lot of blood came out from between his teeth and between his teeth, staining his chin and teeth red.

The Yang God, who moved again, slowly cut and broke the flesh and bones of his chest.

The Yang God was slashing his entire body in half at a distance from his right flank—only 2 fists left!

Facing the Yang God who could slash his body in half in a short time, Toyotomi Nobuhide was powerless.

He has exhausted every ounce of strength in his body and invested all his strength into the bone food used to support the Yang God Jiguang, and he can no longer squeeze out any new strength.

In the true sense, I tried my best, but I could only slightly slow down the speed of the Sun God's cutting...

Just when the big picture seemed timed—

--no solution anymore……!

A fierce light burst out in Toyotomi Nobuhide's eyes.

With lightning speed, he released his left hand that had been gripping the handle of the knife, put his left hand into his arms, grabbed something from his arms at lightning speed, and stuffed it into his mouth.

After stuffing this thing into his mouth, he saw Toyotomi Nobuhide's Adam's apple move forcefully, making a forceful swallowing motion.

Because Toyotomi Nobuhide's movements were too fast, and Yuanichi's entire body and mind were now placed on the knife in his hand, and Yuanichi vaguely noticed: Toyotomi Nobuhide seemed to have eaten something like jerky. ...

After Toyotomi Nobuhide swallowed something that looked like jerky — a mutation occurred.

"Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah. -!" Feng Chen Xiu sent a horrible scream like a wild animal, just used to re-hold the knife handle of the osteoen food in the left hand of unknown things.

Genichi suddenly felt: Toyotomi Nobuhide's power has become stronger!

Yangshen's blade was blocked again, and there was a faint tendency to be pushed back.

—Is something like what he just ate doing the trick?

To strengthen one's own strength by eating - the first thing Genichi recalled was the "Yashamaru" developed by the ninjas who had fought against Shiranui.

However, the current situation of Toyotomi Nobuhide looks very ordinary. There is no discoloration of the skin and steam-like gas wafting out of the body like when he ate the "Yaksha Pill".

What the **** did Toyotomi Nobuhide ate just now—Genichi had no time to think about it.

There is only one step left to win, there is no reason to give up halfway!

"Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah. -!" It's like a big size that is about the truth of Fengchen.

This was the last resort that Genichi could use—to burst out the remaining energy in his body by yelling.

Toyotomi Nobuhide, whose strength suddenly increased greatly, made the struggle between the two fall into a stalemate again.

As soon as Yang Shen cut down more flesh, he was pushed back by Ji Guang Gu Shi.

Let no one.

No one is willing to retreat.

Whoever retreats is who loses!

-Fall down!

The raindrops were blown up and down by the wind.

Wind and Rain are the only spectators in this deathmatch on deck.

They are all watching.

Focusing on this battle, no matter who wins or loses, it is destined to be an unprecedented battle.

-Fall down! !

Huhuhu-! !

The wind is blowing again!

Another burst of sudden gusts of wind, as if consciously, gathered on Yuan Yi's body, and gathered on the Yang Shendao in Yuan Yi's hand!

Toyotomi Nobuhide continued to pour strength into the knife in his palm, fighting against Genichi and the gust of wind!

Yang Shen's blade barely stopped - but Toyotomi Nobuhide slowly felt: his body... To be precise, his legs seemed to be unable to stop the huge force from Yang Shen... It was difficult. Then, the feet that were fastened on the deck were vaguely... as if they were about to leave the ground.

"Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah.!"

Toyotomi Nobuhide's feet finally left the deck due to the overwhelming force of the sun god, and Toyotomi Nobuhide's whole body... just like a ball hit by a swinging racket while playing tennis, it flew out sideways!

Toyotomi Nobuhide's body crossed Genichi's field of vision, and slammed into the bulkhead of the mast not far away, directly knocking out a big hole in the bulkhead, and the whole person fell directly into the mast, arousing a lot of dust.

"Cough, cough, cough...! Cough, cough!"

Genichi, who maintained his sword-pushing posture, coughed vigorously.

With every cough, a handful of blood vomited out of his mouth.

After putting everything that he could bet on in the blow just now, Genichi felt that everything in his body—energy and soul—was drained.

The arms holding the knife could not help convulsing, and even the knife was almost unsteady.

Not only did the arms lose their strength, but the legs also became weak and weak, and they had to kneel on one knee again on the deck.

The gust of wind that had been gathering around Yuan Yi just now had all dissipated.

As the gusts of wind dissipated, the world in front of Yuan Yi... slowly changed back to its old state.

Can no longer see the track of wind and rain.

I can no longer experience the feeling of being in harmony with the "world".

Although the event of entering the "transparent realm" was short-lived, the feeling of being one with the "world" still gave Yuan Yi a great shock.

The sudden exit from this wonderful state made Yuan Yi feel a sense of loss, suddenly turning from a normal person to a blind man.

——Is it because of lack of physical strength that can no longer maintain the state of "transparent realm"...

——Shinxiu, he... is he dead...

After teasing himself like this in a half-joking tone, Genichi struggled to raise his head, intending to check on the situation of Toyotomi Nobuhide who had just been knocked into the air by him.

However... just as he raised his head, the sound he didn't want to hear the most... pierced into his ears.

"It's really... almost... I was killed by you..."

In the big hole that was smashed and stirred up a lot of dust, a figure slowly got up and climbed out of the dust curtain, grabbed the broken bulkhead, and walked slowly back to the open deck.

"...Ha." Looking at the figure crawling out from behind the cracked bulkhead hole, Yuan Yi let out a calm low laugh, "This... didn't kill you..."

The appearance of Toyotomi Nobuhide at this time... just using "horror" to describe it is already a little unqualified.

A fissure cut by the blade, from the left shoulder to the right rib.

This huge chasm slanted Toyotomi Nobuhide's body into two halves—just a little more than a fist away.

As long as the source can be successful and cut down a little more...

As long as Genichi can successfully cut off the remaining flesh, which is a little more than a fist in length, he can cut Toyotomi Nobuhide in half...

There's a big rip that almost splits the body in half - that's not the most terrifying thing yet.

The most terrifying thing is the large amount of red shredded meat that is now emerging from the huge crack of Toyotomi Nobuhide.

These red meat shreds gathered and entangled with each other, and quickly repaired Toyotomi Nobuhide's injured body at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Heh." Toyotomi Nobuhide, whose face was extremely ugly, sneered, "In order to survive the blow you just hit, I have to pay a high price...!"

Having said that, Toyotomi Nobuhide ignored his unrepaired body and stumbled a little because of the injury to his body, and ran impatiently towards Genichi, who could not even hold a knife now.

The strength that Genichi showed just now makes Toyotomi Nobuhide feel lingering fears now.

In his mind now, there is only one thought-this **** who has paid a heavy price for him, he must get rid of it immediately!

Looking at Nobuhide Toyotomi who was walking towards him - Genichi's expression was very calm.

"Ha...hahaha..." Yuan Yi smiled a few times with a calm expression.

"...What are you laughing at?" Toyotomi Nobuhide frowned suddenly.

Looking at Genichi who was suddenly laughing, Toyotomi Nobuhide's vigilance rose, and even his footsteps slowed down a little.

He felt that he might never forget what had just happened for the rest of his life - Genichi, who was laughing suddenly, stood up like a god, and beat him so badly that he was almost killed.

Now Genichi started laughing again—it was hard not to make Toyotomi Nobuhide alert.

"It's nothing... I just feel... a little nostalgic." Yuan Yi's expression slowly showed a hint of reminiscence, "When I first met you... I found out."

"Your sneer...really similar to your grandfather..."

"It seems so hard that I can't help but doubt it several times... I heard your grandfather's laughter."

The look of reminiscence on Yuan Yi's face slowly changed to melancholy and a touch of... guilt.

"Wait for Huang Quan... I have to apologize to my brother well..."

"If I could have been more mature back then, I wouldn't have been so unhappy with my brother..."

"If I could have calmed down and slowly persuaded my brother to let go of the unrealistic so-called 'great cause' of 'Reviving Toyotomi' before I traveled abroad... I might not have let this 'curse' spread to you and Xiaolin's generation."

"In this case... there shouldn't be a monster like you... who used such absurd reasons to throw his own sister into the river...!"

"...Huh." Toyotomi Nobuhide shook his shoulders exaggeratedly and sneered, "I'm very grateful that you didn't slowly persuade Grandpa to give up his 'great career' back then."

"Otherwise—how would I know that there is such an interesting thing in this world as 'overthrowing the Edo Shogunate and rebuilding Toyotomi's world'?"

"From this point of view, I would like to thank you well... Uncle!"

Toyotomi Nobuhide emphasized the title of "Uncle" in a strange tone of yin and yang.

"You don't need to thank me, I'm not happy to be thanked by a monster like you..."

After all, Yuan Yi covered the wound on his chest with his left hand, and his right hand, which was still in convulsions, was slowly moved by him... and fell on the handle of the Yangshen sword beside him.

With difficult, but extremely firm movements, he clenched the Yang God again!

"Hey hey hey." Toyotomi Nobuhide's brows furrowed even tighter, "I can tell at a glance—you don't even have the strength to stand up, right? Wouldn't it be good to be slaughtered obediently?"

"Hmph, boy, let me teach you." Genichi glanced at Toyotomi Nobuhide with the look of a young junior, "Before he was completely dead, he let go of the knife in his hand—this But the shame of the swordsman."

After saying that, Genichi will follow the Yangshen who trembled with his arms, and slowly stand up, the tip of the knife pointing directly at Toyotomi Nobuhide's eyebrows.

"...Oh, whatever you want."

When he said "whatever you want", he had just reached... The Jiguang Bone Food in his hand was able to cut into Yuan Yi's position.

Toyotomi Nobuhide held the knife in one hand, and slowly raised Jiguang Gushu above his head.

He had already tried his best to just pick up the knife again.

No matter what, he shouldn't be able to stop Toyotomi Nobuhide's next blow—— Yuanichi thought so in his heart.

However—despite what he thought in his heart, he had no intention of trying to put down the knife in his palm.

His hand still held the knife tightly.

His eyes were still fixed on the demon in front of him, without flinching and forbearance.

"As you wish - send you to Huangquan and my grandfather to say your apology."


The sound of the blade slicing through the air fell along with Toyotomi Nobuhide's murmur.

Ji Guang Gu Shi's blade, like a falling thunder, slashed towards Yuan Yi's forehead.

Yuan Yi raised the Yang God in his hand and stood up to fight!

The two swords, again upholding the will of their respective masters, slashed towards the enemy——




The crisp sound of sharp blade strikes exploded.

Toyotomi Nobuhide and Genichi almost at the same moment, their pupils shrank in shock.

Jiguang Bone Food was blocked—but not by Yangshen.

Although the expressions of the two changed at the same time due to shock, the expressions of the two changed completely after that.

The astonishment on Toyotomi Shinhide's face slowly turned into annoyance.

The surprise on Genichi's face... turned into a weird smile.

I saw a tall figure in the middle of the two.

Holding two swords in his hand, he used the wakizashi in his left hand to hold the Yoshimitsu bone food of Toyotomi Shinhide, who was splitting towards Genichi.

The wet light onion feather fabric on his body fluttered gently under the sea breeze.

The "bellflower flower" patterned on the haori, "flying with the wind" with the fluttering of the haori, echoes the "Taiko Tongye" that is also dancing on the Toyotomi Nobuhide Haori.

"You shouldn't have come here with a pinch, right?" Yuan Yi asked.

"It's a coincidence... A-cho seems to have said similar things to me before."



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The author also wants to increase the output, but this kind of battle-related plot is very difficult to write, so I hope everyone can understand the low output in recent days (Leopard Headache Cry.jpg)

Bellflower and Taiko Tongye echo each other from afar - for readers familiar with the history of Japan's Warring States period, the two have not yet fought, but their momentum has already been pulled.

More than 200 years ago, Toyotomi Hideyoshi went to the foot of Tianwang Mountain and started the "Tianwang Mountain Decisive Battle" with Akechi Mitsuhide, whose family crest was "Biankyo flower". In the end - Toyotomi Hideyoshi who defeated "Biankyohua", the hegemony was initially determined.

More than 200 years later, "flower" and "leaf" once again began a decisive battle to determine the ownership of the world.

Regarding the story of Toyotomi Hideyoshi and Akechi Mitsuhide, if the author remembers correctly, it has been said many times before, but many readers should have forgotten it, so the author will popularize it again.

Toyotomi Hideyoshi and Akechi Mitsuhide were once the retainers of Oda Nobunaga (the daimyo who burned down Mount Hiei, which is as famous as Mount Koya, as mentioned repeatedly before) ~lightnovelpub.net~ are all under the command of Oda Nobunaga General, regiment commander.

Oda Nobunaga, a talented man, pacified all parts of Japan with astonishing speed.

Just when he was one step away from fully unifying Japan, Akechi Mitsuhide rebelled for unknown reasons and killed Oda Nobunaga.

Toyotomi Hideyoshi was leading troops to fight in the Western Kingdom at that time. After learning about this, he led his army to launch a long-distance attack. It only took 5 days to run 200 kilometers, and quickly returned to the court. Then, under the Tianwang Mountain in the Gyeonggi area, he and Zhizhi Mitsuhide begins the "Decisive Battle of Tianwang Mountain" that decides where the world belongs.

In the end: Toyotomi Hideyoshi defeated Akechi Mitsuhide. With the political capital of "defeating the rebels", Toyotomi Hideyoshi took Oda Nobunaga's legacy as his own, and finally completed his unfinished unification of the world for Oda Nobunaga. hegemony.

It's a pity that not long after he unified the world, due to his own death and other reasons, Tokugawa Ieyasu, who took turns to be a good baby in front of Oda Nobunaga and Toyotomi Hideyoshi, picked peaches, and Japan entered the Edo Shogunate era.