I Was a Swordsman in Ancient Japan

Chapter 734: Ogata: "Let's go! I'll stay here alone!"

The latest website: The author Jun published the "Skill List of Mamiya A Dream" in the book review area of ​​the Internet, which counted the various skills that Mamiya A dream has displayed since its debut.

There are currently 18 types, and will continue to be updated in the future. Those who are interested can go and have a look.

If you find that one of Mamiya Ayu's skills is missing from this "skill list", you are welcome to add it.



(About the reason why Shiranui became such a tragic situation... I can understand it. Thank you for your hard work.)

(Your name is Kikutaro, right? Now that Shiranui has been destroyed, are you interested in joining me?)


For no reason, Kikutaro recalled the words that Toyotomi Nobuhide had said to him after he was destroyed in Shiranui.

Recalling these words from the past, Kikutaro couldn't help but let out a long, silent sigh again.

——Having such huge financial resources and manpower, but not enjoying it well, doing all kinds of tossing people... This kind of person is really hard to understand.

——Well, but it is precisely because I can't understand such a person, I am probably destined to not achieve anything in my life... Anyway, I don't care what achievement is not achieved anyway.

If you ask Kikutaro to give himself a self-evaluation and an advantage, then Kikutaro will probably say: I only have one advantage, that is, I have no ambition.

Kikutaro has always believed that no ambition is an advantage.

Because I have no ambition, I can tolerate my mediocrity, I can tolerate mediocrity, and I can live easier and happier than those who are ambitious.

To live a life with ease and simplicity—this is the wish that Kikutaro has never changed since he was sensible.

After a very ordinary life, it would be even better if he could get a big bear's wife to live with.

This small wish seems quite simple at first glance, but for a ninja like Kikutaro who was born in Shiranui... This kind of wish is simply an extravagant wish that he doesn't even dare to think about.

Kikutaro was originally an abandoned baby, was picked up and brought back to Shiranui, and then was trained as a ninja since childhood.

A ninja born in Shiranui, want to live a peaceful life?

This kind of thing, just saying it, is enough to make people laugh...

Kikutaro didn't have the courage to defect from Shiranui, so he could only obediently serve in Shiranui and serve the Balrog.

The turn of events happened in the fall of last year.

Ogata teamed up with Gourd House and attacked Shiranui.

After dying in Shiranui, Kikutaro, who was lucky enough to survive the attack by Ogata and Gourd House, first felt...the confusion about the future.

Kikutaro, who has learned Shiranui-style ninjutsu since childhood, has nothing else to do except ninjutsu.

Now that the fire is gone, how will he make a living in the future?

But——while feeling lost, Kikutaro felt a little bit of hope for the future again.

Without the shackles of Shiranui, will I be able to live a more peaceful and comfortable life in the future?

It's a pity that he had not yet had time to experience the confusion and expectation in detail, so he was found by the person who was sent by Toyotomi to investigate "what happened in the fire", and then was caught in front of Toyotomi.

After telling Toyotomi what he knew about "the truth about the destruction in Shiranui", Toyotomi threw an olive branch to him and invited him to become a member of the Toyotomi family.

At first, when he received this olive branch thrown to him by Toyotomi, Kikutaro wanted to refuse.

He didn't know at that time that the young man in front of him was a direct descendant of the Toyotomi clan. In his eyes at the time, he was a group of suspicious people who did not know their origin and identity.

However - he did not dare to refuse.

His identity at that time... to put it rudely, it was Toyotomi's prisoner.

Whether it is life or death, it is all in Toyotomi's mind.

Kikutaro was very worried that when he said "I refuse", Toyotomi would directly "clean up" the person who did not want to be his subordinate.

Having been a ninja in Shiranui for so long, Kikutaro is used to seeing all kinds of darkness.

Therefore, Kikutaro, who was worried that he would be "cleaned up" by Toyotomi, could only bite the bullet and nodded, expressing his willingness to serve Toyotomi.

After dying in Shiranui with Kikutaro, they entered the "Original Shiranui Ninja" under the command of Toyotomi, including Kikutaro, a total of 18 people.

Among these 18 people, only Kikutaro has the highest status, and he is the only Jōnin among the 18. Therefore, he has become a kind of "representative of the remnant party in Shiranui." He was able to attend some meetings on behalf of Shiranui.

Although Kikutaro is a Jōnin, he is completely out of touch with a "master of ninjutsu".

His talents are as ordinary as his desires.

Even though he received rigorous training since childhood, Kikutaro's strength can only be described as "not outstanding".

In terms of strength, compared with other Shangin in Shiranui, they are completely at the bottom of the list. Only the level of "Shinobu stealth" can rank in the forefront of all Shiranui.

The reason why he can become a Jōnin is entirely due to his only outstanding "shiranui stealth technique" and his exquisite personality.

At first, Kikutaro mistakenly thought that Toyotomi was probably the head of some smuggling group, because according to his findings, Toyotomi's financial resources were quite amazing.

It was not until later that Kikutaro knew that Toyotomi was not the head of a smuggling group! He is the head of the 9th generation Toyotomi family! He is running around to overthrow the Edo Shogunate and rebuild the Toyotomi Shogunate, accumulating strength.

Kikutaro's history and politics are not very good.

He wondered whether it would be feasible to overthrow the Edo shogunate that had ruled Japan for two hundred years.

He only knew that to complete this so-called "great cause", it should not be enough to describe it with the word "nine deaths".

After knowing Toyotomi's true identity and Toyotomi's ambition, Kikutaro felt... timid.

He didn't want to follow Toyotomi to complete the so-called "great cause" of a near-death life.

Moreover, Kikutaro has always had a very clear understanding of his identity in Toyotomi.

He was sure that in Toyotomi's eyes, he was probably just a chess piece that was completely insignificant and could be discarded without hesitation...

Just a little **** that is better than nothing.

They are just the remnants of the Shiranui that have been destroyed, and they have nothing to do with them. How could Toyotomi attach so much importance to them?

Before in Shiranui, he also had the identity of Shangnin, and his status was prominent. Currently in Toyotomi, how high treatment and status can he, a remnant of the ignorant fire, have?

Follow Toyotomi to rebuild the world of Toyotomi... I'm afraid it will be discarded as consumables in the middle.

So——Since then, Kikutaro has been thinking about ways to escape from Toyotomi.

While pretending to be loyal to Toyotomi and wanting to serve Toyotomi, he secretly sought an opportunity to escape.

Today, after being sent by Toyotomi to perform the dirty work of "burning Mount Koya", and knowing what "Edo war" Toyotomi is going to start, Kikutaro is convinced that they are a bunch of insignificant consumables! Continuing to hang out with Toyotomi, it is really as dangerous as it is, and it is many times more dangerous than staying in Shiranui before!

Toyotomi, who had strengthened the belief of "escape from Toyotomi", spared no effort to find an opportunity to escape.

Feng Shui takes turns - this saying has always been the truth of the world.

I didn't expect it - just as I was sent to execute the swear words "burning Koyasan" today, the opportunity came quietly.

As soon as the ship heading for Edo set sail, it was attacked by Ogata and others who were chasing after him.

The surprise attack of Ogata and others put the two ships directly into a busy state of "highest combat readiness".

This allows Kikutaro to see his long-sought escape.

Kikutaro's plan was very simple: while everyone on the ship was busy fighting against Ogata and the others and had no time for him, sneak into Hikari Maru's No. 2 ammunition storehouse and blow up No. The chaos of Hikarimaru.

And he jumped into the sea to abscond while Hikkimaru became more chaotic.

The ship is not far from the land yet. Although he is seasick, his water quality is very good. Even under such strong winds and raging waves, he has full confidence to swim back to the shore.

There are two ammunition depots on the Hikari Maru: Ammunition Depot A and Depot B.

The reason why I chose to detonate the latter, not the former, is because the latter stores much less ammunition than the A-type ammunition depot, and the security is relatively less stringent.

His plan can be said to have been implemented very smoothly.

Although his body was very uncomfortable due to seasickness, he managed to sneak into the second ammunition, which was neglected because the crew members were busy attacking Ogata and others with the "shiranui stealth technique" that he was best at. Inside the library, the gunpowder in the No. 2 ammunition depot detonated, adding to the chaos of Rikiramaru.

The chaos in Hikarimaru had intensified as Kikutaro had expected, and after that, he should jump into the sea and escape for his life.

However, Kikutaro was at the window that was enough for him to get in and out, and when he was about to jump into the sea...he hesitated.

And the reason for his hesitation is very simple - greed.

When entering the second ammunition depot, Kikutaro saw rows of flintlock guns with a beautiful luster.

Kikutaro didn't think about taking anything from the boat when he jumped off the boat to escape Hikari Maru, but just wanted to escape quickly.

However, after leaving the No. B ammunition depot, the shadows of the rows of flintlock guns, like phantoms that cannot be thrown away, have been lingering in Kikutaro's mind.

In the end——this "shadow" turned into greed, and when Kikutaro was about to jump into the sea, he stopped Kikutaro's movements.

Kikutaro, who was once a member of Shiranui, has dealt with many people who run the black market.

Therefore, he knows what is the best seller in the black market.

Musket, especially this kind of Western gun, belongs to the sweet pastry in this black market.

If he can steal a few muskets from Rihui Pills and sell them on the black market in the future... The money he will make will be enough for him to not have to worry about money for the next ten years or so. ...

Food, houses, beauties... Kikutaro vaguely saw these beautiful things and waved to him.

People are like this, it is easy to arouse greed, but difficult to eliminate greed.

Under the coercion of this increasingly strong greed, Kikutaro withdrew his feet that were about to jump into the sea.

Yes, I have to think more about the future. If I run away "cleanly" like this, even if I succeed in my escape, I will have a hard time in the future. Just get something valuable and then run away—— Kikutaro so comforted and convinced himself.

When Kikutaro became greedy, Genichi and the others attacked Hikari Maru at the same time, further aggravating the chaos of Hikari Maru.

Seeing this, Kikutaro, who was tormented by greed and indecisive, finally gritted his teeth after thinking it over and over - he found a remote dark corner, hid in it, and watched the situation.

Undecided, he set himself a multiple-choice question:

If there is a tendency for order to gradually recover after Hikki Maru, they will immediately jump into the sea and abscond.

If Hikari Maru is getting more and more chaotic due to the attack of Ogata and others... Then go fishing in troubled waters! Steal a few flintlock guns before leaving!

So he just waited.

Been waiting till now.

Rihui Maru was hit by Hulu Maru, and almost all the crew were busy repairing the big hole hit by Hulu Maru-this unexpected major accident can be said to make Kikutaro overjoyed.

The greed in my heart quickly swelled to its peak.

He no longer hesitated - quickly dodged out of the hiding place, used the "Shiranui stealth technique", towards the location of the No. 1 ammunition depot, and advanced at full speed!

The No. 2 ammunition depot was destroyed, and Kikutaro, who was determined to steal the gun, naturally only had the intact No. 1 ammunition depot.

Ammunition Depot A is located roughly in the middle of Rikkimaru. Not only is it much larger in area than Ammunition Depot B, it even stores more ammunition than Depot B.

Kikutaro once heard that if all the gunpowder in the No. A ammunition depot is detonated, it can directly blow up most of the Hikari Maru.

At present, most of Rikkimaru's crew are concentrating on the parts that were hit by Hulumaru, and they are stepping up to repair the damaged ships, making Kikutaro's "trip to the No. 1 ammunition depot" unimpeded.

Along the way, I hardly met a few people.

It didn't take a while for Kikutaro to arrive at the door of the No. A ammunition depot very smoothly.

As soon as he arrived at the destination, Kikutaro saw a lot of guards, who were guarding the door of the ammunition depot.

——Two, four, six... 6 guards in total... More than I imagined...

After carefully counting the number of guards in front of the library gate, Kikutaro frowned slightly.

First, Ogata, Genichi and others attacked, and then Hulu Maru hit the hull. Hikari Maru is now in chaos, and the order is extremely chaotic.

There were even a small number of unsettled crew members who jumped off the ship and fled after witnessing the fall of Hulumaru and the crash of Hulumaru through Rihui Maru.

But——even though the order was out of order, and he was so busy that he wanted to use both feet together, Kasumi didn't forget the defense of the No. 1 ammunition depot.

Previously, when he learned of the sudden explosion of the No. B ammunition depot, Kasumi was vaguely aware that it must be a man-made explosion.

There is a foreshadowing of the No. B ammunition depot. Although the current manpower has been stretched, Hexu also left 6 musketeers, who are responsible for guarding the No. A ammunition depot and beware of any suspicious persons approaching.

If possible, Hexuebee wanted to leave a few more people to take care of the No. 1 ammunition depot, but there was really no way to recruit more manpower.

The No. 1 ammunition depot is being guarded by heavy troops—for this, Kikutaro had long expected, so he was not too surprised when he saw that there were 6 guards in front of the warehouse door of the No. 1 ammunition depot.

In just a moment, Kikutaro thought of a countermeasure.

I saw Kikutaro gently cleared his throat, took a few deep breaths, and took out a suit from his arms.

For the convenience of management, but also for the sake of beauty, all the crew members on Hikari Maru and Hulu Maru have uniform clothes-the upper body is a brown kimono, and the lower body is a black hakama.

The suit that was being held by Kikutaro at this time was an important "hero" who helped him detonate the No. B ammunition depot before.

When Kikutaro planned to detonate the No. 2 ammunition depot, the Hikari Maru at that time was not as chaotic as it is now.

Therefore, in order to facilitate his infiltration, Kikutaro managed to get a set of crew clothes, disguised as the crew of the ship, and successfully infiltrated into the No. B ammunition depot.

At this moment, this suit has once again ushered in a useful place.

Kikutaro quickly changed into the crew's clothes, with a worried look on his face, then dodged out of hiding, and hurriedly rushed to the 6 in front of the door of the No. A ammunition depot. name guard.

"The order! The order!" Kikutaro shouted.

As soon as the shouting fell, the six guards quickly cut their vigilant eyes to Kikutaro who was rushing towards them with a solemn expression.

"Lord Kazubee sent me to give you orders! The six of you hurry up to the open deck to reinforce Lord Toyotomi!"

Among the 6 guards, a strong man with a birthmark on his face raised his eyebrows and asked in confusion, "We are 6?"

"Yes. The battle situation on the open deck is not optimistic." Kikutaro said sternly, "Master Kasushi asks you to rush to Lu immediately..."

Just listening to Kikutaro's words was only halfway through——

Whoosh! Whoosh!

2 air-breaking sounds rang out.

Kikutaro, who deliberately only spoke half of his words, suddenly touched his hands behind his waist, grabbed a shuriken in each palm, and shot it towards the guards in front of him in the air!

The guards, who had been listening carefully to Kikutaro's orders, were caught off guard by Kikutaro's surprise attack.

The two shuriken that were fired directly pierced the throats of the two guards furthest away from Kikutaro.

After killing two people in one go, Kikutaro took out two shuriken from his lower back.

This time, Kikutaro didn't throw the shuriken, but threw himself at the guards who were still alive in front of him, held the shuriken upside down, and used the shuriken like a dagger.

The 4 guards who were still alive finally came to their senses, and while shouting "enemy attack", they raised their flintlock guns and aimed them at Kikutaro.

Kikutaro's strength is average - he is only weaker than the rest of the Joinin in Shiranui.

Compared with ordinary people... Kikutaro's strength is simply not something that ordinary people can compete with.

I saw Ikutaro lowered his body, clinging to the ground, dodged to the guard closest to him, swept his right hand forward, and cut the man's throat with a shuriken, and then returned with a sword, slashing open. The other person's belly, stomach, intestines and other organs dripped all over the floor.

Bang! Bang!

2 gunshots erupted.

The last two musketeers who were still alive finally had time to shoot, but the bullets they shot only hit the deck where Kikutaro was standing just now.

Kikutaro's body twisted like a snake, and he dodged aside before the two opened fire.

The reason why he disguised as a crew member and approached them just now was to make it easier to deal with their muskets.

As long as the distance is narrowed, it will be much easier to observe their shooting movements and directions, so as to facilitate dodging, or to deal with the shooter.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

Kikutaro threw two more shuriken.

With the sound of two dull sharp knives piercing into the flesh, there was finally no one around except Kikutaro who could stand still.

"Huh...fortunately...it went smoother than expected." The corners of Kikutaro's mouth evoked a pleasant arc.

Just as the corners of Kikutaro's mouth curled up in a pleasant arc, a few traces of pain appeared in his eyebrows.


He raised his hand and rubbed his temples on both sides.

With his head dizzy as if he had hit the wall, he secretly said in his heart:

- My head is so dizzy...and I feel a little nauseous...

——Did the symptoms of seasickness worsen again during the battle just now...

——Ugh...it's so uncomfortable...the head is "buzzing"...

Kikutaro took a few deep breaths in one breath before feeling a little more comfortable in his body.

Afterwards, he didn't dare to delay any longer, and he looked around quickly to confirm that there were no other enemies around. Kikutaro carefully unscrewed the warehouse door of the ammunition depot, pulled out a gap big enough for him to enter and exit, and dodged inside.

As soon as he entered the ammunition depot, the scene in the ammunition depot made Kikutaro's eyes open, and greedy rays of light burst out from his pupils.

Rows of flintlock guns are neatly arranged in the ammunition depot, which is quite spectacular.

——How much does it cost to buy so many Nanban iron guns?

Kikutaro couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

——If you sell all the Nanban iron guns on this ship... sigh... the wealth you will get will probably exceed the annual financial income of some small vassal states...

——Forget it, let’s not do such unrealistic daydreams! Quickly take a few, and then flash people!

After suppressing these unrealistic fantasies in his mind, Kikutaro rushed to the row of flintlock guns in three steps, and began to choose those iron guns that were as new as possible and could sell for a higher price.

--All right! Just take these 4!

Kikutaro threw the four carefully selected flintlock pistols behind him.

- If you take too much, you won't be able to carry it.

An ecstatic smile filled Kikutaro's cheeks.

——4 Nanban Iron Cannons... At least 200 taels can be exchanged in the black market.

- 200 taels of gold...hehe...haha...

Kikutaro smiled happily in his heart.

These flintlock guns, in the eyes of Kikutaro at this time, are not sharp weapons for murder.

But a piece of gold.

It is a symbol of "bright future".

Putting the four flintlock guns behind him, Kikutaro couldn't help but imagine the good days of holding a lot of money in the future.

——Ugh... I feel more and more nauseous... My dizziness is getting worse...

——Okay, hurry up and leave now before your body becomes too uncomfortable... eh? !

While Kikutaro was still imagining the future, suddenly—his pupils shrank suddenly.

Because at this moment... he suddenly heard - a slight strange sound came from behind him.

His expression suddenly changed greatly, and he turned around quickly—


It was like the sound of a cork popping from the mouth of the bottle.

The pain that seemed to tear his entire body apart spread from Kikutaro's flank throughout his body.

"Hmm...!" Kikutaro, whose blood color was dissipating at a speed visible to the naked eye, quickly raised his hand to cover his flank... which was constantly rushing out with blood.

He glanced down at his belly with timid eyes: the belly that had a hole in it, in just a split second, the palm of his hand that was used to block the hole was dyed red.

"Well... it's really hard to use a short gun with flint hair. It can be missed at such a short distance. It was clearly aimed at your chest just now, but it hit your stomach... Anyway, just now, it should be It also smashed the internal organs in your belly."

Kikutaro, whose face was covered in cold sweat due to the severe pain in his stomach, raised his eyes and followed the direction of the voice uttered in an indifferent tone just now, and looked at the ... Phi A figure in a cassock.




Hikkimaru, open deck—

"Drink!" Makimura held his Otachi with one hand, swinging it like a windmill.

With just one swipe, 2 enemies were slapped aside.

While swinging the knife with his right hand, his left hand was not idle either. His left hand clenched into a fist, raised a fist as large as the mouth of a bowl, and swung it towards the other person beside him.

Makicun's strength is the largest in the whole gourd house, except for Yuan Yi.

As long as he is willing, his fists and toes can become a weapon for killing people.

The moment his fist touched the enemy's face, the three-dimensional face of the enemy immediately turned into a plane.

Immediately after following Mamiya and jumping to Hikari Maru, he immediately followed Mamiya's deployment and separated from Mamiya soldiers - Mamiya went to support Ogata, while he went to rescue the man who was being watched on the main mast Lynn below.

At this moment, Makimura is fighting against the five enemies who are responsible for guarding Lin.

On the open deck, it was Ogata and the others who had a favorable geographical position. The presence of rain made the main weapon of the Toyotomi army: the flintlock gun completely ineffective.

In just a few breaths, Makimura made Lin's surroundings no longer see any enemies.

"My lord!" After finishing the surrounding enemies, Makimura immediately leaned over and supported Lin's shoulders, shaking it gently.

Lin was still in a coma, and her hands were still tightly clutching her two sabres.

There are a lot of scars on her body - these are the injuries she suffered when fighting Toyotomi just now.

Although there are many wounds on his body, his breathing is still steady and strong.

After confirming that Lin was okay, Makimura involuntarily let out a sigh of relief when the big stone in his heart fell.

While Makimura was rescuing Lin, Toyotomi, who was not far away, had been watching all this with a cold eye.

"Are Ogata Ichitosai and Kinoshita Genichi's comrades..." Toyotomi, who had an extremely gloomy face, pulled out the crossbow arrow that Mamiya had just shot and plunged deep into his right shoulder, "How can you really know? Show up when you pick..."

Makimura is rescuing Lin - it is naturally impossible for Toyotomi to remain indifferent to this matter.

But—he couldn't move to stop it either.

Ogata... is in front of him now.

With Ogata present and Ogata staring at him, he couldn't have the spare energy to act rashly.

At this moment, Makimura has successfully rescued Lin, and Mamiya has also thrown away the crossbow that shoots the crossbow, pulled out Vairocana, and quickly ran to Ogata's side, and finished the job with Ogata. confluence.

"...Mr. Yuan. Did you hurt any internal organs?" As soon as he came to Ogata's side, Mamiya cast a serious look at Yuanichi, who was being supported by Ogata, and looked at Yuanichi and him. The chest that was simply bandaged.

"The internal organs haven't been injured much. There is only a lot of blood." He was clearly scarred, and he had just walked around the gate of the ghost gate, but Yuan Yi was still like an old urchin who didn't know what troubles were, hehe smiled, With a witty remark, "After that, you have to work hard to drink more wine to replenish your blood."

For Mamiya and Makimura, who arrived in time and helped him a lot, Ogata had a lot to say to them.

I want to thank them for their timely arrival.

I want to complain about the feat of them driving the gourd pill and crashing directly.

But at present, the battle situation with Toyotomi has not been completely separated, so Ogata has no time to gossip with Mamiya and the others.

"...Mamiya. You guys came just right." Ogata, whose eyes had been fixed on Toyotomi and had been monitoring all of Toyotomi's actions, said bluntly, "Mamiya, listen to me carefully."

"Master Yuan is seriously injured now, and Miss Lin is in a coma. The two of them...especially Master Yuan, urgently need to leave the battlefield immediately and receive treatment."

"Let the two of them stay here... Ignore the delay in treatment, maybe it will lead to things like 'Master Yuan being held hostage' happen again."

"So—you and Makimura, take Miss Lin and Mr. Yuan out of here now. With such a big battleship, there should be several boats for escape."

"Leave?" A hint of surprise appeared in Mamiya's brows, "...Don't we need to stay and help out?"

Ogata smiled slightly: "Mamiya, you should have seen it too, right? The guy in front of us with the purple-handled sword is Toyotomi Nobuhide."

"With this guy as an opponent...you can't increase your advantage simply by increasing the number of people."

"Too many people stay here... It will only leave this guy more opportunities to take hostages~lightnovelpub.net~ After all, Ogata put away the faint smile he showed just now, and his expression became serious. Returning to the serious, he once again pulled out his great freedom, and re-positioned the posture of no self and two swords.


"We'll see you on the coast later."



how? Author Jun didn't lie yesterday, he successfully broke 8000. No leopard head crying (leopard head laughing.jpg)

Continue tomorrow! Tomorrow, I will try to explode a 10,000 or something.

For the sake of the author's hard work, vote for a monthly ticket!

Ask for a monthly pass! Ask for a monthly pass! QAQ