I Was a Swordsman in Ancient Japan

Chapter 747: "Master 1 Daozhai, I like you"

10 days later—


"Hey! Here's some more wooden boards!"

"Here too!"

"Get out of the way! The car carrying the planks is coming! If you don't want to be hit, get out of the way!"


It's about 11 in the morning now.

As it was approaching noon, a scorching sun was already hanging in the air. The sun shone through the sky and the earth, melting everything in its golden-red radiance.

Since about the 6th, the weather around Osaka has become exceptionally good.

There is no more continuous rain, and the sun is not poisonous. Even if it is the noon sun, it does not feel hot on the human body at all.

This lukewarm perfect weather is naturally a great benefit to the "Osaka reconstruction work" that has been in full swing these days.

The Toyotomi Army's raid on Osaka nearly half a month ago caused serious damage to Osaka.

That night, the fires that ignited everywhere in Osaka illuminated the night as if it were day.

But fortunately among the misfortunes—the night when the Toyotomi army raided Toyotomi was a windless night.

Because there was no wind to help, the fire did not spread on a large scale.

According to post-disaster statistics - about 40% of the houses were burnt down.

This number may seem scary at first glance, but compared with the disasters that Ayutthaya, Edo and Kyoto have suffered at the same level, it is also a bit insignificant.

[Note: In 1657, Edo suffered the "Mingli Fire", two-thirds of Edo was reduced to ashes, and the "Tenming Fire" in 1788 destroyed 80% of the buildings in Kyoto]

The citizens who had scattered to various places on the outskirts of Osaka in order to escape from Toyotomi's soldiers and Zhu Rong's might have now returned to Osaka one after another and began to rebuild their homes.

In the past few days, in the streets and alleys of Osaka, the voices I heard the most were the shouts of the townspeople for the reconstruction of Osaka, and the figures I saw the most were the townspeople running around for the reconstruction of Osaka, Busy figure.

The disaster in Osaka was not particularly serious, but the government in Osaka was severely damaged.

All the official facilities in Osaka were originally the main targets of the Toyotomi army.

The practice center, the prison, the Dojima rice city... All the facilities related to the government have been devastated, so that the officials who were transferred to organize the reconstruction of Osaka can only stay in various rudimentary buildings these days. Office in a shabby house.



At this very moment, in a large mansion in an obscure part of Osaka—

clunk... cluck... cluck...

In the kitchen, Fuuma, who heard that the miso soup had been boiled, hurried to the pot, lifted the lid, took out a small bowl, spooned out some soup, and tasted it.

"Well..." Feng Mo frowned, "The taste seems to be a little weak..."

"Lord Fengmo. Let me help you."

At this moment, A-Ming's voice suddenly sounded from the kitchen door.

After so many days of recuperation, A-Machi has recovered a lot both physically and mentally, her cheeks glowed red again, and her eyes became brighter.

"Oh, it's Komachi." Fuuma smiled at the sudden arrival of A-Machi, "You came just in time."

"The taste of this miso soup is too weak. I'm going to increase the firepower. Can you add more firewood to the stove for me?"

After all, Feng Mo smiled wryly and hammered his waist.

"Although my back pain has been relieved a lot, I still feel terrible every time I bend over. I really can't bend down to add firewood to the stove."

As for Fuuma's request, A-cho naturally readily agreed.

A-cho used a skilled technique to add firewood into the stove, then took out a bamboo tube for blowing air, and sent air into the stove.

After Feng Mo shouted "It's alright," A-ding put down the bamboo tube in his hand, stood up, and looked at this kitchen, which he hadn't been to because he was focusing on recuperation these days.

"It's the first time I've seen such a luxurious kitchen... As expected of the mansion that Miss Lin rented for 5 taels per month..."

After returning to Osaka from Kii, in order to allow everyone to have the most suitable environment for healing, Rin used her money ability again.

Through his personal connections, he borrowed this secluded and luxurious mansion at a rent of 5 taels per month.

These days, Ogata and the others have been staying in this mansion to heal and recuperate.

When everyone was recuperating here, Feng Mo spontaneously came to help.

These days, Feng Mo is mainly responsible for helping to cook and cook medicine.

Feng Mo's cooking skills are quite high, and the meals he cooks are praised by everyone.

Today's lunch is almost ready, and Fuuma, who has nothing else to do except wait for the miso soup to cook, starts chatting with A-cho.

"Komachi, I heard that Genichi came to ask Azhu to help him go outside and buy him a bottle of wine last night. Is this true?" Feng Mo asked.

"Yeah, it's true." A-ding smiled helplessly, "Last night, Master Yuan found A-Zhu quietly and asked A-Zhu to go outside and help him bring a bottle of wine back."

"But as soon as Master Yuan's front foot found Azhu, Mamiya's hind foot came and captured Master Yuan again."

"Hey, that guy from Yuanyi..." Feng Mo, who sighed lightly, shook his head with a wry smile, "I'm so old, and I'm still the same as when I was young, and I've been suffering all over without drinking alcohol for a day, and I've suffered so much. I'm hurt, and I'm thinking of drinking..."

"What do you know... I just want to drink a little wine to relieve my cravings. If I just drink a little wine, it won't have any adverse effect on the recovery of my injury."

Genichi's voice suddenly sounded from behind A-machi and Fuuma.

The two raised their brows and turned to look back at the same time - Genichi, whose entire upper body was wrapped in thick linen, was holding the door frame of the kitchen door with both hands.

"Drink a little wine?" The corners of Feng Mo's mouth twitched, evoking a playful arc, "You used to say to me like this: 'I'll just drink a little', 'Just drink one and stop'."

"But when wasn't it 'recovered, it was a booze'?"

"Nonsense... In my impression, there were several times when I really only drank a little."

"Yeah, maybe 1 or 2 times out of 100, miraculously, I really only drank a little bit."

"Master Yuan." At this moment, A-Ming tilted her head to Yuan Yi, "Why are you here?"

Hearing A-Ming's question, Genichi looked around him with vigilant eyes, and stepped into the kitchen slyly.

"A-machi." Genichi lowered his voice and asked in a cautious tone, "Is there any wine hidden in the kitchen? Sake, rice wine, any kind of wine is fine."

After asking, Yuan Yi, who had a lot of red blood in his eyes, swallowed hard while scanning everything in the kitchen, his eyes flashing with wild beast-like fiery light.

"No." As soon as Yuan Yi's voice fell, Feng Mo said bluntly, "Before you moved in here, Xiao Lin had thoroughly 'inspected' this mansion to ensure that the mansion was There wasn't a single bottle of wine in it."

"Tsk..." Yuan Yi slapped his mouth hard, "Do you need to be so thorough? Do you just not trust your uncle..."

As soon as Yuan Yi finished his words, a young male voice with no sadness and no joy suddenly sounded from the door of the kitchen.

"It's just because I trust you so much and know that you can't help but find a drink, that's why the lord cleared all the drinks in the mansion in advance."

"Mamiya..." Yuan Yi turned his head, Xiang Zheng stood at the door of the kitchen, looked at his Mamiya blankly, and squeezed out an expression as if he had eaten coptis.

Mamiya, who has hardly suffered any injuries, is to monitor Genichi, in case Genichi, who is still in the recovery stage, runs to drink secretly.

For this job, Mamiya has done it perfectly.

Whenever Genichi tried to get alcohol and drink it in various ways, Mamiya could immediately "teleport" to Genichi's side, pulling Genichi back into the room.

"Okay, Master Yuan, let's go back quickly." Mamiya Chaoyuan waved his hand.

"Mamiya..." Genichi tried to say something.

But just as he had time to call out Mamiya's name, Mamiya immediately interrupted:

"Even if you beg me, it's useless. No matter what, I won't let you drink. You should just die."

"Come back to your room with me. If you stay here for a long time, and the lord finds out that you have sneaked out to drink again, you will be scolded again."

"...Mamiya. I'm finding more and more that you are really suitable for being a nanny..." Genichi slumped his shoulders, dragged his feet, and dragged his body out of the kitchen, while he smiled bitterly to Mamiya, "In the future If Xiaolin has her own offspring, I must recommend you to be a nanny for Xiaolin's child."

"Then it's my honor." Mamiya showed a graceful smile, "I quite like children and work in education."

"Okay, don't be rude. Come back to your room with me."

Genichi with a sullen face, like a little duck following a mother duck, clinging to Mamiya's buttocks, and Mamiya one after another left the room, which had become much more joyful because of the two of them. kitchen.

After watching Mamiya and Genichi leave, Fuuma gave A-cho a helpless smile:

"I really hope Yuanichi doesn't do anything stupid to drink again after that."

clunk... cluck... cluck...

The sound of soup boiling sounded again.

Feng Mo opened the lid of the pot, glanced at the color of the soup, and said quickly to A-Ming:

"Komachi, can you help me get the box of salt over there?"

"it is good."

A-cho started with Fuuma, and worked together to cook lunch with Fuuma.

When cooking lunch with A-cho, the wind golem seems to have something on his mind, and has been raising his eyes to look at A-cho from time to time.

And A-cho, who noticed Fuuma's gaze, wondered:

"Lord Fengmo, what's wrong? Is there anything you want to tell me?"

"Indeed... I have something to talk about." Feng Mo pursed his lips, hesitated for a while, and sighed, "Komachi, I want to tell you about that Isshiki flower."

"Miss Isshiki?" A-ding raised her eyebrows as if she knew what Fuuma wanted to say to her.

"Komachi, I think you...you have to pay more attention to that Isshiki flower." When he said the word "be careful", Fuuma emphasized his tone.

"Look, the relationship between Ogata brother and that Isshiki seems to be quite good."

"Ishikika has come to take care of us every day these days... She mainly comes to take care of Ogata brother."

"I remember that I also heard you say that when he was fighting against Toyotomi's army in Osaka, Ogata brother also made an intimate act of fighting against others while holding Isshiki in his arms."

"I see that you don't seem to care about that Isshiki, and you turn a blind eye to all the intimacy between Ogata and Isshiki... and you often talk and laugh with Isshiki."

"I'm not suspecting that brother Ogata will abandon you and go into the arms of other women."

Feng Mo sighed lightly.

"I just... want to remind you that in the face of this kind of thing, you have to be more or less careful."

As soon as Feng Mo's voice fell, A-ding chuckled a few times.

"Lord Fengmo, you are worrying too much."

A-machi laughed.

"What kind of person A Yi is, I know best."

The smile on A-Ming's face was a little bit weirder.

"About Ayi and Miss Isshiki... I only worried about one thing from beginning to end: whether Ayi would say too much to others and hurt them..."



another room--

"Ah ah ah ah ah--!"

Asai, who was lying on the bed, screamed like a pig to Makimura, who was sitting next to him and applying medicine to his waist and abdomen.

"What is this?!" Asai gasped wildly, "Are you putting chili oil on my wound?!"

"Don't move." Makimura said to Asai with a blank expression, "This is a new medicine, and it has a slightly stimulating effect on the wound. Just bear with it."

Also in the decisive battle against Toyotomi, Makimura, who was not seriously injured, has been taking care of Asai and Shimada as his main job these days.

Although Mucun is tall and tall, he is also a thick and thin person. In terms of taking care of people, he is also a good player.

Gentle and meticulous care methods, I am afraid that some professional nanny will be ashamed.

But——because he worked as a clerk in Kyoto before, he would show his unselfish side from time to time, "It's useless to plead for mercy".

After saying to Asai indifferently, "Forbearance, forbearance," Makimura once again grabbed a large ball of ointment and rubbed it on Asai's wound.

"Ah ah ah ah ah--!"

Shimada, who lived in the same room as Asai, looked at his roommate who kept howling like a slaughtering pig, and was extremely glad that he didn't have any wounds on his body that needed to be rubbed with this ointment.

"That... Asai-senpai..." Shimada, who showed a helpless expression, reminded in a soft voice, "Miss Hatsune's room is next door, you should be quieter, it will be bad if you disturb others."



Next room--

"Ah ah ah ah ah……"

He was lying on the bed, closing his eyes to rest in the first light, and slowly opened his eyes, listening to the continuous sound of slaughtering pigs coming from the next room.

——What is going on next door...

She frowned and cast a suspicious look at the wall adjacent to Asai and Shimada's room.


At this moment, Chu Guang heard the sound of the door being pulled open.

Looking up - Ah Zhu cautiously walked into the room with a bowl of steaming medicinal soup.

"Ah." After seeing Chu Guang looking at her, Ah Zhu showed joy, "Are you awake?"

"I'm sorry." Chuguang showed A Zhu a polite and apologetic smile, "I'm bothering you to send me medicine again..."

After all, Chu Guang propped up the bed with his arms and slowly propped up his upper body.

"Ah, do you want to get up?" A Zhu quickly walked a few steps, put the potion in his hand on the table beside him, and helped Chu Guang up.

"Thank you..." Chu Guang once again showed Azhu an apologetic smile.

If it is said that among all the people, who is the most seriously injured, it is naturally the first light.

After returning to Osaka, he was covered with the first light of wounds. Unfortunately, he developed a high fever due to inflammation of the wounds.

In this era before antibiotics were born, wound inflammation is quite terrifying, and the fatality rate is extremely high.

Throughout the ages, how many heroes did not die on the battlefield, but died from small wounds and inflamed wounds.

In order to cure Chuguang, Lin invited all the famous doctors she could invite.

And wound inflammation is worthy of being a hopeless disease in this era.

Chu Guang, who had been suffering from a high fever and was bedridden, fell into a coma for a time, and the attending doctor couldn't help shaking his head, saying, "It may not work."

But fortunately—perhaps because Chu Guang's physical fitness is good enough, or because of luck, Chu Guang miraculously survived the infection.

Since 3 days ago, Chu Guang's physical condition has improved a lot.

Yesterday, Chu Guang's body temperature had returned to normal, and he was able to sit up and eat normally.

After being helped by Ah Zhu to sit up, he hadn't seen the first light of Shibata's figure since just now, so he asked curiously:

"Have you seen where Shibata is?"

"He's helping to clean the corridors of the mansion now." Azhu replied with a smile, "He told me yesterday: Your body can recover, thanks to the accommodation, meals and the doctor that Ms. Kinoshita provided."

"So he will do his best to repay Miss Kinoshita and the others."

"Ha..." Chu Guang showed a helpless expression with a bit of relief, and shook his head, "Repay... Anyway, let him go."

"This is a newly boiled medicine." A Zhu pointed to the medicine soup next to him, "It's still a little hot, wait for it to cool down a bit, then drink it."

After all, Azhu started to help Chuguang tidy up her bedding.

Looking at Azhu, who has been taking care of her meticulously with Shibata these days, a complex expression appeared on Chuguang's cheeks.

"...that... thank you very much..."

Chuguang once again showed Azhu an apologetic smile.

Seeing the smile on Chuguang's face, Azhu was stunned.

After a long while, Ah Zhu slowly came back to his senses.

Smiling, while continuing to help Chuguang tidy up the bedding, she casually said softly:

"You don't need to be so polite to me."

"After all... we are sisters, aren't we?"

Just like throwing a pebble into the calm lake water, ripples wrinkled the lake surface.

Chu Guang opened her beautiful eyes and opened her red lips slightly.

Surprised, confused, delighted...

In the pupils of the first light, it seems that you can see all kinds of human emotions.

"The first time I saw you... I already recognized you."

Although Azhu tried her best to use a calm tone, her voice trembled uncontrollably.

"I'm your sister after all."

"How can there be a reason why a sister can't recognize her sister?"

"Although you insisted that you didn't know me when I met you."

"But I am also sure that I will never admit the wrong person."

"I firmly believe that you are my sister: Ajiu."

In Ah Zhu's tone, a bit of loneliness gradually surfaced.

"My brain is not smart."

"I don't know why you said you didn't know me when I asked you to meet me."

"But I believe that if my sister, who has always been smarter than me, doesn't have amnesia, it must be for some important reason that she deliberately pretends not to know me."

Having said that, Ah Zhu raised his eyes.

Casting a gaze mixed with complex emotions towards the first light.

"...Before, because there were often outsiders present, I never mentioned this to you."

"And now... it's just you and me in the room."

"So, you can tell me: you... do you remember me?"

This time, A Zhu's eyes flashed with all kinds of human emotions.

A Zhu's pupils flickered with a little shrinkage.

She looks like she wants to listen to Chu Guang's next answer, but she doesn't dare to listen carefully.


A breeze was blowing from the window at this moment, blowing the hair between Ah Zhu and Chu Guang's temples.

In this lightly fluttering black hair, a trace of... a strange smile flew up to the cheeks of the first light.

"...No wonder...Sis, since you entered the house just now, you were eager to try, as if you had something to tell me."

"So... it's because I saw that Shibata is rarely by my side, so I can come and ask questions..."

What Chuguang said in the remaining words——Azhu didn't hear it at all.

Because when he heard the word "sister", A Zhu seemed to be frozen, no matter how he looked or moved, he froze.


Chu Guang opened his mouth and was about to say something more——


A gust of wind hit her—A Zhu rushed towards Chu Guang, opened his arms, and hugged Chu Guang tightly... or, in other words, hugged her sister: A Jiu.

Azhu rested her chin on Chuguang's shoulder, making Chuguang unable to see Azhu's current expression.

But the first light could see that A Zhu's two thin shoulders were trembling slightly.

In my ear, I heard a low sniffling sound.

With the first light of a gentle smile on his face, he raised his hands, hugged Azhu gently, and then patted Azhu's back with a gentle movement like a cat soothing.

"Sorry... I've been pretending not to know you before, it must have made you feel very uncomfortable..."

"Why..." A Zhu murmured from his shoulders, "Why do you pretend that you don't know me...?"

"...Since Shibata and I decided to kill Yoshihisa and destroy Iga no Sato, my daily life has been cautious and like walking on thin ice."

Chu Guang's expression became somewhat helpless, as if recalling some bad memory.

"My words and deeds not only affect my life and death, but also affect Shibata's safety."

"Sister, if it's you, what would you think after seeing that your sister who hasn't been for a long time seems to have a very close relationship with a group of people with unknown identities and unknown purposes?"

"At that time, I didn't know Ms. Kinoshita, I didn't know Mr. Ogata, I didn't know their identities, and I didn't know the purpose of fighting against Toyotomi. I didn't even know... This sister in front of me is still me before. The familiar sister..."

"Under the condition of not knowing anything... rashly recognizing you, it is not responsible for me, and it is also irresponsible for Shibata, who was also captured by Mr. Kinoshita Genichi and the others at that time."

"It's fine for me to die, but I can't affect the only...friend I have had since I joined Iga."

"So I pretended not to know you."

"Continue to temporarily observe and collect intelligence as an outsider."

Having said that, Chu Guang clenched his arms tightly around Ah Zhu's body.

"Feel sorry……"

The gentle smile on Chuguang's face slowly changed back to a smile with a strong regret.

"So that's how it is..." Chu Guang heard a voice that broke through tears and laughed, "Ajiu, you too... Did you recognize me the first time you saw me?"

"...I'm your younger sister." Chuguang closed his eyes slightly, resting his chin on Azhu's shoulder like Azhu did, "Isn't it natural to be able to recognize my sister?"

I have seen countless storms and waves in Iga, and my body and mind have far surpassed the first light of my peers. I didn't cry like a child like Azu.

However, the strength from her pair of arms holding A Zhu back and forth silently declared that her heart was not as calm as the expression on her face.

"At the time... I thought you had lost your memory, so you didn't recognize me... I was thinking about finding a way to restore your memory..."

"Sister, although your brain is not smart, your imagination is very rich."

The laughter of the sisters, along with the wind, scattered in every corner of the room.



The eyelids felt a yellowish warmth.

Ogata slowly opened his eyes after being abruptly woken up by the sunlight shining down on him through the open window.

When he opened his eyes, the first thing that caught Ogata's eyes was the open window on his left, and the beams of sunlight pouring in through the window.

After the window and the sunlight, what came into view was a... hazy and beautiful figure sitting on Ogata's right hand.

"Ah, Lord Yidaozhai, are you awake? Sorry, did I wake you up?"

This beautiful figure turned around and faced Ogata.

Because Ogata had just woken up, Ogata, who was still a little blurry, blinked a few times.

Qianying slowly condensed into a specific appearance—Ishiki flower, like Feng Mo, who has been running spontaneously to take care of everyone these days.

"It's Miss Isshiki..." Ogata slowly sat up from the bed, "Don't apologize, you didn't wake me up, I woke up naturally."

Having said that, Ogata turned his head and looked out the window.

"What time is it now?"

"It's almost noon." Isshiki Hua said softly, "Miss A-Machi and Mr. Kaze are cooking in the kitchen now, and lunch will be available in a while."

"Have you slept until noon again..." Ogata said with a wry smile while pinching his neck, which was a little stiff from sleeping too much.

These days, Ogata's main way of recuperating is sleeping.

With the "power of immortality", he does not need to ask any doctor for treatment. As long as he rests every day, his body can recover quickly.

"How is your body today?" Isshiki asked with concern.

"Yeah. It's getting better every day." Ogata grabbed his right hand, which had changed back to normal skin color, "After resting for another ten days, he should be able to return to normal."

These days, Ogata, who has been living a life of "sleep till noon and wake up" every day, has finally recovered from his body, which has become extremely weak because he has entered the "Yaksha state" and the "no-self state" at the same time. Able to carry out simple daily activities.

"That's good..." After Isshiki smiled softly, she turned her face away, "Really... Thank you so much for saving my family."

Having said that, Isshiki Hana bent down and made a deep bow to Ogata so that she could clearly see the back of her white neck.

Looking carefully at Isshiki's face, she could see her eyes, which were still a little red and swollen--these were swollen from crying after seeing her family return safely.

Because Isshika, who was so excited at that time, cried quite a lot, her eyes have not recovered completely until now.

"These days, I can hear you thanking me every day." Ogata smiled helplessly, "No need to thank me."

"To be honest, I didn't make any contribution to the rescue of your family."

"You should thank Mr. Hasegawa the most."

After hearing this, Ishiki sighed, and continued with a bitter face: "Mr. Hasegawa left too soon... I didn't even have time to thank him, and I don't know if I will have time to make a special trip to thank him in the future. Woolen cloth……"

At the beginning, after splitting up with Ogata and the others, and leading his subordinates and Naoshu Isshiki and others back to Osaka, Hasegawa did not leave immediately.

He asked his subordinates to return to Edo first, and at the same time reported the safety of the village where the Hofu thieves changed, he informed the Edo shogunate that an unknown enemy was planning to raid Edo by boat, strengthening the Edo Bay and the internal and external forces of Edo. guard.

Hasegawa, on the other hand, stayed in Osaka alone, waiting for Ogata and the others to return.

After seeing the return of Ogata and others, and knowing that the battleship was destroyed and Toyotomi Nobuhide had been put to death, Hasegawa left with satisfaction.

Because Hasegawa was in a hurry at the time, Ogata didn't have time to express his thanks to Hasegawa who had given them a lot of help in the crusade against Toyotomi. This made Ogata somewhat regretful.

"That's right." Isshiki's nice voice sounded again, "Grandpa told me: He wants to see you again in person later, and apologize once again for the wicked behavior that betrayed you at that time."

After saying those words, a bit of shame and apology appeared on Isshiki's brows.

"No need." Ogata gave a free and easy smile, "I already said it? It's not him, it's Toyotomi Nobuhide's fault. Now that the first evil has been brought to an end, just let it pass."

After Ogata and others returned to Osaka, Isshiki Zhizhou, who had always been brooding about his "betrayal", arrested him, his son and daughter-in-law by Toyotomi's people, and brought him "Ogata Society". When did I go to Nana to get the sword?” The important information that told Toyotomi to Ogata.

At that time, he directly said that he would like to cut his abdomen to apologize, and even took out the knife, but fortunately, A-ding, who happened to be there at that time, stopped him in time.

Who forced Isshiki Naozhou to betray Ogata? It was Toyotomi who kidnapped his family and used his family as coercion.

In other words, Toyotomi is the one who should be held accountable.

Ogata, who didn't think that Isshiki Naoshu had any need to apologize, chose without hesitation——let this matter pass.

Ogata, who didn't want to stay on this slightly heavy topic for too long, looked around and changed the subject on his own initiative:

"Are you cleaning the tatami for me just now?" Ogata looked at the bucket and rag next to Isshiki.

"Yeah." Isshiki, who had a gentle smile on her face again, nodded lightly, "Because I saw that the tatami on the floor of your room was a little dirty, so I poured some water and scrubbed it."

"This is the first time I've done this kind of housework."

"Because there are servants in the family, since childhood, these household chores are basically done by servants."

"I thought it would be easy to clean the tatami, but it turned out to be surprisingly difficult. I accidentally got the whole tatami wet."

Having said that, Isshiki lowered her head slightly, revealing a shy smile.

This is the first time Ogata has seen her look like this on the face of Isshiki, who usually has a stern face.

At this very moment, there was just a wisp of soft sunlight like light dust hitting Yishihua's face from outside the window.

Isshiki's already fair skin was covered with a dreamy color under the sunlight.

Looking at Isshiki's beautiful smile, a smile involuntarily appeared on Ogata's face.

However... just as the smile flew to Ogata's cheeks, his smile suddenly froze.

Immediately afterwards, this smile slowly changed into a strange expression.

The reason for such a drastic change in expression is all because...Ogata suddenly recalled a certain...important event related to Isshiki.

"...That, Miss Isshiki." Ogata's eyes flickered slightly.

"Huh?" Ishiki Hana, who noticed the change in Ogata's expression, slowly put away that shy smile.

"I... have something important to tell you."

"important things?"

"Yes..." Having said this, Ogata's voice suddenly stopped.

I saw a bit of hesitation floating between his eyebrows.

After a moment of hesitation appeared on Ogata's face, Ogata took a deep breath and used "brute force" to forcibly suppress the hesitation between his brows.

"That night... Your reply to what I said." Ogata looked straight into Isshiki's eyes and said sternly.

Ogata said it very vaguely.

But even though she was so obscure, Isshiki Hana immediately reacted... What did Ogata's words just mean...

Looking at Ogata who was looking directly at her with a serious face, Isshiki's eyes were slightly rounded, and she stared blankly at Ogata.

(Lord Yidaozhai...I like you.)

Even though so many days have passed... That night, Isshiki Hana, who thought she and Ogata were going to die in the siege of Yoemon and the others, said these words to Ogata, to Ogata, Still talking...

Lips... I can still recall the feeling of being covered with soft petals until now.

Since both Ogata and Isshika were freed from the siege by Toyotomi's army, the reason why Ogata did not immediately respond to what Isshiki had said to him at the time was because Toyotomi Shinhide had not been killed at that time. Fang didn't have the spare time to take care of other things.

However... After Toyotomi Nobuhide had been put to death and the corpse capital had disappeared into the vast sea, Ogata still did not respond to Isshiki.

It's not because Ogata doesn't care about Isshiki's confession, so he doesn't care.

Rather, it's the opposite—Ogata really cared about Isshiki's confession, so he didn't know what to do, so he just kept putting it off.

It's been... until now...

Ogata even thought about it—just keep dragging it on like this, and the confession of being a Isshiki flower doesn't exist.

But this thought, as soon as it appeared in Ogata's mind, was dismissed by him.

He really had no choice but to keep the matter so unclear...

Now, A-cho and the others are not in the room.

Here and now, there are only him and Isshiki.

There is no better time to deal with this than now...

Having made up his mind not to let this matter go on like this, Ogata, who is now responding to Isshiki's original confession, took a deep breath—

"Miss Isshiki, I like you very much too."

Ogata tried to squeeze a smile at Isshiki.

"I like your beautiful face."

"I also like your strong character."


Ogata's conversation has just changed—

"...Master Yidaozhai."

Ogata felt a gentle touch on his lips——Isshiki raised the index finger of his right hand and pressed his lips.

"...No need to say more." Isshiki Hana drooped her head, so that Ogata could only see her hair twirling, "I... The reason why I said 'I like you' at the time was not because I wanted an answer from you. ."

"It's not to make you like me too."

"Just because...I want to tell you that."

"I opened my heart to you, and you know my heart... that's enough."

"Ever since I met you, the bond between you and Miss A-Machi... I have been watching it all the time."

"Therefore, I know very well in my heart, what you can give me... the only answer is..."

"So...don't talk about the next words..."

"If you keep talking, I might cry."

Isshiki took a joking tone.

"If I cry, it's hard to coax me."

Having said that, Isshiki raised her head.

She showed Ogata an expression that made people feel heartache when they saw it, and felt like they would cry at any time.

"Miss Isshiki..." Looking at Isshiki's expression, Ogata's eyebrows gradually became a little bit of shame and sadness.

"Ichitosai-sama." Isshiki Hua put away the fingers that pressed Ogata's lips, "Can I... ask you a question?"

Isshiki's voice began to tremble slightly.

She pretended to be strong, but her voice was still the same as her various emotions that could not be concealed, and it was simply trembling.

"If... If I can get acquainted with you one step ahead of Miss A-cho, would you accept me as your wife?"

Ogata: "..."

Ogata, who was silent for a while, restrained the emotions on his face, looked at Isshiki, and nodded firmly.

"Hahaha..." Still wearing the one-colored flower that looked like she was about to cry at any time, she let out a happy laugh, "So...thank you for choosing me...In this way, I don't have any regrets anymore. ."

Having said that, Isshiki Hana fell on Ogata's body and buried her face in Ogata's right shoulder.

"Master Yidaozhai...can you allow me...to be willful one last time?"

"Let me lean on you for a while... please..."

Ogata didn't reply.

He just continued to straighten his back in silence... Let Isshiki just lean against his arms.

"Master Yidaozhai..."

A soft but firm light floated in his arms.

"I like you……"

Countless messages came from her body shrunk in Ogata's arms.

Not just trembling, but other... countless things passed into Ogata's body.

After a long time... a long time... Isshiki Hana finally left Ogata's arms.

"It's almost time for lunch."

Isshiki's expression has returned to its original appearance.

She slowly stood up while smiling softly at Ogata ~lightnovelpub.net~.

"Master Yidaozhai, hurry up and wash up, and then prepare to have lunch."

After all, Isshiki no longer stayed in the room, as if eager to leave the place, she quickly pushed the door and left without looking back.

Ogata did not go after Isshiki.

After watching Isshiki leave with complicated eyes, he closed his eyes and sighed deeply...

After leaving Ogata's room, Isshiki Hana didn't leave the door immediately.

She stood outside the room, looking down at the right index finger that was used to hold Ogata's lips just now.

In the spacious and empty corridor, Ishiki, who closed his eyes and drooped his head, slowly raised the index finger of his right hand and pressed it against his lips.



Ah ah ah ah ah ah! The author is so sad! (Leopard Head Crying.jpg)

If possible, the author also really wants Isshiki Hana and Ogata to be together QAQ

But this is obviously impossible. The bond between Ogata and A-machi is destined to be impossible for Ishikika to have the same position as A-machi in Ogata's heart...

The author is now thinking about whether or not to write an IF sideline in which Ogata turns into a scumbag and marries A-machi and Isshiki at the same time...

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