I Was a Swordsman in Ancient Japan

~: Postscript to Volume VI

(????)??Hi! tortured!

Here is Ya and Jia—Shu Mengshi, who has been tortured by his graduation thesis recently.

Volume 6 "Edo Castle Gozen Examination" also came to a successful conclusion.

Although before I started writing volume 6, I estimated that volume 6 should have a large plot volume, but I didn’t expect it to be so large...

The total number of words in Volume 6 is [690468]...

Nearly 700,000 words...

The total length exceeds the sum of Volume 4 and Volume 5...

It should be the longest volume in this book.

From February 7th to May 10th, a total of 3 months and 3 days were written.

I was really one of the model workers in the light district (laughs). I wrote a large article of nearly 700,000 words in just 3 months and 3 days.

Although in some plots, I have been unable to write the feeling I want. But overall, I am still very satisfied with Volume 6.

From the beginning of Ogata and Amachi's mutual complaint, the two of them stared at each other (I was wrong, from Chapter 344, where Ogata and Amachi determined the relationship, to the final chapter of this volume, 91 chapters apart, not 101 chapters …Somewhat embarrassing…but it doesn’t matter, 91 is also a good number, "long" and "one".)

If the author likes the plot of the episodes in this volume the most, I might choose Ogata to show his true body in front of Guasheng, and then beat the plot of Gokutaro and Genichi and the scene of Yanmo.

The plot of Ogata's beating Kokutaro should be one of the coolest plots in this volume (laughs). I believe many readers think so too, because the monthly pass for the book just exploded that day.

In my impression, the total monthly ticket ranking of the book at that time was 250+.

After finishing the chapter where Ogata beat Kokutaro, the ranking soared to 150+...

As for the battle between Genichi and Balrog, it is also one of the plots I like very much.

I saw that a famous book friend spoke very well.

The battle between Genichi and Balrog was not a battle between two old men.

It was a fight between an old man and a young man.

The flame demon was overwhelmed by obsession and the expectations of everyone, and both his body and mind became old.

And Yuanyi's heart has not changed.

Although the skin is aging, his blood has been burning under the old skin. He has always been the young man who loves swordsmanship.

An old man who is aging against a young man who is still vigorous-it is clear who wins and who loses.

Genichi has always been one of my favorite characters.

Before I wrote the sixth volume, I set myself a small goal: to establish the image of Genichi in this volume.

Before, Genichi had always been a character who only heard his name, but didn't see the truth. Everyone is talking about how strong Yuanyi is, but Yuanyi has never played a role.

Then in this volume, Yuanyi finally had a lot of roles.

I personally think that I have shaped Yuanyi well (laughs).

The prototype of Genichi's name is Ashina Isshin and Jiguoyuanichi.

Although one of his name prototypes is Ashina Isshin, he and Ashina Isshin are different types of sword sages.

Ashina Yixin is the kind of swordsman who pursues victory and uses all means to achieve victory.

Genichi Kinoshita is a swordsman who is obsessed with swordsmanship and only wants to pursue swordsmanship.

How to make Genichi Kinoshita's image of "Juggernaut" deeply rooted in the hearts of the people has always been difficult for me.

But in the end-my small goal of "to establish the image of Genichi in this volume" should be considered as successfully achieved.

In addition to Genichi, I personally think that the flame demon is better shaped in this volume.

If you compare the Balrog and the Wind Demon together, you will find that the two of them are actually a bit similar.

Both of them knew that the age of ninjas was over.

They were all overwhelmed by everyone's expectations and responsibilities.

However, the two of them finally made different choices.

The wind demon finally chose to let him go.

He disbanded the Wind Demon and lived in Kyoto, and lived a happy life that his former subordinates would come to visit him from time to time.

If you want to know the story of Feng Mo, you can go to Quan Ding Fan Wai, which is the last chapter of the starting point APP catalog.

As for the Balrog—he didn't choose to let him go.

He didn't let go of his obsession until the end.

There is still a lot to say about this volume.

But for a while, I can't remember what to say (laughs).

So for the matter of this volume, let's talk about it first.

Let’s talk about the next volume.

As I said before, the name of Volume 7 is determined to be "Unkamuyi".

Earlier, some pretty good book friends have found out what "Unkamuyi" means.

Unkamuyi is the Ainu language, which is Ezo language.


There are many plots from some of the characters in volume 6 to volume 7.

Some pits in volume 6 will also be left to volume 7 to fill in.

Therefore, the volume of the plot of Volume 7 is quite large.

According to my estimation, the total number of words in Volume 7 should be more than 400,000 words.

By the way, let me tell you one more thing-the plot of this book has entered the later stage.

There are 8 volumes in this book.

In other words-there are only 2 volumes left in this book. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

Until the end, the total number of words in this volume should be between 2 million and 2.5 million words.

So everyone should look at it and cherish it (laughs).

In short-I can't think of anything else I want to say.

So this postscript will end here.

Finally, let's make the final summary of this postscript with the words that must be said-

My deepest thanks to all those who support this book!

Shu Mengshi

May 10, 2021

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