I Was a Swordsman in Ancient Japan

~: Summary of the end of 2012 and outlook f

Hi! tortured! (??ω??)??

This is because my hair is dry, so I still can't sleep. After seeing the year-end summary written by what I have always liked, I also want to thank the novelist Shu Mengshi who wrote the year-end summary on a whim.

2021 is really over in the blink of an eye. At the beginning of the year, Ogata spent the longest night of his life in Kyoto. At the end of the year, Ogata's story is about to come to an end.

As 2021 is about to end and the book is about to end, the author will tell you some stories about the creation of this book this year.

If you ask the author to comment on my book, it is-too stable!

The book was put on the shelves at the end of last year, and the first order on the shelves was 6351. For such a niche subject, such data is considered very good.

But in fact, the first order is very high. Soon after it was put on the shelves, the number of follow-up orders (the number of subscriptions to the latest chapter within 24 hours) became a very stable around 1200.

This number has been stable until now.

That is to say-from the beginning of the serialization of Volume 4 until now, for the entire 2021, more than a year, the number of orders for this book has not changed, it has been around 1200.

Regardless of whether it is recommended or not, the number of follow-up orders will never change, neither high nor low. Only in certain chapters (such as some astringent chapters), the number of follow-up orders can reach nearly 2000. The data is not stable.

Although the number of subscriptions is not high, the number of new subscriptions every day is very high. Thanks to the high additions, most of the time in 2021, the book will be in the range of 20-40 bestsellers in the light novel area. Floating within.

Can keep sales in a range for more than half a year-it is really not stable.

Both orders are very stable, the first order is 6351, and now it only slowly rises to 8000.

Recently, because there are very few potential readers who would like this subject of this book, it has caused various reasons such as the increase in collections and the decrease in new additions. The ranking on the best-selling list has declined slightly, and it has become in the range of 40 to 60. Floating, but the follow-up order remains the same, still around 1200...

Because the book is about to be finished, the author has been studying Buddhism a lot recently, and he doesn't pay much attention to the results. The author now has only one goal: to draw a satisfactory end to the book.

The book is not only stable in terms of data, but also stable in the advancement of the plot.

The book is almost 3.2 million words now, and there hasn't been any major collapse in plot or combat power until now.

There are no strong characters in the early stage, and the late pigs and dogs are not as good as the pigs and dogs. The strong characters in the early stage are also very strong now-such as Mamiya.

There hasn’t been a situation where someone is too strong. Such as Ogata. Although Ogata is now regarded as the ceiling of combat power, no one should think that if Ogata singles Mamiya and Genichi without using a pistol, he can win it steadily.

The author is also confident that this will continue to the end, and that before the end, there will be another big climax for you to vote for this book from the bottom of your heart.

The author has set four climaxes for this book:

The battle of a hundred people cut.

Battle of Nijo Castle in Kyoto.

A decisive battle with the shogunate army.

And it won’t take long for everyone to see the battle.

It seems to be boasting, but the author feels that he has made rapid progress throughout the year.

Although I have written a 3.7 million-word novel before writing this book, that novel is purely a plaything for me, and no one reads it. How can I write it when I am happy?

In terms of writing ability, the author was actually a novice when he first started this book.

So when I go back and read the content at the beginning of the book, the author Jun really feels that he was so immature at that time, and many places are verbose... There are so many plots for me to write, and the arrangement will definitely be better and better. interesting.

Around the time of the fifth volume of the Kyoto chapter, that is, at the beginning of this year, the author Jun himself thought that my writing ability had begun to make great progress.

Mysterious things, such as the rhythm of the novel and mobilizing readers' emotions, that I have been unclear about before, are now gradually getting brows.

There are still a lot of things I want to talk about, but because my hair is about to dry and I want to sleep~lightnovelpub.net~, I will skip it for the time being, and let's talk about it later when I have a chance.

If the author did not make a mistake in his estimation, the book will end in March and April of the following year.

Thinking that the story of "Sura" is about to end, the author really has mixed feelings.

In the middle and late March of the following year, when the book is about to end, the author will release a new book to seamlessly connect the old and new works.

The author has told you before that I, who have an infinite love for sword halberd novels, decided to write a "Samurai Trilogy" that shares the same worldview.

For these trilogy, the author has already made the basic settings.

The trilogy will compose the legends of "Sura", "King of Nene" and "Dragon" respectively.

The next book will compose the legend of "King Ren".

The legend of "Sura" began in the Kanjeong period in 1789, and the legend of "Niwang" started in the Anzheng period in 1860.

As for when the "Dragon" legend will begin, please allow the author to keep it secret~~

As far as feelings are concerned, the author actually wants to write the "dragon" story earlier ~ after all, the author is the ultimate "Long" fan. According to the author's setting, the third part will be a full of elements like a dragon. In the work to overflow, the protagonist is a macho with a dragon tattoo on his back like Kiryu Kazuo.

But there is no way, the story of "Nioh" cannot be opened without finishing the story of "Dragon".

Compared with the original one, the fantasy elements will be much less in the next one, and it will be a bit more martial arts, more sword and shadow work. The author is confident to bring you a brand new one that will let you understand the new work refreshingly.

All in all-thanks for your attention this year! Please take care of you in the coming year!



Shu Mengshi

December 30, 2021