I was Born in Hell

Chapter 211: Evil Baptism (5)


This seems to be some sort of evil ritual, closer to pollution and degeneration.

The meat-eating worms penetrated into the general's body, and they melted into a special substance, which can bring powerful power to human beings, but at the same time subtly changed human genes, and eventually even the brain's consciousness was corrupted.

not only! !!

During the whole process of baptism, although the general felt supreme joy ...

But the dead point behind his skull was high, and a special meat-eating worm that controlled his life and mental veins was growing unknowingly.

Qualitative change.

The general from body to mind has begun to transform into another species, a more degraded species.

At this moment, the abnormality is protruding.

Above the secret basement, the sound of fighting came suddenly, interrupting the baptism time enjoyed by the general.

Huh! !!

Rumble! !!

A hole was exploded in the basement, and the outside guard was beaten into flesh and fell from the hole to the ground.

In a pool of meat mud, there was suddenly a foreign body creeping in the back of the neck of the human body, and an obese meat-eater wormed out. Obviously, the guard was "contaminated".

Slap! !!

The figure of Gu Fan also jumped gently.

The sole of his foot was just stepping on the carnivore and knocking it directly.

"My patience is running out."

Gu Fan seemed a little impatient, invading five people's dreams in succession, and found this hidden basement.

"Gu Fan!"

The general was a high-ranking official, and Gu Fan was recognized at a glance.

Since he appeared here, did the ghost team's sniper fail?

Gu Fan looked around for a week, and had confirmed that the general was completely corrupted.

"Yes, it's you."

"The fallen general and the wise man next to you are also very special, right?"

Gu Fan took a peek at a human named "Wise Man", and Pupil could see more.

It has no human consciousness at all, and those who belong to human happiness, or painful struggle, have nowhere.

The wise man has a cold, cruel, ruthless, rational, and greedy desire, and it is completely different from humans in terms of color and structure.

"Enemies ... kill !!"

The wise man issued a command, and more squirming noises were heard in the dark and moist space, and the sounds of those meat-eater screams.

Rustling! !!

In the dark corner of the corner, large swarms of worms crawled here.

Their sharp mouthparts can easily cut open the trouser legs and penetrate into human flesh.

Ha ha.

Gu Fan sneered again, and stepped forward gently.

A layer of extremely cold white mist spread out, and a layer of ice crystals suddenly formed on the ground. The power of the extremely cold blood vessels immediately frozen all the meat and insects.

anger! !!

The wise man is extremely angry.

These meat bugs are all its precious things.

When the general saw this picture, he was also furious and rebuked: "You have killed such a holy and precious holy worm, it is an unforgivable sin !!!"



Crunch, crunch, crunch.

The general's body began to change! !!

His bones became thick and long, and the muscles around his body began to melt like wax oil, and a special substance was formed on the bones.

From the outside, the general's body is no longer human, but like a giant praying mantis, the skeleton of the arm has become a sharp machete, and those waxy flesh adhere to it, exuding Stink.

Out of human form.

Is the general's body closer to insects? ?

Not only the general, but also several guards behind him, have also changed into a similar form ...

Huh! !!

Hey, hey, hey! !!

Mutant generals and guards rushed towards Gu Fan, sickle-like arms exhaled, and the sound of breaking air continued to be drawn.

Its blade speed is faster than the "mountain bronze" hunter, and the general has reached a level close to "steel grade".

Gu Fan held an ice dagger in his hand.

The dagger created by the extremely cold blood is both sharp and tough, and methodically blocks the slash.

"Power, speed, are just average."

Gu Fan was a little disappointed, his fingers were a little bit, and hundreds of ice spikes condensed in the air.


The ice spikes pierced through several monsters in front of him instantly, sticking a large piece of flesh to nail it to the wall.

However, even if the extreme cold ice thorns run through the body, they are not a big threat.

The general shouted with several monsters, stepping forward step by step, causing the ice fragments to pass through, leaving a large piece of torn flesh and fluttering out of the nail control.

Flesh and blood began to move, and the ruptured wound grew and healed automatically.

The body transformed by the meat-eating worm has a powerful metamorphosis of vitality and resilience.


Does the ice thorn that runs through the body have no effect?

Then just shred your body and try it a bit.

Gu Fan borrowed a few monsters to try which one of his abilities was most effective. The Death Spider King's "cold cold spider silk" ability was activated, and ice silk that was hard to see with the naked eye tangled at the monster.

Huh! !!

The spider silk was connected to Gu Fan's fingers, and a few pulls cut a few monsters into countless fragments.

The general and a few monsters had a stiff body first, and then they broke into pieces of meat, and they couldn't die anymore.

But ... the characteristics of the meat eater are more terrifying than expected.

The minced meat on the ground is fast, and at this time it also squirms, sticks to each other, and constantly reassembles.

Flesh and blood became mixed with wax oil repeatedly, bones creeped from flesh and blood, and several sad human heads were drilled from the chest and abdomen.

"See it !!!"

"This is divine power!"

"We have transcended the limits of humanity, we have become sacred creatures, and we are immortal !!!"

The general and those raised heads were snarling and roaring at the same time. The characteristics of the meat eater made them very difficult to kill.

No wonder……

Gu Fan recalled ten years of darkness.

The meat eater raged in the human world for some time, causing irreversible damage.

At that time, the hunters like the "flame" ability of human beings were very popular and became the target of all major forces.

Because there are only special abilities like "Flame ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Explosion, Strong Acid", which can completely destroy the hard-to-kill meat-eaters at once, most of the physical damage is invalid.

Those deeply corrupted can be resurrected even if they are broken into pieces with heavy machine guns.

What a trouble!

A deeply corrupted believer cannot be killed by cutting his body into pieces, and his vitality is definitely strong.


Gu Fan's palm waved slightly forward.

A layer of icy mist gradually filled the entire room, which was not used by ancient fans for a long time --- ice mist and cold poison.

Click, click, click! !!

The monster made up of flesh and blood is freezing, and a layer of dark blue chill is taking advantage of the powerful vitality to start rampaging in the body.

Mutant hybrids also want to continue attacking Gu Fan.

But its movements are getting slower and slower in the end.

All the flesh and blood tissues with extremely strong vitality were frozen and killed in cold poison and low temperature. Other flesh and blood insects did not dare to approach the ice sculpture, and they would be infected by cold poison if they touched it a little.


Especially the cold poison that can spread.

It is also one of the biggest nemesis of the meat eater.

"Mr. Wise?"

Gu Fan said with a smile, "Next, it's your turn."

This opportunity is very special. The opportunity to communicate with the so-called "smart man" is very rare.

"Human ... **** ..."

The wise man looked at the mist of ice around him, and a little scarlet light flashed in the shadow of the triangular pointed hat.

Immediately afterwards, its hat fell off, but it was not a human skull, but a twisted head of a giant meat-eater that appeared in front of Gu Fan! !!

Wise, not human! !!

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