I was Born in Hell

Chapter 212: Wise (1)

That's right.

The wise is not a human.

When it first came to the human base, it also needed to disguise, lodge on a person, and communicate with the people in the base.

But now it has no idea how many lives have been consumed, its shape has broken through the original human shell, and it has become a pure giant meat worm.

The black robe slipped.

There are obese carbohydrates that are more than two meters long and are hidden inside the robe.

Its squirming ring-shaped body was constantly flowing with mucus in its folds, and some young bugs also got out of those folds.

It turns out that the so-called baptismal rituals are the meat bugs born in the use of these mucus? ?

"Stupid ... inferior ... lowly ... human ..."

"You are just ... slaves ... parasitic ... hotbeds ..."

The worm's skull, with its toothy mouthpieces occupying most of the area, can imitate the strange sound of humans, sounding hoarse, stiff and weird.

Its eyes are full of malice. From that word, we can see the attitude of the carnivores to human beings.

These bugs, on the contrary, think that humans are very inferior, lowly slaves!

In their eyes, human beings are just parasitic tools, swallowed food, and give birth to the next breeding ground.

The wise are very greedy.

It is an extremely greedy meat bug that can never fill its stomach.

It grows to such a size, and the energy contained in it is very powerful, but it is ironic that it lacks combat capabilities and can only rely on those devout believers like "generals" to protect itself.

That's right.

Bugs who call themselves wise men have no ability to fight.

Its only ability as an "adult" is to deceive people, to make humans believe in themselves, to believe in themselves, and to believe in themselves.

Mental strength!

Wise men are very good at manipulating mental powers.

If the strong man in front of you can be deceived by yourself, that is the best thing.




A mental force seems to penetrate the ancient consciousness.

The wise man began to urge spiritual power like tide, trying to confuse and occupy Gu Fan's heart, at least let him dispel his hostility towards himself.

"Humans, we don't have to fight."

The wise man's words flowed smoothly, but this voice was not from its bottomless throat, but from the transmission of spiritual consciousness.

"I can give you more power."

"You see ... I don't have the ability to fight you at all, and may be killed at any time in your hands."

The wise man ’s voice is so innocent, and pathetic continues to convey consciousness: “I ’m so harmless and so cute, you do n’t need to kill me right away, we can cooperate with each other so that I can continue to live and let You become stronger. "



Can these words be applied to this creepy disgusting monster?

Its pitiful tone makes people feel nauseous again and again, it is too offensive.

But ... if you change to someone else, you may evoke a holy compassionate heart. Under the subtle and subtle erosion of your spiritual power, you will gradually treat this worm as a "cute, harmless, holy" creature.

Ha ha!

Attack on mental strength.

If it was a week ago, Gu Fan may be slightly affected.

But now, the mental attack of a wise man can never affect Gu Fan, because he has acquired the ability of the beast.


That is a terrible monster that can create dreams and trap humans forever in nightmares. Even among all the alien species, they can be regarded as the most powerful.

The mighty ancient will is far from being eroded by ugly meat bugs.

"I've always been curious."

"What is a different kind of spiritual world?"

Gu Fan's phantom pupil stared at the scarlet eyes full of desire, but his voice became more and more unreal: "especially you, a kind with IQ."


Higher-order aliens can even produce consciousness.

This is exactly the case of the beasts that Gu Fan encountered before. The dream of manipulating humans is as illusionary as it is easy to find the flaws and the most painful souls.

Meat eater, devour a large number of human bodies.

The strange worm who called himself "the wise man" also gave birth to a special consciousness.

What about its consciousness, its thinking, and its inner world? ?

Phantom pain corridor, launch!

The Meat Eater also wants to confuse Gu Fan through his thoughts, but unfortunately his nightmares are more powerful. He pulls the Meat Eater directly into the fantasy through the eyes and gets into the nightmares of the spiritual world.


A nightmare of an adult carnivore.

In the hazy mist, there were screams of bugs everywhere.

What did Gu Fan see? ?

It was a large slaughterhouse.

It was a dark and deep bottomless abyss.

It was a Shura **** filled with countless bugs and devouring each other.

In the deepest part of Flesh Hell, countless layers of bugs are stacked on top of each other, forming a layer of meat waves that make the senses very uncomfortable! !!

Among the meat waves, millions and millions of meat-eating larvae twisted and entangled with each other, but devoured each other for nutrition.

It's a pretty cruel world.

This is a world of similar disability.

Weak meat and strong food are reflected here to the fullest. To live, you must eat the body of your siblings, just like raising your uncle, and the winner is the one who eats the last.

The nightmare of a wise man ... is the time when the first brothers and each other devoured each other! !!

In the depths of the deep bottomlessness ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ A sudden and violent shaking, the surrounding rocks constantly fell, the cliffs were also shattered and shattered in the tremor, it seemed that something extremely large appeared.

Rumble Rumble! !!

Rumble Rumble! !!

At the very bottom of the nightmare abyss, there was a scream of a terrible howl, and a dragon rushed out of the ground.

Do not!

It's not a dragon.

The behemoth with a length of more than 100 meters turned out to be a huge worm that was stout to the limit.

what is that?

Is that also a meat eater?

The huge worm rushed out of the ground, opened its **** mouth and began to devour madly.

Layered like meat waves, the meat-eating worms were all covered by the mouthparts of the giant worm hiding in the sky, and all of them swallowed into the mouth ...


These meat bugs should all be children of this giant "mother"?

It didn't recognize his six relatives and ate his child.

Is this the environment in which the meat-eating worm lives, not only the brothers cannibalize each other, but even the most powerful and terrifying mothers can eat their children as snacks at any time.

The memory palace began to collapse.

The wise man's consciousness was plunged into the waves of numerous maggots and was destroyed along with the engulfing of the "mother".

It hadn't waited for Gu Fan to take action, and his consciousness completely collapsed!

Even more weird is still behind!

After the mother giant devours its consciousness, it seems to have completed some kind of connection, or some kind of consciousness.

"Human ... strong ..."

The consciousness of the mother is overwhelming, and a few characters are simple, but the space for collapse is split again.



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